Imágenes de páginas

intersects the centre line of Cass street; thence westerly along the centre of Cass street to the centre of Lamberton street; thence northerly along the centre of Lamberton street to the place of beginning, shall constitute the third ward of said city.

Fourth Ward-All that part of the city bounded as fol-Fourth lows: beginning at a point in the centre of the Assanpink Ward, creek, at the intersection of the centre of Warren street, and runs southerly along the centre of Warren street to Lamberton street; thence following the centre of Lamberton street to the centre of Cass street; thence westerly along the centre of Cass street to the east bank of the Delaware river; thence continuing the same course to the middle of the channel of the Delaware river; thence up the middle of said channel to a point directly west from the centre of Assanpink creek, at crossing of water power; thence easterly up the centre of Assanpink creek to the place of beginning, shall constitute the fourth ward of said city.

Fifth Ward-All that part of the city bounded as fol- Fifth Ward lows: beginning at the intersection of the centre of the feeder of the Delaware and Raritan canal and Warren street; thence in a northeast direction, following the centre line of said feeder to the boundary line of Lawrence township; thence in a southeast direction, along the line of Lawrence township, and through the centre of a street called Centre street, to the middle of the Assanpink creek; thence down the creek to the centre line of the Belvidere Delaware railroad; thence in a northwest direction, following the centre line of said railroad to the centre of Clinton street; thence following the centre of Clinton street to the centre of Perry street; thence following the centre of Perry street to the Delaware and Raritan canal; thence south, following the centre of said canal till it intersects the centre line of Hanover street produced; thence westerly through the centre of Hanover street to the centre of Warren street; thence northerly through the centre of Warren street to the place of beginning, shall constitute the fifth ward of said city.

Sixth Ward-All that part of the city bounded as follows; sixth beginning in the centre of the Delaware and Raritan canal, Ward, at its intersection with the centre line of Cass street, and runs first south, along the centre of said canal to a point in line with the southerly boundary of Riverview cemetery; thence westerly along the south line of said cemetery to the


Election districts

may be

election officers for each district appointed.

centre of channel of the Delaware river; thence up the centre of said channel to a point opposite the centre of Cass street; thence easterly through the centre of Cass street to the place of beginning, shall constitute the sixth ward of said city.

Seventh Ward-All that part of the city bounded as follows: beginning in the centre of the feeder of the Delaware and Raritan canal, at a point where it intersects the line between lands of Thomas Cadwallader and E. J. C. Atterbury, and runs first north twenty-one and a half degrees, east along the line between the lands of said Cadwallader and Atterbury to the line of Ewing township; thence in a southeast direction, following said township line, to the centre of Delaware and Raritan canal; thence following the centre of said canal and feeder to the place of beginning, shall constitute the seventh ward of the said city.

Whenever any ward shall poll over eight hundred votes at any election, the common council may, by ordinance, dimade and vide the same into two election districts, making the said districts as nearly equal in respect to voters as possible; and a judge and inspectors of election, and a ward clerk may be thereafter elected within and for each of said districts; whenever any such division shall be made, it shall be the duty of the council at the time of making the same, to appoint an additional judge of election, two inspectors of election, and one ward clerk for said ward, who shall serve until their successors are elected; the officers so appointed shall perform their duties within the election district within which they shall severally reside; and in making such appointment, council shall have reference not only to the residence of the officers so appointed, but to the residence of the like officers already elected for said ward; the said inlitical party spectors so appointed shall not both belong to the same political party.

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3. And be it enacted, That the mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city, and shall possess the powers and privileges and perform the duties which are hereinafter specified; he shall be elected for the term of one year; the Term one first election, which shall be by ballot, shall be held on the year. same day as for the election of other city officers as herein provided, and his term of office shall commence on the when to third Monday of April next ensuing said election; he shall commence. receive an annual salary of eight hundred dollars, and he Salary. shall receive no fees or other compensation whatever.

what to


4. And be it enacted, That the common council of said Council, city shall consist of three members in and for each of the consist of wards of said city, who shall be divided in three classes as ande heretofore, and each of the wards of the said city shall at the annual city election, elect one person as a member of the common council for said ward, who shall hold such office for the term of three years.

tees how

5. And be it enacted, That the board of trustees of public School trusschools of said city, shall consist of two trustees in and for many, and each of the wards of said city, who shall be divided into term. classes as heretofore; and each of the wards of the city shall at the annual city election elect one person as a trustee of public schools, who shall hold such office for the term of two years.

where to be

ficers to be Who may

6. And be it enacted, That an election by ballot shall be Election' held annually on the second Monday in April in each of the held and wards and election districts in said city, between the hours what of of seven o'clock in the morning and seven o'clock in the af- elected. ternoon, at such places as the common council shall ap. point, of which places the city clerk shall give notice at least one week before the day of election, in two daily newspapers published in said city; at which election there shall be elected in and for said city, one school superintendent, who shall hold his office for one year and until his successor shall be elected and qualified; and in each and for each of the wards of said city one member of the common council, who shall hold his office for three years; one trustee of public schools, who shall hold his office for two years; two constables, and one commissioner of appeals in cases of taxation, who shall hold their offices respectively for one year; and there shall also be elected in and for said city, at the city election in every second year, one person to be receiver of taxes of said city, who shall hold his office for the term of two years; and in and for each ward and election district there shall be chosen at such annual election one judge and two inspectors of election and one ward or dis


trict clerk, who shall hold their offices one year; but should any ballot contain the names of more than one person for inspector of election, such ballot shall not be counted with respect to such office; justices of the peace shall be elected in the several wards of said city as prescribed by law for their election in the townships of this state; at the first municipal election held in said city after the passage of this

act, there shall be elected, in the same manner as other city how many officers voted for by the people are elected, two persons to Bevoted for serve as members of the board of city assessors; no elector

and how to

Term of office.

shall vote for more than one such assessor at such municipal election; but in case any ballot shall contain the names of more than one person for such office, such ballot shall not be wholly rejected, but only so much thereof as relates to such assessors; and the two persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected members of the board of city assessors; who shall hold their offices for three years from the third Monday in April next succeeding their election, and until their successors are chosen; their suc

cessors shall be chosen at the municipal election held in No person every third year thereafter, but no elector shall vote for more than more than one assessor, and no ballot containing the name

one assessor.

of more than one person for assessor shall be counted as to that office, and the two persons receiving the highest number of votes for such office, shall be declared elected; one chosen freeholder shall be elected in and for each of the freeholders wards of the said city, and they shall hold their offices for


term of office.


whom con

the terms prescribed by the act entitled "An act fixing the salary of the county collector and the term of office of the chosen freeholders of the county of Mercer, approved April fourth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three."

7. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid annual city elechow and by tion in each ward and election district shall be held and ducted. conducted by the judge, inspectors of election and clerk of election, in the same manner and under the same regulations, in all things, as prescribed by law for the state elec. tion for members of the legislature, except as hereinafter provided.


8. And be it enacted, That every person who would be entitled to vote by the existing laws of this state, at an election for members of the legislature, if held on that day, and who is at the time an actual resident of the ward or election district in which he offers his vote, shall be entitled

to vote therein, but not elsewhere, for all or any of the of ficers to be chosen at such election.

to be made

9. And be it enacted, That immediately after closing the votes how polls at every city election, the board of election in each canvassed. ward shall count the votes given for the several candidates and make a certificate thereof under their hands, and on the second day after said election the judges of election in each ward shall deliver the same to the city clerk; the said judges shall constitute a board of canvassers of said election, and shall meet at the city clerk's office at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and a major part of said judges being present shall proceed to make statement of the re- Statement sult of said election as shown by said certificates, which who to be shall be signed by said board and attested by the city declared clerk, who shall be the clerk of said board, and the persons having the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected to the offices for which they shall have been voted for respectively; and the city clerk shall file the original certificates from the wards in his office and lay the statement made by the board of canvassers before the common council at their first meeting thereafter, and the same shall be by them filed in said clerk's office; and the said clerk shall immediately send a notice of his election to each of Clerk to nothe persons so elected, and if at any election for officers, au- elected.



tify person

thorized by this act, any officer shall not have been chosen In case of by reason of two or more candidates having received equal number of votes, such office shall be deemed to be deemed vavacant, and shall be filled as hereinafter directed.

a tie office


ble to of

10. And be it enacted, That no person shall be eligible to Who eligiany office at any such election unless he shall then be an ice. elector and resident of said city, nor shall he be eligible to any office for any ward unless he shall then be an elector and resident of said ward; and when any officer elected at Vacancy any such election shall cease to reside in said city, or, if by removal elected for any ward, shall cease to reside in such ward, his ward. office shall thereby become vacant.


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terms of of


11. And be it enacted, That the term of office of the When chosen freeholders and justices of the peace of the several fice to comwards of said city shall commence at the time or times provided by law, and the term of office of all other officers elected at the annual city election as herein provided, shall commence on the third Monday in April of each year.

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