Imágenes de páginas

Morgan, San Jose; Elizabeth W. Naffziger, San Jose; Etta L. Naumann, San Jose; Angeline Potter Chico; Matilda Ryan, San Jose; Geraldine Savage, Sau Jose; Lillian C. Vennum, San Jose.

Grammar School Life Diplomas.

Harriet Foote Buss, Orange; Jennie Ackerman, Sonoma; Ida S. Aggeler, Humboldt; Oba Algeo, Sutter; Endora C. Allen, Sar. Bernardino; Josephine R. Ambrose, San Francisco; Augusta F. Anderson, Santa Clara; Mary F. Anderson, Santa Clara; Nora Ashfield, Shasta; Mary A. Backer, Fresno; Ida M. Bacon, Fresno; Alice A. Bagley, Amador; Annie Irene Bagley, Amador; Lulu Claire Bahr, San Bernardino; Bessie H. Baldwin, Humboldt; Ben F. Ballard, Sonoma; M. Elizabeth Bang, Fresno; Ida M. Bauta, Napa; Johanna Barnickel, San Franciaco; Caroline M. Barron, San Frauctsco; Blanche L. Bayles, Tehama; Emily Whalley Beanston, San Francisco; Helen Pruitt Beattie, San Bernardino; Anna L. Beatty, Los Angeles; Rosaline M. Bell, Shista: J. J. Berry. Lake; M. Jennie Bickerstaff. Contra Costa: Mrs. Lillie L. Birch, San Francisco, Alice A. Blumenthal, San Francisco; Mamie B. Porthwick, Santa Clara; Sarah Boukofsky. San Francisco; Josephine Rebecca Boyle, Si rra; Carolyn H. Bradley, Santa Clara; Angie E. Bradley. Placer; Mary Brierton, San Francisco; Mona Browne, San Francisco; Viola Bruce, San Francisco; Margaret A. Burnett, San Francisco; Gertrude Adams Butler, San Bernardino; Mary B. Adams, Sonoma M. Louise Batzer, Sonoma; Mrs. Fannie Lumsden Bonner, Sonoma: Mary L. Bower, Sonoma; Alice Brown, Sonoma; Agnes E. Clary, Sonoma; jessie B. Disbrow, Santa Cruz; Henrietta E. Disbrow Gilbert, Santa Cruz.

Eli Ralph Camp, San Bernardino; Marie R. Carew, San Francisco; Laura Kate Carlisle, Placer: Lucy A. Carpenter, Solano; Helen B. Carr, San Francisc; Teresa A. Carr, Shasta: Agnes Carroll, Santa Clara; Alice Carroll, Sutter; Mertie Bennett Carroll, Napa; Rose Lowrey Champlin, Tehama; Gertrude Charles, Humboldt; Marion Judson Cheatham, Glenn; Jessie A. Chisholm, Lassen; Jane D. Christiansen, Sutter; Kate Newman Church, Humboldt; Maud A. Clark, Lake; Sadie F. Clauson, Nevada; Eugene Francis Coleman Sr., Solano; Elvira Coleman, San Francisco; Margaret Elizabeth Conlin, Nevada; Mamie Connelly, Ventura; Nora Conners, Amador; Bessie Corby. Colusa; Hettie M. Corlett, San Francisco; Mary Ruth Cox, Contra Costa; Lennie Crawford, Lake; Vivienne Crise, San Diego; Helen T. Crocker, San Francisco; Leah Crolic, San Bernardino; Nancy Eugene Crookshanks, Tulare; Elvira S. Crosby, Placer; Margaret Ann Cullen, Butte; Mary A. Cunnane, Santa Barbara; Mollie A. Curtis, Del Norte; Mrs. Cora M. Davis, El Dorado; Lulu B. Davis, Contra Costa; Dee Thomas Davis, Napa; Mary Davis, Sutter; Anna Gertrude Dalton, Humboldt; Annie H. Dealey, San Francisco; B. F. Devore, Yuba; Joseph Dias, Alameda; Britta C. Dixon, Lassen: Leona Walker Dodds, Placer; Mary E. Doherty, San Francisco; Ella G. Dohn, Sonoma; M. Elma Dean Dorris, Josephine Downey, San Francisco; Lena M. Downey, Napa; Mame B. Dougherty, Alameda; James Francis Duncan, Solano; Jessie Alice Dunn, Shasta; Iola Dunning, Yuba; Morgiana Dunham, Fresno; K. Josephine Dyer, Placer.

W. A. Edgar, San Bernardino; Lizzie Endriss, El Dorado; Charles E. English, Shasta; Agnes G. C. Erb, Napa; Estelle Everett, San Francisco; Eva I. Fairweather, San Francisco, Estelle Farrington, Solano; Josie Finane, Sierra; Hilda Fleming, Napa, Mary L. Floyd, San Diego; Mary W. Foley, Napa. Anna Foster, Yolo; Elizabeth L. Fredricks, San Francisco; Edward A. Freeland, Amador.

Mary T. Gleason, San Francisco; Alvar Cantrell Glenn, San Joaquin; Dora B. Glines, Santa Barbara; Leander Good, Orange; Isidore Keller Grigsby, Napa; Anna M. Grozelier, San Francisco; Mae Van Gundy, Santa Barbara; Carrie Haas, San Francisco; May E. Hallaran, Humboldt; Nellie Hambley, Amador; Lizzie G Hannan, Calaveras; Harriet I. Haraszthy, Napa; Emily A. Hartrick, San Francisco; Elizabeth G. Haslam, Santa Cruz; Elisabeth E. Hauselt, Calaveras; Nettie B. Heath, Sacramento; Marie L. Hegardt, San Bernardino; Rose Hegardt, San Bernardino; Edith F. Henry, Tulare; Delia D. Hewitt, Alameda; Martha E. Hicks, Sacramento; Jeanie B. Hinds, San Francisco; Grace M. Hitchings, Humboldt; M. O. Holt, Placer; Addie B. Horton, San Francisco; Emily House, Humboldt; Euvelel Howard, Lake; Felix E. Huber, El Dorado; James R. Huffaker, Sutter; Kate A. Humphrey, San Francisco; Charlotte F. Hunt, San Francisco; John A. Imrie, Napa; Emma G. Ingemundsen, Napa.

Lula Jack, San Joaquin; Edith K. Johnson, Tehama; Mrs. Mary Johnston, Contra Costa; Charles H. Jones, San Joaquin; James Keith, Calaveras; Alice E, Kelly, Contra Costa; Mary Feeny Kelly, Sacramento; Henry A. Kendal, Humboldt; Annie B. Kennedy, Amador; Josephine T. Kenny, Alpine; Alice Kilgo, Placer; Augusta L. Kuhls, Alameda; Sallie V. Kyne. Fresno.

Margaret Lahaney, San Francisco; Freda Lambert, San Joaquin; Adeline B Latham, Shasta; Gertrude Leland, Santa Barbara; Esther Levingston, San Francisco; Annette M. Levy, San Francisco; Mary G. l'Hommedieu, San Francisco; Laura I. Lowdon, Shasta; Mrs Grace Eaton Lowrey, Tehama; Ellen Agnes Lynch. Tehama; Mrs. D. B. Lyon Jr., Tehama: Grace W. Lyons, Santa Barbara.

Elizabeth L. MacNeil, Sonoma: Julia G. Maher, San Francisco; Anna L. Martin, Orange; Mrs. Caroline Shaw Martin, Yolo; Kate Mason, Del Norte; Lewis M. Mason, Humboldt; Amanda Mathews, Monterey; Mary Eugenia May, Alpine; Harriet McAfee, San Francisco; Luella F. McCarthy, Santa Cruz; M. Emma McCroskey, Santa Barbara; Jessie H. McDole, Solano; Mary T. McDonnell, San Francisco; Maude McDowell, Orange; Louise McElroy, San Francisco; Eva McKee, San Francisco; A. W. McKenzie, Lassen; Mrs. Anna M. McLaughlin, Shasta; Minnie E. McLaughlan. Napa; Mary R. McLay, San Francisco; Jennie T. McLerie, San Francisco; Will L. McPherson, Mariposa; Gertrude Adair Miller, Nevada; M. Jennie Miller, Sonoma; Mrs. Elizabeth T. Mitchell, Placer; Kate A. Mitchell, Napa; Thomas B. Moffit, Calaveras; Julia A. Monahan, Placer; Laura K. Mullin, Amador: Edgar E. Muller, Shasta ; Rosa Murdock, San Francisco; Jennie L. Murphy, San Francisco: Joseph C. Miller, Ventura; Mamie

Meador, Lake; Gertrude L. McComber, San Bernardino; Kittie O. Martin, San Bernardino.

Lena K. Nangle, Tehama; Julia M. Neppert, San Francisco: Louise C. Neppert, San Francisco: Nellie Nevin, Nevada: N. J. Newby, Ventura: Jessie C. Nickle, Tehama; Maria Nolan, Napa; Walter C. Nolan, Sonoma; Ida J. Norton, Sonoma: Louise Nussberger, Napa: Addie Oakley, Santa Barbara; Margaret J. O Brien, San Francisco: Arthur T O'Connor, Nevada; Alice G. Sutton Ogden, Nevada; Mary E O'Leary, San Francisco; Emma J. Onyon, San Francisco; Elizabeth O'Sull van, San Francisco; Charlotte C. Otto, San Francisco; Cora E. Palmer, Napa; Adah A. Parker, Napa; Cora B. Patterson, Santa Barbara: Harriet Wayne Peacock, Tulare; Fannie M. Pease, San Diego; Mary Peltret, San Francisco; Ida M. Perl, San Francisco: Florence Perlet, San Francisco; Mary Lee Pettit, Yolo; W. B. Philliber, Lassen; Essie G. Phillips. San Francisco: Mrs. Jessie M. Plevin, San Francisco; Mrs. Annie C. Plummer, Placer; Ellen Wright Pritchard, Tehama; Mrs. K. Ludgate Prouty, Amador; May Quinn, Monterey.

Jennie B. Radke, Santa Cruz: Orville L. Raper, Glenn: A. A. Rathke, Alameda: H. G. Rawlins Glenn: Josephine Ensign Reynolds, Los Angeles; Esther Rhine, Contra Costa; Jane Richardson, Fresno: Josephine C. Rider, Napa; Martha H. Ritchie, San Francisco: Mrs. Ora Robbins, Tulare; Hattie E. Guptill Roberts, Humboldt; Alice S. Rogers, Fresno; Lydia Grace Ross, Santa Clara; Ida RowMonterey; George H. Runckle, Placer: John T. Russell, Los Angeles; Helen M. Rutherford, San Francisco; Matilda Ryan, Santa Clara; Mrs. Henry Sanguinetti, Calaveras; Bertha A. Brigham Sargent, Sonoma; Mrs. Mattie Saunders, Santa Barbara: Mabel M. Shafer, Sierra; Mary E. Shoemaker. Nevada; Howard P. Short, Butte; Effie Edith Smith, San Francisco; Jean E. Smith, Sonoma; Luella Smith, Santa Clara; Walter B. Smith, Colusa; Emma McL. Smithson, San Francisco; Annie C. Snyder, Calaveras; Hanna B. Sorrenson, Santa Clara; Mary F. Spaulding, Sacramento; Hattie A. Spencer, Orange; Winifred Spencer, Sonoma; Wirt D. Spencer, Calaveras; Lottie M. Stanley, Nevada; Mary B. Starbird, San Diego; Jessie Starratt, Fresno; Ida E. Stevens, Tulare; Mary A. Stewart, Fresno; Rose C. Stolz, San Francisco; Albertina M. Treadwell, Kings.

Inez Tarr, Ventura; Mildred A. Thomas, Los Angeles; Arabella Thompson, Monterey: Minnie J. Thurber, Santa Cruz; Robert Hunter Thurmond, Santa Barbara; Annie Tiling, San Francisco; John Toland, Yuba: W. D. Tubbs, San Bernardino; Mrs. Eva R. Turner, Sonoma; Maude M. Tuttle, Santa Cruz.

Mary J. Vignant, El Dorado; Nettie Vinyard, Modoc; J. Edward Wall, Fresno; H. L. Ward, Fresno; Susie A. Ward, San Francisco; Lafayette W. Warmoth Jr., Tehama; Mrs. Waldo S. Waterman, San Diego; Theresa D. Wesson, Calaveras; Charles E. White, Orange; May E. White, Sonoma; Elizabeth Whitney, Marin: Henry Adolph Wierwille, San Bernardino; Anna L. Williams, Modoc; Bertha A. McCray Williams, Sonoma: Helen C. Wight, Contra Costa; M. Louise Wight, Contra Costa: May E. Wolf, Sacramento, Isabel S. Wolf, San Francisco; Ollie Wolfenbarger, Tulare; Miss Willie Wood, San Diego; H. D. Wylie, Glenn. Ella Sherburn Yoerk, Sacramento, Joseph Rankin Young, Glenn; Mary D. Williams, Sonoma. Catherine Lessard Zane, Humboldt.

Document to Accompany State University Diploma.

Marion Sargeant Blanchard, San Francisco; Francis Herbert Dam, San Francisco; Mary L. Leddy Sonoma.

Special High School Life Diploma.

James J. Schmit, San Francisco: Walter A. Tenney, Fresno.

New Issue Life Diploma.

Margaret S. Murray, Humboldt. Originally dated March 28, 1878.

Duplicate Life Diploma Grammar School.

Mary C. Flaridon, Placer. Date of original Jan, 3, 1898.

The committee on the selection of text-books for use in the high schools of the State submitted a report embodying additions and changes to the list already printed in the following subjects: Latin, Greek, History, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Physical Geography, Zoology, Geology, Botany, Geometry, Arithmetic, Algebra; and a list of text-books in the subjects of English, German, French, and Spanish. A complete list of these textbooks will probably be published before the opening of the next school year. After much discussion, the Board adopted the following rules and regulations to govern the State Board, County and City and County Boards of Education of California, in the granting of high school credentials and certificates:

The State Board of Education of the State of California adopts the following Rules and Regulations for its own guidance in the granting of Credentials for High School Certificates, and for the guidance of County, and City and County Boards of Education in granting High School Certificates:

1. On and after the first day of July, 1901, and until further notice, County, or City and County Boards

of Education are authorized to grant High School Certificates (according to law as provided in Sections 1521 (2) (a), and 1775 (1) (a), of the Political Code of California), to graduates of the following Universities:

University of California.

Cornell University.
University of Michigan.
Johns Hopkins University.
University of Wisconsin.

University of Nebraska.
University of Indiana.

University of Illinois.

Columbia University (Teachers' College).

Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Brown University.

State University of Iowa.

Yale University.

Harvard University.

University of Minnesota.

University of Chicago.
Clark University.

Graduates of the above mentioned colleges may be granted certificates upon presentation of a recom. mendation from the faculty of any one of these institutions; provided, that such recommendation shall show that the applicant has taken courses in the theory of education, or in the actual practice of teaching, under supervision of the pedagogical faculty, equivalent to twelve hours per week for one-half year; provided, that after July, 1906, at least one-third of the prescribed pedagogy shall consist of actual teaching in a well equipped training school of secondary grade, directed by the department of education.

2. Under the provision of Section 1521 (2) (b), and Section 1775 (1) (a) of the Political Code of the State of California, the State Board of Education may issue special credentials for high school certificates to those who have taught with decided success at least twenty-seven months as regular teachers in schools of the academic grade and character of California high schools. The success of such teachers will be determined by confidential letters and such other reliable information as the Board may be able to obtain.

3. A graduate of a college of recognized high academic standing, who has had pedagogical training equivalent to that prescribed by this Board for graduates of the University of California, and who has taught two years (tweuty months) subsequent to graduation, may be granted the special high school credential, upon which a County, or a City and County Board may grant a high school certificate. The success in teaching of those making application for credentials under this provision, will be determined by confidential letters, or by any other reliable information which the Board may be able to obtain.

It will be the policy of this Board to demand high scholarship and marked skill in teaching of all suecessful applicants for special credentials, whether they be college graduates or not. In order that the Board may be able to satisfy itself thoroly concerning the fitness of an applicant, ample time will be required for the necessary investigation before final action is taken. No one will be granted the special credential who is diseased, or lacking in normal bodily vigor.

4. In accord with an opinion rendered by the Attorney-General, the State Board of Education will not grant a credential for a teacher's certificate to an applicant who is not a resident of the State of California.

5. Every application for a teacher's credential under the foregoing rules must be accompanied by a reputable physician's certificate, to the effect that the applicant is in sound bodily health. This rule to be in force and effect from and after January 18, 1902.

To cover the purposes of the provisions of sub. 5 of section 1775 of the Political Code, the State Board of Education designated the following Uuiversities as of equal rank with the State University of California, and graduates from the same, upon compliance with law and with the rules of the State Board, may be granted the University Document, to-wit:

Leland Stanford Jr. University, California.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Cornell University, Ithica, New York.
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Columbia University (Teachers' College) New York,
N. Y.

In compliance with Sec. 10 of the Act of 1885 in reference to the State series of text-books, the State Board voted to continue the same schedule of prices for State text-books for the coming school year. Under the provisions, of sub. 2 (b) section granted the special high school credential:

[blocks in formation]

1521, the following were

R. D. Hunt, San Jose.
A. E. Shumate, San Jose.

The State Board did not deem it wise at this time to increase the list of accredited Colleges, and therefore the applications of Dartmouth College, Pomona College, and University of Colorado for accrediting, were denied. THOMAS J. KIRK, Secretary.


The following letter is self-explanatory:

Sacramento, January 6, 1902. S

Hon. T. J. Kirk, Superintendent of Public Instruction:

DEAR SIR: In compliance with law, I have the honor to report as follows: The securities held in trust by the State Treasurer for the support of Common Schools consist of bonds of the State of California, aggregating one million seven hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred dollars ($1,726,500), together with bonds of various counties of the State, amounting to one million nire hundred and three thousand two hundred dollars ($1.903,200), which are described as follows:

State Funded Debt Bonds of 1873-six per cent.........

Fresno County Bonds-six per cent...

Glenn County Bonds-four and one half per cent

Humboldt County Bonds-seven per cent...

Inyo County Bonds-five per cent.........

Kern County Bonds-four and one half per cent

Kings County Bonds-four per cent....

Lake County Bonds-five per cent.....

Los Angeles County B nds-four and one halt per cent.

Los Angeles County Bonds-five per cent..

Marin County Bonds-five per cent...

Marin County Bonds-four per cent

Mendocino County Bond-four per cent.

Merced County Bonds-four and one hlf per cent..

Mono County Bonds-five per cent

Monterey County Bonds-four per cent...

Placer County Bonds-five per cent...

Sacramento County Bonds-four and one half per cent
Sacramento County Bonds-six per cent.
Sacramento County Bonds-four per cent..

San Diego County Bonds-five per cent..

San Diego County Bonds-four and one half per cent

San Joaquin County Bonds-five per cent.....

San Joaquin County Bonds-four per cent...

San Francisco Depot Bonds-four per cent

San Francisco Park Improvement Bonds-six per cent...

San Luis Obispo County Bonds-five per cent..

San Luis Obispo County Bonds-six per cent.

Santa Clara County Bonds-four per cent....

Santa Cruz County Bonds-four and one half per cent...
Shasta County Bonds-five per cent

Trinity County Bonds-five per cent

Total securities held in trust for School Fund..

[blocks in formation]

The money in the State Treasury belonging to the State School Fund, subject to apportionment, is two million four hundred and fifty thousand fifty-four dollars and seventy cents ($2,450,054 70, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

SACRAMENTO, Cal., January 7, 1902.)

To the State Controller et al.:

Having received the foregoing statement of the amount of State school money in the State Treasury at this date, I have apportioned said money to the several counties, as follows:

[blocks in formation]


15,796 48


2,742 08




27,158 40


34,230 08



20,355 68



23,242 08





26,161 28

13,697 28



39,845 44



22,041 60


372,945 $2,446,519 20

Total number of census children between five and seventeen years of age as reported by the County Superintendents, June, 1901, entitled to receive school money, 372,945; amount apportioned, $2,446,506.08; amount per census child, $6.56; amount unapportioned, $3,548.62.

THOMAS J. KIRK, Superintendent of Public Instruction.

The Proceedings of the Southern California


The editor of the JOURNAL is responsible for the cutting of the manuscripts furnished by the speakers of the meeting of the Southern California Teachers' Association. It was a difficult task. President Avery's address, Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews' Anti-Cassandra, Prof. C. C. Plehn's recital of life in the Philippines, Superintendent Foshay's interesting talk, and some others, are published in full. Many of the addresses were not submitted at all. Other addresses, like that of Ednah Rich, which we hope later to publish in full, have been spoiled by the cutting. As a rule, however, the extracts are quite complete, and certainly very effective. President Lewis B. Avery originated the idea of printing the proceedings in the OFFICIAL JOURNAL. We are satisfied that it is an innovation that will be followed in future years. Secretary Guthrie has acted with great care and promptness in supplying the manuscripts and attending to the various details of publication.

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