have testern'd me;' in requital whereof, henceforth carry your letters yourself: and so, sir, I'll commend you to my master. Pro. Go, go, be gone, to save your ship from Which cannot perish, having thee aboard, [Exeunt. SCENE II. The same. Garden of Julia's house. Enter JULIA and LUCETTA. Jul. But say, Lucetta, now we are alone, Would'st thou then counsel me to fall in love? Luc. Ay, madam; so you stumble not unheedfully. Jul. Of all the fair resort of gentlemen, That every day with parle encounter me, Luc. Please you, repeat their names, I'll shew According to my shallow simple skill. my Jul. What think'st thou of the fair Sir Eglamour ?2 you have testern'd me ;] You have gratified me with a tester, testern, or testen, that is, with a sixpence. JOHNSON. 2 What think'st thou of the fair Sir Eglamour? This Sir Eglamour must not be confounded with the persona dramatis of the same name. The latter lived at Milan, and had vowed " pure chastity" upon the death of his "true love." Perhaps Sir Eglamour was once the common cant term for an insignificant inamorato. Luc. As of a knight well-spoken, neat and fine; But, were I you, he never should be mine. Jul. What think'st thou of the rich Mercatio? Luc. Well of his wealth; but of himself, so, so. Jul. What think'st thou of the gentle Proteus? Luc. Lord, lord! to see what folly reigns in us! Jul. How now! what means this passion at his name? Luc. Pardon, dear madam; 'tis a passing shame, That I, unworthy body as I am, Should censure thus on lovely gentlemen.3 Jul. Why not on Proteus, as of all the rest? Luc. Then thus,of many good I think him best. Jul. Your reason? Luc. I have no other but a woman's reason; I think him so, because I think him so. Jul. And would'st thou have me cast my love on him? Luc. Ay, if you thought your love not cast away. Jul. Why, he of all the rest hath never mov'd me. Luc. Yet he of all the rest, I think, best loves ye. Jul. His little speaking shows his love but small. Luc. Fire, that is closest kept, burns most of all. Jul. They do not love, that do not show their love. Luc. O, they love least, that let men know their love. Jul. I would, I knew his mind. Peruse this paper, madam. That the contents will shew. Luc. Jul. Say, say; who gave it thee? 3. Should censure thus, &c.] To censure, in our author's time, generally signified to give one's judgement. Luc. Sir Valentine's page; and sent, I think, He would have given it you, but I, being in the way, There, take the paper, see it be return'd ; Luc. To plead for love deserves more fee than hate. Jul. Will you be gone Luc. That you may ruminate. [Exit. Jul. And yet, I would, I had o'erlook'd the letter. It were a shame to call her back again, And pray her to a fault for which I chid her. And would not force the letter to my view? And ask remission for my folly past :- a goodly broker!] A broker was used for matchmaker, sometimes for a procuress. JOHNSON. 9say No, to that, &c.] A paraphrase on the old proverb "Maids say nay, and take it." |