Imágenes de páginas

EMERTON, J. H. Model of the giant Oc.
topus of the west coast of America, ill.,

EMMONS, S. F. Leadville porphyry, 192.
Empedies molaris, 232.

Ems, flue-dust at, 105.
Emulsification, cold, 11.
Emulsion, gelatine, 12.
Enchelyodon, 568.

Encke's comet, and resisting medium in
space, 531.

Encope, 197.

Endialyte, 215.

Endodermal nervous system in hydroids,

Endotricha flammealis, transformations
of, 151.

Energy of atomic vibration, 421.

Engelmann on color and assimilation,
332; on muscular contractions, 38;
Physiology of protoplasmic motion, re-
viewed, 607.

Engines, marine, 701.

England, meteorologic council of, 547.
English surnames, 77.
Entilla sinuata, 409.
Entimus, 203.

Entomologist, U. S., report of, reviewed,

Entomology, economic, facts of interest
in, 409.

Ephemeris of great comet, b 1882, 55.
Ephestia zeae, 409.

Epidemics, 456.

Epidendrum cochleatum, 80.

Epinasty of leaves, 40.

Epipremum mirabile, 80.

Epischura lacustris, 496.

Epithelium, pulmonary, development of,

[blocks in formation]

Evolution of deer-antlers, 401.
Exhaust steam injector, 1020.
Exhibition, fisheries, 54; preparation for,

Expedition to the Kuengo, 36.
Experiment-station, agricultural, Con-
necticut, 396; New York, 484.
Experiment-stations, national, 26.
Exploration, present condition of, 131; in
Alaska, 32.

Explosives, strength of, 1105.
Exposure of thermometers, 26.

Extension of statistical division, U. S. de-
partment of agriculture, 25.

Extravasation of water from leaves, 891.
Exudation of water from leaves, 991.

Faba, 13.

Fabularia, 403.

Factory-bells, 159.

Fagus, 405; ferruginea, 259; sylvatica-
phocenica, 259.

Fangs of rattlesnake, 63.
Faraday Hills, 889.
Fasciculites perfossus, 230.
Fasciola Jacksoni, 52.

Fatigue curve of striated muscle, 396.
Fattening breeds of sheep, 652.
Fau's explorations, 376.

Faulting of coal-bed, ill., 191.
Fayoum. 804.

Feathers, colors of, 398.

Fecundity, duration of, in man, 742.
Felis concolor, 279; domesticus, 82.
Fergusonite, 493.

Fern distribution in United States, 838.
Ferns, 785; Jamaica, 138.

Fertility and earthworms, 1027; of land,
causes of, in Canadian territories, 1117.
Fertilization of alpine flowers, 229; of
Asclepias cornuti, 444; of Catalpa
speciosa, 556; of Gerardia pedicularia,
135; of red sea-weeds, 725; of Yucca,

Fertilizers, field experiments with, 263.
Fiber zibethicus, 375.
Ficus, 433.

Fig, pollination of, 615.

Fig-insects, 599; natural history of, 904.
Filaria Bancrofti, 419; corvi torquati, 420;
sanguinis-hominis, 419; Smithii, 52.
Filaria disease, ill., 419.
Finland, 222.

Fiords, origin of, 1159.
Fire-flies, luminosity of, 336.
Fischer's Manuel de conchyliologie, 898.
Fish, bacteria in, 665; catching, 121; di-
gestion in, 62; intelligence of, 327;
marine, new southern, 1096; monads
in blood of, 944; type, deep-sea, 520;
of Wisconsin, 625.

Fish-hooks from southern California, ill.,

Fisheries exhibition at London, 54, 153,
265, 417, ill. 447; preparation for, 25.
Fisheries, shrimp and prawn, 242.
Five-cent piece, new nickel, 121.
Fletcher's Prehistoric trephining, re-
viewed, 307.

Floods in France, 121; prevention of,

Floral forms, 44.

Florida expedition to observe transit of
Venus, 300.

Flower, largest, 727.

Flowering, season of, 45.

Flowers, anemophilous, 669; colors of,
43; colors of, and light, 42; fertilization
of alpine, 229; sexes of, 783.
Flue-dust at Ems, 105.

Fluidal cavities in quartz-grains of sand-
stones, 221.

Fluorine minerals, 331.

Fly-trap, vegetable, 232.

Flying-fish, flight of, 191, 278, 543, 603.
Flying-squirrel in confinement, 402.
Focusing, photographic, 160.
Fodder, moistened and cooked, digestibil-
ity of, 1110; symphytum asperrimum
as, 651; valuation of, 653.
Foetal membranes of opossum and mar.
supials, 451.

Folk-lore, 963; Brazilian, 964; dinners,

965; in Europe, 961; society in Lon-
don, 962; Spanish, 542.
Fontana's unsuccessful search for Cre-
vaux, 378.

Foraminifera, dimorphism in, 843, 1170.
Forced draught in steamers, 974.
Forest fires, 617.

Forest-trees of gulf region, 140.
Forestry, 471; convention, 208.
Formic acid, action of, on aromatic
amines, 204.

Fossil algae, 252; botany, 397; insects
from Greenland, 1075; peccary from
New York, 159; wood from India,

Foulbes, Peuls, or Fellata, 959.
Fouqué et Michel-Lévy. Synthèse des
minéraux et des roches, reviewed, 459.
Four roads, manumissions at, 808.

Fourier's functions, 85.
France, anthropology of, 683; electric
light on coasts of, ill., 135, 161, 187, 214,
242; floods in, 121; rainfall in, 1120;
beginnings of taxation in, 1136; crim.
inality in, 1134.

FRANKLIN, Christine L. Pascal hexa-
gram, 502.

Franklin institute, 812.

Franks, land-system of, 1060.

FRAZER, P. Eozoic and lower paleozoic
in South Wales, 108.

Freezing of liquids in vegetable tissue,
395, 507.

French census in 1881, 436; deep-sea
exploration, 497.

Fritschia, 523.

Frog, lingual glands of, 1002.
Fuchsians, 535.

Fuegians, Bove on, 1100.
Fuel, artificial, 1026.

Fulica atra, 224,

Functions, theory of, 755; of two varia
bles, 414.

Fungi, action of, on cane-sugar, 383;
glycogen in, 1126; of Ohio, 779; of
United States, 663.

Funiculina Forbesii, 553; quadrangularis,


Fusion-structures in meteorites, 24,

Fusus Turtoni, 260.

Future of American science, 1.

Gage's Elements of physics, reviewed,


Galerita, 317.

Galicia, Jurassic of, 1043.

Galileo's Systeme of the world, 122; tele-

scope, 188.

Galvanic resistance, 482.

Gamasus coleoptratorum, 467; stabularis,
467; stercorarius, 467; tardus, 467.
Ganin, 410.

Garnet, optical researches on, 600.
Gaskell, on Properties of cardiac muscle
and nature of action of vagus nerve
upon the heart, 246.
Gastrophilus elephantis, 52.

Gauge system, standard, 875.
Geikie, A. Geological sketches at home
and abroad, reviewed, 280; on St. Da.
vid's rocks, 541.

Geistbeck, A., on Temperature and ice
of the Bavarian lakes, 393.
Gelasimus annulipes, 173; longidigitum,


Gelatine emulsion, 12; plates, keeping-
qualities of, 291.

Geneva, meteorological observations at,

Geodesic lines, 2.

Geodetic night-signals, 173, 859; sta-
tions, 394, 458.

Geographers' congress, 377.

Geographers deceased in 1882, 294; meet-
ing of German, 206.
Geographical congress, 3d international,
321; exhibition, 321; notes from north,
885; reviews, 607; publications in
1882, 376; society, royal, of London,
recent awards of, 560.
Geography, 1183.

Geological congress, international, 512;
map of Belgium, 190; map of Europe,
184, 236; nomenclature, 600; nomencla-
ture and coloring, 245; Indiana, report,
reviewed, 336; survey (see U. S. geo-
logical survey); survey of New Jersey,
265; survey of Ohio, report of, re-
viewed, 278.

Geology of Brazil, 771; Buffalo Peaks,
983; Havana, 545; Japan, 166; Lake
Superior, 218; Natal, 460; surface, of
vicinity of Baltimore, 277, 209.
Geometry, non-Euclidean, 477; of n-di-
mensions, 86.

[blocks in formation]

German plain, 938.

Germano, Friar, on Rainfall of Uberaba,

Germans, early, 410.

Germinal layers, not homologous, 1054.
Germs, 456.
Geryenia, 196.


GIBBS, J. W. An alleged exception to
the second law of thermodynamics,

GILBERT, G. K. Sun's radiation and
geologic climate, 458; Whitney's Cli-
matic changes, 141, 169, 192.

Gilbert, G. K., on Lake Bonneville, ill.,

Ginkgos, Permian, 562.
Ginoria, 21.

Glacial deposits of Bow and Belly River
country, 477; depression of Scotland,
1080; erosion and lakes, 831; phe.
nomena near New Haven, 314; phe-
nomena in Ohio, ill., 269; theory, 97.
Glaciation in Kentucky, 510; of Norway,
· 1081.

Glacier, continental, thickness of, 984;
granular structure of, 658.

Glaciers, lost, hunting for, with a micro-
scope, 374.

Gleditschia triacanthos, 466.

Gleisen valley, 548.

Glycogen in fungi, 1126.

Glyphocrangon, 547.

Gneiss, carboniferous, 1153.

Gobi, across eastern, 129.

Goniobasis livescens, 495.
Goniophyllum, 202.

Gonothyraea, 230.

GOODALE, G. L. Color and assimilation,
332; development of chlorophyll and
color granules, 421.

GOODE, G. B. International fisheries
exhibition, ill. 447, 554.

Goode, G. B., 265; appointment as U. S.
commissioner of fisheries, 265.
GOODNOW, H. R. Direct vision spectro-
scope, 601.

GOTTSCHE, C. Geology of Japan, 166;
Japanese volcanoes, 329.

Gould, Dr. B. A., 377; gold medal award-
ed to, 264; his Uranometria argentina,

Grand Cañon group, 183.
Grand'-Eury's Formation of coal, re-
viewed, 114.

Granite, hornblendic, of Quincy, Mass.,

Grape-vines, rot in, 662.

Grapta comma, 433; interrogationis, 433.
Graptodera carinata, 409.
Grasses, 784.

[blocks in formation]

Haliotis californianus, 81; splendens, 81.
Halistemma, 612.
Halitherium, 53.

HALL, E. H. Apparent attractions and
repulsions of small floating bodies, 335;
Darwin on variations in the vertical
due to elasticity of the earth's surface,
10; magneto-motive force, 391.
Hall effect, 1018.

Halmaturus ruficollis, 24.

Halogens, reactive power of, in haloid
ethers, 1022.

Halteria pulex, 116; tenuicollis, 116.
Hamingia artica, 452.

Handlirsch, A., on Hirmoneura, ill., 333.
Haplobranchus, 729; aestuarinus, 344.
Haplophlebium, 96.

Harder's glands in rodents, 628.
HARGER, O. The heart as a locomotive
organ, 140.
Harlania Hallii, 253.

Harpalus, 317.


Telephonic time.

[blocks in formation]

reviewed, 173.
Havana, geology of, 545.
Hawaiians, 9.

Hawaiian Islands, 718.

HAZEN, H. A. Dry- and wet-bulb hy-
grometer, 502; new condensing-hygrom-
eter, 597; rainfall at Panama, 452; solar
constant, 542, 602.

Head, morphology of, 59.
Head-hunters of Borneo, 189.
HEAP, D. P. Application of electric
light to lighting coasts of France, ill.
135, 161, 187, 214, 242.
Heard Island, 1123.
Heart, action of, during hibernation,
1046; beat of, 519; fatigue and nutri-
tion of, 518; as locomotive organ, 140;
origin of, 334; as suction-pump, 1048.
Heat and cold, influence of, upon muscles
poisoned by veratria, 570.

Heat, change of chemical constitution by,

Heat of combination a function of atomic
weight, 99; of solution and of dilution
of perchloric acid, 191; specific, 192.
Heath, structure of leaves of, 133.
Heer's Flora fossilis arctica, 49.
Heilprin, A., on Glacial theory, 97.
Heimia, 21.

Heitzmann's Microscopical morphology,
reviewed, 603.

Helianthus annuus, 306.

Heliometer, Yale observatory, ill., 91.
Heliozoon, social, 945.

Helix, 612; alonensis, 492; arbustorum,
492; aspersa, 492; dupoteliana, 492;
lactea, 492; gualtieriana, 492; pomatia,
492; pygmaea, 492; ruderata, 584; ver-
miculata, 492.
Helodectes, 232.
Heloderma poison, physiological action
of, 799; suspectum, 372.
Helops, 554.

Hemiaster, 22; humphriesianus, 21.
Hemicaulodon effodiens, 346.
Hemirhamphine, 554.

Hemizonia, 50.

HENDRICKS, J. E. Pairing of first-born,

Herbart's works, 171.

Hermann on Origin after birth, of aspira-
tion of the thorax, 357.
Hermaphrodite bird, 64.
Hermite's lectures, 337.
Hero myths, 282.

HERRICK, F. H. Sand-tracery, 192.

[blocks in formation]

Hirondelle, L'., ill., 388.

Hirsch's Report on machinery at Paris,
1878, reviewed, 605.

Histology of pancreas, 67.

History of fresh-water mussels, 54.
Histriophoca equestris, 417.

Hitchcock, C. H., 350.

Hittite inscriptions, 1182.

Hive-bee, color-preference of, 305.
Hörnesite, 433.

Holbrookia texana, 21.

HOLDEN, E. S. Houzeau's Astronomical
literature. ill., 112; map of planets and
stars near sun, May 6, 1883, ill., 65.
Holder, C. F. Animals extinct within
human memory, 559; right whale of
the North Atlantic, 598.

Holopus, 83, 527.
Holosaurus, 372.

Holozonia, 50; filipes, 50.

Homologies and conics, 694.

Homopus elephantis, 52.

Hong Kong, observatory at, 377.
Hoplia, 203.

Hornblendic granite of Quincy, Mass.,


Horse, colors of, 629; digestive fluids
of, 602.

Horse-trotting from mathematical stand-
point, 355.

Houghton Farm, 250, 374.

House-flies in Philippines, 169.
Houzeau, J. C., 236.

Houzeau and Lancaster's Astronomical
literature, reviewed, ill., 112.

Hovelacque's Les races humaines, re-
viewed, 516.

HOWE, H. M. Cure for blast-furnace
chills, 102.

Howell, G. W. Topographical map of
New Jersey, reviewed, 545.
Hubrecht on Development by primogeni.
ture, 165.

Human fauna of District of Columbia,
575; remains in bone-caverns of Bra-
zil, 541.

Humboldt, A. von, letters of, 618.
Humite, 317.

Humus in soil, determination of, 265.
Hungarian census, 223.

HUNT, T. S. Coal and iron of Alabama,
101; decay of rocks geologically con-
sidered, 324; geology of Lake Superior,


Hurricane of Oct. 20, 1882, 25.
HUSTON, S. Peculiar faulting of coal-bed,
ill., 191.

Hybrid, pleuronectoid, 623.
Hydra, 50, 179; grisea, 81; oligactis, 81;
viridis, 81, 143.

Hydra, development of tentacles of, 238;
nature of green cells of, 142.
Hydraulic experiments, 699; machine-
tools, 975.

Hydric peroxide as reagent in chemical
analysis, 1108; sulphide, preparation
of, from coal-gas, 1107.

Hydrochloric acid and caffeine, 1021;
electrolysis of, 107.

Hydrogen lines, reversal of, 1068; whis-
tles, 865, 1141.

Hydroids, Australian, 513; endodermal
nervous system in, 617; histology of,
388; nervous system of, 387.
Hydro-medusae without digestive organs,


[blocks in formation]

Hylopus, 523.

Hymenoptera, thorax of, 954.
Hypergeometric series, 641.
Hyperoodon, 555.

Hypersthene-andesite, 375, 985.
Hypocnemus, 612.

Hypoglossus, origin of, 59.

Hypophysis, development of, in Petromy
zon planeri, 256.

Ice-age in Pennsylvania, 376; caves, 549;
palace at St. Petersburg, 375; plant,

Idotea, color in, 618; tricuspidata, 288.
ILES, G. Compass deviation, 485.
Illinois state laboratory of natural his-
tory, 155, 374, 495.

Illustration of an abuse, 501.

Import duty on scientific journals, 589.
Impregnation, activity of yolk during,
1132; in turkey, 576.

Improvements at Batopilas in silver amal-
gamation, 19.

Incas, metallurgy of, 819.
India, 631.

Indian burial-mound, 168; meteorology,
267; music, 751; portraits, 83; relics
from New Brunswick, 245; species of
Primula and Androsace, 47.

Indian Ocean, 1124.

Indian-office report, 684.
Indiana geological report, reviewed, 336.
Indo-China, 1086; coal and mineral fields
of, 1079.

Induction, Conti's system for neutralizing,

Induration of rocks by atmospheric action,

Infants, weight of, 1006.

Infinitesimals, 922.

Infusorian, new ciliate, 270; theory of

conjugation of, 273.

Inhibition, 1177.

Injector, exhaust steam, 1020.
Innus pithecus, 261.

Inscriptions, Hittite, 1182.

Insect oscillations, action of birds upon,

Insects, color-preferences of, 955, 1093;
fossil, 375, 1095; respiratory mechan-
ism in, 673.

Instrument for measuring intensity of
aerial vibrations, 4.

Insulation of electric-light wires, 812.
Integrals, definite, 536, 860.

Integumentary appendages, 337.

Intensity of aerial vibrations, 4.

Interference of sound by telephone, 167.
Intermaxillary bone, development of,

Intermedius of carpus in man, 743.
International African association, 499;
bureau of weights and measures, 441;
commission on geological map of Eu-
rope, 236; conference for determination
of electrical units, 87; congress of elec-
tricians, 120; fisheries exhibition, 417,
ill. 447, 564; geological congress, 184,
512; standard time, 159.
Intersections of circles and spheres,

Invertebrates, coloring-matter in bile of,
1168; research on lower, 237; trade
in Californian, 239.

Iodide, ammonio-argentic, 924; electric
conductivity of, 426; of silver in emul
sion, 1069.

Ioglossus, 554.

Iowa weather service, 376.
Iridium, electro deposit of, 83; reproduc-
tion of osmides of, 104.
Iron, of Alabama, 101; annealed and un-
annealed, 418; native, 495; in Ohio
mounds, 912; pig, dephosphorization

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Kabyles, woman among, 470.
Kampecaris forfarensis, 371.

Kansas, State university of, 154, 319, 471,

Karnak, geographical list of, 583.
Keane's Classification of the races of man-
kind, 557.

Kebler, E. A., on Cadmium iodide, 235.
Kentucky, glaciation in, 510.

KERR, W. C. Topography of South Ap-
palachian plateau, 105.
Keweenaw-point geology, 248.
Keweenawan series, 307.
Kinetic theory, 455.

KINGSLEY, J. S. Haswell's Australian
crustacea, 173.

Kinzua viaduct, 423.

Kirchhoff, A., on Classification of islands,

Klein, C., on Optical researches on garnet,

Klemm, Dr. G., anthropological museum,


KNEELAND, S. Flying-fish, 191; house-
flies in Philippines, 169; intelligence of
crow, 359; moxa in Japan, 457; Negri-
tos of Luzon, ill., 415; Tagals of Lu-
zon, ill., 297; typhoon at Manila, ill., 6.
Kogia Goodei, 470.

Kongo, Stanley and de Brazza on the,

Kordofan, ethnography of, 467.
Kradibia, 599.

Krao, the human nondescript, 685.
Kuengo, expedition to the, 36.
Künckelia gyrans, 116, 612.

Künstler's theory of Protozoa, criticism
of, 269.

Kyanethine and derivatives, 593.

L., W. J. Rainbow, 513.

Laboratory for physics and chemistry at
Cornell university, ill., 538.
Lacazina, 405.

Lacerta agilis, 232; muralis, 511.
Lachesilla, 231.

Lachrymal duct in mammals, 626.
Lactic acid, determination of, 877.
Lacustrine formations of St. John, 772.
Lady Franklin Bay, relief of party at,
473, 497.

Laemophlaeus alternans, 409.
Lagerstroemia, 370.
Lagophylla, 50.

Lake Agassiz, 220.

Lake Bonneville, ill., 570.

Lake Constance, altitude of, 690.
Lake Michigan, fauna of, 495.
Lake Moeris, 887.

Lake Ontario, terraces and beaches about,

Lake Superior, copper-bearing rocks of,
140, 221, 359, 453; geology of, 39, 218,
575; rocks of, 11, 334, 422.
Lake survey, 346.

Lake Winnipeg, southward discharge of,


Lakes and valleys in Pennsylvania, 304.
Lambrus latirostris, 173.

Laminarites Legrangei, 330.
Land-shells, European, 448.
Land-system of Franks, 1060.
Landes, French, 1118.

LANGLEY, S. P. Photographing the co-
rona without an eclipse, 4; spectrum of
argand burner, ill., 481.

Lanium album, 306; maculatum, 306.
Lanthanum, atomic weight of, 709.
Lapithes, 231.

Latent heat, specific heat, and volume,

Lathyrus odoratus, 306.

Laughter in lower animals, 281.

Lawsonia, 370.

Lead as an intensifier, 292.
Lead-smelting at Altenau, 1078.
Leadville porphyry, 192.
Leaf-movements and light, 39.
Least bittern in Newfoundland, 457.
Leaves, basipetal development of, 132;
epinasty of, 40; exudation of water
from, 991; structure and movements
of, 385.

LECONTE, JOHN. Apparent attractions
and repulsions of small floating bodies,
249; freezing of liquids in living vege-
table tissue, 395; sun's radiation and
geologic climate, 543; thermal belts of
North Carolina, 278.

LECONTE, JOSEPH. Ducks that fly
abroad like pigeons, 249; movement of
arms in walking, 220.

Lecture experiments, 250, 13; with zinc-
dust and sulphur, 18.

Lectures at American museum, New
York, 85; at Boston, 293; at Cooper
union, 120; upon materia medica, 291;
at New Haven, 293; scientific, at Har-
vard divinity school, 84; at Washington,
27, 85, 377.

Leeches, segmental organs of, 999.
LEIDY, J. A study of the human tem.
poral bone, ill., 380, 475, 506.

Leidy, J., on Rotifera without rotary or-
gans, 37.

[blocks in formation]


Lighting buoys and railroad cars, 873.
Limaces, Italian, 946.

Limax, 433, 492, 612; campestris, 275;
hyperboreus, 533.

Limenitis Disippus, 554; Eros, 554.
Limnocalanus macrurus, 495.

Limulus, 203, 231; eyes of, 454; larva of,

Lingual glands of frog, 1002.

Linguistic journal, a new, 375; manu-
scripts, catalogue of, 208.
Lingula, 166.

Liquefaction, 455; of oxygen and nitro-
gen, 970.

Liquids, flow of, on surface of burette,

Liriope, 196.

Lirus perciformis, 117.

Lisbon, geographical soc., 121.
Lisgocaris, 81.

Lithium in waters containing calcium
sulphate, 650.

Lithology, archeological, 1029; instruc-
tion in, at Philadelphia, 56.

Little Miami valley, mound explorations
in, 496.

Liver, destruction of red blood corpus-

cles in, 154; structural changes in, 909.
Liver-dluke, life-history of, ill., 330.,
Lixidi, European, 953.

Lizard schists and serpentines, 827.
Lizards, caudal region in, 521.

Locomotion, animal, photography as ap
plied to, 189.

Locust ravages, promoting, 252.
Locusta viridissima, 554.

Lodran meteorite, 211.

Löllingite, 935.

Löwit on Vagus nerve, 220.

Logan memorial collection, 154.
Logic, studies in, reviewed, 514.
Loligo, 276.

Longitude determinations at Chorillos and
Valparaiso, 617; establishing secondary
meridians of, 292.

Lophius piscatorius, bones of, 624.

Lost continent, microscopic evidence of,

Louisiana, explorations in, 556.
Love-songs, 582.

Lowell institute, 235.

Lucanidae of U. S., 952.

Lumbriculus, 496; variegatus, 406.
Luminiferous ether, density of, 183.
Luminosity of magnetic field, 971.
Lunar crater Plato, 637.

Lund on Human remains of bone-caverns
of Brazil, 541.

Luzon, Negritos of, ill., 415; Tagals of,
ill., 297.

Lycodes, Anguilla Kieneri of Günther a,

Lycopodium, 21.

Lyell, Sir Charles, Life, letters, and jour-
nals of, reviewed, 63, 110.
Lymnaeus trunculatus, 330.

Lymph-hearts in embryo chick, 158.
Lynx canadensis, 279.

Lythraceae, 48, 786.

Lythrum, 316.

M., S. T. Book reviews, 601.

M., T. C. Pairing of first-born, 360.

Macgregor's Wanderings in Balochistan,

reviewed, 487.

Machinery at Paris, 1878, 605.

Maclay's travels, 405.

Maclura aurantiaca, 207.

Macrochlamys, 467.

Macroglossa Titan, 203.

Macrophthalmus definitus, 173; dilitatus,


Macroscelides, distribution of, 163.
Macrostachya, 397.

Madagascar, flora of, 893; slug from,

Madisonville, O., ancient cemetery at, 373.
Magnesium carbonate, 197.
Magnetic field, luminosity of, 971.
Magnetism, influence of, on chemical ac-
tion, 36; rotatory effect of terrestrial,

Magnetization, molecular theory of, 483.


Magneto-motive force, 391.

Magnified objects, apparent size of, 343.
Maine, shell-heaps on coast of, 319.
Maine's Early law and custom, reviewed,


Maize, variability of, 234.
Malacological notes, 1047.
Malus, 466.

Mammalian germ, morphology of, 627.
Mammals of Essex Co, England, 165;
lachrymal duct in, 626; of north-eastern
New York, 72; notochord of, 399;
quantity of blood in living, 66; as
weather-prophets, 456.
Man, abnormal dentition in, 68; asym-
metry of turbinated bones in, 167;
cerebral convolutions in, 526; fecun-
dity in, 742; prehistoric antiquity of,


Man-eating mollusk, 1129.

Manganese binoxide, formation of, 425.
Manila, typhoon at, 6.
Manitoba fishes, 152.

Mannite, second anhydride of, 205.
Manumissions at four roads, 808.
Manuring vineyards, 264.
Manuscript Troano, 578.

Map of planets and stars near sun, May
6, 1883, ill., 65.

Geological map of Bel-
gium, 190; international geological con-
gress, 512.

Margaritana margaritifera, 22, 492.
Margelis, 196.

Marginella, 531.

Marine engines, 701.
Marionia, 524.

Marsh, O. C. Distribution of casts of
Rhamphorhynchus, 56.

Marsilia, 21, 397.

Marsupials, communication between me-
dian vaginal cul-de sac and uro-genital
canal in, after parturition, 71; foetal
membranes of, 451.

MARTIN, H. N. Consequences of spleen
extirpation, 68; influence of the vagus
nerve upon the heart, 220; origin, after
birth, of aspiration of thorax, 357;
properties of cardiac muscle and nature
of the action of the vagus nerve upon
the heart, 246; rhythmic muscular con-
tractions, 38.

Martin and Moale's Hand-book of verte-
brate dissection, reviewed, 281.
Martin, J., 265.

Maryland, med. chirurg. faculty of, 1001.
Mass of planet, 919.

Massachusetts, crested seal on coast of,
542; inst. technology, society of arts,
157, 375, 439, 529, 560.

Mastzellen of connective tissue, 1049.
Material point, motion of, 1065.
Mathematical tripos in university of Cam-
bridge, 412.

Mathurina, 466; penduliflora, 522.
Maturation of reptilian ovum, 1003.
Maxwell, James Clerk, Life of, reviewed,

Maya manuscripts, 585.
Measurement, absolute, 645.

Mechanics, teaching of, 416; theoretical,

Meconic acid and derivatives, 594, 1075.
Medieval formulae, 79.

Mediterranean climate, 832.

Medusae, Brazilian, 1172; deep-sea, ill.,
195; origin of spermatozoa in, 616.
Megalotrocha, 38.

Megatherium Cuvieri, 154.
Melaenis Loveni, 260.

Melaphyrs, Himalayan, 20.

Meleagrina californica, 81.
Melopsittacus, 261.
Men, races of, 516.

Ménard's Oriental history, reviewed, 41.
Menobranchus, 279.

Menyanthes trifoliata, fall blooming of,

Mercury, double haloid salts of, 16.
Merejkowsky's Suctociliata, 271.
Merian, Peter, 155.
Meridian-circle, deviation of

axis of,

[blocks in formation]

quartz grains of sandstones, 221.
Merv, Russo Persian boundary and, 130.
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, 610.
Mesoderm, vertebrate, origin of, 733.
Mespilus, 466.

Metal-working, great feat in, 109.
Metallurgy of nickel in U. S., 102.
Metals, compression of, 112; molecular
condition of, 110.

Meteor, track of, ill., 422.

Meteoric and terrestrial rocks, 127.
Meteoric iron, Cranbourne, 604; phe-
nomenon, 4.

Meteorite, Bishopville, 655; Lodran,
211; Mocs, 213, 934.

Meteorites, Dresden, 22; fusion-struc-
tures in, 24, 1030; two Japanese,
212; Paris, reviewed, 41.
Meteorological research, British co-opera-
tion in arctic, 125; bureau of Ohio, 208;
council of England, 547; observatory
in Jamaica, 321.
Meteorology, Indian, 267; progress in,


Mexican copper-smelting, 598; manu-
scripts, 585; national museum, 682;
anales of same, 440.

Meyer, E., on Anatomy and histology of
Polyophthalmus, 96.

Meyer and Seubert's Calculation of atomic
weights, reviewed, 397.
Mice, embryology of, 851.

Michigan state teachers' assoc., 57.
Microscopic evidence of lost continent, 590.
Microscopical morphology, 603.

Milk, bottled, 1111; ropy, 770; testing,

Milk-glands, embryology of, 162.
Mill Rock, glacial phenomena of, 314.
Miller, S. A. American paleozoic fossils,
reviewed, 173.

Milleria herbatica, 316.
Milne-Edwards, A.

Crustacea of Blake
and Travailleur expeditions, reviewed,

Mimetite, 498.

Mimicry of humming-birds by moths,
456; in butterflies, theory of, 57.
Mimosa, 432; pudica, 178.
Mindanao, 553.

Mineralogy, instruction in, at Philadel-
phia, 56.

Minerals, alteration of, 1154; collection
of, Boston soc. nat. hist., 436; Connecti.
cut, 601; from Juliane-haab, 215.
Mining statistics and technology, division
of, U. S. geological survey, 153.
Minnesota, Natural history of, reviewed,

MINOT, C. S. Anatomy and histology of
Polyophthalmus, 96; apparently new
animal type, 305; criticism of Prof.
Hubrecht's hypothesis of development
by primogeniture, 165; early develop.
ment of reptiles, 511; life-history of
the liver-fluke, ill., 330; pairing of first-
born, 360; researches on Dicyemidae,

Miocene, North German, 998.
Mispickle, 214.

Mississippi valley, explorations in, 263.
Missouri weather service, St. Louis. 471.
Mitchella repens, leafy berries in, 443.
Mitostemma, 259.

Mocs, meteorite of, 213, 934.
Modiola, 433.

Modiolicola insignis, 433.

Mohammedans in world, 577.

Mole pursues an earthworm, 404.

Molecular condition of metals, 110; re-
fraction, 94.

[blocks in formation]

Moncatch-Apé, voyages of, 634, 913.
Mongoloids, craniology of, 747.
Monkshood, floral evolution in, 1041.
Monophyes, 612.

Monstrous orang, 70.

MONTGOMERY, G. E. Darwin, 531.

Montreal nat. hist. soc., 372; Peter Red-
path museum (see Redpath, etc.).
Moon, semi-diameter of, 1103.
Moor-versuchs-station, Bremen, 374.
Moors, manuring, 822; of Oldenburg,

Moraine, great terminal, in Kentucky, 376.
Morgan, Augustus de, memoir of, re-
viewed, 422.

Morphine, derivatives of, 206.
Morphology, microscopical, 603.
Mortillet, G. de.

viewed, 222.

Prehistoric man, re-

Mortuary customs, 283; statistics, 321.
Mosasauridae, 800.

Mosasaurus Camperi, 372; Maximiliani,

Moslem property-law, 810.

Mother, age of, and sex of child, 166.
Mother of petre and mother of vinegar, 98.
Moths of New Mexico, 152.

Motor centres in cerebral cortex, 678.
Motor disturbances following lesions of
internal ear, 338.
Motor-nerve endings, 676.
Motor nerves of man, 1178.
Moulting of decapod Crustacea, 389.
Mound-builders' pipes, 472.

Mound explorations in Little Miami valley,

Mounds, relics from southern, 496.
Mountain-climbing, hygiene of, 1082.
Mouse, germ - layers and gastrula of,

Movement of the arms in walking, 11, 140,


Moxa in Japan, 457.

Mucor circinelloides, 178.

Mucous layer of skin, 573.

Müller, Hermann, on Color-preferences of

the hive-bee, 305.

Murray, Alexander, 157.

Muscles in breathing, 461; of insects'
wing, histology of, 247; fatigue curve
of striated, 396.

Museum of comparative zoology, 26, 83,
319, 527.

Music, Aztec, 752; Indian, 751.

Mussels, history and distribution of fresh-
water, 54.

Mustela americana, 279.

Mya, 274; arenaria, 602.

Mycteria australis, 23.

Myriapods, Devonian, 791.

Myriophyllum, 468.
Mysis relicta, 496.

Myths, hero, 282.

Mytilus, 433.

[blocks in formation]

Nelson, E. W., 472; explorations in Yu-
kon delta, 220.
Nelumbium, 259.
Nematophores, 728.
Nemestrinidae, 513.

Neopsocus rhenanus, 231.
Nepheline, 215.

Neptunea Ossiani, 260.

Neptunus rugosus, 173.

Nerve-endings in muscles, 677.
Nerve-fibres, histogenesis of, 956.
Nerves of blood-vessels, 622; internal
polarization of, 460.

Nettles as artillery-plants, 555.
NEWBERRY, J. S. Physical_conditions
under which coal was formed, 89.
New Brunswick, Indian relics from, 245.
New England, cannibalism in, 408;
towns, 753.

Newfoundland geology, 373; least bit-
tern in, 457.

New Haven. Connecticut academy. See
Connecticut academy.

New Jersey geological survey, 265; topo-
graphical map of, 545.

New Mexico, Bandelier's investigations
in, 576; moths of, 152.

New South Wales, rainfall of, 716.
New Testament autographs, ill., 35.
New York agricultural experiment-
station, 234, 484; documentary history
of, 406; fossil peccary from, 159;
mammals of north-eastern, 72; state
survey, 267.

Newspapers, science and, 211.

Niagara Falls, assoc. to preserve scenery
of, 237.

Nickel in U. S., 102; separation of, from
cobalt, 1144.

Nicolia aegyptiaca, 230.

Niger, 35; upper, country of, 778.
Night-signals for geodetic work, 173,

Nitella, 496.

Nitrate ferment, 263.

Nitrates, reduction of, 1113.

Nitrogen, loss and gain of, by arable soil,

Nitrogenous fertilizers, availability of,

Nitroso-bodies, constitution of, 544.
Nomenclature, geographic, 1083.
Non-Euclidean geometry, 477.
Nordenskiöld on Rock disintegration, 39.
Nordenskiöld's programme, 1161.
Norris, P. W. Explorations in Missis
sippi valley, 263.

North, F. W. Report upon coal-fields of
Natal, reviewed, 460.

North, geographical notes from, 885;
notes from the, 550, 774.

North America, zoological geography of
western, 51.

North American Coleoptera, 56; Sphingi-
dae, geographical origin of, 795.
North Carolina agric. experiment-station,
376, 472; prehistoric remains in, 470;
thermal belts of, 278, 320.
North-sea annelids, 564.

Northern voyages in 14th century, 1160.
Norway, glaciation of, 1081.

Norwegian arctic fishery in 1882, 719.
Nostoc pruniforme, 495.

Notholaena candida, 370.

Nova Scotia, sigillarian stumps of, 1044.
Nuclear displacement, law of, and its sig-
nificance in embryology, ill., 273.
Numbers, theory of, 352.
Nummulina, 405.


station, ill. 479, 507.

Nuphar, 468.

Naples zoological

Nur-aghes of Sardinia, 286.
Nux vomica, alkaloids of, 767.
Nymphaea, 468; lutea, 38.

Obi and Yenissei, canal between, 321.
Observations at high stations, 119.
Ocean currents south of Africa, 936.
Octopus, 276; Bairdii, 553; punctatus, 353,

Octopus, giant, of west coast of America,
ill., 352.

Ocypoda arenaria, 179; ceratophthalma,
179; convexus, 173; cordimana, 179;
Fabricii, 173.

Ocypoda from the Bonin islands, origin of
species of, 390.

Odonata of Philippines, 1173.
Oecanthus niveus, 410.

Oedionychis, 22.

Oenothera glauca, 306.

OGDEN, R. Spanish folk-lore, 542.
Ohio fungi, 779; glacial phenomena in,
ill., 269; mechanics' institute, 85, 156,
439, 472, 201, 263, 490; meteorological
bureau, Columbus, 470, 527; mounds,
iron in, 912; natural history of, 278;
state forestry association, 471; state
weather service, 118; weather bureau
signals, 320.

Ohm, determination of, 194, 293.
Oldenburg, moors of, 551.
Olfactory sensations, 620.
Oligogynium, 405.

Onchidina australis, 584.
Onchidium, monograph of, 1130.
O'Neill, Consul, 376.
Onondaga Indians, 852.
Open polar sea, theory of, 123.
Opening-twitch, 255.

Ophrys apifera, 492.

Opossum, foetal membranes of, 451.
Optical phenomenon, 760.

Opuntia, 370; Rafinesquei, 229.
Orang, monstrous, 70.

Orchid in Florida, 233.

Ordnance experiments, 291.

Ordnance, report of chief of, 615.

Ore-deposition by replacement, 883.

Organ of Bojanus of oyster, 145.
Oriental history, 41.

Origin of cultivated plants, 12; of hypo-
glossus, 59; of vertebrates, 60.
Ortbite, 497.

Orthogonal surfaces, 534; transforma-

tions, 1137.

Orthoptera, European, 605.


marsupials, 451.

Foetal membranes of

Osmides of iridium, reproduction of, 104.
Osphranter robustus, 24.

Ostracism, 809.

Ostrea, 274; angulata, 62, 567; edulis, 51,
567; tenuiplicata, 51; virginica, 51, 62,


Otaria jubata, 53, 346.

Ottawa field naturalists' club, 237, 266;
microscopical soc., 121; Unionidae, 789.
Oviposition in Argynnis, 153.

Owen, R. Discovery of Trichina, 206.
Oxalic acid, spontaneous decomposition
of, 1076.

Oxy-acids, aromatic, anhydrides of, 816.
Oxygen at ordinary temperatures, prepa-
ration of, 15; formation of active, 200.
Oxymetopon, 554.
Oxytes, 467.

Oxytheca, new, 558.

Oyster, organ of Bojanus in, 145; dis-
ease in, 671; protozoan parasites of,


[blocks in formation]
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