CHAPTER XXVII. An act for the relief of citizens on the line of any railroad that has or may hereafter fail or neglect to operate. If compah.1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of ies fail, to: the State of New Jersey, That if any railroad company in their tail this state has or may hereafter fail or neglect to run daily operate toa'l for ten days, the chancellor on petition may appoint a receiver. Receiver trains on any part of its road for the space of ten days, then the chancellor of this state, upon petition of any citizens of this state, and due proof of the facts, shall speedily appoint a receiver, which said receiver by order of the chancellor, shall be and is hereby empowered and required may take to take possession of all the real and personal property of of and oper-said company, and to operate said road and transact the ordinary business thereof in the transportation of freight and passengers for such time as the chancellor may direct, and Expenses all expenses incurred thereby shall be a first lien on all the earnings thereof prior to any other claim, and the surplus, possession ate road. to be first tien on property earnings. if any, be distributed as the chancellor may direct. Receiver 2. And be it enacted, That whenever the chancellor shall tocanben-appoint a receiver of any railroad company, said receiver ed personal shall apply all unincumbered personal effects and all monand moneys eys which may be transferred to him at the time of entertransferred' ing upon his duties as such receiver toward the payment of wages at that time due the employees of said company and the chancellor may from time to time make such orders as at the time he may deem proper to equitably carry out the provisions of this section; provided that no such payments shall be Chancellor made for more than two months wages. to him, to the payment of wages due of the transfer. may issue orders to receiver. Payment of wages to be not more than for two months 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed a pub lic act, and take effect immediately. Approved February 12, 1874. 1 CHAPTER XXXIX. An act to legalize certain publications in a newspaper known ments of County may 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Legal ad- Call." payment 2. And be it enacted, That the comptroller of the state is Comptroll- 3. And be it enacted, That any advertisement or notice pub- Previous 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 17, 1871. tions legal- CHAPTER LII. A further supplement to an act entitled "An Act authoriz 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of 1 or real estate held in trust or contingency are liable to be sold for some event in such will testaments, lands and real estate are devised to, or whenever by any deed, lands and real estate are conveyed to or in trust for any person or persons for life, or until the happening of or deed named, and said taxes or as-lands and real estate so devised or conveyed, shall or have chancellor become chargeable with or liable to taxes or assessments, point a trus- for the payment whereof no adequate provision is made in tee and or- such will, or afforded by the estate of the testator, or prosale of the vided for in such deed, and such lands and real estate have sessments, may ap dain the property. Trustees to been sold or shall be liable to be sold for such taxes or assessments by virtue of any laws of this state, whereby the interests of the owner or owners of the particular estate or of the estate in remainder in said lands and real estate, and named in said will, or said deed, may be injured or impaired, it shall be lawful for the court of chancery of this state, upon application of any such owner or owners, and upon consideration of the circumstances of the case to appoint a trustee or trustees for all said owners, and to order and decree that such trustee or trustees or the survivor of them, shall sell and convey such land and real estate or any part give bonds, thereof, which trustee or trustees shall give such bonds for and convey the faithful performance of his or their trust, and shall ty and hold make such sale as said chancellor may direct; and when the proper the proceeds of the sale subject to such decree shall be made and such bond given, said trustee or trustees or survivor may sell and convey said lands and the order's real estate free, clear, and discharged of any interest of said of the chancellor. owners therein; and the proceeds of such sale, after the payment of said taxes or assessments, shall be held by such trustee, subject to the provisions of said will or said deed relating to said lands and real estate, in such manner as the chancellor may direct. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 18, 1874. 1 CHAPTER LXIV. An act to defray the expense of the constitutional com mission. to mission, of members 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Treasurer the State of New Jersey, That for the purpose of defraying penses of the expense of the constitutional commission appointed by the comthe governor in pursuance of a joint resolution approved and salary April fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, the treas-and ofurer of this state is hereby directed to pay, upon the war- ficers. rant of the comptroller, the following sums: for the expenses of stationery, printing, postage, &c., incurred by said commission in the performance of their duties, an amount not exceeding six hundred and seventy-five dollars; to the president and each of the members, the sum of three hundred dollars for the entire session or proportionately for any part of the session; to each of the secretaries, the sum of five hundred dollars, and to the sergeant-at-arms, the sum of one hundred dollars. 2. And be it enacted, that this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 19, 1874. CHAPTER XCII. A further supplement to the act entitled, "An act for the better securing the property of married women," approved March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty two. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That any married woman who now Married is, or may hereafter become entitled, by gift, devise, or be- mamen may, with which they may be en any real or personal property. All agree ments en tered into the concure quest, to any contingent estate, or interest in any real husband, or personal property or estate, may, with the concurrence Interest any of her husband, compound and receipt for, assign and convey the same, in all cases where she lawfully might, if a titled to in feme sole; and every release, receipt, assignment, discharge, agreement, covenant, or contract, thereupon entered into by her in regard to the same and to the said property, shall be as valid and binding in every respect, upon her, her heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and any and all persons claiming under her, them or either of them, as if she were, at the time of entering into the same, a feme sole, and, when duly executed and acknowledged in the manner ande sole, provided by law for conveyance of real estate, may be rerecorded as corded in the surrogate's office, and whenever it relates to real estate, in the clerk's or register's office, of the proper county or counties, in the same manner and with like effect as other receipts and discharges may now be recorded therein. by her thereupon to be as valid as if she were to be are like papers. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 26, 1874. How printing shall be done. CHAPTER CXIV An act relative to the Public Printing. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the laws enacted at each session of the legislature shall hereafter be printed in the same general style in which the volume of laws was printed in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, excepting that the laws shall be collated and indexed under the three heads of general public acts, special public acts, and private acts; also, that the legislative documents shall be hereafter printed in the same style in which the said work was done in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one; also, that the journals of the senate and minutes of the joint meetings, and executive sessions, and the minutes of the house of assembly shall be printed hereafter |