CHAPTER CLXIII. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act concerning Taxes," approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. property, where situ 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Personal the State of New Jersey, That hereafter, in all cases where when taxed taxes are imposed by virtue of any law of this state, upon ated, shall • personal property where the same is situated, such property ablesex shall not be liable to taxation elsewhere. not taх where. of assessor 2. And be it enacted, That in any case, where property is SO Certificates taxed, the certificate of the assessor by whom the assess- shall be ment was made shall be deemed sufficient evidence thereof, evidence of and shall entitle the owner to exemption for such property in all other places. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 5, 1874. taxation. CHAPTER CLXIV. A further supplement to an act entitled "An act concerning Landlords and Tenants," approved April fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the If a buildState of New Jersey, That whenever any building or build-on leasted ings erected on leased premises shall be injured by fire premises without the fault of the lessee, the landlord shall repair the by fire, the same as speedily as possible, or in default thereof, the rent shall repair shall cease until such time as such building or buildings or rent shall be put in complete repair; and in case of the total cease. landlord the same, destroyed, rent shall be paid to date, and the lease shall end. Proviso. If building destruction of such building or buildings by fire or otherwise, the rent shall be paid up to the time of such destruction, and then, and from thenceforth, the lease shall cease and come to an end; provided always, that this section shall not extend to or apply to cases where the parties have othwise stipulated in their agreement of lease. Approved March 5, 1874. Commis Deeds of CHAPTER CLXV. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act relative to commissioners for the taking of acknowledgments and proofs of deeds," approved April fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That it shall and may be lawful for any sioners of commissioner for the State of New Jersey, in and for the New Jersey State of New York, heretofore appointed, or who may hereafter be appointed, under and in pursuance of said act, and may reside the several supplements thereto, to reside in the State of in this State New Jersey, but nothing in this act shall be so construed for the State of New York Acts made valid. as to empower such commissioner to exercise the duties of his office outside the state of New York; and the acts of any such commissioner who may have resided in the state of Jersey during his term of office, or any part thereof, or who may hereafter reside in New Jersey, shall be as valid and effectual in law, as if he had during such time resided in the State of New York. 2 And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 5, 1874. CHAPTER CLXVI. A Supplement to an act entitled "An act for the better preservation of the Early Records of the State of New Jersey." ing copies of 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the sum of three thousand dollars Appropriabe, and is hereby appropriated to procure copies of such for procurdocuments, papers, records, and legislative proceedings re-of records lating to, or connected with the history of New Jersey, or of history to the provinces of East and West Jersey, not now in the pos- New Jersey session of the state, which may be found in the record offices of England or elsewhere; the said sum to be expended, To be exand the said copies obtained under the direction of the New Destoneby Jersey Historical Society, to whose order the treasurer of Society. the state shall pay the said three thousand dollars; the said copies when so obtained to be placed in the state library. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 5, 1874. Historical CHAPTER CLXVIII. A further supplement to an act relative to Insurance Companies; approved April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That whenever it shall appear to When joint the satisfaction of the secretary of state, as the result of an panies of examination, as provided for by the act to which this is a shall have supplement, or supplements thereto, that any joint stock a net sur stock com this State $50,000 rep scrip the Secretary of State shall certi plus and the com pany may increase its capital stock to that amount in for said scrip. Mutual plus of over insurance company, incorporated by the legislature of this resented by state, shall have a net surplus, after providing for the capital stock, re-insurance and all claims for losses and other actual liabilities, of not less than fifty thousand dollars, which fy such sur- amount shall be represented by scrip issued by said company, the secretary of state shall issue a certificate of the amount of such net surplus, and such company upon a vote therefor of a majority of all the directors thereof, may increase the capital stock to the amount of such certificate, exchange or any portion thereof, in exchange for said scrip, and may issue certificate of such stock, which shall contain the same provisions, and in shares of similar amount with that originally issued; in the case of mutual insurance companies of companies this state, if upon such examination the secretary of state shall find a net surplus, after providing for re-insurance and all claims for losses and other actual liabilities, equal to the amount of scrip issued, he shall issue a certificate of the the amount amount of such net surplus, and such company, upon a vote therefor, of a majority of all the directors thereof, may create a capital stock for the whole or any portion of the amount of such scrip, in exchange for said scrip, and may issue certificates of such stock, which shall be divided into shares of such amount, and the holders thereof shall be entitled to such privileges, and subject to such liabilities as the board of directors thereof may determine not inconsistent with the charter of such company, or with the laws of this state. may also increase capital stock equal to plus. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 10, 1874. CHAPTER CLXIX. An act for the relief of Gideon C. Angle. Preamble. WHEREAS, Gideon C. Angle, at the time a resident of Warren county, state of New Jersey, did, on the twelfth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, enlist in the military service of the United States, from the state of New Jersey, for the term of three years; and whereas, after having so enlisted, he was placed in a Pennsylvania regiment, to wit, the "Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry"; and whereas, in consequenc of being thus attached to a Pennsylvania regiment, he was refused payment of the sum of six dollars per month for the relief of his family, to which he was entitled under the laws of New Jersey, by reason of his enlistment from this state, and he has never been paid the same for his services from the date of said enlistment until January first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, when he re-enlisted as a veteran; therefore, to pay "State pay" 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the treasurer of this state be Treasurer and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said amount of Gideon C. Angle, now a resident of the county of Hunter- with interdon, the sum of one hundred and sixty-five dollars, with in- est. terest thereon from the said date of re-enlistment, (January first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four), being the amount of pay due the said Angle from this state. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed a public act and shall take effect immediately. Passed March 10, 1874. CHAPTER CLXXIX. An act for the benefit of the Soldiers' Orphans of the State of New Jersey. a 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Soldiers' the State of New Jersey, That immediately upon the pas-and Sailors sage of this act, it shall be the duty of the adjutant gen-orphans to eral to furnish, over his official signature and the seal of his certificate office, to each of the soldiers' or sailors' orphans now or viee of their heretofore residing in the Soldiers' Orphans' Home of this fathers in state, situated in the city of Trenton, a certificate on parch. or navy. ment setting forth the letter of the company, the number of the regiment, branch of service, corps, division and brigade in which the father of such orphaned child served, or of the ser the army, |