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from the nerve-fibres the cells of the connective tissue in the neighbourhood of the fibres become charged with fatty granules, which may have become formed from the dissolved fatty substances of the medullary sheath.

These degenerative changes seem to occur simultaneously along the whole length of the nerve. In the nerves to voluntary muscles the end-plate is said to be the part first affected.

In the immediate neighbourhood of the section the appearances are somewhat modified by the escape of the myelin from the cut ends of the nerve-fibre, and the infiltration of blood and lymph into the interior of the ends thus emptied of their contents. This change must of course occur both in the central stump of the nerve as well as in the peripheral cut end: it does not often extend beyond the first node. Apart from such traumatic modification, true degenerative changes do not occur in the end of the nerve which is still in connection with the centre, although proliferation of the nucleus in the first and second internodes near the cut may take place. The central cut end of the axis-cylinder does not become altered; except that it undergoes a slight swelling, preparatory in all probability to the renewed growth by which the regeneration of the fibre is effected.

Regeneration proceeds but slowly. Up to the twenty-eighth day after the section, or even later than this, there is still no trace of the new nerve-fibres in the peripheral part of the nerve. With the exception of a few fibres which for some reason not well understood (probably because they are derived from some other nerve which has not been cut, and are taking a recurrent course in the cut nerve), have not undergone degeneration, nothing is to be seen in a section of the nerve at this period, except the primitive sheaths of the old fibres, filled with clear or finely granular substance. If, however, a transverse section be made of a nerve considerably later than this (sixty or seventy days after the original section) it is found that within the tubes formed by the old primitive sheaths, according to Vanlair between them, small single fibres or groups of fibres, either pale or provided with a medullary sheath, are to be seen, besides here and there those drops of myelin which have remained unabsorbed from the medullary sheaths of the original fibres. On cutting out the central end of the nerve, together with the cicatrix, and separating its fibres, it is seen that the groups of small fibres noticed in the transverse section are continuous with the central ends of the axis-cylinders of the original nerve (fig. 416, D). Either a bunch of small fibres may grow directly from the axis-cylinder of one fibre, or two only may emerge from this; but these soon bifurcate, and, repeating this process again and again, may eventually form a considerable group. It would appear therefore that the regeneration of a cut nerve is effected by a growth of new fibres from the axis-cylinders of the central cut end, and that many more such fibres are formed in the first instance than the old ones which have undergone degeneration. The growth from the old axis-cylinders always occurs in the situation of a node -either the one nearest to the section or one somewhat higher up. The new fibres are at first pale but subsequently acquire a medullary sheath, still later a primitive sheath, with constrictions of Ranvier, which, as in young nerves, are placed at much more frequent intervals than in the old fibres, so that the intervals are much shorter.

The fibres which grow thus in groups from the old axis-cylinders are often very irregular in their course, twisting around one another, and even looping back in some places for a considerable distance. In the cicatrix especially is this irregularity and obliquity of disposition noticeable, probably on account of the absence here of the guide formed by the sheaths of the original fibres.

Restoration of function in the nerve may not occur for several months, during which time it may be presumed the new nerve-fibres are slowly finding their way

along the course of those which have been destroyed as a result of the section. Of the numerous fibres in the groups above described, no doubt a few only eventually assume the function of the fibres which they replace, but the later steps of the process of regeneration have not yet been fully followed out.

Except close to the actual place of section, where they are somewhat hypertrophied, the connective-tissue sheaths of the nerves remain unaltered. In the cicatrix the new nerve-fibres do not at first run in definite sheaths, but these become subsequently developed from the connective-tissue around, so that at length the restoration of continuity of all the structures in the nerve becomes complete. Vanlair states that the outbudding of the axis-cylinders of the central end may occur as much as one or two centimeters from the point of section, and may involve at first only the peripheral fibres of a funiculus.

Ranvier looks upon the regeneration of a nerve by growth from the intact central ends of the fibres as illustrating the tendency which, he believes, all nerve-fibres. exhibit, to grow continuously until a hindrance is met with, and he compares the result of cutting a nerve-fibre in causing the growth of a number of new fibres in place of the original one, to that produced when the leading shoot of a plant is removed, in causing the production of a number of lateral buds.

Some have thought that under favourable circumstances an immediate union between the ends of the nerve-fibres may happen after section; but considering the impossibility of procuring exact apposition of the individual fibres, end to end, as well as the inevitable extension of the effects of the mechanical injury caused by the section along the soft contents of the primitive sheath, it seems improbable that such direct union should ever occur.

The degeneration does not affect, as we have seen, the part of the nerve remaining in connection with the nervous centre, which seems to exert an influence in maintaining the nutrition of the nerve. The ganglia, as well as the grey matter of the brain and spinal cord, are centres of this influence. It is found that, in the central portion of a divided spinal nerve, while the fibres belonging to the anterior root owe their integrity to their connection with the spinal cord (and especially with the large cells of the anterior cornu), those of the posterior root are similarly dependent on the ganglion; and that if the posterior root be cut between the ganglion and the spinal cord, not only will the fibres which pass from it into the trunk of the nerve beyond the ganglion remain unchanged, but also those above the ganglion, in the portion of the root left in connection with it; whereas the fibres of the same root which remain connected with the cord but severed from the ganglion degenerate.

The degeneration of the peripheral end of a cut nerve and the breaking up of the substance of the medullary sheath were first noticed by Nasse in 1839. But the discovery by Augustus Waller in 1852 of the dependence of the process upon isolation of the nerve-fibre from its nutritive centre, and his application of this discovery to the tracing the course of nerve-fibres in peripheral parts (now known as the Wallerian method) first gave full interest and importance to the observation of Nasse. Stated briefly, the law may be formulated as follows:"Degeneration occurs along the whole extent of any nerve-fibre which is cut off from the cell which governs its nutrition," and this, as the observations of His have shown, is in every case the cell from which the nerve-fibre has originally grown.'


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1 The addendum which is sometimes made to the effect that the course of the degeneration follows that of the nervous impulses which are ordinarily conducted along the fibre is manifestly erroneous.

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