Real estate. Capital stock. Chap. 3. $100,000 additional capital stock. Proviso. Liable to tax, &c. Certificate to secretary of Commonwealth. Chap. 4. $50.000 addition SECTION 2. Said company may hold real estate for its use, not exceeding in value thirty thousand dollars; and its capital stock shall be two hundred thousand dollars. [1850, 32; 1851, 4.] February 3, 1849. AN ACT to increase the Capital Stock of the Bay State Bank. SECTION 1. The president, directors, and company, of the Bay State Bank, in Lawrence, are hereby authorized to increase their present capital stock by an addition thereto of one hundred thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, which shall be paid in such instalments as the president and directors of said bank may determine: provided, that the whole amount shall be paid within one year from the first Monday in April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. SECTION 2. The additional stock aforesaid, when paid into said bank, shall be subject to the like tax, regulations, restrictions, and provisions, to which the present capital stock of said corporation is now subject. SECTION 3. Before said corporation shall proceed to do business upon said additional capital, a certificate signed by the president and directors, and attested by the cashier, under oath, that the same has been actually paid into said bank, shall be returned into the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth. February 6, 1849. [1849, 217; 1851, 183.] [1813, 175; 1814, 147; 1815, 80; 1823, 130; 1830, 58; 1832, 111.] AN ACT to increase the Capital Stock of the Dedham Bank. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The president, directors, and company, of al capital stock. the Dedham Bank, are hereby authorized to increase their capital stock, by an addition of fifty thousand dollars thereto, in shares of one hundred dollars each, which shall be paid in such instalments as the president and directors of said bank may direct: provided, that the whole amount shall be paid on or before the first day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Proviso. Liable to tax, monwealth. &c. SECTION 2. The additional stock aforesaid shall be subject to the like tax, regulations, and provisions, to which the present capital of said bank is now subject. Certificate to sec- SECTION 3. Before said corporation shall proceed to do retary of Com- business upon such additional capital, a certificate signed by the president and directors, and attested by the cashier under oath, that the same has been actually paid into said bank, shall be returned into the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth. February 6, 1849. [1849, 217; 1853, 209; 1857, 177.] [1834, 31; 1846, 12.] AN ACT to increase the Capital Stock of the Ames Manufacturing Chap. 6. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Company. The Ames Manufacturing Company are hereby empow- $50,000 additionered to increase their capital stock, by an amount not al capital stock. exceeding fifty thousand dollars, and to invest such increase in real and personal estate, necessary and convenient for Real and personcarrying on the business of said corporation. [1846, 79; 1847, 239; 1848, 263.] al estate. February 8, 1849. Chap. 7. AN ACT concerning the Essex Railroad Company. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The Essex Railroad Company are hereby Location, when authorized and empowered to file a location of their railroad to be filed. as specified and defined by their charter, and in the acts in addition thereto, on or before the seventh day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty. con. SECTION 2. Said company is allowed the further time of Time for struction extendtwo years from the seventh day of March, in the year one ed. thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, within which to complete the construction of their said railroad. contract with B. and M. tion, for use of SECTION 3. Said company are hereby authorized and May empowered to contract with the Boston and Maine Railroad R. R. CorporaCorporation for the use of its tracks from North Andover to tracks from AnLawrence, upon such terms as shall be approved of by the dover to Lawrespective corporations. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. February 8, 1849. [1849, 199; 1851, 125, 128, 341; 1852, 32, 305.] [1831, 72; 1832, 153; 1833, 91; 1841, 128; 1846, 177; 1848, 253.] rence. AN ACT in addition to an Act to establish the Boston and Worcester Chap. 8. Railroad Corporation. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: annual meeting From and after the first Monday of June next, the annual Time of holding meeting of the Boston and Worcester Railroad Corporation changed. shall be held on the first Wednesday of February. February 8, 1849. [1849, 170; 1850, 43; 1851, 113, 297; 1853, 185, 336; 1854, 337; 1857, 136; 1859, 1.] [1848, 223.] AN ACT concerning the Salem and Lowell Railroad. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Chap. 10. cation extended. The time fixed for filing the location of the Salem and Time for filing loLowell Railroad is hereby extended one year beyond the twenty-sixth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. February 9, 1849. [1851, 128, 196; 1852, 32, 118; 1855, 386; 1856, 161.] [1821, 46; 1823, 17; 1828, 5; 1837, 9.] Chap. 11. AN ACT to increase the Capital Stock of the Merrimack Manufacturing Company. Capital stock increased, by not exceeding $500,000 How invested. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: The Merrimack Manufacturing Company are hereby authorized to increase their capital stock by adding thereto an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, and to invest such increase in personal estate as may be necessary and convenient for carrying on the business of said corporation. February 9, 1849. [1848, 162.] Chap. 12. AN ACT concerning the Taunton and Middleborough Railroad Company. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Time for location, &c., extended. Chap. 13. Boundaries. The time for locating and constructing the Taunton and Middleborough Railroad, is hereby extended one year from the period fixed in the act incorporating said company, passed April the twenty-first, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. February 9, 1849. [1850, 134; 1853, 55, 58; 1854, 100; 1855, 258; 1858, 171.] AN ACT to incorporate the Town of South Scituate. SECTION 1. All that part of the town of Scituate, which lies south-westerly of the following described line, namely: beginning at a stone monument, on the patent line between the towns of Hingham and Scituate, on the Mount Blue road, and thence running in a straight line to a point on the westerly line of the highway, northerly of the dwellinghouse of Thomas Ellmes, and distant from the north-easterly corner of the same, fifteen rods; thence in a straight line to the south-westerly corner of the town house lot; then in a right line to the central point, where the highway on the north-easterly side of Cushing O. Briggs' dwelling-house intersects the highway leading from the south parish meetinghouse, to the harbor; and thence, in the same right line, from the town house lot, as aforesaid, to a point on North River, is hereby incorporated into a separate town, by the Powers and du- name of South Scituate. And the said town of South Scituate is hereby vested with all the powers, privileges, rights, and immunities, and shall be subject to all the duties and requisitions, to which other towns are entitled and subjected, by the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth. ties. Concerning taxes. SECTION 2. The inhabitants of said town of South Scituate shall be holden to pay, to the collector of the town of Scituate, all arrearages of taxes legally assessed on them, in the said town of Scituate, before the passage of this act; and shall also be holden to pay their proportion of state and county taxes, that may be assessed upon them previously to the taking of the next valuation; said proportion to be ascertained and determined by the town valuation of the town of Scituate, next preceding the passage of this act. And the said town of South Scituate shall be holden to pay Debts. their just and equitable proportion of the debts duc, and owing, from the town of Scituate; and shall be entitled to Corporate proreceive an equal share of all the corporate property, school, perty. and surplus revenue funds, and other assets, now owned and held by said town of Scituate; and shall be liable to Surplus revenue. refund any portion of said surplus revenue which they shall receive, when the same is called for, according to the provisions of law. pers. and South Scituate to elect repre together, until next census. SECTION 3. Said towns of Scituate and South Scituate Support of paushall be respectively liable for the support of all persons who now do, or shall hereafter, stand in need of relief as paupers, whose settlement was gained by, or derived from, a settlement gained or derived within their respective limits. SECTION 4. Said town of South Scituate shall continue Scituate to be a part of the town of Scituate, for the purpose of electing representatives to the general court, state officers, sentatives, &c., senators, representative to congress, and electors of president and vice-president of the United States, until the next decennial census shall be taken, in pursuance of the thirteenth article of amendment of the constitution; and all meetings for the choice of said officers shall be called by the selectmen of Scituate, and shall be holden in the town of Scituate. The selectmen of South Scituate shall make Duty of selecta true list of persons, within their town, qualified to vote at elections. every such election, and shall post up the same in said town of South Scituate, and shall correct the same, as required by law, and shall deliver the same to the selectmen of Scituate before any such election, by whom the same shall be taken and used, in the same manner as if it had been prepared by themselves. men in such new town to be SECTION 5. Any justice of the peace for the county of How meeting of Plymouth may issue his warrant, directed to any principal called. inhabitant of said town of South Scituate, requiring him to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof, qualified to vote in town affairs, to meet at the time and place therein appointed, for the purpose of choosing all such town officers as towns are, by law, authorized and required to choose at their annual meetings. And said warrant shall be served by posting up copies thereof, all attested by the person to whom the same is directed, in four public places in said town, seven days, at least, before the time of meeting. The selectmen of Scituate shall, before said meeting, prepare a list of voters in said town of South Scituate, qualified to vote at said meeting, and shall deliver the same to the person presiding at said meeting, before the choice of a moderator thereof. SECTION 6. In case said towns should not agree in respect to a division of property, funds, debts, or town paupers, or state or county taxes, the court of common pleas for the county of Plymouth shall, upon petition of either town, appoint three competent and disinterested persons to hear the parties, and award thereon; and their award, or that of any two of them, accepted by the court, shall be final. SECTION 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. February 14, 1849. [1857, 164.] Chap. 14. AN ACT ceding to the United States, Jurisdiction over a lot of land on Jurisdiction ceded for a light-house. Same. Palmer's Island in the Harbor of New Bedford, and over a lot of land on Wing's Neck in the Town of Sandwich. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. Jurisdiction is hereby ceded and granted to the United States of America, over a lot of land, not exceeding two acres, on such part of Palmer's Island, in the harbor of New Bedford, as has been selected by the competent authorities of the said United States, for the erection of a light-house, and for other light-house purposes: And also, over a lot of land, not exceeding six acres, on Wing's Neck, in the town of Sandwich, on Buzzard's Bay, which lot also has been selected by the aforesaid authorities, for the erection of a light-house, and for other light-house purposes: provided, that this Commonwealth shall retain, and does Concurrent juris- hereby retain, concurrent jurisdiction, with the United States, in and over each and both of said lots of land so far that all civil and criminal processes issued under the authority of this Commonwealth, or any officer thereof, may be executed on any part of said lots of land, or in any building which may be erected thereon, in the same way and manner as if jurisdiction had not been granted as aforesaid. Proviso. diction. Act void, unless with secretary of the Commonwealth. SECTION 2. This act shall be void unless suitable plans plans are filed of said several parcels of land, mentioned in the first section, shall be made and filed by the United States, in the office of the secretary of this Commonwealth, within one year from the passing of this act. Chap. 15. Corporators. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. February 14, 1849. AN ACT to incorporate the Cordaville Manufacturing Company. SECTION 1. Oliver S. Sanford, Milton H. Sanford, Thomas |