Imágenes de páginas

Legislation, continued.

67th Congress - Bills and Resolutions, cont'd.

S. resolution 308. Calling on all the regional Federal Reserve Banks of the United States, except the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, for information regarding the distribution by said banks of a speech made by Senator Glass in the Senate of the United States. XWZ

S. resolution 335. Directing the Federal Reserve Board to require the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Dallas, St. Louis and Kansas City to report to the Senate the rates of interest charged by them on loans and discounts in 1920 and 1921. XWZ

S. resolution 351. Requesting_the Federal Reserve Board to furnish the Senate a list of the names and addresses to which a certain speech was mailed. XWZ

S. resolution 460. Requesting the President to investigate the truthfulness of certain alleged statements relative to the so-called deflation policy of the Federal Reserve Board. XWZ

H. R. 5749. To amend the act approved Dec. 23, 1913, known as the Federal Reserve Act. XWZ

H. R. 8399. To amend section 11 (m) of the act approved Dec. 23, 1913, known as the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the acts approved Sept. 7, 1916; Mar. 3, 1919; and Feb. 27, 1921. XWZ

H. R. 11788. To stabilize the purchasing power of money. XWZ

H. R. 12208. To amend the act approved Dec. 23, 1913, known as the Federal Reserve Act. XWZ

H. R. 13878. To amend the last paragraph of section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act as amended by the act of June 3, 1922. XWZ H. resolution 339. For immediate consideration of S. 2263. XWZ H. resolution 567. Providing for the consideration of S. 4280. XWZ

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Amending the Federal Reserve Act. Report to accompany S. 2263. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1921. 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 234; serial no. 7918.) *SBE

Amending section 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act. Report to accompany S. 86. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1921. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 3; serial no. 7918.) *SBE

Amendments to Federal Farm Loan Act and Federal Reserve Act: hearing before a subcommittee on S. 2253 and S. 2263, bills to amend subdivision 7, section 12, of the act approved July 17, 1916, known as the Federal Farm Loan Act, and to amend the Federal Reserve Act, approved December 23, 1913. July 18-19, 1921. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1921. 56 p. 8°. *SBF

United States. - Banking and Currency Committee (House, 67:1). Amending Federal Reserve Act. Report to accompany S. 831. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1921. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 441; serial no. 7921.) *SBE

Amending Federal Reserve Act. Report to accompany H. R. 8399. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1921. 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 442; serial no. 7921.) *SBE

Amending section 25(A) of the Federal Reserve Act. Report to accompany H. R. 5749. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.,] 1921. 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 67; serial no. 7920.) * SBE

Amendment to abolish office of Comptroller of the Currency, etc. Hearing before the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives, Wednesday, June 1, 1921. Statement of Hon. W. P. G. Harding, Governor Federal Reserve Board. Washington: Goy. Prtg. Off., 1921. 48 p. 8°. * SBF United States. Banking and Currency Committee (Senate, 67:2). Erection of an office building by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Report to accompany S. J. res. 208. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1922. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 2. sess. Senate *SBE report no. 804; serial no. 7951.)

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Membership in a Federal Reserve Bank. Report to accompany S. 3531. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1922. 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 2. sess. Senate report no. 800; serial no. 7951.) *SBE

United States. - Banking and Currency Committee (House, 67:2). Amendment to Federal Reserve Act. Report to accompany S. 2263. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1922. 3 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 2. sess. House report no. 885; serial no. 7956.)


Legislation, continued.

67th Congress - Committee Hearings and Reports, continued.

Distribution of profits of Federal Reserve Banks. Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives, on bill H. R. 12208, to amend the act approved December 23, 1913, known as the Federal Reserve Act. Wednesday, June 28, 1922. Statement of Hon. W. P. G. Harding... Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1922. ii, 12 p. 8°. *SBF

Erection of an office building by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Report to accompany S. J. res. 208. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1922. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 2. sess. House report no. 1184; serial no. 7957.) *SBE

United States. Conference Committee (House, 67:2). Amending the Federal Reserve Act. Conference report to accompany S. 831. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1922. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 2. sess. House report no. 1167; serial no. 7957.) * SBE

Federal Reserve Bank buildings. Conference report to accompany S. J. res. 208. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1922. 3 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 2. sess. House report no. 1245; serial no. 7957.) *SBE

United States. Banking and Currency Committee (Senate, 67:4). Agricultural credits. Report to accompany S. 4287. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1923. 4 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 4. sess. House report no. 1003; serial no. 8155.) *SBE

Rural credits. Report to accompany S. 4280. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1923. 9 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 4. sess. Senate report no. 998; serial no. 8155.) *SBE

United States. - Banking and Currency Committee (House, 67:4). Federal Reserve Bank buildings. Report to accompany H. R. 13878. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1923. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 67. cong., 4. sess. House report no. 1438; serial no. 8157.) * SBE

Rural credits. Report to accompany S. 4280. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1923. 20 p. 8°. (U. S. 67, cong., 4. sess. House report no. 1712; serial no. 8158.) *SBE

Stabilization of purchasing power of money. Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives, sixty-seventh Congress, fourth session, on H. R. 11788, to stabilize the purchasing power of money. December 18, 19, 20, and 21, 1922 January 29, 1923). Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1923. 2 parts.



Contents: Part 1. Statements. Part 2. Opposition and rebuttal.

Paging continuous.

[blocks in formation]

H. R. 494. To stabilize the purchasXWZ ing power of money.

H. R. 6855. To amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the consolidation of national banking associations," approved November 7, 1918. XWZ

H. R. 8887. To amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the consolidation of national banking associations," approved November 7, 1918. XWZ

H. joint resolution 151. Extending the time for the final report of the Joint congressional committee created by the Agricultural Credits Act of 1923. XWZ

Passed as Public resolution no. 3. In: U. S. Statutes at large, v. 43, part 1, p. 4, XWZ.

- H. resolution 343. To provide for the consideration of H. R. 8887. XWZ

Committee Hearings and Reports

United States. - Banking and Currency Committee (Senate, 68:1). Consolidation of national banking associations. Report to accompany S. 3316. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off, 1924. 8 p. 8°. (U. S. 68. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 666; serial no. 8221.) * SBE

To amend section 25(A) of the act approved December 23, 1913, known as the Federal Reserve Act. Report to accompany S. 2905. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.., 1924. 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 68. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 345; serial no. 8220.) *SBE

Legislation, continued.

68th Congress - Bills and Resolutions, cont'd.

United States. — Banking and Currency Committee (House, 68:1). Consolidation of national banking associations, etc. Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, sixtyeighth Congress, first session, on H. R. 6855... April 9, 15, 16, and 18, 1924. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1924. 253 p. 8°.

*SBF Consolidation of national banking associations. Report to accompany H. R. 887. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1924. 5 p. 8°. (U. S. 68. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 583; serial no. 8228.) *SBE

Extension of time for final report of Joint Committee of Inquiry on Membership in Federal Reserve System. Report to accompany H. J. res. 151. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1924. 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 68. cong., 1 sess. House report no. 86; serial no. 8226.) *SBE

Federal Reserve Bank building, Denver, Colo. Report to accompany S. J. res. 3. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Öff., 1924. 5 p. 8°. (U. S. 68. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 686; serial no. 8228.) *SBE

Federal Reserve Bank building, Omaha, Neb. Report to accompany S. J. res. 51. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.., 1924. 5 p. 8°. (U. S. 68. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 687; serial no. 8228.) *SBE

To stabilize the purchasing power of money. Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, sixty-eighth Congress, first session on H. R. 494, a bill to stabilize the purchasing power of money. February 26, 1924. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1925. iii, 94 p. diagr. 8°.


United States.- Banking and Currency Committee (Senate, 68:2). Consolidation of national banking associations. Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, sixty-eighth Congress, second session, on S. 3316 and H. R. 8887, bills to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the consolidation of national banking associations," approved November 7, 1918; to amend section 5136 as amended, section 5137, section 5138 as amended, section 5142, section 5150, section 5155, section 5190, section 5200 as amended, section 5208 as amended, section 5211 as amended, of the Revised statutes of the United States; and to amend section 9, section 13, section 22, and section 24 of the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes. January 19, 26, 29, and 30... Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1925. iii, 120 p. 8°.



Bills and Resolutions Passed or Acted Upon

For debates in Congress on this bill see the index to the Congressional Record under heading "Federal Reserve Banks," in v. 67, part 12, and v. 68, part 6. For action taken see the section called "History of bills and resolutions" in the same volumes. * SAE.

United States. Statutes: 69th Congress. S. 1782. To amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the consolidation of national banking associations," approved November 7, 1918. XWZ

S. 3657. To incorporate the Federal Reserve Pension Fund, to define its functions, and for other purposes. XWZ

S. joint resolution 44. Authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to invest its funds in the purchase of a site and the building now standing thereon for its branch office at Buffalo, N. Y. XWZ Passed as Public resolution no. 9. In: U. S. Statutes at large, v. 44, part 2, p. 223, XWZ.

S. joint resolution 61. Authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to enter into contracts for the erection of a building for its branch establishment in the city of Detroit, Mich. XWZ

Passed as Public resolution no. 15. In: U. S. Statutes at large, v. 44, part 2, p. 253, XWZ.

S. joint resolution 66. Authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond to contract for and erect in the city of Baltimore, Md., a building for its Baltimore branch. XWZ

H. R. 2. To amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the consolidation of national banking associations." (McFadden bill.) XWZ

Passed as Public, no. 639. United States Statutes at large, v. 44, part 2, p. 1224-1234, XWZ.

H. R. 7895. To amend paragraph (d) of section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act as amended, to provide for the stabilization of the price level for commodities in general. XWZ

H. joint resolution 131. Authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to invest its funds in the purchase of a site and the building now standing thereon for its branch office at Buffalo, N. Y. XWZ

H. joint resolution 191. Authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond to contract for and erect in the city of Baltimore, Md., a building for its Baltimore branch. XWZ

Passed as Public resolution no. 16. In: U. S. Statutes at large, v. 44, part 2, p. 302, XWZ.

Committee Hearings and Reports

United States.- Banking and Currency Committee (Senate, 69:1). Authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond to contract for and erect a building for its Balti

Legislation, continued.

69th Congress - Committee Hearings and Reports, continued.

more branch. Report to accompany S. J. res. 66. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 515; serial no. 8525.) *SBE

Authorizing the purchase of land with improvements to house a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank in Buffalo, N. Y. Report to accompany S. J. res. 44. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.,, 1926. 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 235; serial no. 8524.) *SBE

Consolidation of national banking associations. Hearings before a sub-committee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, sixty-ninth Congress, first session on S. 1782 and H. R. 2, bills to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the consolidation of national banking associations," approved November 7, 1918... February 16, 17, 18, and 24, 1926 Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. iii, 372 p. 8°. *SBF

Erection of a Federal Reserve Bank building in Detroit, Mich. Report to accompany S. J. res. 61. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 3 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong, 1. sess. Senate report no. 278; serial no. 8524.) *SBE

Federal Reserve Pension Fund. Report to accompany S. 3657. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926.; 14 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 751; serial no. 8526.) *SBE

The National Bank Act. Report to accompany H. R. 2. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 14 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong. 1. sess. Senate report no. 473; serial no. 8524.) *SBE

To incorporate the Federal Reserve Pension Fund. Hearing before the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, sixty-ninth Congress, first session, on S. 3657, a bill to incorporate the Federal Reserve Pension Fund, to define its functions, and for other purposes. April 13 [and


Corporation Trust Company. The Corporation Trust Company's Federal Reserve Act service; the Federal Reserve Act, with regulations, opinions, decisions, amendments, forms. v. 1, 3-5. New York [1916– 19. 4 v. maps, tables. 8°. THI

In loose-leaf binder.

Fourth National Bank of the City of New York. The Federal Reserve Act. New York: Fourth National Bank of the City of New York [1914?). 30 p. 8°. THI n.c.

271, 1926... Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 2 parts. 8°. *SBF

Hearing for April 27 has title: Federal Reserve Pension Fund.

United States. Banking and Currency Committee (House, 69:1). Amendments to banking laws. Conference report to accompany H. R. 2. (Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 6 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 1481; serial no. 8534.) *SBE

Erection of a Federal Reserve Bank building in Baltimore, Md. Report to accompany H. J. res. 191. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 4 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 573; serial no. 8532.) *SBE

Erection of a Federal Reserve Bank building in Detroit, Mich. Report to accompany S. J. res. 61. [Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 3 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong. 1. sess. House report no. 574; serial no. 8532.) *SBE

Federal Reserve Bank building, Buffalo, N. Y. Report to accompany H. J. res. 131. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1926. 3 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 369; serial no. 8532.)


The National Bank Bill. Report to accompany H. R. 2. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.,) 1926. 7 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 83; serial no. 8531.) * SBE

Stabilization. Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, sixty-ninth Congress, first session, H. R. 7895, a bill to amend paragraph (d) of section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, to provide for the stabilization of the price level for commodities in general... Part 1-2. Washington: United States Gov. Prtg. Off., 1927. 2 v. 8°. *SBF

Hearings held March 24, 1926 February 4, 1927. United States. - Banking and Currency Committee (House, 69:2). Federal Reserve Pension Fund. Report to accompany S. 3657. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1927. 17 p. 8°. (U. S. 69. cong., 2. sess. House report no. 2278; serial no. 8689.) * SBE


Guaranty Trust Company of New York. Digest of the Federal Reserve Act as passed September 18th, 1913... New York: Guaranty Trust Company of New York, n.d. 1 1. nar. 12°. THGn.c.

Digest of the Federal Reserve Act (banking and currency law). New York [1916]. 17 p. 12°. THI p.v.65, no.9

Digest of the Federal Reserve Act [including amendments to June 21, 19171.

Laws (Text), continued.

New York: Guaranty Trust Co. [cop. 1917.1 47 p. 12°. THE p.v.19, no.7

Digest of the new banking and currency law (Federal Reserve Act). New York (cop. 1914]. 16 p. 12°. THI p.v.65, no.6

Irving National Bank, New York. Federal Reserve Act, as amended, with regulations, analyses and indexes. New York: Irving National Bank [1917]. xii, 30 p. 8°.

THI n.c.

Magee, Harvey White. Supplement to Magee on banks and banking. The Federal Reserve Act, approved by Congress December 23, 1913, arranged into paragraphs with foot notes, table of contents and complete index, by H. W. Magee... Albany, N. Y.: M. Bender & Co., 1914. 1 p.l., 969-1085 p. 8°. THD

National Bank of Commerce in New York. Commercial banking practice under the Federal Reserve Act. The law and the regulations, rulings and opinions of counsel of the Federal Reserve Board governing bank acceptances, rediscounts, advances and open market transactions of the Federal Reserve Banks. Third ed., revised to October, 1921. New York: National Bank of Commerce in New York [1921]. 2 p.l., 8-178 p. 8°. THR

Federal Reserve Act, including amendments to June 21, 1917. New York: National Bank of Commerce in New York, 1917. 72 p. 8°. TG p.v.43, no.5 Cover-title.

Federal Reserve Act as amended to December 24, 1919. [New York: National Bank of Commerce in New York, 1920. 85 (1) p. 8°. TG p.v.31, no.7

A second copy. TG p.v.40, no.7 The law, rules and regulations governing acceptances, rediscounts, open market transactions of Federal Reserve Banks, in force July 9, 1917. (New York: Service Department, National Bank of Commerce in New York, 1917. 66 p. facsims., tables. 8°. THE p.v.20, no.10

On cover: Commercial banking practice.

National City Bank of New York. The Federal Reserve Act, the National-Bank Act and all other federal laws relating to banking, with complete indexes and references... [New York: The National City Bank of New York [1914?]. 203 p. 8°. THG

National Copper Bank, Salt Lake City. Banking and currency bill of 1913. (Federal Reserve Act.) Text and digest. Salt Lake City [1914]. 68 p.

National Shawmut Bank of Boston. The text of the Edge Law; an act to amend the

act approved December 23, 1913, known as the Federal Reserve Act, approved December 24, 1919... Boston: The National Shawmut Bank of Boston, 1921., 15 p. 8°. (Shawmut series. no. 160.) TG p.v.85, no.9 On cover: The Edge Law. "Second printing, 1921."

Paine, Willis Seaver, editor. The laws of the United States relating to national banks as amended, with cognate statutes and the Federal Reserve Act. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1914. 250 p. 7. ed. 8°.

Paine's Analysis of the Federal Reserve Act and cognate statutes including analyses of the Federal Farm Loan (Rural Credits) Act, the Bill of Lading (Pomerene) Act, the (Kern) amendment of the eighth section of the Anti-trust (Clayton) Act, and the rules and regulations of the Federal Reserve Board. Annotated. New York: Bankers Pub. Co., 1917. [xiv], 416 p. maps, charts, ports. 8°. THI

Supplement, October 1, 1917. New York: Bankers Pub. Co., 1918. 80 p. charts. 8°. THI

Pratt, A. S., & Sons, Washington, D. C. Pratt's digest of national banking laws 1917; the full text of the National Bank Act, Federal Reserve Act, and Federal Farm Loan Act, relevant sections of the Clayton Act, Income Tax Act and other laws of interest to banks, with all amendments, annotations, cases, notes, informal rulings, regulations and opinions of counsel to April 1, 1917... Washington, D. C.: A. S. Pratt & Sons [cop. 1917. xxviii, 660 p. 8°. THG

Supplements to Pratt's digest of national banking laws, 1917. Washington, 1919. 48 p. 8°. THG

Pratt's digest of federal banking laws containing the full text of the National Bank Act, the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act, the Agricultural Credits Act, the War Finance Corporation Act, etc., with all amendments, annotations, cases, Treasury rulings, regulations and opinions to July 1, 1924. Compiled and published by A. S. Pratt & Sons, Inc. Washington, D. C. THG [cop. 1924. xxiv, 577 p. 8°.

At head of title: 1924 edition.

Pratt's digest of federal banking laws, 1920 edition, containing the full text of the National Bank Act, the Federal Reserve Act and other laws of interest to banks with all amendments, annotations, cases, notes, informal rulings, regulations and opinions of counsel to April 1, 1920... Washington, D. C.: A. S. Pratt & Sons [1920]. xxix, 590 p. 8°. THG

Reeves, Francis Thomas. Digest of the Federal Reserve Act; an analysis of the Federal Reserve Act arranged by the consolidation of the respective rights, duties,

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