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A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Bridgeton."

Council to

three mem

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the Common State of New Jersey, That the common council of the city consist of of Bridgeton shall hereafter consist of three members from bers from each ward in said city; and that at the next city election each ward. to be held on the second Tuesday of March, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, there shall be one person elected in the first ward, and one in the third ward, to serve as common councilmen for the term of three years; and there shall be elected in the second ward three persons to serve as common councilmen, one of whom shall hold his office one year, one for two years, and one for three years; and at the first meeting of the common council after said election, it shall be determined by lot which of the members from the second ward shall hold his office for one year, which for two years, and which for three years; and annually thereafter there shall be elected one councilman from each ward, who shall hold his office respectively for three years.


2. And be it enacted, That at the first meeting of the com- To elect mon council after the aforesaid election, and after each succeeding annual election, they shall elect one member to act as president of the council to serve for one year, who shall preside over all meetings of the council and shall have a vote only in cases where there is a tie; and if the president be absent at any meeting, the councilmen present shall appoint one of their number to preside pro tempore; and when met said common council shall have all the powers now vested in the common council of said city, and that a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

Mayor and

3. And be it enacted, That the salaries of the mayor and Salaries of recorder of said city, shall be fixed by the common council Recorder. at any sum not exceeding six hundred dollars per annum

Office of

City Marsh

for the mayor, and two hundred dollars per annum for the recorder.

4. And be it enacted, That after the second Tuesday of al and City March next the offices of city marshal and of city solicitor abolished. of the city of Bridgeton shall be abolished.



5. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved February 9, 1874.

Mayor may offer a reward for


sion and conviction



A supplement to the act entitled "An act to re-organize the Local Government of Jersey City, passed March thirtyfirst, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the mayor of said city is hereby authorized to offer a reward to be paid by the mayor and aldermen of Jersey City, for the apprehension and convicof any de- tion of any defaulting city officer or other person who has city officer. absconded or who may hereafter abscond with the money, bonds or other property of said city, or being in default to said city, absconds; provided, such reward shall not, in any instance, exceed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars; and provided, that the board of finance and taxation shall order payment of any such reward out of any unexpended appropriation.



2. And be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed a public act, and shall take effect immediately. Approved February 11, 1874.


Supplement to an act entitled "An act to reorganize the local government of Jersey City."


by resolu


1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the board of public works may, Board by resolution accept so much work as has been done or Works may materials furnished under and by virtue of any contract or tion accept contracts made by the mayor and board of aldermen of the material city of Bergen, or the mayor and aldermen of Jersey City, furnished. for the improvement of Montgomery street from Bergen avenue to the centre of Mill creek or intermediate points; also, the said board of public works may by resolution, accept so much work as has been done or materials furnished under and by virtue of any contracts made by the mayor and aldermen of Jersey City, for the construction of a sewer with man-holes and sewer connections, to curb line in Montgomery street from Bergen avenue to Putnam street, or for the construction of any sewer between said points, that said board of public works may by and with the consent of any Masent of person or persons with whom said contracts may have been contractor made, by resolution, annul any or all of said contracts to do completed any of the work provided for in any one, or all of said contracts as is still incompleted; provided, the board of aldermen Proviso. shall concur in such resolutions, and the said board of public works are hereby authorized to provide for the payment of that part of the work done or materials furnished under any or all of said contracts.

2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 16, 1874.


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when and


By what name to be, known.



A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to revise and amend the charter of the city of Camden," approved February fourteenth, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

1. RE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the Assessors State of New Jersey, That at the next annual election for how elect- city and ward officers there shall be elected from among the qualified voters of the city of Camden three assessors; one for the term of one year, one for the term of two years, and one for the term of three years, who shall constitute and be known as the "board of assessors of the city of Camden;" and every year thereafter there shall be elected from among the qualified voters aforesaid one assessor, who shall hold his office for the space or term of three years; and in case of the death, resignation or removal of any of said board, the city council of said city shall have power to fill said vahow filled. cancy until the next annual election, at which election the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term only; and Duties, &c. said board shall, between the first day of January and June in each year, personally make the assessments on all property liable to taxation, take the accounts of births, marriages and deaths, and the number of children of proper age for admittance into the public schools of the city of Camden, and perform all the duties now performed by the various ward assessors, except such as are hereinafter provided, and they shall receive for their services such salary as the city council shall by ordinance provide, and no other compensation whatever; provided, that the salary of said assessors shall not be fixed at a less sum than eight hundred dollars per annum; and the said board are hereby empowered to employ a clerk, yearly, at such salary as the city council shall deem reasonable; provided, the same be not less than three hundred dollars per annum.



2. And be it enacted, That at the first election for city and


how elect

Duties, &c.


ward officers after the passage of this act, and annually there- Extra asafter, there shall be elected from each of the wards of said when and city, from among the qualified voters thereof, one extra ed. assessor, who shall meet the assessors of the wards and townships of the county of Camden, and perform the duties heretofore performed by ward assessors of said city, at said meetings, and said extra assessors shall receive for their services three dollars for each day of actual service, and no other Compensacompensation whatever; and the duplicates of the value of the real and personal estate to be assessed by each of the assessors named in the first section of this act, shall be produced by said extra assessors at said annual meeting of the assessors of the wards and townships, together with the affidavits of said assessors, as required by section twelve of an act entitled "A further supplement to an act entitled 'An act concerning taxes," approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty six, approved April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.



3 And be it enacted, That the said extra ward assessors Extra ward shall constitute the board of revision and appeal in cases of assessors to unjust or unequal taxation in said city; they shall meet at board of the city hall in said city, between the hours of ten o'clock and appeal. in the forenoon and eight o'clock in the evening, daily dur-Time and ing the week in July commencing on the second Monday of meeting. said month, and five of the said board of revision and appeal shall constitute a quorum; provided, that at least one of the Proviso. said city assessors shall be present at said meeting.

place of


4. And be it enacted, That all appointments to office in the certain apvarious departments of said city (except mechanics working pointments at their regular trade and ordinary day laborers, and the by ordichief of police, police officers and night watchmen and persons employed in the public schools) shall be by ordinance passed by a majority of the members of the city council; and it shall not be lawful for the city treasurer to pay any salary to any person otherwise appointed.

cil to fix

5. And be it enacted, That the city council, at a meeting City Counpreceding the expiration of the term of office of any city, salaries. ward or department officer or officers, either elected or appointed, shall fix the salary of said officer or officers by ordinance; and in case of the neglect or refusal of the said city council to fix the salary of any officer or officers, then the salary theretofore paid for similar services shall be considered the salary of said officer or officers for his or their

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