Imágenes de páginas

Of a personal nature are the chapters describing the tour around the world, Syria, Egypt, India, China and Japan (pages 51-89), chapters enlivened by personal letters to General Foster's daughters by Mrs. Foster without thought of publication. The chapter on International Law Practice (pages 281-302) will have especial interest to international lawyers.

The two volumes, briefly and inadequately passed under review, are a genuine contribution to diplomacy and diplomatic history. They are free from partisanship and bias, they aim to and do actually set forth the great events with which General Foster was connected, and are marked by a delightful and ever-present modesty and self-effacement. The concluding sentences are at once a sample of the author's reserve and of the spirit which has animated his entire life:

"I have been highly honored," he says, "by my country with many important public trusts, but I have the consciousness of having earnestly striven to dis charge them faithfully. The retrospect of a life of more than threescore years and ten occasions much satisfaction and little regret, thanks to a kind Providence, a favoring Government, and a host of friends."

Various reports which General Foster prepared from time to time were printed as public documents and had a large circulation, and not a few addresses of his delivered before learned and scientific bodies have been widely read and appreciated. The reviewer ventures the suggestion that General Foster might well collect in permanent book form his most important reports and addresses dealing with questions of public law, and thus round out an honorable and distinguished literary and public




(For list of abbreviations used, see Chronicle of International Events, p. 191.)

Africa. Langleterre en Afrique. Capt. E. de Renty. Q. dipl., 28:271, 395.
L'évolution de l'Afrique du Nord. Henri Lorin. Q. dipl., 28:321.
L'union des colonies britanniques sud-africaines. Bérard d'Aunet,
R. de deux mondes, 53:862.
L'union Sud-Africaine.


E. de Renty. Le correspondant, October 25,

Alliances with and against France. Edwin Maxcy. Forum, 4:344.
Alsatian question. La question d'Alsace.

August 15, 1909.

Henri Lichtenberger.

R. de Paris,

Annexions déguisées de territories, Des. J. Perrinjaquet. R. générale de dr. int. public, 1909, No. 3.


Atlantic coast fisheries. La question des pêcheries de l'Atlantique. Un différend entre les Etats-Unis et l'Empire brittanique. Thomas Willing Balch. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 11:516. Bolivia-Peru. Le différend entre la Bolivie et le Pérou et l'arbitrage international. Louis Renault. R. générale de dr. int. public, 1909, No. 3. Bülow, Le prince de. La politique extérieure. André Tardieu. R. de deux mondes, 53:312.

Canada and the Monroe Doctrine. Stephen Leacock.


University Magazine,

China in transformation. Archibald Colquhoun. Fortnightly R., N. S., 86:451. Commerce in the promotion of international peace, Influence of. John Ball Osborne. Publications of the American Association for International Conciliation, No. 22, September, 1909.

Congo et l'entente cordiale, Le.

Félicien Challaye. R. de Paris, 6:30. Consular jurisdiction. Le droit pénal appliqué en pays exterritoriaux par les juridictions consulaires. W. J. M. van Eysinga. Zt. für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, 3:553.

Declaration of London. La déclaration de Londres de 1909 sur divers points de droit maritime. N. Politis. Clunet (Journal) 1909, p. 897.

Paul S. Reinsch. North American R., 190:479.

Enemy character after the Declaration of London. L. Oppenheim. Law Quarterly Review, 25:372.

Defence problem of Scandinavia, The. A. Schvan.


Nineteenth Century, 66:

Eastern question. La nueva cuestión de Oriente. D. Antonio Balbin de Unquera. R. de dr. int. y política exterior, 4:210.

[blocks in formation]

International agreements. Ententes et accords internationaux.

F. de Saint

Charles. R. d'histoire diplomatique, 1909, No. 1. International law. I nuevi orizzonti della scienza del diritto internazionale. Pasquale Fiore. R. de dr. int. y política exterior, 4:185.

International law, private. Le droit commun international comme source du droit international privé. J. Jitta. R. de dr. int. privé et de dr. pénal int., 5:485.

International law, United States and. Les États-Unis et le droit des gens.
Ernest Nys. R. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 11:543.
Japon, Pages de l'histoire diplomatique du. Közö Kijima. 2d article. R. de
dr. int. et de législation comparée, 11:578.

Japonais et Américains. - Les vraies difficultés. Félix Klein.
mondes, 53:673.

Morocco. Les événements de Melilla. Maisonave. Q. dipl., 28:227.

R. de deux

Le Maroc et les intérêts français. René Millet. R. politique et parle mentaire, 62:205.

Le Rogni. Maisonave. Q. dipl., 28:461.

Le Sultanat Marocain. Edmond Doutte. R. politique et parlementaire, 61:421.

Peace ideas and disarmament. Baron von Stengel. National R., 54:403.
Peace or war. Lord Courtney of Penwith. Contemporary R., 96:385, 513.
Persian revolution. Questions extérieures. Révolution
persane. Victor

Bérard. R. de Paris, 5:415, 633, 872.

Persian situation, The. Edwin Maxey. Forum, 52:237.

Portuguese colonies. Les colonies portuguaises. Angel Marvaud. Q. dipl.,

28:285, 351.

Russia. L'armée russe et la frontière occidentale de l'empire.

correspondant, August 25, 1909.

Spain. Les troubles de Catalogne. Angel Marvaud. Q. dipl., 28:193.
Trade domicile in war. T. Baty. Juridical R., 21:209.
Turkey. La Jeune-Turquie et l'avenir du panislamisme.


Waddington, Henry: a famous English-Frenchman.

Westminster R., 172:410.


Dr. Rouire. Q. Dipl.,

R. Seymour Ramsdale.

War, law of. El dominico español Fr. Francisco de Vitoria y los principios modernes sobre el derecho de la guerra. Dr. D. Fidel Abad y Cávia.

de dr. int y política exterior, 4:241.

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Du droit de passage en temps de guerre. J. Dumas. R. générale de dr. int. public, 1903, No. 3.

Wireless telegraphy. La télégraphie sans fil en temps de guerre et le droit international. Lieutenant Boidin. R. générale de dr. int. pub., 1909, No. 3.


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