Imágenes de páginas

In Worcester.

In Norfolk.

In Bristol.

In Plymouth.
In Barnstable.

may take the name of Frances Peabody; Abby Ann Guilford
may take the name of Abby Ann Peabody, all of Essex
county. Hopestill Davis Baker, of Athol, may take the name
of Mary Hopestill Baker, of Worcester county. Charles
Richard Gallup, of Roxbury, may take the name of Charles
Henry Eversdyk Gallup, of Norfolk county. Stephen Macy,
of New Bedford, may take the name of Franklin Macy, of
Bristol county. William H. Hill, of Abington, may take
the name of Eugene Bray, of Plymouth county. Ebenezer
Holway, of Provincetown, may take the name of Ebenezer
Wing Holway, of Barnstable county. And the several per-
sons before-named, from and after the passage of this act,
shall be known and called by the names which by this act
they are respectively allowed to assume as aforesaid, and the
same shall hereafter be considered as their own proper and
legal names.
May 3, 1850.

Chap. 297 AN ACT to incorporate the Trustees of the Richardson School Fund in


Partial repeal, 1850, 306.


Powers and duties.



&c., of income of fund.

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:


SECTION 1. John Daggett, Samuel Carpenter, Willard Blackington, Lucus Daggett, Daniel Claflin, Noah Blanding, Seba Carpenter, Elkanah Briggs, Forrist Foster, Gardner Dunham, and Draper Parmenter, and their successors, are hereby incorporated, by the name of the Trustees of the Richardson School Fund in Attleborough, with full power and authority to fill any vacancies which may at any time occur, and to make and establish all needful regulations and by-laws for their own government and the security and management of the said fund, and any personal and real estate the said corporation may lawfully hold in executing the provisions of the will hereinafter named.

SECTION 2. The said trustees shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to receive, secure, invest, hold and manage the said fund and estate, and divide and pay over the income thereof, according to the last will and testament of Abiather Augustus Richardson, under which the said trustees are appointed and chosen.

SECTION 3. The said corporation may appoint such officers as their by-laws may provide, who shall be elected in the manner therein provided; and the present officers of the board shall hold their offices till others are chosen in their places.

SECTION 4. The said trustees may establish such rules and regulations for the distribution and appropriation of the income of said fund, in the support of the free schools mentioned in said will, as they may deem expedient, and the by-laws heretofore adopted shall remain in force till altered

or rescinded by said trustees: provided, the said rules, Proviso.
regulations, and by-laws do not conflict with the purposes of
said will or the laws of the Commonwealth.

SECTION 5. Two-thirds of the members for the time being, Quorum.

of said board of trustees, shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 6. The person first named in this act may call First meeting. the first meeting of the trustees, by giving each of them

notice in writing at least seven days before the time of said


[1850, 306.]

May 3, 1850.

[1824, 110; 1832, 117; 1833, 218; 1843, 50; 1845, 31.]

AN ACT in addition to an Act incorporating the Proprietors of Central Chap. 298

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:



SECTION 1. The Central Bridge Corporation shall have Free passage over power and authority to grant to each and every holder of a share or shares, of the capital stock of said bridge, a right to pass over said bridge free of toll, instead of and as a substitute for dividends, as now made and received upon said shares, subject to such regulations, as to the holding and transferring of same, as said corporation may make. SECTION 2. Whenever a fund of three thousand dollars Bridge, when to shall be received by said corporation from tolls or otherwise, after this act shall take effect, said bridge shall be made free by said corporation to all persons; and the interest of said fund, or as much thereof as shall be necessary, shall be expended in the repairs and expenses of said bridge.

be free.

increased from

bridge, by tolls.

SECTION 3. Said corporation shall have power and author- Fund may be ity, with the assent of the towns of Lowell and Dracut, to $3,000 to $5,000 levy a toll upon all persons passing said bridge, according for support of to the rates by law now established, whenever, in their opinion, it may be necessary to increase said fund to the amount of five thousand dollars, or to defray any extraordinary repairs or improvements upon the same: provided, Proviso, however, that the period within which it shall be lawful to take tolls upon said bridge, shall not, in any event, exceed five years from the date of the passage of this act.


SECTION 4. This act shall not take effect unless all the When to take holders of said stock shall assent in writing thereto, nor unless the city of Lowell, by its government, and the town. of Dracut, shall give their assent thereto.

[1853, 356, 386; 1854, 436.]

[1821, 109; 1831, 65.]

May 3, 1850.

AN ACT providing Commissioners for the Towns of Chelsea and North Chap. 299

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:


sioners of Middle

SECTION 1. The county commissioners, within and for County commisthe county of Middlesex, shall exercise and perform in the sex to have juris

diction in Chelsea towns of Chelsea and North Chelsea, all the powers and and North Chel- duties conferred by law on county commissioners, so far as the exercise of the same shall be applicable to said towns.


The inhabitants of Chelsea and

North Chelsea to sioners as if of

vote for commis


Expenditures be


SECTION 2. The inhabitants of Chelsea and North Chel

sea, at legal meetings to be called in the month of April, in every year, when county commissioners are appointed to be chosen in said county of Middlesex, shall be entitled to vote for such commissioners in the manner provided in the general laws.

SECTION 3. The compensation of said commissioners, in tween the two the exercise of all the powers and duties applicable to said towns of Chelsea and North Chelsea, shall be paid, two-thirds by the town of Chelsea and one-third by the town of North Chelsea.

Repealed, 1852, 163.

When to take effect.


Chap. 300

1847, 102, 218 repealed.

SECTION 4. This act shall not affect any legal proceedings already commenced.

SECTION 5. This act shall take effect whenever the same shall be accepted by the towns of Chelsea and North Chelsea, at legal meetings of the inhabitants.

SECTION 6. All acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed.

[1852, 163.]
[1847, 102, 218.]

May 3, 1850.

AN ACT in relation to Real Estate in the County of Nantucket. Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

The several acts in relation to real estate in Nantucket, passed March twenty-third and April twenty-second, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, authorizing a majority in interest to control the whole of certain lands therein named, be and the same are hereby repealed. May 3, 1850.

[Special Laws, vol. 3, pp. 141, 488; 1817, 156.]

Chap. 302 AN ACT authorizing the Braintree and Weymouth Turnpike Corporation to erect two additional Toll Gates. Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

One-half of present tolls to be taken.

Two other gates to be established.

SECTION 1. The Braintree and Weymouth Turnpike Corporation, from and after the passage of this act, are hereby authorized to demand and receive, at each of the two toll gates heretofore established upon said turnpike road, the one-half of the sums now authorized and established by law, and no more.

SECTION 2. The said corporation are hereby furthermore authorized to establish one other toll gate on said turnpike road, any where between Tuft's store, so called, and Richard's meadow, so called; and also, another toll gate upon said turnpike road, any where between the store formerly kept by Benjamin Newcomb and Quincy line, with the

[ocr errors]

right to demand and receive, at each of the aforesaid gates,
the like sums in tolls, for the various description of travel Tolls.
passing said gates, that are hereby authorized to be taken,
under this act, at the two gates already established.

And the same exemptions from tolls shall be made at the Exemptions. gates established by this act, as were made by the original charter, at the gates there established.

gates may be re

SECTION 3. Whenever any town, or individuals, shall When the two petition the county commissioners of the counties in which moved. said turnpike road is located, to have said turnpike within any town, laid out as a public highway, if the said turnpike corporation shall refuse to assent to said petition, and accept of such award as the commissioners of either county shall make, after a view and hearing in the premises, to said turnpike corporation for the franchise of that part of said turnpike within any town, or of the whole turnpike road in all the towns through which it passes, then the two additional gates authorized by this act shall be removed, and the authority to take tolls at them is hereby annulled.

[1857, 223.]

[1818, 32; 1849, 210.]

May 3, 1850.

AN ACT in addition to an Act to establish a Police Court in the City of Chap. 305

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:


SECTION 1. The standing justice of the police court in compensation of the city of Worcester shall receive, out of the fees which he standing justice. is now entitled by law to receive, to his own use, a sum not exceeding twelve hundred dollars annually, which shall be in full for his own services as justice and clerk of said court: provided, however, that whenever the compensation, Proviso. to which the special justices of said court are entitled by existing provisions of law, shall exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in any one year, the said standing justice shall pay said excess out of the amount which he is allowed to retain for his own use as herein provided.

SECTION 2. All acts and parts of acts, inconsistent with the foregoing provisions, are hereby repealed. May 3, 1850.

[1851, 268, 287; 1852, 298; 1854, 346; 1856, 172; 1857, 13.]

[1850, 297.]

AN ACT in addition to an Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Rich- Chap. 306

ardson School Fund.

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

cerning filling

That so much of the said act as provides for filling vacan- Provision concies in the board of trustees named in said act, is hereby vacancies rerepealed.

pealed. May 3, 1850.

Chap. 309


AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Melrose.
Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

SECTION 1. All that part of the town of Malden, in the county of Middlesex, which lies north of the following line, to wit: beginning at the monument set up at the junction of the towns of Saugus, North Chelsea, and Malden; thence running north eighty-eight degrees twelve minutes west, to the town of Medford, said line, where it crosses Main Street, so called, being one hundred and sixty-seven feet south of the milestone standing on the easterly side of said street, south of the dwelling-house of Joseph Lynde, 2d, and on Washington Street, one hundred and twenty-two feet north of the land of Robert T. Barrett on said street, on the most northerly corner of said Barrett's land, adjoining land of John J. Mahoney, is hereby incorporated into a town, by Powers and du- the name of Melrose; and the said town of Melrose is hereby vested with all the powers, privileges, rights, and immunities, and made subject to all the duties and regulations, to which other towns are entitled and subjected by the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth.





Division of property.

SECTION 2. The inhabitants of said town of Melrose shall be holden to pay all arrearages of taxes, legally assessed upon them before the passage of this act, and also their proportion of such state and county taxes as may be assessed upon them before the taking of the next state valuation, (said proportion to be ascertained and determined by the last town valuation of the town of Malden,) to the treasurer and collector of said town; and all moneys, now in the treasury of said town of Malden, or may hereafter be received from taxes already assessed, or directed to be assessed, shall be applied to the purposes for which they were raised and assessed, in like manner as if this act had not been passed.

SECTION 3. The said towns of Malden and Melrose shall be respectively liable for the support of all persons who now do, or hereafter shall, stand in need of relief as paupers, whose settlement was gained by, or derived from, a settlement gained or derived within their respective limits.

SECTION 4. The inhabitants of the town of Melrose shall be holden to pay their just and equitable proportion of all debts due from said town of Malden, and shall be entitled to receive their just and equitable proportion of the value of all property, real and personal, and of all assets now owned and held by said town of Malden; and in case said towns shall not agree in respect to a division of property, funds, debts, town paupers, or state or county taxes, the court of common pleas for the county of Middlesex shall, upon the petition of either town, appoint three competent

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