Names of name. CHAPTER XXI. An act to incorporate the Saint Joseph's Total Abstinence 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the corporators State of New Jersey, That Thomas Farherty, Keyran Dunn, Joseph Howard, Edward Dunn, John Armitage and Edward Whelan, and such other persons as are now or may hereafter be associated with them by becoming members, and their successors are hereby created a body corporate and politic, Corporate in fact and in name, by the name of "The Saint Joseph's Total Abstinence Benevolent Society of the City of Paterson," and by that name they and their successors, shall and may at all times hereafter, be capable in law of suing and being sued, purchasing, holding and possessing any lands, tenements, hereditaments and personal estate, purchased, devised, bequeathed or given by any person or persons, body politic or corporate capable of making the same; provided always, that the said corporation or body politic hereby created, shall not at any time hold or possess property, real, personal or mixed, the net income of which shall ex. ceed the sum of five thousand dollars a year. Proviso. Election by 2. And be it enacted, That the persons named in the first whom and section of this act as incorporators, or a majority of them, shall, after ten days' notice thereof, inserted in one of the newspapers printed and published in the city of Paterson, proceed to hold an election for a board of five directors of said society, which board shall be composed of members of the society, and all persons who are now members of the said society, or who may become members thereof before such election, shall be entitled to vote at such election for said directors, and a majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for a choice of each of such directors. 3. And be it enacted, That the said board of directors so vice-presi- elected, shall immediately after said election, proceed to when and elect a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer elected. from among their number, and the said board of directors shall hold their office for the term of one year after such election, and until others are duly elected in their stead. President, dent, &c., by whom when held. 4. And be it enacted, That hereafter the annual election Annual of the board of directors shall be held on the second Tues- election day of March in each and every year, of which election the same notice shall be given as to time and place as is required in the second section of this act; and members in good standing in said society shall be entitled to vote at such election. purpose of 5. And be it enacted, That the objects of this society shall Objects and be to provide for the temporal welfare of the members society. thereof, by affording relief in case of accident or sickness, assisting in the expenses of the burial of deceased members, the encouragement of all persons to abstain from the use of alcoholic drinks, and for any benevolent and charitable purpose appertaining to said society. by-laws,&c. 6. And be it enacted, That the said society shall have pow-To enact er to make such by-laws, rules and regulations for the control and management of said society and its property and affairs as shall be necessary and proper, and not inconsistent with the laws of this state, or of the United States. how filled. 7. And be it enacted, That any vacancy occurring in said Vacancy board of directors shall be filled by the remaining members of said board, who shall hold office until others are duly elected in their stead. this act to 8. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained, Nothing in shall in any way interfere with the said society as it now interfere exists, and until the same may be organized in accordance ing society. with the provisions of this act. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 5, 1874. with CHAPTER XXII. An act to authorize the Trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of Millville, to sell and convey certain Real Estate. Trustees 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the empowered State of New Jersey, That the trustees of the First Methoconvey cer- dist Episcopal Church of the city of Millville, in the county to sell and land. of Cumberland, or their successors in office, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to sell and convey a certain lot of land situate in said city of Millville, in the in the county of Cumberland, now held in trust as the property or for the use and former occupancy of said Methodist Episcopal Church, of the city of Millville, by virtue of a deed made to the trustees of said First Methodist Episcopal Church by William G. Leake and Joseph Fifield, bearing date nineteenth day of October, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and for that purpose to make, execute and deliver a good and sufficient deed of conveyance therefor to the purchaser of the same, and that such deed of conveyance shall be good and effectual in law. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 9, 1874. CHAPTER XXIII. An act to authorize the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Bloomfield to sell and convey real estate. Trustees 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the empowered State of New Jersey, That the trustees of the Methodist certain Episcopal Church at Bloomfield, in the county of Essex, or to convey land. their successors in office, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to sell and convey all or any part of the land and real estate, with the appurtenances, now held in trust as the property, or for the use of the said Methodist Episcopal Church at Bloomfield, by virtue of a deed made to the president and trustees of said church by Durey Broomley and Maria his wife, bearing date the thirty-first day of July, anno domini eighteen hundred and forty-five, and recorded in book P six, pages five hundred and thirty-two, five hundred and thirty-three, and five hundred and thirty-four, of deeds for said Essex county, and for that purpose, to make, execute and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a good and sufficient deed or deeds for the same, under the hands and seals of the said trustee, by which said purchaser or purchasers, their heirs and assigns, shall hold the same so conveyed to his, her, or their own use free and clear, and absolutely discharged from all trusts whatever upon which the same has heretofore been held. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 9, 1874. CHAPTER XXIX. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the City Fire Insurance Company, of Jersey City," approved April second, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. in 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the capital stock of said City Capital Fire Insurance Company, of Jersey City, may be increased creased. from time to time as the directors of said company may deem fit; provided, the same be not increased beyond two hun-Proviso. dred thousand dollars. 2. And be it enacted, That the stockholders of said com-Number of pany may increase or diminish the number of directors of directors said company from time to time, at the annual election of creased or may be indiminished Proviso. Repealer. directors; provided, the number of directors shall not at any time be less than seven or more than thirty. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 16, 1874. : ment. CHAPTER XXX. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act to incorporate the People's Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Newark, New Jersey," approved March fifth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. Amend- 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the title of the act to which this is a supplement, entitled "An act to incorporate the People's Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Newark, New Jersey," approved March fifth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, be and the same is hereby amended, so as to read "An act to incorporate the People's Insurance Company, of Newark, New Jersey;" and that the first section of said act be amended by striking out the words "Mutual Fire and Marine," as they occur together in the corporate name, and by adding and inserting after the word "company" in said corporate name the words " of Newark, New Jersey," so that said corporate name shall read and be the "People's Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey." Certain and con valid. 2. And be it enacted, That all agreements and contracts agreements made and entered into by the corporation created by the act tracts made to which this is a supplement, and all grants, franchises, rights and conveyances, made to, conferred upon, or granted to said corporation, by whatever name the said corporation may have been designated or called in any enactment or instrument, shall be and they are hereby confirmed and made valid and effectual in law and equity to and against the said the "People's Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey," |