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claimant, who may be fupplied with ampler materials, and endued with a fuperior degree of antiquarian fagacity.

To fome, he is not unapprized, this enquiry will appear a tedious and barren fpeculation. But there are many, it is hoped, who think nothing that relates to the brightest ornament of the Englith nation, wholly uninteresting; who will be gratified by obferving, how the genius of our great poet gradually expanded itfelf, till, like his own Ariel, it flamed amazement in every quarter, blazing forth with a luftre that has not hitherto been equalled, and perhaps will never be surpaffed.


[blocks in formation]

Fac-Simile of Shakspeare's Hand-writing, to face® 204. Anecdotes of Shakspeare, from Oldys's Mff. &c. p. 207. Farmer's Account of a Pamphlet falfely imputed to Shakspeare; together with Remarks on a paffage in Warton's Life of Dr. Bathurst,

P. 211.

Obfervations on Paffages in the Preface to the French Tranflation of Shakspeare,

Registers of the Shakspeare Family,

P. 215.

P. 217.

P. 220.

Granger's Catalogue of the Portraits of Shakspeare,

Ancient and Modern Commendatory Verfes on Shak. fpeare, with Notes, &c.

P. 223.

The Names of the original actors in Shakspeare's plays,

P. 245.

List of Editions of Shakspeare's Plays, both ancient and modern;―of Plays alter'd from him;—of detach'd Pieces of Criticism, &c.

P. 246. Entries of Shakspeare's Plays on the Books of the Stationers' Company,

P. 254. An Attempt to afcertain the Chronological Order in which the Plays of Shakspeare were written, by Edmond Malone, Efq.


Two Gentlemen of Verona,

Merry Wives of Windfor.

P. 283.

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