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Imperial Railroads, Department of,
224 ns.

Insurance, 220(1).

Intellectual works, ownership of, 220(6).
Interior, Department of, 224 n3.
Inventions, 220(5).

Jade, an Imperial naval port, 231(53).
Judicial affairs, 222 (8).

Judiciary: civil law, 221(13); judicial
relief, if justice is denied in one State,
237(77); offense against Bundesrat or
Reichstag punishable, 237 (74–75); pro-
cedure, 221 (13); sentences, 221(11);
tribunal of last resort, 237 (75).
Justice, Department of, 224 n3.
Kiel, an Imperial naval port, 231 (53).
Landwehr, 233(59), 234(63).
Lauenburg, 219(1), n1.

Law of Military Penal Procedure of 3

April 1845, 233 (61).

Law of 31 May 1911, 221(6a).

Laws, 221(5).

Legislation, 219-221; see also Bundesrat;


Legislative power, 221(5).

Lights, 220(9):

Lippe, 219(1), 224 n.

Loans, see Finance.

Lübeck, 219(1), 224 n4, 236 n1.
Marine, Department of, 224 n3.
Marine affairs, 222 (8).

Marine and navigation: 220(7, 9), 231-
232; Bundesrat committee on, 222 (8);
expense to be defrayed from treasury,
231 (53); flag of naval and merchant
marine, 232 (55); free ports, 226 (34) ;
Kiel and Jade, Imperial naval ports,
231 (53); license to command seagoing
vessels, 231 (54); seafaring men and
shipbuilding artisans to serve in navy,
231 (53); signals of navigation, 220 (9);
under supreme command of Emperor,
231 (53); united mercantile marine,

Maritime signals, 220 (9).
Measures, 220(3).

Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 219(1), 224 n.
Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 219(1), 224 n.
Medical matters, 221 (15).
Migration, 220(1).

Military affairs: 221(14), 232-235;
army, readiness for action, 234(63);
army under command of Emperor, 234
(63); Bundesrat committee on army
and fortifications, 222 (8); cavalry
length of service, 233 (59); cost of,
233 (58); courts of honor, 20 July
1843, 233 (61); emigration of reserves,
233 (59); employment of army for po-
lice purposes, 235 (66); expenditures
of army, to be fixed by budgetary law,
234(62); expenses of army, 233 (61-
62); fortresses, construction of,


Military affairs-Continued.

235 (65); Landwehr, 233 (59); length
of service, 233 (59); liability to military
duty, 232 (57); martial law, power to
declare, 235 (68); military oath,
234(64); military penal procedure, 3
April 1845, 233 (61); mobilization,
234(63); mounted field artillery,
233 (59); National Guard, 233 (59);
no substitute accepted, 232 (57); offi
cers, 234 (64), 235 (64, 66); service,
219 (3).

Military Penal Code of 3 April 1845,
233 (61).

Napoleon I, 217.

National defense, 220 (8).

Natives, 219 (3).

Naval affairs, 221 (14).

Navigation, see Marine and navigation.
North German Confederation, 217, 231 n3.
Oldenburg, 219(1), 224 n4.
Passports, 220(1).

Patents, 220 (5).
Paupers, 219 (3).
Peace, 223 (11).

Peace of Prague, 217.

Post and telegraph, 220(10), 230-231;
Bavaria and Württemberg not to share
in receipts of, 231(52); Bundesrat
committee on, 222 (8); Emperor shall
have administration, 230(50); inter-
course between Bavaria and Württem-
berg with neighboring States not part
of Empire, 231 (52); receipts to belong
to a common fund, 230 (49); regula-
tion concerning foreign countries,
231 (52); are State institutions,
230 (48); surplus of receipts to go to
treasury, 230(49).

Posts, Department of, 224 n3.
Presidency of Confederation, 223 (11).
Press, 221 (16).

Professions, 220(1).

Protocol of 15 Nov. 1870, 218(2).
Prussia, 219(1), n1, 221(6), n1, 224 n4.
Public documents, 221 (12).
Public offices, 219 (3).
Rafting, 220 (9).

Railways: 220(8), 228-229; administra-
tion, 229 (44); Bavaria excluded from
articles, 229 (46); Bundesrat commtitee
on, 222(8); long-distance transporta-
tion, 229 (45); low tariff in case of
public distress, 229 (45); no law to
prevent competitive lines to be built,
228 (41); one system, 228 (42); right
to construct, 228 (41); tariff, 229(45);
upkeep of, 229 (43); use of roads for
defense of country, 229 (47).
Railways, Department of, 224 n3.
Real estate, 219 (3).
Reichsgesetzblatt, 219 (2).

Reichstag, 221(5), 224-226; acceptance
of office, 225 (21); action by majority,

[blocks in formation]

225 (28); adjournment, 225 (26); com-
position, 224 (20); duration, 225 (24);
election of members, 224 (20), 225(25,
27); eligibility of members, 223 (9);
immunity of members, 225 (30); mem-
bers' salary, 226(32); members not
liable to arrest during session, 225
(31); members representatives of peo-
ple, 225 (29); proceedings to be public,
225 (22); right to propose laws, 225

Residents, 219 (3).

Reuss, elder line, 219 (1), 224 n4.

Reuss, younger line, 219(1), 224 n4.
Revenues, 227(38); see also Finance.
Revolution of 1848, 217.
Salt, 226(35).

Salt tax, 227 (38).

Saxe-Altenburg, 219(1), 224 n4.
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 219(1), 224 n4.
Saxe-Meiningen, 219(1), 224 n4.
Saxe-Weimar, 219(1), 224 n4.
Saxony, 219(1), 223(8), 224 n4.
Schaumburg-Lippe, 219(1), 224 n4.
Schleswig-Holstein, 217.

Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, 219(1), 224 n4.
Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, 219(1), 224


Secret ballot, 224(20).
Settlement, 220(1).
Signals, 220(9).

South German States, 217.
Suffrage, 224 (20).

Sugar, 226 (35).

Syrup, 226(35).

Taxes, 220 (2), 226(35).

Telegraph, see Post and telegraph.
Tobacco, 226(35), 227(38).
Trade, 220(7), 222(8).
Treasury, Department of, 224 n3.
Treaties, 219 (3), 223 (11).

Treaty of 23 November 1870, 218 (4).
Treaty of 25 November 1870, 218 (3).
Unfunded money, 220 (3).
Veterinary matters, 221 (15).

Vienna, Final Act of 15 May 1820, 217.
Waldeck, 219(1), 224 n.

War, 223 (11).

Waterways, 220(8-9).

Weights, 220 (-3).

Württemberg, 218(3), 219(1), 223(8),
224 n4, 226 (35), 227 (38), 231(52), ns.
Gers, Department of (France), 210(2).
Ghaffirs, 184 (40).

Gharbieh (Egypt), 177(3).

Gifts Egypt, 187 (42).

Girgeh (Egypt), 177(3).

Gironde, Department of (France), 210(2).
Giurgiu (Roumania), 525 (62).

Gizeh (Egypt), 177(3).

Goerz (Austria-Hungary), 6(8), 14(1), 15


Gonaïves (Haiti), 299 (32).

Gornje (Serbia), 564 (81).

Goyaz (Brazil), 66 n3.

Gracias a Dios, Cape (Nicaragua), 438 (69).
Gradiska (Austria-Hungary), 6(8), 14(1),

Granada (Nicaragua), 449 (117).
Granada (Panama), 458 (3).

Grand Duke: Luxemburg, 392(4)-393 (8),
395-396, 400 (76, 77).

Grand General Council (San Marino), 549.
Gratuities: Panama, 467 (1); Roumania,
533 (112).

Great Britain and Ireland: 239-260, 587.
Abbots, 242(31).

Act declaring the Rights and Liberties of
the Subjects and setleing the Succes-
sion of the Crowne, 256 n1.

Act for an Union of the Two Kingdoms
of England and Scotland of 16 May
1707 (6 Anne, c. 11), 239.

Act for rendring the Union of the Two
Kingdoms more intire and complete of
1707 (6 Anne, c. 40), 239.

Act for the better secureing the Liberty
of the Subject and for Prevention of
Imprisonments beyond the Seas, 248


Act for the further Limitation of the
Crown and better securing the Rights
and Liberties of the Subject, 259 n2.
Act for the more effectual preserving the
King's person and government, by dis-
abling Papists from Sitting in either
House of Parliament, 258 n3.

Act for the Relief of His Majesty's Ro-
man Catholic Subjects of 24 June
1829 (10 George IV, c. 7), 239.

Act for Union of Great Britain and Ire-
land of 2 July 1800 (39 & 40 George
III, c. 67, amended by 21 & 22 Victoria,
c. 26, and by the Statute Law Revision
Act of 1871), 239.

Act further to amend the Laws relating
to the representation of the People in
England and Wales of 15 August 1867
(30 & 31 Victoria, c. 102), 240.
Act of Settlement of 12 June 1701, 239

Act to amend the Law relating to the
Representation of the People of the
United Kingdom of 6 December 1884
(48 Victoria, c. 3), 240.

Act to amend the Representation of the
People in England and Wales of 7 June
1832 (2 William IV, c. 45), of the Peo-
ple in Scotland of 17 July 1832 (2
William IV, c. 65), of the People in
Ireland of 7 August 1832 (2 William
IV, c. 88), 239.

Amercietur, 241(14).

Anne of Denmark, 259 (3).

Archbishops, 243, 245 (1).

Articuli inserti in Magna Charta, 244 n1.
Bail, 257.

Baliffs, 242.

Barons, 242, 245 (1).

[blocks in formation]

Peticion, The, Exhibited to his Majestie
by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall
and Commons, in this present Parlia-
ment assembled, concerning divers
Rights and Liberties of the Subjects,
with the Kings Majesties Royall Aun-
swere thereunto in full Parliament, 245

Petition of Right of 7 June 1628, 239,
245-248; habeas corpus, 246 (5); death
penalty, 247(7); taxes, 247 (8); trea-
son, 252(6); illegal imprisonment, 253

Praemunire, 254 (11).

Great Britain and Ireland-Contd.

Prelates, 245(1).

Priors, 242.
Protestants, 257.

Punishment, 257.

Redistribution of Seats Act (48 & 49 Vic-
toria, c. 23), 240.

Registration Acts (48 & 49 Victoria, c. 15,
16, & 17), 240.
Religion, 259 (3).

Scotland, 253(11).

Sheriffs, 242(17), 248(1).

Sophia, Princess, electrix of Hanover, 259

Speech, freedom of, 257.

Statutes of Parliament, 240 n2.

Statutum de tallagio non concedendo of

1297, 244-5.

Tangier, 253 (11).

Templars, 242.

Victoria, 241 n2, 259 n2.

Wales, 253 (10).

William and Mary, 256(1), 258, and n3.

Greece: 261-278.

Allowances, 270(61).

Amnesty, 267 (39).

Archaeological treasures, 265 (17).

Areopagus, see Court of Cassation.
Armed forces, 266(32).

Assembly, right of, 263 (10).
Association, right of, 263 (11).

Belgian Constitution of 7 February 1831,

Budget, 265 (24), 270(60), 273(83).
Censorship, 264 (14).

Citizens: 262-265; personal rights, 262

(3-4), 263(5); crimes and punishment,
263 (6-8); privileges, 263 (9)−265 (20).
Civil list, 267 (42), n1.

Clerks of courts, 274 (88).
Coinage, 267 (41).

Confiscation, 265 (18).

Conscription, 270(60).

Constantinople, 262(2).

Constitution of 1/14 June 1911, 262-278.
Consuls General, 277 (102).

Corporations, 264(16).

Council of State, 261, 273-274.

Court of Cassation, 272 (73), 273(80),

[blocks in formation]


Foreign troops, 276(99).

French Charter of 14 August 1830, 261.
George (of Denmark), 261.

Government, form of, 265 (21-28).
Holy Synod of Bishops, 262(2).
House of Representatives: 268-272; sits
in public, 269 (55); oath of members,
270 (64); elections, 271 (66-70); duties
of representatives, 271-272.
Impeachment, 272 (80).

Judiciary: 274-276; personnel, 274(87-

89); sittings are public, 275(92); jury
system, 275 (94); courts-martial, 276

King: 266-268; rights and privileges,
266-267; succession, 267-268.

Language, 277(107).

Letters, secrecy of, 265 (20).

Magistrates, 274(88).

Mayors, 271 (71).

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Barrillas, Don Manuel Lisandro, 292(4).

Brigadier generals, 286 (14).

Carrera, Rafael, 279.

Censorship, 282(26),

Central American Federation, 279.

Citizens, 280(4-11).

Collectors of public revenue, 284 (50).
Constitution, amendments, 292 (99).
Constitution of 11 Dec. 1879, 279.

Constitutive Act of the Republic of Gua-
temala, 279.

Contractors, 284 (50).

Contracts, 286(6).

Conventions, 286 (9).

Correspondence, 283 (35).

Council of Ministers, 290 (18).

Council of State, 290 (79).

Councilors, 290 (80).

Currency, 286 (8).

Departments, appointment of chief, 291


Designados, see Designates.

Designates, 285(4), 288(69), 293(6).

Domicile, 283 (38).

Education, 282(27).

Entailment, 281 (21).

Equality before law, 281 (16).

Exequatur, 290 (15).

Expropriation, 282 (28).

Federal Constitution of 22 November
1824, 279.

Foreigners, 281 (13), 282(23).

Guatemalans, 280 (4-11).

Habeas corpus, 283(34).

Imprisonment, 282 (30).

Indemnity, 282 (28).

[blocks in formation]

Industry, 281 (20).

[blocks in formation]


Legislative power-Continued.

deputies, 283 (44); attributions, 284
(52); enactment of laws, 286 (56);
President shall approve laws, 287 (59);
Permanent Committee, 287(62).

Loans, 286(6).

Military affairs, 281 (22), 284(50), 286

(14), 290(11-12.)

Ministers, 290 (14).

Municipalities, 292 (97).

National Assembly, 283 (40).

Pardon, 286(16).

Passports, 290(16).

Peace, 286 (14).

Permanent Committee, 287(63).
Person, liberty of, 281 (16).
Police laws, 281(15).
Political chiefs, 284 (50).
President: impeachment, 285(53); re-
quirements, 288 (65); designates, 288
(69); vacancy of office, 288 (69); oath,
288 (70); duties, 288 (77); and the
Council of State, 290 (79).
Press, 282 (26).

Property, 281 (16, 21), 282 (28).
Religion, 282 (24), 284 (50).
Secretaries of State, 284 (50).
Solitary confinement, 282 (32).
Speech, liberty of, 282 (26).
Taxation, 285 (54).
Treaties, 286 (9).
War, 286(14).

Weights, 286 (8).

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(106); councilors, 313 (B).
Constitution, amendments, 313 (128).
Constitution of 9 May 1801, 295.
Constitution of 12 June 1918, 295.
Correspondence, 298 (23).

Council of State, 314.

Court of Cassation, 307 (92).
Courts martial, 312 (119), 313.
Criminal prosecution, 313 (A).
Death penalty, 297 (15).
Dessalines (General), 295.
Detention, 297(2).
Districts, 296(2).
Domicile, 297(11).

Dominican Republic, 295.

Education: 297(18); educational socie-
ties, 296(5).

Elections, 312 (124).

Equality before law, 296 (8).
Finance, 310 (109)-311 (117).
Foreigners, 296(4).

Geffrard, 295.

Gendarmerie d' Haiti, 311 (118).

Gonaïves, 299 (32).

Gratuity, 310(112).

Haitians, 296(3).

High Court of Justice, 309 (100).
Holidays, 312(122).

Imposts, 310(109).

Industrial societies, 296(5).

Jacmel, 299 (32).

Jacques I, 295.

Jérémie, 299 (32).

Judiciary; Court of Cassation, 307(89);
Judges, 307 (90); sittings of courts are
public, 308 (96); High Court of Justice,
309 (100); criminal prosecutions, 313

Legal holidays, 312(122).

Legislature composition, 298 (31); depu-

ties, 299 (32); election, 299 (35); meet-
ings are public, 302 (54); petitions, 304
(68); seat of, 302 (49); session, 302

Liberty, personal, 296(9).

L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 295.

Moniteur, 304 (66), 313 (128).

National colors, 312 (120).

National Assembly: powers, 300 (40);

presidency, 301 (41); see also Senate.

National holidays, 312 (122).

National palace, 306 (82).

Nationality, 296(3).

Oaths, not required, 312(120).

Pardon, 305 (75), 313.

Pension, 310(112).

Pétion, 295.

Christophe, 295.

Citizens, 296 (3).

Civil prosecution, 313.

Civil rights, defined, 296(3-7).

Petition, right of, 298 (22).

Political crimes, 297 (19).

Political rights, 296(6–7).

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