Away; difperfe: But, till 'tis one o'clock, Our dance of custom, round about the oak Fal. Heavens defend me from that Welch fairy! Evz. A trial, come.- Mrs. Ford. Sir John, we have had ill luck; we could never meet. I will never take you for my love again, but I will always count you my deer. Fal. I do begin to perceive that I am made an ass. Ford. Ay, and an ox too; both the proofs are extant. Fal. And these are not fairies? I was three or four times in the thought they were not fairies : and yet the guiltiness of my mind, the sudden furprize of my powers, drove the groffness of the. foppery into a receiv'd belief, in despight of the teeth of all rhime and reason, that they were fairies. See now, how wit may be made a Jack-alent 5, when 'tis upon ill employment! Eva. Sir John Falstaff, serve Got, and leave [They bu 'n bim with their tapers, and pinch him. your defires, and fairies will not pinse you. Come, will this wood take fire? Fal. Oh, oh, oh! Quic. Corrupt, corrupt, and tainted in defire! About him, fairies; fing a scornful rhime: Eva. It is right; indeed, he is full of leacheries and iniquity. The SONG, Fie on fuful phantafy! Fie on luft and luxury 3! Luft is but a blody fire 4, Kindled with unchaste defire, Fed in heart; whose flames afpire, As thoughts do blow them, higher and bigber. Pinch bim, fairies, mutually : Pinch bim, and bu'n bim, and turn him about, Ford. Well faid, fairy Hugh. Eva. And leave your jealoufies alfo, I pray you. thou art able to woo her in good English. Fal. Have I lay'd my brain in the fun, and dried it, that it wants matter to prevent fo gross o'erreaching as this? Am I ridden with a Welch goat too? shall I have a coxçomb of frize 6? 'tis time I were choak'd with a piece of toafted cheese. Eva. Seefe is not good to give putter; your pelly is all putter. Fal. Seefe and putter! have I liv'd to stand in the taunt of one that makes fritters of English? this is enough to be the decay of luft and latewalking, through the realm. Mrs. Page. Why, fir John, do you think, though we would have thruft virtue out of our hearts by the head and shoulders, and have given. ourselves without fcruple to hell, that ever the one way, and steais away a fairy in green; Slen-devil could have made you our delight? der another way, and be takes away a fairy in Enter Page, Ford, &c. They lay bold on bim. watch'd you now; Will none but Herne the hunter serve your turn? Now, good fir John, how like you Windfor wives? Ford. What, a hodge-pudding a bag of flax? Pags. Old, cold, wither'd, and of intolerable entrails? 1 Ford. And one that is as flanderous as Satan? Ford. And as wicked as his wife? Eva. And given to fornications, and to taverns, and facks, and wines, and metheglins, and to drinkings, and swearings, and ftarings, pribbles and prabbles? Fal. Well, I am your theme; you have the (start of me; I am dejected; I am not able to an Or the matter with which they make letters. 2 Spirits being supposed to inhabit the ætherial regions, and fairies to dwell under ground, men therefore are in a middle station. 3 Luxury here. fignifies incontinence. 4 That is, the fire in the blood. 5 A Jack o' Lent was a puppet thrown at in Lent, like Shrove-tide cocks, That is, a fool's cap made out of Welch cloth. fwer 73 fwer the Weich flannel; ignorance itself is a zen'd; I ha' married un garcon, a boy; un paifan, plummet o'er me 2: use me as you will. by gar, a boy; it is not Anne Page: by gar, I am cozen'd. Mrs. Page. Why, did you not take her in Ford. Marry, fir, we'll bring you to Windfor, to one mafter Brook, that you cozened of money, to whom you should have been a pandar: over green? and above that you have fuffer'd, I think, to repay that money will be a biting affliction. [amends: Mrs. Ford. Nay, husband, let that go to make Forgive that fum, and fo we'll all be friends. Ford. Well, here's my hand; all's forgiven at last. Page. Yet be cheerful, knight thou shalt eat a poffet to-night at my house; where I will defire thee to laugh at my wife, that now laughs at thee: Tell her, mafter Slender hath married her daughter. Mrs. Page. Doctors doubt that; if Anne Page be my daughter, she is, by this, doctor Caius wife. [Afide. Enter Slender. Sier. Whoo, ho! ho! father Page! Page. Son! how now? how now, fon? have you difpatch'd? Slen. Difpatch'd!-I'll make the best in Glocestershire know on 't; would I were hang'd, la, elfe. Page. Of what, fon? Slen. I came yonder at Eaton to marry mistress Anne Page, and the's a great lubberly boy: If it had not been i' the church, I would have swing'd him, or he should have twing'd me. If I did not think it had been Anne Page, would I might never stir, and 'tis a poft-master's boy. Page. Upon my life then you took the wrong. Caius. Ay, be gar, and 'tis a boy: be gar, I'lf raise all Windfor. [Exit Caius. Ford. This is strange; Who hath got the right Anne? Page. My heart mifgives me:-Here comes mafter Fenton. Enter Fenton and Anne Page. How now, master Fenton ? Anne. Pardon, good father! good my mother, pardon! Page. Now, mistress, how chance you went not with mafter Slender? Mrs. Page. Why went you not with master doctor, maid? Fent. You do amaze her: Hear the truth of it. [her. Ford. Stand not amaz'd: here is no remedy :In love, the heavens themselves do guide the state; Money buys lands, and wives are fold by fate. Fal. I am glad, though you have ta'en a special when I took a boy for a girl; If I had been mar-stand to strike at me, that your arrow hath glanc'd. Page. Well, what remedy? Fenton, heaven give thee joy! ried to him, for all he was in woman's apparel, 1 would not have had him. Page. Why, this is your own folly: Did not I tell you, how you should know my daughter by her garments ? Slon. I went to her in white, and cry'd mum, and the cry'd budget, as Anne and I had appointed; and yet it was not Anne, but a poft-mafter's boy. Eva. Jeshu! Master Slender, cannot you fee but marry poys? Page. O, I am vex'd at heart: What shall I do? Mrs. Page. Good George, be not angry; I knew of your purpose; turn'd my daughter into green ; and, indeed, she is now with the doctor at the deanery, and there married. Enter Gajus. Caius. Vere is mistress Page? By gar, I am co What cannot be eschew'd, must be embrac'd. Mrs. Page. Well, I will muse no further:-Master Heaven give you many, many merry days! Ford. Let it be fo:-Sir John, [Exeunt omnes, ■ Flannel was originally the manufacture of Wales. 2 On the meaning of this difficult passage commentators are greatly divided. Dr. Farmer's conjecture, that we should read, "Ignorance itself ig a planet o'er me," appears to be the most intelligible, 1 1 Dake. SCENE The Duke's Palace. ACT I. Enter Duke, Efcalus, and Lords. My lord. Duke. Of government the properties to unfold, Would feem in me to affect speech and discourse; Since I am put to know, that your own fcience, Exceeds, in that, the lifts of all advice I, But that your fufficiency, as your worth is able, For common justice, you are as pregnant 5 in, My strength can give you: Then no more remains, Elected him our abience to fupply; [hither, 1 The story of this play is taken from the Promos and Caffandra of George Whetstone, published in 1578, and which was probably originally borrowed from Cinthio's Novels. 2 Meaning, I ain obliged to acknowledge. 3 Limits. 4 This passage has much exercised the fagacity of different editors. Theobald is of opinion, that either from the impertinence of the actors, or the negligence of the copyifts, it has come mutilated to us by a line being accidentally left out, and proposes te read thus: : -Then no more remains, Sir Tho. Hanmer endeavours to fupply the deficiency as follows: But that to your fufficiency you join Dr. Warburton is for reading, instead of But that, Put to your fufficiency, which he says here means authority, and then the sense will be as follows: Put your skill in governing (fays the duke) to the power which I give you to exercise it, and let them work together. Dr. Johnfon, however, approves neither of Theobald's conjecture, nor of Warburton's amendment, 5 That is, ready, or knowing • That is, of special favour or affection, in. Lent Lent him our terror, drest him with our love; Enter Angelo. Duke. Look where he comes. Ang. Always obedient to your grace's will, I come to know your pleasure. Duke. Angelo, There is a kind of character in thy life, Both thanks and ufe. But I do bend my speech In our remove, be thou at full ourself: Live in thy tongue and heart: Old Efcalus, Ang. Now, good my lord, Duke. No more evafion: We have with a leaven'd 7 and prepared choice Ang. Yet, give leave, my lord, Duke. My hafte may not admit it; But do not like to stage me to their eyes; 1 Gent. Why, 'twas a commandment to command the captain and all the rest from their functions; they put forth to iteal: There's not a foldier of us all, that, in the thankfsgiving before mear, doth relish the petition well that prays for peace. 2 Gent. I never heard any foldier diflike it. Lucio. I believe thee; for, I think, thou never waft where grace was faid. 2 Gent. No? a dozen times at leaft. 1 Gent. What? in metre?? Lucio. In any proportion, or in any language. 1 Gent. I think, or in any religion. Lucio. Ay! why not? Grace is grace, defpight of all controverfy: As for example, Thou thyfelf art a wicked villain, despight of all grace. I Gent. Well, there went but a pair of sheers between us 11. Lucio. I grant; as there may between the lifts and the velvet: Thou art the lift. 1 Gent. And thou the velvet: thou art good velvet; thou art a three-pil'd piece, I warrant thee; I had as lief be a lift of an English kersey, as be pil'd, as thou art pil'd, for a French velvet. Do I speak feelingly now? Lucio. I think thou doft; and, indeed, with most painful feeling of thy fpeech: I will, out of thine That is, are not fo much thy own property. 2 To great confequences. 3 Two negatives not ufed to make an affirmative, are common in Shakspeare's plays. 4 That is, one that can inform hir self of that which otherwise it would be my part to tell him. 5 That is, continue to he Angelo. That is, firit appointed. 7 A leavened choice means a choice not hatty, but confiderate. 8 That is. Your fullness of power. 9 There are metrical graces in the Primers, which probably were ufed in Shakspeare's time. to That is, in any form. 11 Meaning, we are both of the fame piece. |