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Shooter's Hill and Blackheath, whom they robbed to nearly the amount of 1002. Mr., Taylor, of Crayford, happening to pals on horfeback immediately after, at the request of the gentlemen, purfued; and, having watched the robbers into a wood, between Charlton and Woolwich, rode off to inform the commandant of that garrifon of the circumftance, who immediately ordered detachments of the royal horle artillery to furround and patrole the fkirts of the wood, while parties of the foot artillery entered it, in fearch of the offenders, who were foon fecured without refiftance, having firft depofited their booty and fix brace of piftols in a ditch, where they were found by one of the gunners. When ftripped of their difguife, they were of good appearance, the eldest not more than 23 years old. Eleven of the piftols were loaded, and feveral cartridges, balls, and flugs, were found upon these fellows.

This afternoon, about five o'clock, as one of the Chatham coaches was coming to town, through Wool wich, with a guide, (the coachman having, it is fuppofed, loft his way), the coach overturned in paffing through a cart-rut. One of the infide pallengers, a lady from Canterbury, had her kull fractured, which afterwards caufed her death. The

coachman had his collar-bone and arm broken, by the fall from his box, and feveral others were hurt.

22d. St. Thomas's day failing this year on a Sunday, the annual election of common-council-men, for the city of London, was held this day; when fewer changes took place than has been for many years remembered. There was no poll in any of the wards.

20th. This day, a very extraordi

nary attempt is faid to have beeri made on the life of Buonaparte. A combuftible machine, it appears, placed in a cart, was fet fire to as he paffed in his carriage to the Opera. The explofion caufed much damage, and feveral lives have been loft.

By a diary of the weather, kept during the year 1800, at Norwich, there appears to have been 214 dry days, viz. 20 in January, 23 in February, 14 in March, 7 in April, 23 in May, 16 in June, 28 in July, 16 in Auguft, 14 in September, 17 in October, 15 in November, 21 in December. In 1799 there were only 173 dry days.

It appears, by the adjutant-general's returns, that the number of troops in the pay of Great Britain, on the 24th of December, 1800, amounted to 168,082. The marines being in the admiralty department, are not included; but that corps, confifting of 23,370, encreases our effective military force to 191,452, exclusive of the nume rous volunteer corps, which do not receive pay from government. The military establishment of Ireland, as ftated by lord Caftlereagh, on the 10th of February, confifts of, regulars 45,839, militia 27,104, and yeomanry 53,557; amounting to 126,500; which makes the military establishment of the united kingdom $17,952 men. Taking the naval establishment, exclusive of marines at 100,000 men, our force will be found to confift of 417, 952 men.

From the first day of March laft there has been a difference of 12 days between the old and new styles, instead of 11, as formerly, owing to the regulations of the act for altering the ftyle, paffed in 1752; according to which, the year 1800 was only to be accounted a common


rear, and not a leap-year, as it otherwife would have been. In confequence of this alteration, Old Lady-day will be April 6; Old Mayday, May 13; Old Midfummer, July 6; Old Lammas, Auguft 13; Old Michaelmas-day, October 11, &c; and will continue fo for 100


As the

DIED. At her cottage, on Englefeld-green, Mrs. Mary Robinfon, the once celebrated, Perdita. She had been feveral months in a declining ftate of health, which worldly troubles greatly aggravated. author of feveral popular novels and poetical pieces, many of them under the fignature of Laura-Maria, fhe was well known to the public. Her laft work was a tranflation of Dr. Hagar's "Picture of Palemeo," juff publifhed. She was interred, in a private manner, at Old Windfor.

BIRTHS in the Year 1800.

Jan. 6th, Lady Sondes a daugh


Sth. Countess of Mansfield, a daughter.

15th. Lady M'Lean, a fon. 20th. Countefs of Oxford, a fon and heir.

31. Lady of fir Samuel Fludyer, bart, a fon.

Feb. 3d. Lady of Sir Henry Mildmay, bart. of her ninth fon. Right honourable Lady Charlotte Carr, a fon and heir.

11th. Countefs of Berkley, a fon. 18th. Lady Elizabeth Talbot, a fon.

22d. Countess of Yarmouth, a fon and heir.

24th. Countess of Caithness, a fon.

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Lady William Beauclerc, a daughter.

June 8th. Lady Porchefter, a fon and heir.

17th. Lady of the speaker of the houfe of commons, a daughter. 26th. Countels Mount Edgecombe, a daughter,

July 10th. Lady of fir James Saumarez, a daughter. 15th. Lady Harvey, a fun. Lady Rous, a fon. Lady Malley, a fon.

Lady Harriet Gill, a daughter. Auguft. Lady Louifa Hartley, a ton. 5th. Marchionels of Clanrickarde, a daughter.


Dutchefs of Manchefter, a daugh

[blocks in formation]

September 3d. Lady Mulgrave, a daughter.

10th. Lady of fir Francis Ford, bart. a daughter.

16th. Viscountess Garlies, a fon. 24th. The lady of fir Charles Cotton, bart. a fon.

Qober 7th. At Madrid, princefs of Peace, a daughter.

Reverend Robert Moore, fon of the archbishop of Canterbury, to Mifs Bell.

Lieutenant-colonel Henry Clinton, to the honourable Mifs Sufan Charteris.

Sir Charles Mills, bart. to Mifs

the Morehead.

Feb. 6th. Colonel Charles Crau

24th. Countess of Dalkeith, a ford, to her grace the duchefs dow

[blocks in formation]

ager of Newcastle.

March 7th. Sir William Bagenal Burdett, bart. to Mils Maria

29th. Countess of Mountcafhel, Reynett.

[blocks in formation]

24th. Earl of Westmoreland, to Mifs Saunders.

Major-general Edward Morrifon, to lady Caroline King, daughter of the late earl of Kingfion.

April. Sir Hew Dalrymple Hamilton, bart. to Mils Duncan, daughter of lord viscount Duncan.

Henry Slaughter, efq. to the dowager lady vifcountefs Montague.

In America, the eldest (on of the honourable Thomas Erskine, to the niece of the late general Washington.

May. Lord Bantry, to Mifs Hare. The prince of Hohenzollern Heckingen, to a princefs of Cour land.

27th. Lieutenant-colonel Anfon, to lady Charlotte Primrose, eldest daughter of the earl of Rofeberry.

June 17th. Cecil Forefter, efq. M. P. to lady Catherine Mary Manners, younger fister of the duke

of Rutland.

25th. Duke of Somerset, to lady

MARRIAGES in the Year 1800. Charlotte Hamilton.

Jan. tft Colonel Lake, to lady Graham.

Sir John Smith, bart. to Mifs Morland.

July 8th. Right honourable George Canning, M. P. to Mils Scott, youngest daughter of the late general Scott, and fifter to the mar chioness of Titchfield.


24th. Lord Amherst, to the coun- PROMOTIONS in the Year 1800. tefs of Plymouth.

Earl of Clanrickarde, to Mifs Burke.

Baron Hompefch, to Mifs Chrif

[blocks in formation]


Sept. 5th. Viscount Tamworth, to the honourable Mifs Curzon.

10th. Sir Charles Henry Knowles, bart. to Mifs Charlotte Johnstone. 17th. Marquis of Bute, to Mifs Coutts.

October 2d. Lord Folkftone, eldeft fon of the earl of Radnor, to lady Catharine Pelham Clinton.

20th. Lord viscount Corry, to lady Juliana Butler.

Šir Wharton Amcote, bart. M. P. to Mifs Amelia Campbell.

The honourable and reverend lord Henry Fitzroy, to Mifs Caroline Pigott.

Nov. 11th. Lord viscount Augbrim, to Mifs Eden.

John Simon Harcourt, M. P. to Mifs Henniker, grand-daughter of lord Henniker, and great niece to the duchefs-dowager of Chandos.

9th. Ebenezer Maitland, jun. efq, to Mifs Ellis, grand-daughter of the late William Fuller, efq. of Lombard-street.

23d. Admiral fir Hyde Parker, to Mifs Onflow, daughter of admiral Onflow.


Jan. 1. His majefty has been pleafed to appoint lieutenant-colonels William Gooch, Henry Chaytor, Stapleton Cotton, Samuel Dalrymple, William Johnston, George Fred. Koehler, Fred. Win. Wollafton, Rowland Hill, Wm. Stewart, hon. William Stapleton, Danzell Onflow, John Murray, William Twifs, hon. Charles Hope, Richard Mark Dickens, fir George Pigot, bart. Frederick Maitland, John Le vefon Gower, Martin Hunter, John lord Elphinstone, Richard vilcount Donoughmore, John Abercrombie, Richard William Talbot, George Charles Braithwaite Boughton, Carr Beresford, John Eveleigh, Orlando Manley, Alexander Shand, George earl of Dalhousie, Thomas Baker, George Porter, James Erikine, Henry Williams, hon. George Napier, Francis earl Conyngham, hon. John Vaughan, Charles Baillie, hon. Alexander Hope, John Thomas Maddifon, Peter Heron, Robert. Lawfon, Thomas Peter, Robert Montgomery, Edward Fage, hon. Montague Mathew, John Ramfay, William earl Bulwer, John Delves Broughton, William Dyott, Donald Craufurd Fergufon, Andrew Gammell, Robert M.Farlane, Peter John James Dutens. Samuel Achmuty, James Thewles, John Guftavus Crofbie, to be colonels in the army.

Majors Rowland Edwards, Hen-
ry Baird, hon. Alexander Murray,
William Cullen, R. Sacheverell
Newton, John Wingfield, William
Charles Fortefcue, Andrew Rofs,
Gerrard Goffelin, Richard Lee,
H. Lewis Dicken fon, William
Pearce, William Alexander, lord
Andrew Hay,
Henry Murray,
Thomas Robinson Grey, Frederick



Lethbridge, David Gordon, Fre derick de Chambault, Alexander Cumins, William Frederick Spry, Edward Mufgrave, Patrick Max well, to be fieutenant-colonels in the army-Captains Charles Duperry, Stephen Collins, Charles Sutherland, Edward Wood, Thomas Paterfon, William Kerfteman, Samuel Swinton, John William Evans, Malcolm M'Pherfon, George Johnftone, William Buller, J. Killigrew Dunbar, fir George Leith, George Cookfon, Philip Riou, Chriftopher Seaton, George Calland, to be majors in the army.

4th. Brevet. Captain the hon. Alexander Murray, to be major in the army.

7th. Rev. John Luxmore, D. D. to be dean of Gloucefter; reverend Charles Peter Layard, D. D. to be dean of Bristol.

Philip Robinfon, Charles Campbell, Arthur Robert Dillon, hon. George Carnegie, Thomas Partridge Thorpe, Duncan Darroek, Frederick Delme, John Grey, William Henry Pringle, hon. Robert Clive, William Hutchinfon, Anthony Egan, count Philip Walth, David Barry, William O'Shee, James Conway, Francis Stewart, George Jackfon, William Tomlinfon, Gordon Skelley, Thomas Hockley, Hugh Antrobus, John Murray, Arthur Aylmer, William Maxwell, William Say, John Mackenzie, Edward Barnes, Henry Zouch, John Shee, Edmund Reilly Cope, Henry Davis, hon. E. M. Packenham, John Bagwell, Phoneas Riall, Robert Bell, Robert Campbell, William Brooke, William Ponfonby, Thomas Molyneux, William Roberts, Hugh Baillie, Edward Macdonnell, Edward Edwin Colman, hon. J. Butler Wandesford, George A. Armfirong, James Francis Bland, Auguftus Fitzgerald, Charles Smith, John Bainbridge, John Shaw Maxwell, Benjamin Forbes, John Chas. Tuffnell, John Popham Watson, Ha-, 11th. Barracks. Thomas Fraser, viland Smith, Wm. Peachy, George gent. to be barrack-master at FortVigoreux, Thos. Skinner, Thos. de George. la Beche, Chas. Newton, George Lewis Hamilton, George Hart, Humphry Dennis, George Glafgow, George Johnfon, Henry T. Thompfon, Richard Donaldfon, Abraham Duvernette, James Butler, William Inglis, David Robertfon, 24th. Brevet. Majors Hugh BowJames Brag, William Douglas, ens, Henry Proctor, John Brown, Matthew Jenour, James Wynch, Jofeph Walker, William HutchinCharles Robifon, Thomas Judfon, fon, Taylor White, Daniel Seddon, William Bentham, William Fre- to be lieutenant-colonels in the army. derick M'Bean, John Vincent, Wil--Staff. Colonel George Milner, liam Booth, John Borthwick, Tho- of the foot-guards, to be brigadiermas Baffett, William Wade, George general in the island of Jersey Lewis, William Fyers, Sherborne only. Stewart, John Haddon,, Robert

8th. Lieutenant-general the hon. fir Charles Stuart; fir Henry Harvey, vice-admiral of the white; and fir Andrew Mitchell, vice-admiral of the blue; created knights of the bath.

21ft. A commiffion paffed the great feal, appointing fir Charles William Roufe Boughton, bart. M. P. for Bramber, in Suflex, one of the commiffioners for auditing the public accounts of the kingdom.

29th. His royal highnefs the prince

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