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lives; but even they are for us but "stepping stones to higher things." We cannot, and we need not, repeat the work of Cadmon, of Chaucer, of Spenser, or of Milton. As our nineteenth century poetess says:—

"The past is past,

God lives, and lifts his glorious mornings up
Before the eyes of men awake at last.

We hurry onward to extinguish hell

With our fresh souls, our younger hope, and God's
Maturity of purpose. Soon shall we

Die also! And that then our periods

Of Life may round themselves to memory

As smoothly, as on our graves the burial sods,

We must now look to it to excel as ye,

And bear our age as far, unlimited

By the last landmark, so to be invoked

By future generations as their Dead."

Here we leave the story of our English Literature, lifting up our hearts in thanks to God for its glorious heritage, and setting forth with the courage that springs from faith to carry on the new work of a new day.

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