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Health, like wealth, is not valued until it is lost. READ! JUDGE!! ACT!!!


Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, All Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and Pulmonary Organs.




This engraving represents the Lungs in a healthy state.

Allen's Lung Balsam

is your hope. It has been tried by thousands such as you, who have been cured. Many in their gratitude have lent their names to us, that suffering humanity can read their evidence and believe. Don't experiment with new and untried mixtures-you cannot afford it--but try at once this invaluable article.

The almost universal recommendation of physicians in their practice everywhere, the enormous distribution all over the United States, Canada and parts of Europe are unmistakable evidences of its

intrinsic value.

It is harmless to the most delicate child.

It contains no Opium in any form.

Caution.-Call for Allen's Lung Balsam, and shun the use of all remedies without merit.

AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL. For sale by all Medicine Dealers.

J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors,


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Yellow Wrapper for Animal and White for Human Flesh.

"Whether for use on man or beast, Merchant's Garling Oil will be found an invaluable Liniment, and worthy of use by every resident in the land. We know of no proprietary medicine or article now used in the United States which shares the good will of the people to a greater degree than this. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for human flesh."-New York Independent.


We are now and have been for some years, preparing the Oil free from stain, to be used as a common liniment for human flesh, extracting the coloring ingredient which has heretofore rendered it objectionable. This Oil possesses all the medicinal properties of that prepared with the dark tinge for horses and cattle, and will be found one of the best remedies for all purposes where a liniment is required that has ever been manufactured.

From J. K. Fisher, Uniontown, Pa., Jan. 31, 1857.-"Your Gargling Oil is doing much better here than formerly, since its virtues have become known; and the bottles put up for family use, without stain are much sought for."

The Gargling Oil called "Family Oil," although prepared intentionally for human flesh, answers as well for beasts; vice versa, the dark Oil answers as well for human flesh, only it will stain and discolor the skin, but not permanently. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for human flesh.

GARGLING OIL LINIMENT AS AN INTERNAL REMEDY. Merchant's Gargling Oil is a diffusible stimulant and carminative. It can be taken internally when such a remedy is indicated, and is a good substitute for pain killers, cordials and anodynes. For Cramps or Spasms of the Stomach, Colic, Asthma, or Internal Pain, the dose may be from fifteen to twenty drops, on sugar, or mixed with syrup in any convenient form, and repeated at intervals of three to six hours. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for human flesh.

Merchant's Cargling Oil is the Standard Liniment of the United States, Established 1833. Large size, $1.00; medium, 50c.; small, 25c.; small size for family use, 25c. Manufactured at Lockport, N. Y., M. G. Ó. Co., and sold by all druggists.

JOHN HODGE, Secretary.



A preparation of the phosphates of lime, magnesia, potash and iron with phosphoric acid, in such form as to be readily assimilated by the system.

Especially Recommended


Dyspepsia, Mental & Physical Exhaustion,

Indigestion, Headache,

Wakefulness, Nervousness, Impaired Vitality, Gravel and Diabetes, Seasickness, etc.

It is a pleasant and nutritious SUBSTITUTE FOR LEMONS OR LIME JUICE in the preparation of "Lemonade" or other acidulated drinks, with or without alcoholic stimulants,

DR. C. O. FILES of Portland, Me, says:

"Through the summer, I find that Horsford's Acid Phosphate affords the most refreshing drink I have ever used. After perspiring freely, when cold water has utterly failed to satisfy my thirst, it has accomplished the purpose with the most perfect success."

DR. HM HENRY, the widely known and eminent family physician of New York, says:

"Horsford's Acid Phosphate possesses claims as a beverage, beyond anything I know of in the form of medicine and in nervous diseases I know of no preparation to equal it "

W. L. ATLEE, M. D., of Philadelphia, says:


Having used Horsford's Acid Phosphate very extensively in my practice, which consists mostly of uterine diseases and disorders incident thereto, it is with pleasure I attest my appreciation of its usefulness."

A pamphlet giving further particulars will be mailed free on application to the manufacturers, the


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Is invaluable as an Infant's Food.

In any weather Mr. Vennor predicts

If your infant is delicate use Nestle's Milk Food, and unless there is organic disease you will save the life of the little one.

Can be had of all Druggists and good family Grocers.



Sole Proprietors.

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small]


be obtained. The character of

Landreth's Seeds

has been substantiated beyond all question.

They are the Standard for Quality.

Over 1500 acres in Garden Seed Crops under our own cultivation.

Ask your Storekeeper for them in original sealed packages, or drop us a postal card for prices and Catalogue.

Wholesale Trade Prices to Dealers on application.

David Landreth & Sons,

Seed Growers and Merchants,

21 & 23 South Sixth Street,


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