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Bidders for contracts

ganize the local government of Jersey City,' passed March thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one," and which supplement was approved March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, be and the same is hereby repealed; and hereafter no motion, resolution or order of the board of the public works providing for the making of any improvement, or the doing of any work, or procuring of any materials, or the purchase of any property, or for the employment of any person whose compensation may exceed one thousand dollars per annum, or for the payment of any sum of money exceeding two thousand dollars, shall be of any force or effect unless the same be concurred in by a vote of the board of finance and taxation; provided, that it shall not be necessary for the board of public works to send to the mayor for his approval, under section ninety-five of the act to which this is a supplement, any resolution or vote that is required to be concurred in by the board of finance and taxation, under the provisions of this section; and provided further, that it shall not be necessary for the board of public works to send to the board of finance and taxation, any resolution providing for the payment of money on account of any contract or purchase, where the resolution authorizing such contract or purchase shall have been concurred in by the board of finance and taxation.

10. And be it enacted, That section thirty-three of the supplement to the act to which this act is a supplement, which said supplement was approved March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, be and the same is hereby so amended that the total expense of the bureau of civil engineering and surveying shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars per annum, inclusive of the salary of the chief engineer and of all other persons engaged in said bureau.

11. And be it enacted, That hereafter bidders for contracts not requir- shall not be required to make a deposit as heretofore provied to make ded of three hundred dollars with the treasurer of the



city, and the amount and sufficiency of the bonds they are required to furnish shall be hereafter determined by the board of public works instead of by the board of finance and taxation as now required; and it is further provided, that hereafter the said board of public works shall not be required to award a contract to the lowest bidder if in their




judgment it would be for the best interests of the city to reject all bids.



how many

12. And be it enacted, That the board of public works of Board of Jersey City shall hereafter consist of three persons to be ap- works of pointed in the manner provided in section six of the act to to consist which this is a supplement; one of said persons shall hold office for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, or until their successors shall be appointed and shall have qualified; the term of office of each of said members shall be determined in the manner now provided by law; provided, however, that the members of the board of public works, Proviso. as now constituted, shall continue to hold their offices until the appointment and qualification of the officers in this section provided for.

ment cer

be in

13. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the Amount of board of public works to issue improvement certificates in mer any one year to a greater amount than five hundred thou-tificates to sand dollars, and the amount of bonds authorized to be is- one year. sued, under the provisions of section one hundred and fiftysix of the act to which this is a supplement, is hereby reduced to five hundred thousand dollars in any one year; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed Proviso. to prevent the issue of bonds under said section for the purpose of funding improvement certificates already issued, or to be issued in payment for work contracted for prior to the passage of this act.

thorized to

ty-five per

14. And be it enacted, That the bonds of Jersey City, auth- Bonds auorized to be issued and sold by the second section of a fur- be issued, ther supplement to the act to which this is a supplement, Bold for less which supplement was approved April fourth, one thousand than nineeight hundred and seventy-three, shall be sold for not less cent. of par than ninety-five per centum of their par value; provided, value. that nothing herein contained shall be construed as invali. dating the sales of bonds already made under said section, and which said sales are hereby ratified and confirmed.



15. And be il enacted, That the cognizance and control of Certain the lighting of streets and public places is hereby trans- transferred ferred from the board of public works to the board of police commissioners of said city, together with the custody of all papers and documents relating thereto, and all property now in use therefor.

16. And be it enacted, That any poundkeeper may be re- Pound

keeper may

be removed moved from office by the board of aldermen for cause, be

by board.


Certain assistants and their salaries.

fore the expiration of his term of office.

17. And be it enacted, That there shall be paid to the following named officers of the city, annual salaries, not to exceed the salaries herein specified, in lieu of the salaries now paid them in their respective offices, to wit:

To the mayor, two thousand dollars;

To the city comptroller, three thousand dollars;

To the clerk to the city comptroller, one thousand eight

hundred dollars;

To the city collector, four thousand dollars ;

To the city clerk, three thousand dollars;

To the clerk to the city treasurer, one thousand two hundred dollars;

To each assessor, one thousand five hundred dollars, in full compensation for all the duties required of such assessor by the act to which this is a supplement, and the supplements thereto, or by any statute, general or special, and in lieu of all other fees or perquisites to which such assessor would be otherwise entitled by any general or special statute, so far as the same are required to be paid out of the treasury of Jersey City;

To the city marshal, one thousand dollars, and the marshal shall also act as messenger for the several departments of the city government without additional compensation.

To each police justice, two thousand five hundred dollars, and no police justic shall retain to his own use any fees or costs collected by him as such police justice, but shall pay the same into the city treasury;

To each member of the board of public works, two thousand five hundred dollars;

To the chief engineer of the bureau of civil engineering and surveying, four thousand dollars;

To each police commisssioner, seven hundred dollars; To the clerk of the board of police commissioners, one thousand two hundred dollars;

To the health inspector, one thousand two hundred dollars;

To the street commissioner, three thousand dollars; The president of the board of aldermen shall hereafter receive no salary.

18. And be it enacted, That the number of assistants which may be appointed in the city collector's office shall not exceed six, one of whom may receive a salary not exceeding one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, and the others each a salary not exceeding one thousand two hundred

dollars per annum.

clerks in

19. And be it enacted, That the number of clerks and as- Number of sistants in the city clerk's office shall not exceed three, one city clerk's of whom may receive a salary not exceeding one thousand office not to two hundred dollars per annum, one of whom may receive three. a salary not exceeding one thousand dollars per annum, and

one of whom may receive a salary not exceeding eight hun

dred dollars per annum.


20. And be it enacted, That the board of public works salaries of may hereafter employ only the clerks and assistants herein-pointed by after named, at salaries not exceeding the annual salaries board of herein mentioned:

A clerk, three thousand dollars;

A permit clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars;

A clerk who shall act as clerk of the several committees of said board, one thousand eight hundred dollars;

An inspector of sewers and sewer connections, one thousand eight hundred dollars;

An assessor of water rates, one thousand eight hundred dollars;

A surveyor of water rates, one thousand two hundred dollars;

A water purveyor, one thousand five hundred dollars;
A tapper, one thousand five hundred dollars;

A foreman of pipe layers, one thousand five hundred dollars;

An assistant foreman of pipe layers, one thousand five hundred dollars.



and salaries

Bureau of civil engi

21. And be it enacted, That after the passage of this act Number the number of assistants in the bureau of civil engineering of clerks in and surveying shall be limited to one clerk, who shall receive an annual salary not exceeding nine hundred dollars; neering. not more than two surveyors, at an annual salary not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars each; one assessment clerk, at an annual salary not exceeding one thousand eight hundred dollars; one draughtsman, and one mechanical draughtsman, at annual salaries not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars each; not more than two rodmen, at annual salaries not exceeding nine hundred dollars each; not more

Present salary of

ficers not to

than two chainmen and two axmen, at annual salaries not exceeding six hundred dollars each.

22. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall certain of affect the salary of the present mayor, president of the board be affected, of aldermen, or assessors during their present terms of office; and that all other changes made by this act in salaries, at present paid in Jersey City, shall take effect on the first day of May next.

Other clerks not to be appointed, except by

23. And be it enacted, That no clerk, officer or agent, other than those provided for in sections twenty-one and twenty

two of this act, shall be appointed or employed by the board resolution of public works, except by resolution of said board, and a concurrent resolution of the board of finance and taxation.

of board, &c.

Other clerks in

24. And be it enacted, That no additional clerks shall be clerk's of- appointed in the city clerk's office, city comptroller's office, be appoint- city collector's office, or city treasurer's office, except by a ed without resolution of the board of finance and taxation.

fice not to


Certain proceedings of

25. And be it enacted, That all proceedings of the mayor and aldermen of the former city of Hudson, relating to the mayor and vacation of Water street (as laid down on the map of the of Hudson town of Hudson land association and on file in the office


city confirmed.

of the clerk of the county of Hudson,) be confirmed; and that all of said Water street not included in said proceedings and lying north of the easterly line of Meadow street, be and the same is hereby declared vacated; and the land heretofore occupied by said Water street shall revert to the owners of lands adjoining said street in the same manner as provided in the charter and ordinances of Jersey City.

Repealer. 26. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall be a public act and shall take effect immediately. Passed March 27, 1874.

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