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" Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of mayor, or whenever, by reason of sickness or absence from the city, the mayor shall be prevented from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the board of aldermen shall act as mayor,... "
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey - Página 346
por New Jersey - 1874
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The Revised Statutes of the State of New-York: Passed During the ..., Volumen3

New York (State) - 1829 - 876 páginas
...iu whenever the mayor shall be absent from the city, or be prevented by ^™, sickness or any other cause, from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the board of aldermen shall act as mayor, and shall possess all the rights and powers of the mayor, during...
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Laws of the State of New York

New York (State) - 1830 - 498 páginas
...whenever the mayor shall be absent from the city, Jjj° """or be prevented by sickness or any other cause from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the board of aldermen shall act as mayor, and shall possess all the rights and powers of the mayor, during...
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The Charter of the City of New York

New York (N.Y.). - 1832 - 158 páginas
...shall beabhoi.rd shall act sent ^rorn tne Ci17, or ^e prevented by sickness, or ps Mayor. any other cause, from attending to the duties of his office, the President of the board of Aldermen shall act as Mayor, and shall possess all the rights and powers of the Mayor, during...
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The Charter of the City of New York: With Notes Thereon. Also, A Treatise on ...

New York (N.Y.), New York (State) - 1836 - 388 páginas
...determined in the affirmative. The section was then read as amended, in the words following, to wit : other cause, from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the Board of Aldermen shall act as Mayor, and shall possess all the rights and powers of the Mayor, during...
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New York Municipal Gazette (New York, N.Y.), Volumen1,Temas41-48

Ebenezer Meriam - 1847 - 224 páginas
...mayor, and whenever the mayor shall be absent from the city, or be prevented by sickness, or any other cause, from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the board of aldermen shall act as mayor, and shall possess all the rights and powers of the mayor, during...
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Laws of the State of New York, Volumen2;Volumen73

New York (State) - 1850 - 894 páginas
...mayor, or whenever the mayor shall be prevented by absence from the city, by sickness, or any other cause, from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the common council, or if the said president shall be absent or disabled, the president to be elected pro tempore, shall act...
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Laws of the State of New York, Volumen74

New York (State) - 1851 - 1408 páginas
...shall be prevented by ab- ficebof° ' sence from the city, by sickness or any other cause, from mayor attending to the duties of his office, the president of the common council, or if the said president shall be absent or disabled, the president to be elected pro tempore, shall act...
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The Annals of San Francisco: Containing a Summary of the History of ...

Frank Soulé, John H. Gihon, Jim Nisbet - 1855 - 860 páginas
...shall be a vacancy In the office of Mayor, or the Mayor shall be absent from the city, or be prevented from attending to the duties of his office, the President of the Board of Al-li-i IMI.-II shall perform the duties, receive the compensation, and possess all the rights...
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Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York

New York (N.Y.). - 1859 - 632 páginas
...the office of Mayor, or of his absence from the city, or of his being prevented by sickness, or other cause, from attending to the duties of his office, the President of the Board of Aldermen shall act as Mayor. (§17.) The Mayor shall have power to appoint such clerks as...
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Laws of the State of New York, Volumen1

New York (State) - 1867 - 1490 páginas
...a member of the board of education. In case of his absence from the city or inability to discharge the duties of his office, the president of the common council, or in case of the absence or inability of both, the president for the time being shall, during such absence...
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