Imágenes de páginas
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Endosteum (boтéov, bone), 265
Endothelium (Onλń, papilla), 194

of arteries, 362

of serous membranes, 389

Engelmann on ciliated cells, 202, 206
muscle, 297

discontinuity of axis-cylinders at nodes of
Ranvier, 312

core of Pacinian bodies, 345
motor end-organs, 352
Eosinophile-cells, 213, 232, n.
Epidermis, the (dépμa, skin), 410
development of, 412

Epimysium (ení, on; uûs, muscle), 285
Epineurium (veupov, nerve), 325

Epiphysis (ériquois, a growth upon), 280
Epithelium (ení, upon; thλn, a nipple), defini-
tion of, 194

classification of, 195

stratified, 195

intercellular channels of stratified, 196
transitional, 197

pavement, 198

columnar, 198

glandular, 201

ciliated, 201

of mucous membranes, 406
Epitrichial layer of the epidermis, 411, 412
Epitrichium (ení, on; Tpixiov, a little hair), 412
Eponychium (ení, on; ovu, a nail), 419
Erythroblasts (épv@pós, red; Bλaorós, a shoot),
219, 220, 266

Ewald on the neurokeratin network of the me-
dullary sheath, 314

[blocks in formation]

Halliburton, on cell chemistry, 174, n.

red corpuscle chemistry, 210,


Ham on movement of spermatozoa, 205
Hamster, hæmoglobin crystals in, 212
Harvey, discovery of the circulation by, 368
Havers, Clopton, canals of, 256

on synovial membranes, 392

Haversian canals, lining membranes of, 254
structure of, 256

connection of lacunæ with, 258
marrow in, 265

development of, 279

Haversian fringes, 392, 394

Haversian spaces, 264

Haycraft, on muscle structure, 305, n.

nerve-endings in the tortoise, 335

Hayem, on numeration of blood-corpuscles, 207
hæmatoblasts of, 215, 220

Heart, lymphatic, 381

Heat-rigor, 176

Heide, de, on ciliary movement, 205

Heidenhain, on changes in secreting gland-cells,

Heitzmann, on reticular structure of proto-
plasm, 191

on muscle, 297

Henle, on ciliary movement, 204

fenestrated membrane of, 227, 363

on elastic fibres in areolar tissue, 229
sheath of, 301, 326, 334

on Pacinian corpuscles, 341

size of capillaries, 369
serous membranes, 390

layer of, 423

Hensen, disk of, 288, 292, 293, 297

Herbst, corpuscles of, 340

Hertwig, mesenchyme cells of, 241

Hesse, on neuro-keratin network in nerve-fibres,

[blocks in formation]

IDE, on reticulated cell-membrane of stratified
epithelium, 197

Interarticular disks, 249
Intercellular substance, 172
Internal coat of arteries, 362
epithelial layer of, 362
sub-epithelial layer of, 362, 365
elastic layer of, 363
of veins, 366
of lymphatics, 378
Internodes of Ranvier, 311
size of, 312

Irruption stage of ossification, 275

JAW-BONE, lower, ossification of, 282

KARYOKINESIS (Káρvov, a kernel; kívŋois, move-

ment), definition of, 183

account of, 185

time of, 189

table of phases of, 190

Karyoplasm, 179

Kassowitz on ossification, 282

Katabolism (KaTaßoλh, a throwing down), 175

Keratin (képas, horn), 413

Keratohyaline, 195, 410

Kerschner on sarcoplasts, 302

muscle-spindles as nerve-endings, 348

Key, corpuscles of, Retzius and, 341

epineurium of Retzius and, 325
endoneurium of Retzius and, 326

Klein on amoeboid movement producing cell-
division, 190

blood-islands of Pander, 221

ciliated epithelium in kidney-tubules,

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sheath, 313, 314

Lanugo (down), the, 426

Leboucq, on vaso-formative cells, 221

Lecithin, in red corpuscles, 210

Leeuwenhoek, on the cell, 191

on movement of spermatozoa, 205

Leidy, on fibrous structure of articular cartilage,

Leucocytes (Aevrós, white; Kúтos, a bladder), 213

formation of connective tissue from, 243

Leydig, on cell-membrane, 191

Lieberkühn, glands of, 409

Ligamenta subflava, 225

Ligamentum nucha, 225

Linin (Aívov, thread), definition of, 182

Liquor sanguinis, 207

Lister, on effect of chloroform on cilia, 205
structure of small blood-vessels, 371

Literature, on the cell, 192

epithelium, 206

blood, 221

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