Annual Register, Volumen42Edmund Burke Longmans, Green, 1801 |
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Página 146
... bull - baiting ? It had exifted more than a thousand years , without pro- ducing any of the crying evils which were now attributed to it ? It was not unfair to attribute to the manly amufements of the people of England , of which bull ...
... bull - baiting ? It had exifted more than a thousand years , without pro- ducing any of the crying evils which were now attributed to it ? It was not unfair to attribute to the manly amufements of the people of England , of which bull ...
Página 147
... bull - baiting ; a cruelty much greater than that of hunting or fhooting : for , in bull baiting , a poor animal was tied to a ftake , with no means of defence or escape , and tormented and tor- tured for a whole day , or even for ...
... bull - baiting ; a cruelty much greater than that of hunting or fhooting : for , in bull baiting , a poor animal was tied to a ftake , with no means of defence or escape , and tormented and tor- tured for a whole day , or even for ...
Página 148
Edmund Burke. bull They attacked him them- felves ; and he fuppofed , that , if the right honourable fecretary - at - war were prefent at a bull - baiting , he would immediately fet the bull at liberty , fight him himfelf , without any ...
Edmund Burke. bull They attacked him them- felves ; and he fuppofed , that , if the right honourable fecretary - at - war were prefent at a bull - baiting , he would immediately fet the bull at liberty , fight him himfelf , without any ...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volumen47 Edmund Burke Vista completa - 1807 |
Términos y frases comunes
againſt alfo Auftrians becauſe bill bread Britain bull-baiting Buonaparte cafe caufe Chouans circumftances coaft command commiffioners committee confequence confiderable confidered confifting conftitution courfe defire ditto divifion Egypt enemy eſtabliſhed expenfe faid fame fecond fecurity feemed fent ferve fervice feven feveral fhall fhips fhould fide figned fince firft fituation fmall fome foon fpirit France French army ftate ftill fubject fuch fuffered fufficient fupply fupport fyftem Genoa himſelf honour houfe houſe increaſe intereft Ireland Italy juft king kingdom laft lefs lord lord Grenville lord Keith majefty majefty's meaſure ment minifter moft moſt muft muſt nation neceffary negociation neral obferved occafion oppofition paffed parliament peace perfons poffeffion poffible pofition port prefent prifoners propofed provifions purpoſe queftion reafon refpect republic Ruffia ſhall ſtate thefe themfelves theſe thofe thoſe thoufand tion troops ufual united kingdom uſe veffels weft whofe
Pasajes populares
Página 321 - I had met with a collection of letters by the wits of Queen Anne's reign, and I pored over them most devoutly; I kept copies of any of my own letters that pleased me; and a comparison between them and the composition of most of my correspondents, flattered my vanity. I carried this whim so far, that though I had not three farthings...
Página 333 - The negroes thus bound, are (by their masters or mistresses) to be taught to read and write, and to be brought up to some useful occupation, agreeably to the laws of the commonwealth of Virginia, providing for the support of orphan and other poor children. And I do hereby expressly forbid the sale or transportation, out of the said commonwealth, of any Slave I may die possessed of, under any pretence whatsoever.
Página 291 - ... in their persons nor shall their houses or goods be burnt, or otherwise destroyed, nor their fields wasted by the armed force...
Página 451 - Bolus arrived, and gave a doubtful tap, Between a single and a double rap. Knocks of this kind Are given by gentlemen who teach to dance; By fiddlers, and by opera.singers; One loud, and then a little one behind.
Página 294 - The difficulties which suspended the execution of the sixth article of our treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation with Great Britain have not yet been removed. The negotiation on this subject is still depending.
Página 324 - I can truly say, that pauvre inconnu as I then was, I had pretty nearly as high an idea of myself and of my works as I have at this moment, when the public has decided in their favour.
Página 333 - ... the latter, while both descriptions are in the occupancy of the same proprietor; it not being in my power, under the tenure by which the dower negroes are held, to manumit them.
Página 98 - I have told you my opinion. I think you ought to have given a civil, clear, and explicit answer to the overture which was fairly and handsomely made you.
Página 317 - ... remarkable for her ignorance, credulity, and superstition. She had, I suppose, the largest collection in the country of tales and songs concerning devils, ghosts, fairies, brownies, witches, warlocks, spunkies, kelpies, elf-candles, dead-lights, wraiths, apparitions, cantraips, giants, enchanted towers, dragons, and other trumpery. This cultivated the latent seeds of poetry, but had so strong an effect on my imagination, that to this hour, in my nocturnal rambles, I sometimes keep a sharp look-out...
Página 183 - Drapery, shall pay, on importation into each country from the other, the duties now payable on importation into Ireland ; salt and hops, on importation into Ireland...