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The two following texts are but a repetition of the same argument: but as they speak of Christ under a different name, they ought to have a place for themselves.

Luke i. 16, 17. And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the LORD THEIR GOD: and he shall go before HIM.

Matth. iii. 11. HE that cometh AFTER ME is mightier than I, &c.

Here again, the Baptist is said to go before the Lord God of the children of Israel: but it is certain, he went before Jesus Christ, the only person who is said to come after him: therefore, Jesus Christ is the Lord God of the children of Israel. And the same title is given him in the prophet Hosea-I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the Lord their God: which can be no other than the voice of God the Father, promising salvation by the person of God the Son.


Matth. xi. 10. Behold I send MY messenger before THY face, to prepare THY way before THEE. Mal. iii. 1. Behold I send MY messenger to prepare the way before ME.

As this prophesy is worded by St Matthew, (as also by St. Marka and St. Lukeb) there is a personal distinction between him who sends his messenger, and Christ before whom the messenger is sent-I send My messenger

to prepare thy way before THEE. But the prophet himself has it thus-I send MY messenger, to prepare the way before ME. Yet the evangelist and the prophet are both equally correct and true. For though Christ be a different person, yet he is one and the same God with the Father. And hence it is, that with the evangelist, the persons are not confounded; with the prophet the godhead is not divided. This argument, may serve to justify an excellent observation of our church in the nomily upon the resurrection-" How dare we be so bold to renounce the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? for where one is, there is God all whole in majesty, together with all his power, wisdom, and goodness.” b Luke vii. 27,

a Mark i. 2,


Psalm lxxviii. 56. They TEMPTED and provoked the MOST HIGH GOD.

1 Cor. x. 9. Neither let us TEMPT CHRIST as some of them also tempted.

These texts do both relate to the same rebellious acts of the Israelites in the wilderness. In the former of them, the person they tempted is called the most high God: in the latter he is called Christ: therefore, Christ is the most highGo d.


John iii. 29. He that hath the bride, is THE BRIDEGROOM*~(meaning Christ.)

Another title of eminence, that shews Christ to be upon an equality with God the Father, is to be collected from the following scriptures.

Psalm xxiii. 1. The LORD (Heb. Jehovah) is my sHEP


John x. 16. There shall be one fold, and one shep


If Christ be not the Lord, in unity with the Father, there must of course be two distinct beings, to whom the scripture has appropriated this character of a shepherd; and

But, according to the prophet,

Isa. liv. 5. Thy maker is thine HUSBAND, the LORD OF HOSTS is his name.

And the church, which is the bride of Christ, can no more have two distinct husbands, than Christ can have two distinct churches. As the church is the bride, the body, the building of God; and as there is one bride, one body, one building; so is there, on the other hand, one God, who is the husband or bridegroom; one Christ, who is the head; one God with the Lamb, who is the light of it. Compare also, Jer. iii. 1. and 31, 32. Ezek. xvi. Hos. ii. Matt. ix. 15.-xxv. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 2. Eph. v. 23. Rev. xix. 7. and xxi. 2. 9.

that would make two shepherds. But Christ has affirmed there is but one shepherd, that is himself, THE SHEPHERD of the sheep, v. 2. whom St. Peter calls the chief shepherd, 1 Pet. v. 4. So again

Psalm c. 3. Know ye that the LORD he is God-we are His people and the SHEEP of HIS pasture.

John x. 3. HE (that is Christ himself) calleth His


And again-John xxi. 16. Feed MY sheep-said Christ to St. Peter: which in the language of St. Peter himself, Pet. v. 2. is-Feed the flock of God.


Here follow some single texts, to which I add no parallels; there being no danger of mistaking their application.

John xx. 28. And Thomas answered and said, MY LORD and MY GOD.


Rom. ix. 5. Of whom as concerning the flesh CHRIST came, who is

over all, GOD

EVER. Amen.



Pet. i. 1. Through the righteousness of OUR GOD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.

The Greek is το Θεα ημων καὶ Σωτήρος Ιησε Χριςε the very same, as to the order and grammar of the words, with the last verse of this epistle. τ8 Κυρίω ημών, και Σωτήρος Ιησε Χρισε which is thus rendered in our English version-of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And so, without doubt, it should be in the other passage, there being no possible reason

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