TO THE CLERK :- This is the Official Journal of Education. The law requires that it be filed in the School Library before the close of each month. THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION OCTOBER, 1902 Contents The Child as An Individual. Current Educational Thought.. As the British Look at it; What do we Mean by the Teaching Spirit? Methods and Devices for Schoolroom Work... Geography and Methods; Silent Reading, Nellie York Spangler; English Opinion on the Relation of our Educational System to American Commerce.. 516 523 144 Volumes of fresh and interesting reading, for all grades, profusely illustrated and handsomely bound, including Equipoise of MIND AND BODY DR. NOE'S METHOD PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Adds Ten Years to Your Life. The Best Endowment Life Insurance, Endows You with Good Health. You Become Your Own Banker, in a Bank of Health, where your Check will Never be Dishonored I am teaching intelligent men and women every day, thru my personal and correspond. ence course of instruction, how to overcome weak and ill-formed bodies, adding brain capacity and a strong memory, giving good digestion and assimulation, overcoming all forms of nervousness, insomnia, and many forms of paralysis and spinal curvature, liver troubles, constipation, and rheumatism. My system does not overtax your heart and other organs while building up your body, as many other systems do, while otherwise it increases organic life, giving strength to weak hearts and other involuntary organs; as a result of which weak eyes are readily made strong. This system of Physiological and Psychological Development of mind and body is original with me. After eighteen years of experience in the practice of medicine and surgery, looking into all forms and methods, I had discovered by applying Psychology scientifically with Physiology, we could become masters of our own troubles. . With my method NO APPARATUS WHATEVER IS REQUIRED, and you will be put to no expense aside from a modest fee. Conscientiously and systematically follow my instructions, and I can promise you a fine, strong, well-developed physique which bears every evidence of perfect manhood or womanhood; a clear brain; a light step; a splendid circulation that will make itself known in a ruddy complexion and erect carriage. If you are too fat, I can reduce your weight In other words, I give you Greater Strength. If I could have a face to face talk with you, women. I am treating, teaching, and helping intelligent men and women every day, and would be glad of the opportunity to prove to you that I can cure you. Booklets entitled "My Experience," "Man," and "Terms" free on application. Address AMON T. NOE, M. D. 705 Starr-King Building, San Francisco, Cal. |