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August 27, 1875.
be by human power; to have applied pulleys and capstans,
such as would now be employed in similar undertakings,
would have been mere waste of time. In some countries,
even now, where manual labour is more plentiful than
mechanical appliances, large numbers of men are employed
to transport heavy weights, and do the work in less time
than it could be done with all our modern mechanical
appliances. In other operations, such as raising obelisks,
or the large stones used in their temple palaces, where
human labour could not be applied to such advantage, it
is quite possible that the Egyptians used mechanical aids.
On one of the carved slabs which formed part of the wall
Panelling of the palace of Sardanapalus, which was built
about 930 years before our era, a single pulley is clearly
shown, by which a man is in the act of raising a bucket-
Probably drawing water from a well.*

British Association.-The President's Address.

It has sometimes been que-tioned whether the Egyptians had a knowledge of steel. It seems unreasonable to deny them this knowledge. times of which we have any record. It is often mentioned Iron was known at the earliest in the Bible, and in Homer; it is shown in the early paintings on the walls of the tombs at Thebes, where butchers are represented as sharpening their knives on pieces of metal coloured blue, which were most probably pieces of steel.+ Iron has been found in quantity in the ruined palaces of Assyria; and in the inscriptions of that country fetters are spoken of as having been made of iron, which is also so mentioned in connection with other metals as to lead to the supposition that it was regarded as a base and common metal. Moreover, in the Great Pyramid a piece of iron was found in a place where for 5000 years. The tendency of iron to oxidise must must have lain render its preservation for any long period rare and exceptional. The quality of iron which is now made by the native races of Africa and India is that which is known as wrought iron in ancient times, Dr. Percy says the iron which was made was always wrought iron. It is very nearly pure iron, and a very small addition of carbon would convert it into steel. Dr. Percy says the extraction of good malleable iron directly from the ore "requires a degree of skill very far inferior to that which is implied in the manufacture of bronze." || secret in making steel: the natives of India now make And there is no great excellent steel in the most primitive way, which they have practised from time immemorial. When steel is to be made, the proportion of charcoal used with a given quantity of ore is somewhat larger, and the blast is applied more slowly than when wrought iron is the metal required. Thus, a vigorous native working the bellows of skin would make wrought iron where a lazy one would have made steel. The only apparatus required for the manufacture of the finest steel from iron ore is some clay for making a small furnace 4 feet high, and from 1 to 2 feet broad, some charcoal for fuel, and a skin with a bamboo tuyere for creating the blast.

The supply of iron in India as early as the fourth and fifth centuries seems to have been unlimited. The iron pillar of Delhi is a remarkable work for such an early period. It is a single piece of wrought iron 50 ft. in length, and it weighs not less than 17 tons. How the Indians forged this large mass of iron and other heavy pieces which their distrust of the arch led them to use in the construction of roofs, we do not know. temples of Orissa iron was used in large masses as beams In the or girders in roof-work in the thirteenth century." The influence of the discovery of iron on the progress of art and science cannot be over-estimated. India well repaid any advantage which she may have derived from

Layard's "Nineveh and its Remains," vol. ii., p. 31.

+ Wilkinson's "Ancient Egyptians," vol. iii., p. 247.
Vyse's Pyramids of Gizeh," vol. i., p. 275.

Percy's "Iron and Steel," p. 873.

§ Ibid., p. 259.



the early civilised communities of the West if she were the first to supply them with iron and steel.

parison of the relative conditions of India and this country at the present time. India, from thirty to forty centuries An interesting social problem is afforded by a comgoods, which manufactures, in less than a century, have done so much for this country. ago, was skilled in the manufacture of iron and cotton coal is not so abundant or so universally distributed as in China had probably knowledge of the use of metals as It is true that in India this country. Yet, if we look still further to the East, iron and coal. described some of the coalfields of China, believes that soon as India, and moreover had a boundless store of Baron Richthofen, who has visited and thousand years. one province alone, that of Southern Shansi, could supply abounds with it. the world at its present rate of consumption for several visited towards the end of the fourteenth century, and universally used as fuel in the parts of China which he The coal is near the surface, and iron from other sources we have reason to believe it was used Marco Polo tells us that coal was there as fuel 2000 years ago. undoubtedly in store for that country; but can the race who now dwell there develop its resources, or must they China made in the last ten centuries? But what progress has await the aid of an Aryan race? Or is anything more A great future is necessary than a change of institutions, which might come unexpectedly, as in Japan?

Fergusson's "History of Architecture," vol. ii, p. 460; and "Rude Stone Monuments," pp. 481-3. Cunningham's "Archæological Survey of India," vol. i., p. 169.

** Hunter's "Orissa," vol. i., p. 298,

The art of extracting metals from the ore was practised ago of tin mines in Cornwall, which are so often spoken at a very early date in this country. The existence long of by classical writers, is well known to all. was also extracted from the ore by the ancient Britons is That iron worked iron extensively in the Weald of Kent, as we most probable, as it was largely used for many purposes by them before the Roman conquest. coins which still remain there. The Romans availed themselves of the mineral wealth of the countries assume from the large heaps of slag containing Roman often carried out on the largest scale, as in Spain, for The Romans always which they conquered, and their mining operations were regularly employed in the mines at New Carthage." instance, where as many as forty thousand miners were

been largely used for iron smelting until the eighteenth
Coal, which was used for ordinary purposes in England
century, though a patent was granted for smelting iron
as early as the ninth century, does not appear to have
that purpose was not given up until the beginning of this
century, since which period an enormous increase in the
with coal in the year 1611.+
mining and metallurgical industries has taken place; the
The use of charcoal for
quantity of coal raised in the United Kingdom in 1873
having amounted to 127 million tons, and the quantity of
pig iron to upwards of 63 million tons.

spent on the erection of tombs, temples, and palaces.
The early building energy of the world was chiefly

stone had 5000 years ago reached the greatest perfection,
While, in Egypt, as we have seen, the art of building in
only available material in that country, was in an equally
advanced state some ten centuries later.
so in Mesopotamia the art of building with brick, the
of such a material have lasted to this day shows how well
owing to their having served as quarries for the last three
the work was done; their ruinous condition even now is
That buildings
nezzar, apparently one of the greatest builders of ancient
times, is as common on the bricks of many modern towns
or four thousand years, so that the name of Nebuchad-
in Persia as it was in old times in Babylon. The labour
required to construct the brick temples and palaces of
Chaldæa and Assyria must have been enormous.
mound of Koyunjik alone contained 14 million tons,
and represents the labour of 10,000 men for twelve years.
The palace of Sennacherib, which stood on this mound,
was probably the largest ever built by any one monarch,
•Strabo, Bk. iii., c. ii., sec. 10.

Iron and Steel," p. 882.


British Association.- The President's Address.

containing as it did more than two miles of walls,
panelled with sculptured alabaster slabs, and twenty-
seven portals, formed by colossal bulls and sphinxes.*
The pyramidal temples of Chaldæa are not less
remarkable for the labour bestowed on them, and far
surpass the buildings of Assyria in the excellence of
their brickwork.

The practice of building great pyramidal temples seems to have passed eastwards to India and Burmah, where it appears in buildings of a later date, in Buddhist topes and pagodas; marvels of skill in masonry, and far surpassing the old brick moulds of Chaldæa in richness of design and in workmanship. Even so late as this century a king of Burmah began to build a brick temple of the old type, the largest building, according to Fergusson, which has been attempted since the Pyramids.t

The mere magnitude of many of these works is not so wonderful when we take into account the abundance of labour which those rulers could command. Countries were depopulated, and their inhabitants carried off and made to labour for the conquerors. The inscriptions of Assyria describe minutely the spoils of war and the number of captives; and in Egypt we have frequent mention made of works being executed by the labour of captive peoples. Herodotus tells us that as many as 360,000 men were employed in building one palace for Sennacherib.‡ At the same time, it must not be forgotten that the very character of the multitude would demand from some one the skill and brain to organise and direct, to design and plan the work.

It would be surprising if men who were capable of undertaking and successfully completing unproductive works of such magnitude did not also employ their powers on works of a more useful class. Traces still remain of such works; enough to show, when compared with the scanty records of the times which have come down to us, that the prosperity of such countries as Egypt and Mesopotamia was not wholly dependent on war and conquest, but that the reverse was more likely the case, and that the natural capabilities of those countries were greatly enlarged by the construction of useful works of such magnitude as to equal, if not in some cases surpass, those of modern times.

Far more

Egypt was probably far better irrigated in the days of the Pharaohs than it is now. To those unacquainted with the difficulties which must be met with and overcome before a successful system of irrigation can be carried out, even in countries in which the physical conditions are favourable, it may appear that nothing more is required than an adequate supply of unskilled labour. than this was required: the Egyptians had some knowledge of surveying, for Eustathius says they recorded their marches on maps; but such knowledge was probably in those days very limited, and it required no ordinary grasp of mind to see the utility of such extensive works as were carried out in Egypt and Mesopotamia, and, having seen the utility, to successfully design and execute them. To cite one in Egypt-Lake Moris, of which the remains have been explored by M. Linant, was a reservoir made by one of the Pharaohs, and supplied by the flood waters of the Nile. It was 150 square miles in extent, and was retained by a bank or dam 60 yards wide and 10 high, which can be traced for a distance of thirteen miles. This reservoir was capable of irrigating 1200 square miles of country.§ No work of this class has been undertaken on so vast a scale since, even in these days of great works.

The prosperity of Egypt was in so great a measure dependent on its great river, that we should expect that the Egyptians, a people so advanced in art and science,

Layard's "Nineveh and Babylon," p. 589.

+ Fergusson's "History of Architecture," vol. ii., p. 523. Rawlinson's "Herodotus," vol. i., p. 389, second edition. Rawlinson's "Herodotus," vol. ii, p. 278, second edition. § M. Linant's "Mémoire sur le lac Moris.

August 27, 1875.

would at an early period have made themselves acquainted with its regimé. We know that they carefully registered the height of the annual rise of its waters; such registers still remain inscribed on the rocks on the banks of the Nile, with the name of the king in whose reign they were made.* The people of Mesopotamia were equally observant of the regime of their great rivers, and took advantage in designing their canals of the different periods of the rising of the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates. A special officer was appointed in Babylon, whose duty it was to measure the rise of the river; and he is mentioned in an inscription found in the ruins of that city, as recording the height of the water in the temple of Bel.+ The Assyrians, who had a far more difficult country to deal with, owing to its rocky and uneven surface, showed even greater skill than the Babylonians in forming their canals, tunnelling through rock, and building dams of masonry across the Euphrates. While the greater number of these canals in Egypt and Mesopotamia were made for the purpose of irrigation, others seem to have been made to serve at the same time for navigation. Such was the canal which effected a junction between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, which was a remarkable work, having regard to the requirements of the age in which it was made. Its length was about 80 miles; its width admitted of two triremes passing one another.‡ At least one of the navigable canals of Babylonia, attributed to Nebuchadnezzar, can compare in extent with any work of later times. I believe Sir H. Rawlinson has traced the canal to which I allude throughout the greater part of its course, from Hit on the Euphrates to the Persian Gulf, a distance of between four and five hundred miles. It is a proof of the estimation in which such works were held in Babylonia and Assyria, that, among the titles of the god Vul were those of "Lord of Canals," and "The Establisher of Irrigation Works."§

The springs of knowledge which had flowed so long in Babylonia and Assyria were dried up at an early period. With the fall of Babylon and destruction of Nineveh the settled population of the fertile plains around them disappeared, and that which was desert before man led the waters over it became desert again, affording a wide field for, and one well worthy of, the labours of engineers to come.

Such was not the case with Egypt. Long after the period of its greatest prosperity was reached, it remained the fountain head from whence knowledge flowed to Greece and Rome. The philosophers of Greece and those who, like Archimedes, were possessed of the best mechanical knowledge of the time, repaired to Egypt to study and obtain the foundation of their knowledge from thence.

Much as Greece and Rome were indebted to Egypt, it will probably be found, as the inscribed tablets met with in the mounds of Assyria and Chaldæa are deciphered, that the later civilisations owe, if not more, at least as much, to those countries as to Egypt. This is the opinion of Mr. Smith, who, in his work describing his recent interesting discoveries in the East, says that the classical nations "borrowed far more from the valley of the Euphrates than that of the Nile." T

In the science of astronomy, which in these days is making such marvellous discoveries, Chaldæa was undoubtedly pre-eminent. Among the many relics of these ancient peoples which Mr. Smith has recently brought to this country is a portion of a metal astrolabe from the palace of Sennacherib, and a tablet on which is recorded the division of the heavens according to the four seasons, and the rule for regulating the intercalary month of the year. Not only did the Chaldeans map out the heavens * Lepsius's "Discoveries in Egypt," &c., p. 268.

↑ Smith's "Assyrian Discoveries," pp. 395-7, second edition.
"Herodotus," Bk. ii., c. clviii.

Rawlinson's "Herodotus," vol. i., p. 420, second edition.
§ Ibid., p. 498.

Smith's (G.) "Assyrian Discoveries," p. 451, second edition

and arrange the stars, but they traced the motion of the planets, and observed the appearance of comets; they fixed the signs of the zodiac, and they studied the sun and moon and the periods of eclipses.*

But to return to that branch of knowledge to which I wish more particularly to draw your attention, as it grew and spread from East to West, from Asia over Europe. Of all nations of Europe, the Greeks were most intimately connected with the civilisation of the East. A maritime people by the nature of the land they lived in, colonisation followed as a matter of course on the tracks of their trading vessels; and thus, more than any other people, they helped to spread Eastern knowledge along the shores of the Mediterranean, and throughout the South of Europe.

The early constructive works of Greece, till about the seventh century B.C., form a strong contrast to those of its more prosperous days. Commonly called Pelasgian, they are more remarkable as engineering works than admirable as those which followed them were for architectural beauty. Walls of huge unshapely stonesadmirably fitted together, however-tunnels, and bridges, characterise this period. In Greece, during the few and glorious centuries which followed, the one aim in all construction was to please the eye, to gratify the sense of beauty; and in no age was that aim more thoroughly and satisfactorily attained.

In these days, when sanitary questions attract each year more attention, we may call to mind that twentythree centuries ago the city of Agrigentum possessed a system of sewers, which, on account of their large size, were thought worthy of mention by Diodorus. This is not, however, the first record of towns being drained; the well-known Cloaca Maxima, which formed part of the drainage system of Rome, was built some two centuries earlier, and great vaulted drains passed beneath the palace mounds of unburnt brick at Nimroud and Babylon; and possibly we owe the preservation of many of the interesting remains found in the brick mounds of Chaldæa to the very elaborate system of pipe drainage discovered in them, and described by Loftus.

Whilst Pelasgian art was being superseded in Greece, the city of Rome was founded in the eighth century before our era; and Etruscan art in Italy, like the Pelasgian art in Greece, was slowly merged in that of an Aryan race. The Etruscans, like the Pelasgians and the old Egyptians, were Turanians, and remarkable for their purely constructive or engineering works. Their city walls far surpass those of any other ancient race, and their drainage works and tunnels are most remarkable.

The only age which can compare with the present one in the rapid extension of utilitarian works over the face of the civilised world, is that during which the Romans, an Aryan race, as we are, were in power. As Fergusson has said, the mission of the Ayran races appears to be to pervade the world with useful and industrial arts. That the Romans adorned their bridges, their aqueducts, and their roads; that with a sound knowledge of construction they frequently made it subservient to decoration, was partly owing to the mixture of Etruscan or Turanian blood in their veins, and partly to their great wealth, which made them disregard cost in their construction, and to their love of display.

It would be impossible for me to do justice to even a small part of the engineering works which have survived fourteen centuries of strife, and remain to this day as monuments of the skill, the energy, and ability of the great Roman people. Fortunately, their works are more accessible than those of which I have spoken hitherto, and many of you are probably already familiar with them. Conquerors of the greater part of the civilised world, the

[blocks in formation]

admirable organisation of the Romans enabled them to make good use of the unbounded resources which were at their disposal. Yet, while the capital was enriched, the development of the resources of the most distant provinces of the empire was never neglected.

War, with all its attendant evils, has often indirectly benefitted mankind. In the long sieges which took place during the old wars of Greece and Rome, the inventive power of man was taxed to the utmost to provide machines for attack and defence. The ablest mathematicians and philosophers were pressed into the service, and helped to turn the scale in favour of their employers. The world has to regret the loss of more than one, who, like Archimedes, fell slain by the soldiery while applying the best scientific knowledge of the day to devising means of defence during the siege. In these days, too, science owes much to the labours of engineers and able men, whose time is spent in making and improving guns, the materials composing them, and armour plates to resist them, or in studying the motion of ships of war in a seaway. The necessity for roads and bridges for military purposes has led to their being made where the necessary stimulus from other causes was wanting; and so means of communication, and the interchange of commodities, so essential to the prosperity of any community, have thus been provided. Such was the case under the Roman Empire. So, too, in later times, the ambition of Napoleon covered France and the countries subject to her with an admirable system of military roads. At the same time, we must do Napoleon the justice of saying that his genius and foresight gave a great impetus to the construction of all works favourable to commercial progress. So, again, in this country, it was the rebellion of 1745, and the want felt of roads for military purposes, which first led to the construction of a system of roads in it unequalled since the time of the Roman occupation. And lastly, in India, in Germany, and in Russia, more than one example could be pointed out where industry will benefit by railways which have originated in military precautions rather than in commercial requirements.

But to return to Rome. Roads followed the tracks of her legions into the most distant provinces of the empire. Three hundred and seventy-two great roads are enumerated, together more than 48,000 miles in length, according to the itinerary of Antoninus.

The water supply of Rome during the first century of our era would suffice for a population of seven millions, supplied at the rate at which the present population of London is supplied. This water was conveyed to Rome by nine aqueducts; and in later years the supply was increased by the construction of five more aqueducts. Three of the old aqueducts have sufficed to supply the wants of the city in modern times. These aqueducts of Rome are to be numbered among her grandest engineering works. Time will not admit of my saying anything about her harbour works and bridges, her basilicas and baths, and numerous other works in Europe, in Asia, and in Africa. Not only were these works executed in a substantial and perfect manner, but they were maintained by an efficient staff of men divided into bodies, each having their special duties to perform. The highest officers of state superintended the construction of works, were proud to have their names associated with them, and constructed extensive works at their own expense.

Progress in Europe stopped with the fall of the Roman Empire. In the fourth and succeeding centuries the barbarian hordes of Western Asia, people who felt no want of roads and bridges, swept over Europe to plunder and destroy.

With the seventh century began the rise of the Mohammedan power, and a partial return to conditions apparently more favourable to the progress of industrial

* Archimedes, B.C. 287-212; killed at the siege of Syracuse by the Roman soldiers.

Total length 250 miles; 50 on arches, 200 underground.


British Association.-The President's Address.

art, when widespread lands were again united under the sway of powerful rulers. Science owes much to Arab scholars, who kept and handed on to us the knowledge acquired so slowly in ancient times, and much of which would have been lost but for them. Still, few useful works remain to mark the supremacy of the Mohammedan power at all comparable to those of the age which preceded its rise.

A great building age began in Europe in the tenth century, and lasted through the thirteenth. It was during this period that these great ecclesiastical buildings were erected, which are not more remarkable for artistic excellence than for boldness in design.

While the building of cathedrals progressed on all sides in Europe, works of a utilitarian character, which concern the engineer, did not receive such encouragement, excepting perhaps in Italy:

From the twelfth to the thirteenth centuries, with the revival of the arts and sciences in the Italian republics, many important works were undertaken for the improvement of the rivers and harbours of Italy. In 1481 canal locks were first used; and some of the earliest of which we have record were erected by Leonardo da Vinci, who would be remembered as a skilful engineer had he not left other greater and more attractive works to claim the homage of posterity.

The great use that has since been made of this simple means of transferring floating vessels from one water level to another, in connection not only with inland navigation, but in all the great ports and harbours of the world, renders it all the more deserving of remark.

In India, under the Moguls, irrigation works, for which they had a natural aptitude, were carried on during these centuries with vigour, and more than one emperor is noted for the numerous great works of this nature which he carried out. If the native records can be trusted, the number of hydraulic works undertaken by some rulers is surprising. Tradition relates that one king, who reigned in Orissa in the twelfth century, made one million tanks or reservoirs, besides building sixty temples, and erecting numerous other works.†

In India, the frequent overflow of the great rivers, and the periodical droughts, which rendered irrigation necessary, led to extensive protective works being undertaken at an early period; but as these works have been maintained by successive rulers, Mogul and Mohammedan, until recent times, and have not been left for our inspection, deserted and useless for 3000 years or more, as is often the case in Egypt and Mesopotamia, there is more difficulty in ascertaining the date of such works in India.

Works of irrigation were among the earliest attempts at engineering undertaken by the least civilised inhabitants in all parts of the world. Even in Australia, where savages are found as low as any in the scale of civilisation, traces of irrigation works have been found. These works, however, must be taken to show that the natives were once somewhat more civilised than we now find them. In Feejee, our new possession, the natives occasionally irrigate their land, and have executed a work of a higher class, a canal some two miles long and sixty feet wide, to shorten the distance passed over by their canoes. The natives of New Caledonia irrigate their, fields with great skill. In Peru, the Incas excelled in irrigation as in other great and useful works, and constructed most admirable underground conduits of masonry for the purpose of increasing the fertility of the land.¶

It is frequently easier to lead water where it is wanted "Under the last of the house of Ommiyah (750 A.D.) one command

was obeyed almost along the whole diameter of the known world, from the banks of the Sihon to the utmost promontory of Portugal."Hallam's "Middle Ages," vol. ii., p. 120, 2nd edition.

King Bhim Deo, A.D. 1174, 60 temples, 10 bridges, 40 wells stone cased, 152 landing stairs, and one million tanks.-Hunter's "Orissa," vol. i., p. 100.

Erskine's "Western Pacific," p. 171.

Seeman, p. 82.

$ Erskine's "Western Pacific," p. 355. Markham's "Cieza" (note


August 27, 1875.

than to check its irruption into places where its presence is an evil, often a disaster. For centuries the existence of a large part of Holland has been dependent on the skill of man. How soon he began in that country to contest with the sea the possession of the land we do not know, but early in the twelfth century dykes were constructed to keep back the ocean. As the prosperity of the country increased with the great extension of its commerce, and land became more valuable and necessary for an increasing population, very extensive works were undertaken. Land was reclaimed from the sea, canals were cut, and machines were designed for lifting water. To the practical knowledge acquired by the Dutch, whose method of carrying out hydraulic works is original and of native growth, much of the knowledge of the present day in embanking, and draining, and canal making is due. The North Holland Canal* was the largest navigable canal in existence until the Suez Canal was completed; and the Dutch have just now nearly finished making a sea canal from Amsterdam to the North Sea, which, though not equal to the Suez Canal in length, will be as great in width and depth, and involves perhaps larger and more important works of art. This country was for many years beholden to the Dutch for help in carrying out hydraulic works. In the seventeenth century much fen land in the Eastern Counties was drained by Dutch labour, directed by Dutch engineers, among whom Sir Cornelius Vermuyden, an old campaigner of the Thirty Years' War, and a colonel of horse under Cromwell, is the most noted.

While the Dutch were acquiring practical knowledge in dealing with water, and we in Britain, among others, were benefiting by their experience, the disastrous results which ensued from the inundations caused by the Italian rivers of the Alps gave a new importance to the science of hydraulics. Some of the greatest philosopeers of the seventeenth century-among them Torricelli, a pupil of Galileof-were called upon to advise and to superintend engineering works. Nor did they confine themselves to the construction of preventive works, but thorougly investigated the condition pertaining to fluids at rest or in motion, and gave to the world a valuable series of work on hydraulics and hydraulic engineering, which form the basis of our knowledge of these subjects at the present day.

Some of the best scientific works (prior to the nineteenth century) on engineering subjects we owe to Italian and French writers. The writings of Belidor, an officer of artillery in France in the seventeenth century, who did not, however, confine himself to military subjects, drew attention to engineering questions. Not long after their appearance the Ponts et Chauséest were established, which has maintained ever since a body of able men specially educated for, and devoted to, the prosecution of industrial works.

The impulse given to road-making in the early part of the last century soon extended to canals and means for facilitating locomotion and transport generally. Tramways were used in connection with mines at least as early as the middle of the seventeenth century, but the rails were, in those days, of wood. The first iron rails are said to have been laid in this country as early as 1738; after which time their use was gradually extended, until it became general in mining districts.

By the beginning of this century the great ports of England were connected by a system of canals; and new harbour works became necessary, and were provided, to accommodate the increase of commerce and trade, which improved means of internal transport had rendered possible. It was in the construction of these works that our own Brindley and Smeaton, Telford and Rennie, and other engineers of their time, did so much.

But it was not until the steam-engine, improved and almost created by the illustrious Watt, became such a

*North Holland Canal, finished in 1825.
+ Galileo, b. 1564; Torricelli, b. 1608.
Ponts et Chaussées, established 1720.


potent instrument, that engineering works to the extent | they have since been carried out became possible or necessary. It gave mankind no new faculty, but it at once set his other faculties on an eminence, from which the extent of his future operations became almost unlimited.

Water-mills, wind-mills, and horse-machines were in most cases superseded. Deep mines, before only accessible by adits and water levels, could at once be reached with ease and economy. Lakes and fens which, but for the steam-engine, would have been left untouched, were drained and cultivated.

The slow and laborious toil of hands and fingers, bone and sinew, was turned to other employments, where, aided by ingenious mechanical contrivances, the produce of one pair of hands was multiplied a thousand-fold, and their cunning extended until results marvellous, if you consider them, were atttained. Since the time of Watt the steam-engine has exerted a power, made conquests, and increased and multiplied the material interests of this globe to an extent which it is scarcely possible to realise. But while Watt has gained a world-wide, well-earned fame, the names of those men who have provided the machines to utilise the energies of the steam-engine are too often forgotten. Of their inventions the majority of mankind know little. They worked silently at home, in the mill, or in the factory, observed by few. Indeed, in. most cases these silent workers had no wish to expose their work to public gaze. Were it not so, the factory and the mill are not places where people go to take the air. How long in the silent night the inventors of these machines sat and pondered; how often they had to cast aside some long sought mechanical movement and seek another and a better arangement of parts, none but themselves could ever know. They were unseen workers, who succeeded by rare genius, long patience, and indomitable perseverance.

More ingenuity and creative mechanical genius is perhaps displayed in machines used for the manufacture of textile fabrics than by those used in any other industry. It was not until late in historical times that the manufacture of such fabrics became established on a large scale in Europe. Although in China man was clothed in silk long ago, and although Confucius, in a work written 2300 years ago, orders with the greatest minuteness the rules to be observed in the production and manufacture of silk, yet it was worth nearly its weight in gold in Europe in the time of Aurelian, whose empress had to forego the luxury of a silk gown on account of its cost.* Through Constantinople and Italy the manufacture passed slowly westward, and was not established in France until the sixteenth century, and arrived at a still later period in this country. It is related that James V. had to borrow a pair of silk hose from the Earl of Mar, in order that he might not, as he expressed it, appear as a scrub before strangers.

So cotton, of which the manufacture in India dates from before historical times, had scarcely by the Christian Era reached Persia and Egypt. Spain in the tenth, and Italy in the fourteenth century manufactured it, but Manchester, which is now the great metropolis of the trade, not until the latter half of the seventeenth century.

Linen was worn by the old Egyptians, and some of their linen mummy-cloths surpass in fineness any linen fabrics made in later days. The Babylonians wore linen also, and wool, and obtained a widespread fame for skill in workmanship and beauty in design.

In this country wool long formed the staple for clothing. Silk was the first rival, but its costliness placed it beyond the reach of the many. To introduce a new material or improved machine into this or other countries a century or more ago was no light undertaking. Inventors, and would-be benefactors, alike ran the risk of loss of life. Loud was the outcry made in the early part of

* Manufacture of silk brought from China to Constantinople Wilkinson's "Ancient Egyptians;" Pliny, Book xix., c. ii,

AD 522.

the eighteenth century against the introduction of Indian cottons and Dutch calicoes.

Until 1738, in which year the improvements in spinning machinery were begun, each thread of worsted or cotton-wool had been spun between the fingers in this and all other countries. Wyatt, in 1738, invented spinning by rollers instead of fingers, and his invention was further improved by Arkwright. In 1770 Hargreaves patented the spinning jenny and Crompton the mule in 1775, a machine which combined the advantages of the frames of both Hargreaves and Arkwright. In less than a century after the first invention by Wyatt, double mules were working in Manchester with over 2000 spindles. Improvements in machines for weaving were begun at an earlier date. In 1579 a ribbon loom is said to have been invented at Dantzic, by which from four to six pieces could be woven at one time, but the machine was destroyed and the inventor lost his life.* In 1800 Jacquard's most ingenious invention was brought into use, which, by a simple mechanical operation, determines the movements of the threads which form the pattern in weaving. But the greatest discovery in the art of weaving was wrought by Cartwright's discovery of the power loom, which led eventually to the substitution of steam for manual labour, and enabled a boy with a steam loom to do fifteen times the work of a man with a hand loom.

For complex ingenuity few machines will compare with those used in the manufacture of lace and bobbin net. Hammond, in 1768, attempted to adapt the stocking frame to this manufacture, which had hitherto been conducted by hand. It remained for John Heathcoat to complete the adaptation in 1809, and to revolutionise this branch of industry, reducing the cost of its produce to one-fortieth of what the cost had been before Heathcoat's improvements were effected.

Most of these ingenious machines were in use before Watt's genius gave the world a new motive power in the steam-engine; and, had the steam-engine never been perfected, they would still have enormously increased the productive power of mankind. Water power was applied to many of them; in the first silk-thread mill erected at Derby in 1738, 318 million yards of silk thread were spun daily with one water-wheel.

These are happier times for inventors: keen competition among manufacturers does not let a good invention lie idle now. That which was rejected by old machines as waste is now worked up into useful fabrics by new ones. From all parts of the world new products come-jute from India, flax from New Zealand, and many others which demand new adaptations of old machines or new and untried mechanical arrangements to utilise them. Time would fail me if I were to attempt to enumerate one tithe of these rare combinations of mechanical skill; and, indeed, no one will ever appreciate the labour and supreme mental effort required for their construction who has not himself seen them and their wondrous achievements.

Steamboats, the electric telegraph, and railways, are more within the cognisance of the world at large, and the progress that has been made in them in little more than one generation is better known and appreciated.

It is not more than forty years since one of our scientific men, and an able one too, declared at a meeting of this Association that no steamboat would ever cross the Atlantic; founding his statement on the impracticability, in his view, of a steamboat carrying sufficient coal, profitably, I presume, for the voyage. Yet, soon after this statement was made, the Sirius steamed from Bristol to New York in seventeen days, and was soon followed by the Great Western which made the homeward passage in thirteen-and-a-half days; and with these voyages the era of steamboats began. Like most important inven ions, that of the steamboat was a long time in assuming a form capable of being profitably utilised; and even when it had assumed such a form, the Beckman's "History of Inventions," vol. ii., p. 528.

+ First steamer crossed the Atlantic by steam alone in 1838.

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