hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 3, 1874. Proceed CHAPTER CXX. A supplement to an act to authorize the sale of lands limited over to infants, or in contingency, in cases where such sale would be beneficial. 1. BEIT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the ings in case State of New Jersey, That whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the chancellor that it is impossible after due ence of par- inquiry to ascertain the names of the owners of any partic the names or exist ties in interest cannot be ascertained. ular or future estate in lands limited in the manner mentioned in the act to which this is a supplement, or to ascertain whether some of such owners are living or dead, it shall be lawful for the chancellor on proceedings instituted under the act to which this is a supplement, to order that said proceedings be continued as if all such owners or their legal representatives were known, making such absent or unknown owner or owners of said real estate a party or parties thereto by such description as the chancellor may in such order prescribe; said order shall briefly relate the facts set forth in said petition, and call upon such party or parties to published appear within such time as the chancellor shall direct, not less Notice to such parties to be for two months. Chancellor than two months from the date of such order, which order shall be published in one or more public newspapers printed in this state, and designated in such order for six weeks successively, at least once in every week, and also in any other manner that the chancellor may see proper to direct; and upon proof of such publication, and of the performance of may make the directions contained in said order, the chancellor shall same order, make such order against said unknown owner or owners as as if parties were known. if they were known to the court and as may be equitable and just; and shall have power to make like orders and decrees in the premises as fully in all respects as he is empowered to make upon proof of service of the notice of presenting such petition as prescribed by the act to which this is a supplement. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 3, 1874. CHAPTER CXXXIV. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act to enable the owners of swamp or meadow ground to drain the same, and to repeal a law heretofore made for that purpose," passed November twenty-fourth, seventeen hundred and ninety-two. ings in case sary to natural order to 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That it shall and may be lawful for Proceed the owner or owners of any land improved or otherwise, lying it is necesor being so situate that it cannot be drained sufficiently for clear out the effectual improvement of the same, without clearing out water creeks or natural water courses, or cutting, opening or clear. courses, in ing out ditches or drains, into or through other lands owned drain land. by or in possession of such person or persons as will not sufficiently clear out creeks or water courses, or will not cut, make, clear out and keep open sufficient ditches or drains in or through the lands so owned or possessed by them, to make application for the laying out of a ditch, drain or water course, under the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement; and upon such application the same proceedings shall and may be had in all respects, for all purposes, and with the like effect, as can or may be had under the provisions of said original act, and the several supplements thereto, on any application now authorized thereby. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where but one cho-In townsen freeholder shall be elected in the township, in or ships when through which any ditch, drain or water course is proposed chosen to be laid out or renewed and repaired, or altered or abolish- is elected ed, application may be made to the chosen freeholder of application such township, and the chosen freeholder of any adjacent made to but one freeholder may be the chosen him and to township of the same county, who in conjunction with such freeholder surveyors of the highways as are or may be authorized by joining law to act in the premises, shall exercise the powers, and pertownship. form the duties conferred and enjoined bythe said original of an ad ings in case act and the several supplements thereto. Proceed- 3. And be it enacted, That when any surveyor of the highthe chosen ways, or chosen freeholder of any township, in or through fresheveyor which any ditch, drain or water course is proposed to be laid of high- out or renewed and repaired, or altered or abolished, shall ways is in terested. be interested for or against the same, application shall be made to any surveyor of the highways, or chosen freeholder of any adjacent township of the same county, in county, place of the surveyor of the highways or chosen freeholder so interested as aforesaid, who in conjunction with such other surveyors and freeholders, as may by law be authorized to act in the premises, shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred and enjoined by said original act and the supplements thereto. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 4, 1874. CHAPTER CXXXVII. An act relating to the Centennial Celebration of American Preamble. WHEREAS, It is proposed by the people and government of the United States, that the Centennial Anniversary of American Independence shall be celebrated by a great international exhibition, to be held in Philadelphia, with the view of exhibiting to the world the progress made by the republic in one hundred years; and whereas, by an act of congress approved June first, one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-two, a centennial board of finance was created for the purpose of procuring the funds necessary to erect buildings and meet the expenses of the exposition; and whereas, the said proposed exposition, being entirely national in its character, and for the equal benefit of the - - whole Union, and intended to celebrate and commemorate that great memorable and decisive event, the declaration of our independence as a nation, it is but right and proper that it should be celebrated in a manner commensurate with our character and greatness as a people and a nation, and that all the means necessary to properly inaugurate it should be promptly provided; therefore, admitting these facts, and recognizing the obligation and duty that rests upon this state to do its part in providing the means necessary to enable the centennial board of finance to proceed with the work stock au 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Subscripthe State of New Jersey, That the governor, comptroller, and tion to ten treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and directed in thousand behalf of, and in the name of the state of New Jersey to sub-centennial scribe for ten thousand shares of the centennial stock, at the thorized. par value of ten dollars each, which stock as soon as issued by the centennial board of finance, shall become the property of the state, and be held by the treasurer for the use and benefit of the state. make pay 2. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the state is Treasurer hereby directed to pay out of any funds in the treasury the directed to installments upon such stock so subscribed, as the same may ments. become due and payable, that is to say twenty per cent. thereof, on the first day of April next, and twenty per cent. thereof every three months thereafter, until the whole of the until the the expo sured. said stock so subscribed for shall be fully paid; provided, Proviso. Approved March 5, 1874. CHAPTER CXLII. An Act for the relief of Mrs. Hannah Royce, of the County of Middlesex. Preamble. WHEREAS, Mrs. Hannah Royce, bora Hannah Bull, who is believed to be nearest, if not the only surviving blood relative of Colonel Zebulon Pike and his son, Brigadier-General Zebulon Montgomery Pike, natives of New Jersey, and distinguished officers of the United States army during the war of one thousand eight hundred and twelve, the former of whom served also in the American revolution, and the latter, then the most distinguished of our general officers, fell at the capture of Little York, in Canada, where he commanded the attack; and whereas, Hannah Royce is now a resident of the township of Woodbridge, in the county of Middlesex, and is over eighty years of age and on the verge of pauperism; therefore Pension to 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of be paid by the State of New Jersey, That the treasurer of the state is Treasurer. hereby authorized and required to pay to Hannah Royce, of the county of Middlesex, the sum of one hundred dollars per annum, to be paid half yearly on the first day of April and the first day of October, and that the receipt of the said Hannah Royce or her order shall be a sufficient voucher for the treasurer for all moneys paid by virtue of this act. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 5, 1874. |