The present volume of the Laws of the State is printed in ac- cordance with the Act regulating Public Printing, approved March 3, 1874, which provides that "the Laws shall be collated and indexed under the three heads of "General Public Acts," "Special Public Acts" and "Private Acts." The Joint Resolutions follow, the Gen- eral Public Acts and the Private Acts follow in the natural order of their approval, with the Table of Contents and the Index at the close ATLANTIC. BERGEN. BURLINGTON CAMDEN CAPE MAY........ CUMBERLAND ESSEX GLOUCESTER HUDSON...... HUNTERDON. MERCER.. MIDDLESEX. MONMOUTH. MORRIS OCEAN. PASSAIC.. WILLIAM MOORE. CORNELIUS LYDECKER. BARTON F. THORN. WILLIAM J. SEWELL. RICHARD S. LEAMING. SAMUEL HOPKINS. JOHN R. MCPHERSON. FREDERICK A. POTTS. CHARLES HEWITT. LEVI D. JARRARD. WILLIAM H. HENDRICKSON. AUGUSTUS W. CUTLER. JOHN G. W. HAVENS. JOHN HOPPER. |