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149 29 M


30 Tu

151 31 W

H. M.
3 11 morn.
7 15 morn.
2 13 morn.

7 21 eve.


H. M.
2 41 morn.

6 45 morn.
I 43 morn.

6 51 eve.

May formerly was sacred to Apollo;
The ancients little thought of what would follow-
That May, descending as time onward rolls,
Should e'er by Fate be made the fête of "Poles."

May will probably enter cold and unsettled, with cold rains and sleet and snowfalls in sections of Province of Quebec, Northern New York State, and at some western points about 2d and 3d, followed by warmer weather generally between the 4th and 7th days.

4th Sunday after Easter.

Probable change again to cool and unsettled weather between 7th and 10th of month. After 10th generally fair and warm weather, with periods of sultriness and storms, which it would be foolish to attempt to fix to date.

Warm to hot about 12th and 13th, with strong winds. Bush-fires likely in many sections.

Rogation Sunday.

A general week of fine summer-like weather, with the usual periods of sultriness and storm in a May month.

Indications of a change toward the 21st.

Ascension Day.

Pretty hot weather up to 19th, with frequent storms of thunder and lightning.

Sunday after Ascension.

Cooler and unsettled weather, with high winds generally; cool to cold rains and backward signs. Stormy weather in western sections probable about 25th and 26th. Warm and sultry weather with strong winds through remainder of month. Smoky weather. Altogether a very changeable month, with great range of temperature from frost-line to full summer heat.


Warmer and more unsettled weather in most sections up to close of month. There is just a possibility of the cool and unsettled term occurring at the close of May instead of between the 21st and 28th, as given here; but I am inclined to place greater faith in the latter view.


VENNOR? The Canadian seer seems to have been forecasting the weather pretty accurately of late. Perhaps he will let us know just how much water we shall have this summer. As a measure of economy, the government might discontinue the Signal Service, and save the expense of "probabilities" by hiring the venerable Saturn of Canada to gauge the weather.-Paper Trade Four.

MR. VENNOR: Respected Sir-If you will compromise on-say three feet and a little higher temperature, call immediately and sign papers. Yours, truly,


Anfang des Monats wahrscheinlich kalt und veränderlich. Kalte Regengüsse, Schnee mit Regen vermengt, und Schneestürme in Theilen von Quebec, im nördlichen Theil von New York, und in verschiedenen westlichen Gegenden, ungefähr am 2ten und 3ten; zwischen den 4ten und 7ten, wärmeres Wetter.

4ter Sonntag nach Ostern.

Zwischen 7ten und 10ten wahrscheinlich kühl und veränderlich. Nach dem 10ten schönes warmes Wetter, zuweilen schwüle Tage und Stürme, für welche es thöricht wäre zu ver suchen einen Datum anzugeben. Ungefähr am 12ten und 13ten, warmes Wetter und starker Wind. In vielen Gegenden wahrscheinlich Buschfeier.

Sonntag, Rogate.

Während der Woche schönes, warmes Wetter, zuweilen schwül und stürmisch, wie im Mai gewöhnlich; gegen Ende der Woche, Zeichen einer annähernden Veränderung. Himmelfahrt Chrifti.

Ziemlich heißes Wetter bis zum 19ten, öfters Gewitter.

Sonntag, Exaudi.

Kühleres Wetter, veränderlich, starker Wind; kühle, sogar kalte Regengüsse. Im Westen wahrscheinlich stürmisches Wetter am 25ten und 26ten; bis zu Ende des Monats, warm und schwül, und starker Wind. Im ganzen, ein sehr veränderlicher Monat, mit Temperatur-Wechsel von Frost zu Sommer-Hiße.


Bis zu Ende des Monats, wärmer und veränderlich. Es wäre möglich daß die Periode von kühles und veränderliches Wetter am Schluß des Monats, ansatt, wie oben ange geben, zwischen dem 21ten und 28ten stattfinden wird; meines Erachtens nach, ist lettere Bermuthung am wahrscheinlichsten.

MAY is the fifth month in the year, reckoned from our first of January, and the third, counting the year to begin with March, as the Romans anciently did. The derivation of the name is in doubt, but it is supposed it was called Maius by Romulus from respect to the senators and nobles of his city, who were named majores, as the following month was called Junius in honor of the youth of Rome who served him in the war; though some will have it to have been thus called from Maia, the mother of Mercury.

In this month the sun enters Gemini, and the plants of the earth in general begin to flower. From an early period it was the custom for all ranks of people in England, France, and other European countries to go out "a-Maying," as it was called, early on the 1st of May. The month of May has ever been esteemed favorable to love, and yet the ancients, as well as many moderns, look on it as an unhappy month for marriage. The original reason may perhaps be referred to the feast of the Lemures, which was held in it.

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H. M.

2.43 eve. II 20 morn.

O 43 eve.

O II eve.

Juno and June so nearly are the same,
One from the other must have got its name;
The sign is Cancer, "Crab," and all admit,
That Juno's crabbed temper it will fit.

Warm to hot and dry weather. Rains required in most sections; indications of their approach.

Trinity Sunday.

Rainy weather probable in North-west and West; light showers and warm weather in most other sections. Heavier rainfalls about the 9th and 10th days, ending in cooler weather.

Corpus Christi. Muggy, oppressive weather with heavy showers, and probably storms of thunder and lightning.

1st Sunday after Trinity.

Probably much cooler weather, with cool to cold nights in Canada and northern sections United States, and rains West during early portion of week. Quite a marked relapse in many localities. Storms of wind and hail probable in Western Ontario. There will probably be frosts in some northern sections and Canada.

2d Sunday after Trinity.

Rains and frosts may occur about the 20th, 21st, or 22d in Canada and United States, South and West, and cool showers and unsettled weather are likely to prevail through greater portion of week in the majority of sections. Frost may cause considerable damage to crops during this period. Warmer weather generally toward the 24th and 25th.

3d Sunday after Trinity.

Probably warmer, with wind- and rain-storms, and periods of hot and sultry weather, with storms, through Canada and Western and Southern United States. The month is likely to end hot and sultry, with rainand thunder-storms in same sections.

SPECIAL NOTE.-Reader, when you come to test my probabilities for the month of JUNE, please understand that they date from September 25, 1881, nearly nine months back; consequently, they must be dealt with liberally. I do not claim to be altogether "a prophet."

My predictions for each of the subsequent months will appear in "Stoddart's Review," published monthly by J. M. Stoddart & Co., Philadelphia, sufficiently in advance to give the forecast in considerable detail for each succeeding month.



Warm und trocken. Regen überall verlangt. Zeichen annähernde Regengüsse.

Sonntag, Trinitatis.

Im Westen und Nord-Westen, regnerisch; leichter Regen und warmes Wetter in den meisten andern Gegenden. Schwere Regengüsse ungefähr am 9ten und 10ten. Kühleres Wetter.


Schweres, drückendes Wetter, mit schwere Regengüsse, und wahrscheinlich Gewitter. 1ster Sonntag nach Trinitatis.

Anfangs der Woche wahrscheinlich viel fühler; in Canada und nördlichen Theilen der Vereinigten Staaten, kühle, sogar kalte Nächte; im Westen, Regengüsse. In vielen Gegenden eine sehr bemerkbare Linderung der Temperatur. Im westlichen Ontario, wahrscheinlich Windstürme und Hagel. In manchen nördlichen Districten wird es wahrscheinlich Frost geben.

2ter Sonntag nach Trinitatis.

Ungefähr am 20ten, 21ten oder 22ten, Regengüsse und Frost wahrscheinlich in Canada und Vereinigten Staaten, füdlich und westlich; während der Woche kühle Regengüsse und veränderliches Wetter in den meisten Gegenden. Es ist möglich daß durch Frost die Ernte um ungefähr diese Zeit beträchtlich beschädigt wird. Gegen den 24ten und 25ten, warmes Wetter.

Ster Sonntag nach Trinitatis.

In Canada und in den westlichen uud südlichen Staaten, wärmeres Wetter, Windftürme und Regengüsse; heiße und schwüle Tage mit Stürme. Ende des Monats, wahrscheinlich heiß und schwül; in manchen Gegenden, Regengüsse und Gewitter.


THE LATE STORM-PERIOD.-Mr. Vennor again, unfortunately, "guessed" only too well in predicting, both in his late Almanac and revised forecast for June, the storm-period which has just swept ever a large portion of North America. His prediction, dating from September of 1880 (Almanac, page 21), reads as follows: "The neighborhood of the 29th is likely to prove stormy in Western Ontario and Western United States, the storms being, in all probability, accompanied by thunder and lightning and hail.” In his more recent revision of this prediction he added the 28th day as within the storm-period, and, as seen by our telegraph despatches, on both of these dates (28th and 29th) storms, tornadoes, and thunder and lightning prevailed throughout Ontario and the Western States, causing damage everywhere, as well as loss of life. Mr. Vennor informs us that this prediction was based upon his theory of "recurring periods," and that this is but the commencement of a series of similar disturbances which are to run through the present month.

A FREQUENT change of wind, with agitation in the clouds, denotes a storm. If the wind follows the sun's course, expect fair weather.

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H. M.
o 48 morn.
4 32 eve.
I 41 morn.
4 57 morn.
8 42 morn.


H. M.
o 18 morn.
4 2 eve.
I II morn.
4 27 morn.
8 12 morn.


This month Quintilis, or "the fifth," was reckon-
Till Julius Cæsar gave a first and second;
From which arrangement it at once appears
That Julius Cæsar has prolonged our years.

4th Sunday after Trinity.

If the first of July it be rainy weather,

It will drizzle for a month together.

If Bullion's day (July 4th) be dry, there will be a good harvest.

The moon with a circle brings water in her beak.

5th Sunday after Trinity.

The aurora borealis when very bright forebodes stormy, moist, unsettled weather.

A haze around the sun indicates rain: it is caused by fine rain falling in the upper regions of the air; when it occurs, a rain of five or six hours' duration may be expected.

6th Sunday after Trinity.

In this month is St. Swithin's day (15th),

On which, if that it rain, they say

Full forty days after it will

Of more or less some rain distil.

203 22 Sa

7th Sunday after Trinity.

204 23 S 205 24 M 25 Tu


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A halo round the moon is an indication of rain, it being produced by fine rain in the upper regions of the atmosphere.

The larger the halo, the nearer the rain-clouds and the sooner rain may be expected.

A halo round the sun has often been followed by heavy rains.

8th Sunday after Trinity.

ALTERNATIONS of very hot and stormy weather, with frequent rains, generally up to about 10th of month. Some of these storms in Western Canada and Western United States are likely to be very severe, causing much damage. A cooler change between the 10th and 13th, with, possibly, a frosty night or two. Hot and oppressive weather, with heavy rain- and wind-storms, between 15th and 20th. A great deal of rain and storm so far this month. Between 20th and 23d cooler and windy weather, with continued rains and cool evenings and nights. Between 24th and 26th there is likely to occur a very hot term. After the 26th or 27th, sultry, warm, and oppressive weather, with thunder-storms, up to close of month. There may be indications of a cooler change about the last day of month-probably, altogether, a muggy and reeking wet month, very different from that of 1881.

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