Completely Parsed Caesar Gallic War, Book I. BY REV. JAMES B. FINCH, M. A., D. D. CLOTH-$1.50 POSTPAID-400 PAGES. The Latin words in the Latin order just as Caesar wrote them: with the exact literal English equivalent of each Latin word directly under it (interlined); and with a second, elegant translation in the margin; also with Footnotes in which every word is completely parsed, and all constructions explained, with References to the leading Latin grammars. Each page complete-Latin text, interlinear literal translation, marginal flowing translation, parsingall at a glance without turning a leaf! Completely Scanned and Parsed Aeneid, I. Ready August, 1900. HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, 4-5-6-12-13-14 Cooper Institute, N. V. City. Schoolbooks of all publishers at one store. Send for catalogue of TEACHERS; Embossed, Fringed, Frosted, Gift Cards, Drawing, Reading, The Lyceum An accredited preparatory school for the University, Law and Medical Colleges for Teachers' Examinations, Etc. The instruction, largely individual or in small classes. is given by able University professors of large experience and abreast of the latest and best educational methods. PROF. L. H. GRAU, PH.D., Principal, formerly of Stanford University. PHELAN BUILDING, San Francisco. Send for Catalog. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. ESTABLISHEed 1852. OLD SERIES: GOLDEN ERA, VOL. XLVI. SAN FRANCISCO: FEBRUARY, 1902. NEW SERIES: VOL. VII Proceedings and Official Program OF THE Tenth Annual Meeting of the Southern California Teachers' Los Angeles, California, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Dec. 18, 19, and 20, 1901. Supervising Principal, Redondo. Superintendent Riverside County, Riverside. Supervisor Manual Training, Santa Barbara. Treasurer Principal San Pedro Street Grammar School, Los Angeles. COMMITTEES Local Committee on General Arrangements - Head chairman, J. H. Francis, Principal Commercial High School, Los Angeles. HOTELS- Edward Dolland, chairman; Arthur Brown, B. W. Griffith. HALLS — H. G. Crocker, chairman; Mark Keppel, C. J. Fox, Bert Kinney. GENERAL RECEPTION-M. C. Bettinger, chairman; J. B. Monlux. B. H. Donnell, Mrs. Fannie H. Byram, Mae Stansbury, Kate Osgood, W. L. Frew (Long Beach), N. S. Smith (Monrovia), Mary S. Murphy, Mary F. Claypool, Helen E. Hunt, C. I. D. Moore (Santa Monica). MUSIC- Kathryn E. Stone, chairman; Jennie Hagan, Mrs. M. G. Dunster, T. J. Phillips, F. A. Bouelle, Winona Huntley, J. M. McPherron, Hattie Rice (Pasadena), A. D. Hunter (Pomona). BADGES-Katherine B. Ross, chairman; Nellie Shine, Mrs. Laura I. Thompson, J. Jeanette Haver mann, Gertrude Henderson. SCHOOL BOOKS AND APPLIANCES-E. P. Rowell, chairman; B. W. Reed. Membership and Introduction-Los Angeles: Supt. J. H. Strine, Deputy Supt. J. B. Millard, Asst. Supt. W. W. Tritt, Kate E. Smith, A. E. Baker, Mrs. C. P. Bradfield, Julia Bruere. Santa Barbara: Supt. W. S. Edwards, Supt. W. A. Wilson, Principal H. N. Caldwell (Lompoc). San Bernardino: Supt. A. S. McPherron, Supt. L. C. Bahr, Principal George Green (Colton, Principal D. C. Reed (Redlands). Riverside: Supt. Edward Hyatt, Supt. Howard L. Lunt, Principal E. B. Oakley (San Jacinto). Resolutions Chairman, W. H. Housh, Principal Los Angeles High School; Edward T. Pierce, President State Normal School, Los Angeles; Howard L. Lunt, Supt. City Schools of Riverside; W. F. Bliss, State Normal School, San Diego; Melville Dozier, State Normal School, Los Angeles: Lulu Claire Bahr, Supt. City Schools, San Bernardino; J. D. Graham, Supt. City Schools, Pasadena; Geo. L. Sackett, Supt. Ventura County; Ednah A. Rich, Santa Barbara. Ushers-Section 1 - Nellie M. Petray, Chairman; Christine M. Benson, Mary E. Blanford, Ethel D. Brooks, Leah M. Bletsoe, Olga H. Dorn, Bessie Powell, Frances Bristor, Ruth B. Atherton, Edith Carpenter, E. Louise Clarke, Frances Kingery, Bessie M. Cox, Edith M. Hodgkins, Lillian E. Dangbein, Belle McKenzie, Kathrine Myers. Section 2- F. A. Hazzard, Chairman; Roy Porter, E. W. Lawrence, B. G. Fanning, M. W. Lorbeer, Arthur M. Abbott, Melvin Neel, W. E. White, Stuart Laughlin, Clarence Dickison, Wirt C. Williams. PROGRAM Wednesday Evening, 8 O'clock, at the Simpson Auditorium. Organ Solo-Triumphal March"-Sullivan-Miss Blanche Rogers; Invocation, Rev. J. H. Williams, D.D., Redlands, First Congregational Church. President's address. Vocal Solo-selected-Mr. Joseph Dupuy. Address, "The Humane in Education," Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President University, Berkeley, Cal. Thursday Forenoon, 9 to 11:30 O'clock, High School Building. ROUND TABLES. All are invited to take part in the discussions of the Round Tables, Kindergarten and First Grade-Commercial High School, Room 11. Chairman, Miss Lulu Mitchell, Supervisor Kindergarten, Santa Barbara. (1) Language Work in Kindergarten and First Grade.-Lucille Potter, First Grade, Lincoln School, Santa Barbara. Discussion led by Mrs. M. Reese. (2) Children's Stories.-E. Donnahey. Discussion led by Virginia Pease, Pasadena. (3) Christmas Songs and How to Sing Them. Child Study-High School, Room 3. Chairman, F. A. Wagner, Supervising Principal, Redlands. Secretary, Anna M. Hurley, City Schools, Pasadena. (1) Some of the Normal and Diseased Conditions of the Physical Life of a Child as Related to its Edu'cation.-Dr. George E. Abbott, Pasadena. Discussion: Dr. George S. Hull, Pasadena; James H. Hoose, Department of History and Economics, University of Southern California. (2) A review of G. Stanley Hall's article in September number of the Forum, "The Ideal School as Based Upon Child Study."- Harry M. Shafer, Director of Training School, State Normal School, San Diego. Discussion: That Theory of Stages in a Child's Development.- Frederic Burk, Ph.D., President State Normal School, San Francisco. THE KINDERGARTEN- Mary F. Ledyard, Supervisor of Kindergartens, Los Angeles. LANGUAGE- Emily M. Stetson, Department of English, High School, Covina. GEOGRAPHY-James F. Chamberlain, Department of Geography, State Normal School, Los Angeles. The Present System Not Altogether a Failure.-W. H. Housh, Prin. High School, Los Angeles. General Discussion. Conclusion-Thomas P. Bailey Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education, University of Chicago. Eighth Grade-High School, Room 14. Chairman, J. E. Hamilton, Supervising Principal and President County Board of Education, Santa Maria. Secretary, Cassie Davidson, Grammar School, San Diego. (1) Self-Reliance.-C. E. Hawley, Citrus Avenue School, Redlands. (2) History in the Seventh and Eighth Grades.-F. W. Conrad, San Bernardino. (3) English Grammar; Its Use and Abuse.-G. S. Metcalf, Santa Barbara County. (4) How Much Grammar Shall We Teach in the Eighth Year?-Arthur G. Balaam, Member County Board of Education, Santa Barbara County. Discussion of all subjects. Mathematics in the Grades-Commercial High School, Room 10. Chairman, Frank H. Hyatt, Supervising Principal, Pomona.. (1) A New Psychology of Number.-C. T. Meredith, State Normal School, San Diego. Discussion led by W. B. French, San Pedro, and A. W. Plummer, Prin. Sixth Street School, Los Angeles. (2) A-Is Enough Time and Prominence Given to the Subject of Arithmetic in Our School Programs?— Robert L. Fraisher, Anaheim. B-Is Enough Time Given to the Development and Statement of Arithmeti. cal Principles of General Value? Or is Not Too Much Emphasis Placed on Working Examples?-Lucille B. Hornbeck, Los Angeles. C-In General, Are We Not Following Too Much the System Resulting From the New York Regents' Plans, Cramming for Examination-i. e., Getting the Cart Before the Horse?-Jean Loomis, Pomona. Discussion. |