Banking Laws of the State of Missouri: Revision 1919Hugh Stephens Company, 1919 - 302 páginas |
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Página 5
... votes , either in person r by proxy , for one candidate , or distribute such votes among wo or more candidates ; and such directors or managers shall not e elected in any other manner . [ New section . ) ( See Sec . 9732 , R. S. 1919 ...
... votes , either in person r by proxy , for one candidate , or distribute such votes among wo or more candidates ; and such directors or managers shall not e elected in any other manner . [ New section . ) ( See Sec . 9732 , R. S. 1919 ...
Página 6
... vote of the qualified voters of the state , at the general elect next succeeding the passage of the same , and be approved by majority of the votes cast at such election . [ See Const . 1865 , Art . 8 , Secs . 1 and 2. ] Sec . 27. Banks ...
... vote of the qualified voters of the state , at the general elect next succeeding the passage of the same , and be approved by majority of the votes cast at such election . [ See Const . 1865 , Art . 8 , Secs . 1 and 2. ] Sec . 27. Banks ...
Página 7
... vote , 9755. Dissolution of corporation - who shall determined - meeting to convene , hat hour . ectors to take and subscribe oaths . ification of voters , how tested- not vote when . Libited from voting on hypothe- 1 shares . 1 ection ...
... vote , 9755. Dissolution of corporation - who shall determined - meeting to convene , hat hour . ectors to take and subscribe oaths . ification of voters , how tested- not vote when . Libited from voting on hypothe- 1 shares . 1 ection ...
Página 8
... vote , how determine --meeting to convene , at what hour . - Every meeting , for whateve object , of the shareholders in any corporation shall be convene by its president and secretary by a notice published for ten day previous to such ...
... vote , how determine --meeting to convene , at what hour . - Every meeting , for whateve object , of the shareholders in any corporation shall be convene by its president and secretary by a notice published for ten day previous to such ...
Página 9
... vote , may require ; and Erectors , the persons who received a majority of the votes all be notified thereof . If the president and secretary call any meeting of the shareholders in any corporation d by law or by the by - laws of such ...
... vote , may require ; and Erectors , the persons who received a majority of the votes all be notified thereof . If the president and secretary call any meeting of the shareholders in any corporation d by law or by the by - laws of such ...
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Banking Laws of the State of Missouri: Revision 1919 - Primary Source Edition C. F. Enright Sin vista previa disponible - 2013 |
Términos y frases comunes
acceptance agent amount appointed articles of agreement assets authorized bank commissioner bill of exchange bills of lading board of directors bond by-laws capital stock carrier cashier centum certificate chapter cited and applied claim consolidation corporation or banker court creditors debt deemed deliver delivery deposit depositor dishonored dividend drawee drawer due course duly duties election employe entitled examination filed held incorporated indorsement interest Interpleader issued Laws liability lien loan located meeting ment Missouri negotiable bill negotiable instrument negotiable receipt notary public notice owner paid party payable payee payment person possession president private banker promissory note purchase real estate received recorded recorder of deeds reserve safe or box secretary Section cited securities shareholders specified stockholders surplus fund thereof thereto thousand dollars tion transfer trust company vote warehouseman
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Página 206 - Notice of dishonor is not required to be given to an indorser in either of the following cases : 1. Where the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract, and the indorser was aware of the fact at the time he indorsed the instrument; 2.
Página 187 - To constitute notice of an infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating the same, the person to whom it is negotiated must have had actual knowledge of the infirmity or defect, or knowledge of such facts that his action in taking the instrument amounted to bad faith.
Página 179 - Where the instrument contains or a person adds to his signature words indicating that he signs for or on behalf of a principal, or in a representative capacity, he is not liable on the instrument if he was duly authorized; but the mere addition of words describing him as an agent, or as filling a representative character, without disclosing his principal, does not exempt him from personal liability.
Página 178 - But where the instrument is in the hands of a holder in due course, a valid delivery thereof by all parties prior to him so as to make them liable to him is conclusively presumed.
Página 175 - Does not specify the place where it is drawn or the place where it is payable; or 5.
Página 177 - As between immediate parties, and as regards a remote party other than a holder in due course, the delivery, in order to be effectual, must be made either by or under the authority of the party making, drawing, accepting, or indorsing, as the case may be...
Página 175 - An instrument is payable on demand — 1. Where it is expressed to be payable on demand, or at sight, or on presentation; or 2. In which no time for payment is expressed. Where an instrument is issued, accepted, or indorsed when overdue, it is, as regards the person so issuing, accepting, or indorsing it, payable on demand.
Página 211 - A negotiable promissory note within the meaning of this act is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to order or to bearer.
Página 202 - The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer. The acceptance must be in writing and signed by the drawee. It must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money.
Página 167 - ... shall be liable, in like manner and to the same extent, as the testator or intestate, or the ward or person interested in such fund, would have been if he had been living and competent to act, and held the stock in his own name.