AN ACT to incorporate the Chebacco Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Chap. 235 Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Benjamin Courtney, Moses Burnham, Jr., Charles B. Corporators. Allen, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation, by the name of the Chebacco Mutual Fire Insurance Company, in the town of Essex, for the term of twenty-eight years, for the purpose of insuring dwellinghouses and other buildings, and personal property, against loss by fire, with all the powers and privileges, and subject Powers and to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions, set forth in the thirty-seventh and forty-fourth chapters of the Revised Statutes, and all other general laws which have been or shall be hereafter enacted relating to mutual fire insurance companies. May 23, 1851. [1846, 212; 1847, 30, 182, 257; 1848, 264; 1849, 201; 1850, 36.] duties. AN Acr in relation to the Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Company. Chap. 236 Be it enacted, &c., as follows: cross certain of county com SECTION 1. The Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Authorized to Company are hereby authorized, wherever said railroad streets, &c., at shall cross, south-easterly of the old county road leading to grade with assent Malden, any street, highway, or turnpike, now constructed missioners. or to be constructed in the town of Chelsea, as laid down on the plan of the Winnisimmet Company, to cross the same at grade: provided, however, that they shall first obtain the assent so to do of the county commissioners of the county of Middlesex; and such crossing, if assented to as aforesaid, Restrictions. shall be subject, on the part of the said railroad and depot company, to all the restrictions, liabilities, and duties contained in an act entitled "An Act relating to railroads," passed on the sixteenth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-six: and provided, also, that Proviso. in case the said railroad shall cross the eastern avenue at grade, the said railroad and depot company shall grade the avenue from the railroad, three hundred and sixty feet each way, on a regular slope, make a good crossing, put up a sign and a pair of gates, and place a person there to tend the said crossing. repealed. SECTION 2. So much of the first section of an act entitled Acts inconsistent "An Act concerning the Chelsea Branch Railroad Company,' passed on the twenty-third day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, as is inconsistent herewith, is hereby repealed. construct a piece SECTION 3. The Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Authorized to Company are hereby authorized to locate, construct, and of railroad. maintain, a piece of railroad, commencing at a point in the located line of the said Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Company in Somerville or Charlestown, northerly of the Chap. 237 Corporators. Powers and duties. May purchase, estate to amount Capital stock. Proviso. Middlesex Canal; thence running south-westerly, crossing the Boston and Maine Railroad, and thence running southerly, on the westerly side of the said Boston and Maine Railroad, to a point in the located line of the said Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Company, southerly of Milk Row. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. May 23, 1851. [1852, 306; 1853, 151; 1854, 37; 1855, 415; 1856, 296; 1857, 128, 166.] AN ACT to incorporate the Salem Steamboat Company. SECTION 1. Israel D. Shepherd, John G. Brooks, Thomas M. Saunders, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation, by the name of the Salem Steamboat Company, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, restrictions, and liabilities, set forth in the thirty-eighth and forty-fourth chapters of the Revised Statutes. SECTION 2. The said corporation is hereby authorized to purchase, build, charter, or otherwise hold and employ a steamboat, to be employed in and about the harbor of Salem, and may also hold real estate to an amount not exceeding one thousand dollars. SECTION 3. The capital stock of the aforesaid corporation shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each: provided, that none of No shares to be said shares shall be issued by the said company at a less sum than the par value thereof named in this section, to be actually paid in on each share. May 23, 1851. issued at less than par value. [1852, 65.] Chap. 240 AN ACT to incorporate the Agricultural and Mechanic Hall Association. Be enacted, &c., as follows: Corporators. Springfield. Powers and duties. Real and person al estate. SECTION 1. James M. Crooks, Walter H. Bowdoin, Sable Rogers, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation, by the name of the Agricultural and Mechanic Hall Association, in the town of Springfield, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining, in said Springfield, an edifice, to contain library and lecture rooms, and halls suitable and convenient for the exhibition and sale of articles connected with agricultural, horticultural, and mechanical science and industry, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions, set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. SECTION 2. The said corporation, for the purpose aforesaid, may hold real and personal estate, not exceeding in amount thirty-five thousand dollars. May 23, 1851. [1849, 195; 1850, 247.] AN ACT concerning the Mount Pleasant Branch Railroad Company. Chap. 241 Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The times within which the Mount Pleasant Time extended. Branch Railroad Company may respectively locate and construct its road are hereby extended one year beyond the times now fixed by law. retary of the SECTION 2. The said company shall not commence the Certificate to secconstruction of its road until a certificate shall have been- Commonwealth. filed in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, subscribed and sworn to by the president of the said company, and a majority of the directors thereof, stating that all the stock named in its charter has been subscribed for by responsible parties, and that twenty per cent. of the par value of each and every share has been actually paid into the treasury of the said company. May 23, 1851. AN ACT to incorporate the North Beverly Branch Railroad Company. Chap. 242 Be it enacted, &c., as follows: duties. SECTION 1. John I. Baker, Stephen Upton, H. C. Tucker, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation, by the name of the North Beverly Branch Railroad Company, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to Powers and all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions, set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes, and in that part of the thirty-ninth chapter thereof relating to railroad corporations, and in all other general laws which have been or shall be hereafter passed relating to railroad corporations. SECTION 2. The said corporation is hereby authorized to Location and conlocate, construct, and maintain, a branch railroad, with one or more tracks, commencing at a point on the Eastern Railroad, about sixty rods south of the North Beverly depot, in the town of Beverly; thence running by a curve, northwesterly, three hundred feet; thence in a straight line, still north-westerly, across the county road, about ninety-five rods to Wenham Pond. struction. ern Railroad. SECTION 3. The said corporation is further authorized to May enter Eastenter upon and use said Eastern Railroad, according to law. SECTION 4. The said branch railroad shall cross the said Shall cross county road at a county road at a grade, or on a level therewith. grade. SECTION 5. The whole capital stock of the said corpora- Capital stock. tion shall consist of four hundred shares, of one hundred dollars each, and no assessment shall be laid thereon of a greater amount in the whole than one hundred dollars on issued at less each share, and no shares in the capital stock of the said No shares to be corporation shall be issued for a less sum or amount, to be than par value. actually paid in on each, than the par value of the shares which shall be first issued. And the said corporation may al estate. Real and person- invest and hold such part of their capital as may be convenient, in such real and personal estate as may be necessary and convenient for the purposes of their corporation. Proviso. Any company may enter, &c. Certificate to secretary of the SECTION 6. If the location of the said branch railroad be not filed according to law within one year, and if the same be not constructed within two years from the passage of this act, then this act shall be void. SECTION 7. The legislature may authorize any company to enter with their railroad at any point in said branch railroad, and use the same, or any part thereof, according to law. SECTION 8. The said corporation shall not commence the Commonwealth. Construction of the said branch railroad until a certificate shall have been filed in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, subscribed and sworn to by the president of the said corporation, and a majority of the directors thereof, stating that all the stock named in the charter has been subscribed by responsible persons, and that twenty per cent. of the par value of each share thereof has been actually paid into the treasury of the said corporation. [1839, 131.] May 23, 1851. Chap. 243 AN ACT in addition to an Act to establish the Boston Lunatic Hospital. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: City council of Boston may pass ordinances and SECTION 1. The third section of the one hundred and thirty-first chapter of the acts of the year one thousand appoint officers. eight hundred and thirty-nine, being an act entitled "An Act to establish the Boston Lunatic Hospital," is so amended that the city council of the city of Boston shall have power to pass such ordinances as they may deem expedient, for conducting, in a proper manner, the business of that institution, and for appointing such officers as in their opinion may be necessary. Repeal. SECTION 2. The second section of the said chapter is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. [1857, 35, 281.] May 23, 1851. Chap. 244 AN ACT to incorporate the Wilmington and Cambridge Railroad Com Corporators. Powers and duties. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: pany. SECTION 1. Zachariah B. Porter, John Cummings, Jr., Moses F. Winn, Asa G. Sheldon, Loring Emerson, Jacob Peirce, Walter Blanchard, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation, by the name of the Wilming ton and Cambridge Railroad Company, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions, set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes, and in that part of the thirty-ninth chapter thereof relating to railroad corporations, and in all other general laws which have been, or shall be hereafter passed relating to railroad corporations. SECTION 2. The said company are empowered to locate, Location. construct, and maintain a railroad, with one or more tracks, commencing at some convenient point on the Boston and Maine Railroad, in Wilmington, and between the sixteenth and seventeenth mile posts on the said road, thence running through Wilmington, crossing the Boston and Lowell Railroad, between the fourteenth and fifteenth mile posts on the same, and also crossing the Middlesex Canal; thence through a part or parts of Woburn and Burlington, and near the dividing line of the said towns, and to or near New Bridge Village, and continuing through said Woburn to some convenient point of junction with the Lexington and West Cambridge Railroad, in West Cambridge; or, leaving said line at or near Gardner's Lock, on the Middlesex Canal in Winchester, and running to some convenient point of intersection with the Boston and Lowell Railroad in Winchester, between the sixth and seventh mile posts on the said road; and also from a point on the Boston and Lowell Railroad, in Medford or Somerville, between the third and fourth mile posts on said road, to some convenient point on the Fitchburg Railroad, near Porter's Hotel, in Cambridge. SECTION 3. The said Wilmington and Cambridge Railroad May unite with Company may enter upon and unite their said railroad with other roads. the railroads of the said Boston and Maine, Boston and Lowell, Lexington and West Cambridge, and Fitchburg Railroad Companies, with proper turnouts and switches, and may use the same, or any part or parts thereof, according to law. SECTION 4. The capital stock of the said company shall Capital stock. consist of twenty-five hundred shares, of one hundred dollars each, and no assessments shall be laid thereon of a greater amount, in the whole, than one hundred dollars on each share; and none of said shares shall be issued by the said No shares to be company at a less sum or amount, to be actually paid in on than par value. each share, than the par value thereof named in this section. issued at less SECTION 5. If the location of the said road shall not be Limitation of filed in two years, and the said railroad constructed in three time. years from the passage of this act, then this act shall be void. Commonwealth. SECTION 6. The said company shall not commence the Certificate to secconstruction of their railroad until a certificate shall have retary of the been filed in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, subscribed and sworn to by the president of the said |