Imágenes de páginas

and forming of bolting-cloths with out feams. Dated March 31.

John Antes, of Fulnick, near Leeds, in the county of York, gentleman; for a machine to turn over the leaves of any mufic-book, by means of a pedal, or a motion with the knee. Dated April 10.

William Pocock, of the parish of Leyton, in the county of Effex, carpenter; for a machine for railing, lowering, and moving heavy bodies. Dated April 23.

William Collins, of Greenwich, in the county of Kent, efq.; for the application of fundry articles and materials, to be ufed chiefly for the prefervation of fhipping and marine purposes. Dated April 23. James Richards, of Sheldon, in the county of Warwick, gentleman; for a machine, or machines, for fetting, or depofiting in the ground, grain and feeds. Dated April 26. Matthias Koops, of Queen-ftreet, Ranelagh, in the county of Middlefex, gentleman; for a mode of extracting printing and writing ink from printed and written paper, and converting the paper from which the ink is extracted into pulp.Dated April 28.

John Marthal, of Gerrard-ftreet, in the parish of St. Anne, Soho, in the county of Middlefex, cabinetmaker; for a new-invented dining and other tables, on an improved conftruction. Dated April 29.

Robert Darby, bright-fmith, and Morgan Nichols, furgeon, of the city of Bath; for a method of making portable ovens, in various fizes, forms, and hapes. Dated May 1. William Raybould, of Great Satton-ftreet, Clerkenwell, in the county of Middlefex, brafs founder; for candlesticks upon entire new principles, which will receive, and hold


firm, candles of various fizes. Dated May 1.

Richard Gillow, of Oxford-ftreet, in the county of Middlefex, cabinet-maker; for improvements in the method of conftructing dining and other tables. Dated May 1.

George Frofchle, of Great Pulteney-ftreet, in the county of Middlefex, mufical-inftrument-maker; for improvements in the pedal-harp. Dated May 3.

William Moorcroft, of Oxfordroad, in the county of Middlefex, veterinary-furgeon; for a farther new and improved method of making and manufacturing horfe-fhoes. Dated May 3.

Edward Simpfon, of Lilly-potlane, in the city of London, ftrawhat manufacturer, and Caleb Isbister, of Banners-fquare, Old-ftreet, in the county of Middlefex, cabinet-maker; for an improved manufacture of ftraw-plait, made of split ftraw, prefenting only the outfide furface of the straw to the eye; and alfo of other plait of fplit ftraw, laid, put, or ftuck upon filk, paper, or wood. Dated May 8.

John Whitton, of Kingston-uponHull, merchant; for a lead faccharum, for the ufe of calico-printers, and feveral other ufeful purposes. Dated May 10.

Robert Fryer and Samuel Fryer, of Raftrick, in the county of York, woollen-manufacturers; for a mode of manufacturing the down or wool of feals, by mixing it with fheep or lambs-wool, preparing it to be carded, roved, or fpun, into yarn; which yarn will be capable of being woven into filk, linen, woollen, or cotton, into a cloth fit for garments. Dated May 13.

William Milner, of Leeds, in the county of York, white fmith; for a method

a method of making women's pattens. Dated May 15. '

Peter Davy, of the parifh of Chrift Church, in the county of Surrey, coal-merchant; for improved fuel. Dated May 20.

Robert Meares, of Froome, in the county of Somerfet, dyer; for a machine for cutting ftanding corn, grafs, and the like. Dated May 20. Chefter Gould, of the town of Rome, in the county of Oneida, in the flate of New York, merchant; for an inftrument or log for alcertaining a fhip's distance at fea. Dated May 20.

Jofeph Gafton John Baptifte de Thiville, of Boulton-ftreet, Piccadilly, in the county of Middlefex, gentleman; for a lamp or light, for lighting chambers, rooms, halls, &c. Dated May 26.

Dudley Adams, of Fleet-ftreet, London, optician; for a method of rendering telescopes more portable than hitherto, upon a new principle. Dated May 30.

William Turner, of Penfhurft, Kent, paper-manufacturer; for a machine to be applied to, and adopted in, the conftruction of wheelcarriages; for improving the principle, and increafing the power, of the draught, fo as to reduce the quantity of active force neceflary to be employed therein. Dated May 30. Jofeph Weekes, of PlymptonMaurice, Devon, tanner; for an apparatus, or fet of machinery, for a tannery. Dated June 10.

Samuel Wyatt, of Cheifea-college, Middlefcx, architect; for a method of making and confiructing bridges, warehoufes, and other buildings, without the ufe of wood, as a néceffary conflituent part thereof. Dated June 10.

William Johnfon, of Widmore


houfe, Bromley, Kent, esq.; for machine with new means of obtaining power in mechanical operations of the nature of a self-moving power, or perpetual motion. Dated June 10.

Ebenezer Palmer, Cheapfide, London; for a metallic hinge or chain, whereby the art of binding books is greatly aided and improved, particularly merchants accomptbooks. Dated June 13.

Henry Tickell, Manfel-street, Whitechapel, brewer; for a method of more effectually diffolving and extracting the virtues, and preferving the effential oil of hops, malt, and other vegetable fubftances ufed in brewing, diftilling, &c. Dated June 13.

John Cooch, of Harlefton, Northampton, farmer; for a machine for the purpose of winnowing or, dreffing of corn or grain for the use of bread, cattle, or feed. Dated June 17.

William Weller, Cavendish-street, Cavendish-fquare, Middlefex, gentleman; for a method of manufac turing, forming, making, and engraving, copper-plates, for printing policies to fecure perfons from lols of property of certain descriptions. Dated June 17.

George Smart, of Camden Town, Middlefex, timber-merchant; for a method of combining mafts, yards, bowfprits, &c. hollow, fo as to give them lightnefs and ftrength; and which may be applied to other ufeful purpofes. Dated June 17.

Robert Fryer, of Raftrick, near Halifax, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturer, and James Bennett, of Manchefter, Lancaster, wool-ftapler; for a method of manufacturing, cutting, dreffing, dying, and finishing of cloth. Dated June 20.


Thomas Paton, of Chrift-Church, Surrey, engine-maker and smith; for improvements in the conftruction of mills for grinding fugar-canes. Dated June 24.

George Harris, of Bunhill-row, Middlesex, working-goldfmith; for new-invented boxes, on an entire new principle, for fnuffs, effences, &c. Dated July 1.

John Elwick, of Wakefield, Yorkfhire, upholder; for a new method of framing together chairs and fofas of every kind, and which invention is intended to be applied to every defeription of household furniture. Dated July 1.

Jofeph Huddart, of Iflington, Middlefex, efq.; for improvements in the tawning and manufacturing of cordage. Dated July 1.

George Holland, of Holborn, Middlelex, hofier; for improvements in woollen-yarn, worfted, filk, and various other kinds of fpun materials, for the purpose of manufacture. Dated July 2.

John Lockett, of Donnington, Berks, linen-manufacturer; for a new box and axle-tree for carriages of every description; and for lathes and grind-ftones, upon a new and improved principle. Dated July 8. Thomas Smyth, of Exeter, Devon, efq.; for a method of preparing colours in cakes and powder from logwood, and other vegetable fubftances, for dying and painting. Dated July 16.

John Baptift Denize, of Georgeftreet, Portman-fquare, Middlefex, chymift; for a cement for various purposes. Dated July 16.

Emanuel Heffe, of St. Mary-labonne, Middlelex, gentleman; for improvements in ftirrups. Dated July 24.

Thomas Penn, of Nottingham, mechanic; for a mode of finking,

locking up the jacks, preffing, drawing back the needle-bar, and keeping up the jack in frames, for the more fimple and expeditious framework knitting of filk, thread, cotton, and worsted. Dated July 24.

Anthony Cefari de Poggi, of New Bond-ftreet, Middlefex, artist; for improvements in the conftruction and using of ordnance to be employed both in the fea and land fervice. Dated July 24.

Henry Cundell, jun. of the Minories, Middlelex, druggift; for a compofition called Cundell's Myoctonus, for deftroying rats, and other deftructive vermin. Dated July 26.

Peter Litherland, of Liverpool, Lancafter, watch-maker; for a method of keeping in tune various mufical inftruments, by means of an apparatus. Dated July 31.

George Medhurfl, of BattleBridge, Middlefex, engineer; for a method of driving carriages of all kinds without the ufe of horses. Dated Auguft 2.

Innocenzo Della Lend, of Piccadilly, Middlefex, M. D. and furgeon; for a medicine called " Phlogiftical and fixed Earth of Mars, or Powder of Mars," for the cure of various difcafes. Dated Auguft 2.

Matthias Koops, of Queen-ftreet, Ranelagh, Middlefex, gentleman; for a method of manufacturing paper from firaw, hay, thifiles, wafte and refute of hemp and flax, and different kinds of wood and bark, fit for printing, and other ufetul parpoles. Dated Auguft 2.

Ifaac Hadley Reddell, of Birmingham, Warwickfhire; for a method of conftructing carriages for the conveyance of merchandise either by land or water; which carriages may be removed, either loaded or unloaded, from the land to the water, or from the water to the


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land, with care, expedition, and fafety. Dated Auguft 2.

Ifaac Hadley Reddell, of Birmingham, aforefaid; for a method of making stirrups. Dated Aug. 2. Thomas Gill, efq. of Birmingham, aforefaid; for a new method of rifling the bores or calibres of cannon, and of mutket, carbine, gun, and pifiol barrels. Dated Auguft 2.

Ifaac Hadley Reddell, of Bir mingham, aforefaid; for his newinvented method of conftructing travelling carriages, which are more fafe, and in many respects more eligible, than thofe which are now in common use. Dated Auguft 3.

John and James Robertfon, engineers, Glafgow; for their newinvented method of applying fteam in the working of fteam-engines, by which a great faving of fuel is obtained. Dated Auguft 13.

Robert Sutton, of Barton-uponHumber, Lincolnshire, clerk; for his new-invented fails for windmills, on an improved conftruction, whofe motion and power are regulated by gravitation. Dated Auguft 13.

Jofeph Egg, of Great Windmill ftreet, Weftminster, gun-maker; for his new-invented method of bending fteel without the affiflance of heat, which may be applied to the manufacturing of furgical inftruments, and to a variety of other ufeful purposes. Dated Auguft 31. Benjamin Batley, of the parish of Streatham, Surry, merchant; for his new-invented method of curing and preferving herrings and fprats.Dated September 11.

parchment and vellum into leather, and making fuch leather waterproof. Dated September 15.

Thomas Bowman, of New Bondftreet, in the parith of Saint George, Hanover-(quare, in the county of Middlefex, peruke-maker; for a new-invented method of making perukes or wigs, with faftenings made of a certain elastic comprelied fteel spring or springs, and alio with other flat fprings or wires, made of fteel, for the closer adhesion of the points and whiskers to the head and face. Dated October 21.

William Plenty, of the town of Southampton, carpenter; for his new-invented pump, and a plough upon an improved conftruction.Dated October 11.

Thomas Binns, of Great Barlowftreet, St. Mary-la-bonne, Middlefex, water-clofet-maker; for his new-invented method of applying heat for the purpofe of melting and manufacturing animal fat, and a variety of other folid fubftances. Dated October 27.

Ifaac Hawkins, of Gloffop, Derby; for his new invention applica ble to mufical inftruments; the principles of which are alfo defigned to be applied to other ma chinery. Dated Nov. 13.

David Mufhet, of the city of Glafgow, gentleman; for his new invented proceffes applicable to metallurgy, or the manufacturing of metal or metals, not only from their metallic ftate or ftates, to the completion of the various articles or utenfils ufually made of fuch metal or metals, but alfo, from the state of the ore into their metallic ftate or ftates, in bars, ingots, or other wife. Dated Nov. 13.

James Hitchcock, of Kirby-ftreet, Hatton-garden, in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, gentleman; for his new-invented art or method of James Potts, of Belford, Norchanging and converting fkins of thumberland, clock and watch


maker; for his new-invented artificial leg and arm, upon a new or improved conftruction. Dated No

vember 15.

John Turnbull, junior, of Cordale-Printfield, Dumbarton, North Britain, calico-printer; for his newinvented proceffes, or improvements of proceffes, and apparatus applicable to the bleaching or whitening, and to the purifying, wafhing, and cleanfing, of cotton, flax, hemp, filk, and wool; and to the purifying of goods of every defcription made or manufactured of cotton, flax, hemp, filk, and wool. Dated November 15.

John White of the parish of St. Paul, Covent-garden, Middlefex, tin-plate-worker; and James Smethurft, of St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, Surrey, tin-plate-worker; for a new-invented lamp and burner. Dated November 15.

Thomas Grylls, of Launcefton, Cornwall; for his new-invented ftop-cock for barrels, and other veffels, which prevents the wafting of liquor. Dated Nov. 15.

Jofeph Sigmond, of Bath, Somerfet, furgeon-dentift; for his new-invented prefervative lotion and dentifrice, which he calls the Britif Imperial Lotion and Dentifrice, for preferving and beautify ing the teeth and gums. Dated November 25.

Stephen Hooper, of Margate, in the Ifle of Thanet, and county of Kent, gentleman; for his new-invented method, by means of certain machinery, of cleaning and deepening dry harbours, rivers, creeks, &c. part of which machinery may be applied to other useful purpofes. Dated Dec. 4.

John Proffer, of Charing-crofs, Middlesex, fword cutler; for a new VOL. XLII.

invented water-proof pan and hammer, for gun and piftol-locks; and alfo a breech for gun and piftolbarrels, for the purpofe of a quicker and more forcible explofion of gunpowder. Dated Dec. 9.

William Playfair, of Great Brookftreet, Fitzroy-fquare, Middlesex, gentleman, and Nicholas le Farre, of Still-Organ, near Dublin, in Ireland, but now refiding in Georgeyard, Lombard-street, in the city of London, efq.; for their new-invented improvements in naval architecture, whereby all vessels of all burdens may be enabled to fail fafter than they now do, particu larly in a heavy fea. Dated December 12.

Jofeph Eyre, of Sheffield, Yorkfhire, wood-turner; for a method or process of impreffing the japan upon ornamented handles of knives, forks, razors, and other cutleryware, made of wood, paper, &c. in imitation of handles made of tin or horn. Dated Dec. 13.

Martha Gibbon, of King-street, Covent-garden, Middlefex, drefsmaker; for a new-invented stay for women and others. cember 17.

Dated De

Chefter Gould, late of Rome, in the county of Oneida, in the ftate of New York, but now of RedLion-ftreet, Clerkenwell, Middlefex, merchant; for additional improvements on an inftrument or log for afcertaining a hip's distance, for which he obtained former letters patent in May laft. Dated December 17.

James Duxburgh, of Manchester, Lancashire, calico-printer; for a machine or inftrument to print diftinct fprigs or pots on calico, cotton, tuffs, linen, filk, fattin, cloth, woollen, braize, or leather, C c


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