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The Appropriation Bill.

The legislature made more liberal appropriations for the support of the State Normal School than ever before. The amount allowed for salaries for each of the coming years was $35,000. The sum of $18,000 was allowed for a new boiler house, engine, and dynamo, and for moving and repairing boilers and remodeling and enlarging the old boiler house into a gymnasium. One thousand dollars was allowed for a new janitor's house, and $1,500 for a fire proof office vault.

The Summer School.

We had hoped to make more definite announcements concerning the summer school in this issue. It is probable that an extra summer session will be offered, including practically all of the classes in the Normal department. As the legislature did not make any appropriation for it, the fees will probably be about thirteen dollars for all. If every one who is thinking of attending next summer will sit down and drop us a card at once on reading this item, it will help us to determine what course to pursue. The Regents will meet early in April and we shall be able to make definite announcements in the April number of the MONTHLY.

Porto Rico's Winter Climate.

On reviewing the impressions of a tour nearly all around this island by railroad and carriage and across the island over the great military road, the first and perhaps the last are of the delightfulness of the climate and the beauty of the scenery. The extraordinarily equable temperature is due to the prevalence of the trade-winds; for Porto Rica lies far out in the ocean, east of Hayti, and one thousand miles east of Havana. In our midwinter the thermometer stands every day at about 80° in the shade and goes down to about 70° at night, or in the hills to 60°. In the summer a temperature of 90° is reached, but never more than 92°. There is thus no winter. All the year round the army officers attend receptions in their white linen suits, and only the thinnest under-garments can be worn. The constant wind blows directly across the island. In winter the moisture carried from the sea condenses into an occasional little shower, more frequent in the hills, and all day cumulus clouds are scattered about the horizon or afford a few minutes' shade from the bright sun. The air is absolutely clear, with no smoke, haze, or dust. The heavier summer showers and the moisture of the air in winter (about 75 per cent. of saturation) with occasional spits of rain keep the streams full and the ground moist even in what the people would call a dry season. The winters are most delightful, and the island ought to become, like Bermuda, a favorite winter resort for invalids.—From "The Condition of Porto Rico," by William Hayes Ward, in the American Review of Reviews for March.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace.


This is a plaster cast of a statue of heroic size which was found on Samothrace, an island of the Aegean, in 1863. The original is now in the Louvre at Paris and is of Hellenistic date; it is supposed that the statue was erected about 305 B. C., in memory of a naval victory won by Demetrius Poliorce tes, King of Macedon.

It probably was intended to simulate the figure-head of a ship, and to represent the winged goddess of Victory, descending from Olympus, in the act of alighting on the earth.

Though the statue is much mutilated, it is conceded that there is no more ideal figure of a woman portrayed by art.

The department of physical training has just mounted a fine cast of this statue in its office and it is greatly admired by all visitors.


Miss Danette Mitchell, whom many of our former students will remember well, is taking advanced work in clay modelling and wood carving with Professor Abbott.

Casper Edwards is teaching in the Indian school at Oteo, Oklahoma. He already has a superintendent's certificate, and is taking great interest in this important work.

Miss Calla J. Harrison, who has spent several years in mismionary work in Japan and Hawaii, is resting for the year and taking special work in reviews and professional subjects here. On February 17, she gave a most interesting and profitable talk to the Endeavor society on the problems in those lands. Joseph H. Young, here in '89, is now located at Oberlin, Kansas.

'89. J. M. Rhodes writes from 235 West 120 street, New York, that he has been "discharged" from the hospital and is at work again. He will complete his residence requirements this year and pursue the rest of the course for his doctorate in special outside study.

'92. Ola Bowman writes from Kewanee, Illinois, that she is teaching mathematics in the High school in that city. She finds Kansas friends there and is already much at home.

'92. Junia Johnston McMurray writes us from Burning Springs, Clay county, Kentucky, that she and her husband are located at that place and engaged in pioneer educational work in the mountain districts of eastern Kentucky. Her husband is general agent of the college and is well pleased with the outlook. She finds many things very different from those to which she was accustomed in Kansas. Her description of the scenery as viewed from her windows is very interesting.

'93. After a long and noble contest with tuberculosis, Carrie Lee passed away at midnight on Tuesday, February 28. She was greatly improved in the autumn and it was hoped she would be well by the spring time. Her fond dreams and her ambitious heart were not strong enough, however, and the Reaper's work is done. She leaves a large circle of mourning friends who will not soon forget her genial nature and her intense devotion to her friends. We join in heart felt sympathy with the sorrowing circle at home.

Many of our readers will be grieved to learn of the death of Adelia Billedeaux, of Neosho Rapids, who was with us in '95. Her death occurred on March 1.

'96. Elizabeth A. Johnson is teaching in the city schools of Princeton, Indiana.

'97. Helen M. Hodgin writes us that she is teaching in Centralia this year and is delighted with her work. Along with many other graduates, she is pursuing advanced studies at home.

'99. All of her friends were grieved to lose Miss Eva Campbell at the close of last term. She writes from Rifle, Colorado, that her mother passed away on February 18. Mrs. Campbell was a noble, self-sacrificing Christian woman and lived a useful and consecrated life.

'oo. We regret that Willard E. Lyon has been compelled to leave his classes for the spring on account of ill health.

Remember that the spring term classes organize April 10. Are you coming?

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Oratorical Contests.

These annual school contests are now in progress in the different schools and states. The theory of the contest is that it is a comparison of the work of the schools of supposed similar standard. The facts of the contests are not able to carry out this theory. This tendency to try to gain the first place at all hazards leads to the preparation of orations in ways and by means which are very questionable and in some cases farcical. The orations are probably originally written by the contestants, but they are revised, corrected, amended and improved so much by others in the majority of cases that the original paper filed with the judges represents the result of total efforts of all the combined scholarship, judgment and experience that the contestant, his friends, his teachers, his critics and his professional experts are able to produce. This certainly is not a comparison of student work and ability and loses thereby much of the supposed value of the work accomplished.

Another evil of these contests is the privilege granted to the orators to present again and again from year to year the same oration. It may be slightly revised, it may go again the rounds of criticism and improvement, but even if given in the local contest and also in the interstate contest, it is yet eligible for service again if it was not fortunate enough to be the winner of the first place. This certainly is not for the best in school work and must reduce the value of the training in writing and in delivery to the minimum, since it puts a premium upon that one's chance who has had the opportunity to enter a previous contest and apparently belittles the efforts of those who are in the lists for the first time.

Another practice that is common is very objectionable and misleading. The local contestants frequently go outside of the school they represent for training. They employ elocutionists, ministers and other public speakers to train them. Some even go to Chicago or some other large city and employ specialists to train them in as good form as possible, sacrificing work and everything else in the struggle. This becomes particularly true when the state or interstate contests are on and hence when the final comparison is made, it is not a true, genuine comparison of schools at all, but a sort of comparison of all the varying factors that are combined upon such contestant for place.

The interstate contest between the State Normal Schools of Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa and Kansas attempts to be free from part of these evils. There is an understanding between the faculties that there shall be little revising and constructing done by members of faculties or by any other person. It is also naturally understood that the training in delivery of these orators is limited to the instruction and training of the elocutionary departments of said schools-so that the comparison may be as nearly as possible a real comparison of student work and department training. If these elements of the contest can be honestly maintained there will be good come to the schools represented, but as soon as it becomes a scramble to win without regard to these healthy and proper regulations, the sooner the oratorical contest is abandoned the better. Victory secured by such means is paid for at a high price, and is indicative of neither scholarship, ability, nor real training.-Normal Eyte, Cedar Falls, Iowa.

THE State Normal School was most fortunate in having many warm friends in both houses of the legislature, particularly so in such men as Representatives Harris and Wright from Lyon county. They devoted themselves untiringly to the interests of the school and never hesitated to give time and labor as occa sion demanded.

The Lyceum Society. Three cheers for the red, white and blue which the Lyceum people displayed so beautifully and honored so nobly a few weeks ago, and three extra cheers for the Lyceum society itself.

This last month has been one of great and glorious success and triumph for our society. All the members have been on the alert and intensely interested, and the results of our efforts have been plainly seen.

One Friday night the boys gave a program which was very entertaining and many novel features were presented. Mr. Siebert is well known for his dialect readings, and on this night he made good his past record. We found trouble in following the line of thought given us by E. E. Baird and "others" in the jargon. The Greek tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe was unique from the fact that Thisbe was rather restless and shy for a young lady waiting for her lover. "Cassius and Brutus" as given by Walter Caldwell, was splendid. The entire audience sat motionless and enraptured by the way this selection was rendered.

February seventeenth the blowing up of the Maine and the late war were commemorated with an appropriate program. Odd tableaux and cartoons were given, such as "See-sawing," "Must it come to this?" "Uncle Sam is ready," "The sailor's return and the fate of Spain." Uncle Sam, Spain, Cuba and Hawaii were each represented in costume. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the only sadness during the evening was caused from remembering our nation's loss, when, one year ago, this noble ship went down.

February twenty-fourth a colonial program was given, many of the boys and girls being in costume. The debate was a pleasing feature especially to those who ate the waffles and drank the tea. The others had to listen to what was said "over the teacups." The witch of olden times was hung and the American flag made.

During this month our number has been increased by about forty new members, and we are glad to welcome them all. Some are orators, debaters, musicians, and the others are filled with enthusiasm equally helpful. One night alone over twenty new names were added to our list. Who says the Lyceum society is not progressing onward and upward?

The Philomathian Society.

The past month has been one of unusual interest in society work. The four societies have vied with each other in the attempt to provide the most entertaining programs and to attract the largest and most appreciative audiences, and though some of our sister societies have expended no little money for printers' ink to advertise special features and programs, the merits of the programs in the Philomathian hall have been attested night after night by appreciative and attentive audiences, and by the number who have stood in the back part of the room.

On February 10 the ladies were responsible for the entire program, and entertained most royally, Miss Henderson, of the Literati, favored the society with a piano solo but failed to Miss Harris contributed a vocal respond to a hearty encore. solo with violin accompaniment by Professor Butler. This time the hearty rounds of applause brought forth the desired response and the society listened to the second song with as much pleasure as they had the first. Miss Daisy Ott's recitation is worthy of special mention and was appreciated by the audience. Not the least interesting number on the program for the evening was the debate. It was not the dry, uninter

esting part of the program that debates sometime are, but it was an animated logical discussion of a live subject. Miss Joseph's speech was especially logical and forceful. These are only a few of the features of a delightful program in which the girls demonstrated that they can run the society without the boys.

At our last meeting Professor Jones made some helpful remarks on the principles of argumentation. Her words were of special interest to all who are interested in debate. Those just beginning the work will be especially helped. Such talks will, if the suggestions are followed out, result in great improvement in debate work.

The officers of the society for the ensuing term are, president, Mr. Clark; vice president, Miss Love; sergeant at-arms, Mr. Hibner: secretary, Mr. Lyon.

The Belles-Lettres Society.

A series of excellent programs have been listened to by crowds of students in the Belles-Lettres hall during the past month, but a better program still will be given next Friday night, the last Friday night society meeting before the debate and dramatic art contest. We will have all our contestants, all our members, and many of our friends with us during the evening and the program promises to be most attractive.

During the month nearly all of our dramatic art people have entertained us in our hall and we feel more highly elated and enthused than ever. Members of the faculty have been with us at different times. Miss Achsah Harris sang, accompanied on the violin by Professor Butler. Professor Wilkinson acted as a judge in one of our famous debates, and afterward talked to us entertainingly of the Kansas boys among the Filipinos.

We are developing from the younger members of society an excellent lot of debaters. This year our senior debaters, Messrs. Stroup and Daniels, have the confidence and hearty support of every Belles-Letterite, and next year, if we may judge from present indications, we will have debaters to spare. At our last meeting the question, "Resolved, That man will do more for the love of woman, than for the love of money," was discussed and caused a vast amount of merriment. It was affirmed by Messrs. Roy Weatherby and Wharton, and denied by Misses Challender and Van Ausdale. The affirmative, wishing to show that women are rarely left to become old maids, called upon all old maids to stand. They were somewhat startled at the large number who preferred single blessedness and unlimited power to boss. We quote for the benefit of the boys, "Gentlemen, which means boys, be courteous to the old maids, no matter how plain and prim, for the only chivalry worth having is that which is readiest to pay deference to the old, protect the feeble, and serve womanhood, regardless of rank, age, or color. The bright-eyed girls are quick to see such traits, and will like you all the better for them." The following officers have been chosen: President, E. S. Weatherby; vice president, Miss Turner; secretary, Miss Shannon; chorister, Miss Ross; sergeant-at-arms, Mr. Parker.

THE following are the officers of the Y. P. S. C. E. for the present term: President, E. B. Gift; vice president, E. S. Weatherby; secretary, Anna Paterson; corresponding secretary, Jennie Gillespie; treasurer, D. R. Read; usher, C. S. Huey. The society is growing in interest.

B. F. Wasson, here in the early '80's, is now superintendent of the Farm and City Telephone Company, Farmer City, Illinois. The MONTHLY wishes him abundant success in his new enterprise.

The House That Jack Built.

In a teachers' examination recently held in one of the Cenral Kansas counties the applicants were required to give an texample of poetic paraphrase. A young lady, who evidently cherishes a scrapbook, handed in the poem which we give below, explaining that it had been written many years ago by an unknown author. It will be observed that, while the idea of the simple little nursery rhyme is carried through the entire poem, different words are used in every verse and the dictionary of half a dozen tongues appears to have been ransacked for synonyms:

Behold the mansion reared by daedal Jack.
See the malt stored in many a plethoric sack
In the proud cirque of Ivan's bivouac.

Mark how the rat's felonious fangs invade
The golden stores in John's pavilion laid.

Anon, with velvet foot and Tarquin strides,
Subtle Grimalkin to his quarry glides-
Grimalkin grim, that slew the fierce rodent
Whose tooth insidious Johanns' sackcloth rent.

Lo! Now the deep mouthed canine foe's assault
That vexed the avenger of the stolen malt
Stored in the hallowed precincts of the hall
That rose complete at Jack's creative call.

Here stalks the impetuous cow with crumpled horn,
Whereon the exacerbating hound was torn,
Which bayed the feline slaughter-beast that slew
The rat predaceous whose keen fangs ran through
The textile fibers that involved the grain
That lay in Hans' inviolate domain.

Here walks forlorn the damsel crowned with rue,
Lactiferous spoils from vaccine dugs who drew
Of that corniculate beast whose tortuous horn
Tossed to the clouds in fierce, vindictive scorn
The harrowing hound whose braggart bark and stir
Arched the lithe spine and reared the indignant fur
Of puss, that with muricidal claw

Struck the weird rat in whose insatiate maw
Lay reeking malt that erst in Ivan's courts we saw.

Robed in senescent garb that seemed, in sooth,

Too long a prey to Chronos' iron tooth,
Behold the man whose amorous lips incline
Full with young Eros' osculative sign,
To the lorn maiden whose lact-albic hands

Drew albu-lactic wealth from lacteal glands
Of the immortal bovine, by whose horn,
Distort, to realms ethereal was borne
The beast catulean, vexer of that sly
Ulysses quadrupedal which made die
The old mordacious rat that dared devour
Antecedaneous ale in John's domestic bower.

Lo! Here with hirsute honors doffed, succinct
Of saponaceous locks, the priest who linked
In Hymen's golden bands the torn unthrift

Whose means exiguous started through many a rift,
Even as he kissed the maiden all forlorn
Who milked the cow with implicated horn
Which in fine wrath the canine torturer skied
Which dared to vex the insidious muricide
Which let the auroral effluence through the pelt
Of the sly rat that robbed the palace Jack had built.

The loud cantankerous shanghai comes at last
Whose shouts aroused the shorn ecclesiast
Who sealed the vows of Hymen's sacrament
To him who, robed in garments indigent,

Exosculates the damsel lachrymose

Th' emulator of that horned brute morose
That tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed
The rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that
Jack built.

-Kansas City Journal

The Texas legislature has enacted legislation authorizing the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway to absorb and operate the Sherman, Shreveport & Southern Railway, which now extends from McKinney to Jefferson. It is the intention of the Katy to extend the line to Shreveport to connect with the Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railway (Queen & Crescent Route), thus opening a new gateway and a short line to the Mississippi Valley and the southeast. Through train service will be established.

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"What was it?"

"A shampoo.”—Ally Soper.

When Washington was president,
It was as cold as any icicle;
He never on a railroad went,
And never rode a bicycle.

He read by no electric lamp,
Nor heard about the Yellowstone;
He never licked a postage stamp,
And never saw a telephone,

His trousers ended at the knees,
By wire he could not send dispatch,
He filled his lamp with whale oil grease,
And never had a match to scratch.

But in these days it's come to pass,
All work is with such dashing done,
We've all these things, but then alas!
We seem to have no Washington.

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[blocks in formation]

Rates to National Educational As

sociation-Los Angeles, July II-14, 1899.

Though we have no definite information concerning details as yet, the following announcements will probably soon be made by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway:

The rate will be one first-class limited fare plus $2, or $52.50 from Missouri river points, for round trip via direct routes to and from Los Angeles; for tickets reading one way via El Paso or Deming or Barstow and the other way via Shasta Route, $17 50 addional. Los Angeles to be the destination of the excursion ticket in all cases. Tickets at this rate not to be sold with San Francisco or any other Pacific Coast common point as the destination. No tickets to be sold at this rate which do not take the passenger to Los Angeles.

The dates of sale will be June 25 to July 8, 1899, inclusive. The passenger must reach Los Angeles not later than July 11, 1899; final return limit, September 4, 1899.

Stop-overs will be allowed going within the transit limit of July 11, and returning within the final limit of September 4, at any and all points west of and including El Paso, Trinidad, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Cheyenne, and corres


pondingly located points on Trans-Continental lines to the north.

It is understood that the rates made $12.50 and $17.50 greater, account one-way passage via Shasta Route, do not return the passenger in every case to point of purchase, just as rates for nine-months tickets to California points made $13.50 greater do not so return the passenger. For example, the present rate $103.50 from Kansas City for San Francisco returns the passenger to Kansas City via Shasta Route and direct lines, or to St. Paul, but not to Kansas City through St. Paul.

San Diego may be included for a side trip in connection with all routes to Los Angeles at an additional rate of $3, which in division will be an arbitrary for the S. C. Railway.

For further information consult nearest agent, or write


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