America, continued. Duncan, Fannie (Casseday). When Kentucky was young; pen-and-ink sketches of log cabin days from Virginia ownership to Kentucky statehood. Louisville, Ky.: John P. Morton & Company, Inc., 1928. 6 p.l., 246 p. illus. 12°. ITY Fish, Carl Russell. The rise of the common man... New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927. xix p., 1 1., 391 p. illus. 8°. (A history of American life. v. 6.) IAE (History) Gray, John Chipman. War letters, 18621865, of John Chipman Gray...and John Codman Ropes...with portraits. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1927. 3 p.l., 532 p., 2 ports. 8°. IKL Grey, Henry M. The land of to-morrow; a mule-back trek through the swamps and forests of eastern Bolivia. London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1927. v, 7-224 p. illus. 8°. HLB Hamilton, Alexander. Hamiltonian principles; extracts from the writings of Alexander Hamilton, selected and edited by James Truslow Adams... Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1928. xix p., 2 1., 3-188 p. 8°. IBZ Jones, Edward Alfred. The Loyalists of New Jersey; their memorials, petitions, claims, etc., from English records. Newark, N. J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1927. 346 P., 1 port. 8°. (New Jersey Historical Society. Collections. v. 10.) IAA (New Jersey) Jones, Howard Mumford. America and French culture, 1750-1848. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1927. 3 p.l., ix-xvi, 615 p., 1 pl. 8°. IAG King, William Lyon Mackenzie. The message of the carillon, and other addresses. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1927. x, 274 p., 1 port. 8°. HWE Contents: Confederation addresses. Canada and the Empire. International and industrial peace. Appreciations. Kluckhohn, Clyde. To the foot of the rainbow; a tale of twenty-five hundred miles of wandering on horseback through the south-west enchanted land. London: E. Nash & Grayson, Ltd., 1928. xi, 242 p. illus. 8°. ILH Knight, Melvin Moses. The Americans in Santo Domingo. New York: Vanguard Press [cop. 1928]. xix, 189 p. 12°. (Studies in American imperialism.) HPM McLean, Robert N. That Mexican! As he really is, north and south of the Rio Grande. New York, Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company [cop. 1928]. 184 p. illus. HTC 8°. Massey, Vincent. The making of a nation. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1928. 5 p.l., (1)4-44 p. 8°. HWE Mitchell, Harley Bradford. Historical fragments of early Chicagoland. Illustrated with old maps and pen and ink drawings by Jean Myall. Chicago: The Atwell Prtg. & Binding Co. [cop. 1928.] 180 p. illus. 8°. IVF Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Oxford history of the United States, 1783-1917. London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 2 v. maps. 8°. IAE Munro, William Bennett. The invisible government; the Jacob H. Schiff Foundation Lectures delivered at Cornell University, 1926. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1928. 6 p.l., 169 p. 12°. IBZ Nevins, Allan. The emergence of modern America, 1865-1878... New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927. xix p., 1 1, 446 p. illus. 8°. (A history of American life. v. 8.) IAE (History) New York Historical Society. Papers of the Lloyd family of the manor of Queens village, Lloyd's Neck, Long Island, New York 1654-1826... New York, 1927. 2 v. 8°. (New York Historical Society. Collections. Publication Fund series, v. 59-60. 1926-27.) IAA (New York) Powell, Walter A. A history of Delaware. Boston: The Christopher Publishing House ISE [cop. 1928]. 475 p. illus. 8°. Part 1. General history from the first discoveries to 1925. Part 2. History of education. Powys, Llewelyn. Henry Hudson. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1928. xii p.. 2 I., 213 p. illus. 8°. (The Golden Hind series.) HAT (Hudson) Radin, Paul. The story of the American Indian... New York: Boni & Liveright HBC [cop. 1927]. xiv, 371 p. illus. 8°. Romier, Lucien. Qui sera le maitre, Europe ou Amérique? ¡Paris: Hachette (1927). IAG 243 p. 12°. America, continued. Schmeckebier, Laurence Frederick. The District of Columbia; its government and administration... Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1928. xx, 943 p. 8°. (The Institute for Government Research. Studies in administration. [v. 17.1) ISI Seitz, Don Carlos. The "also rans"; great men who missed making the presidential goal. With eighteen portraits and fourteen cartoons. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co. [cop. 1928. xxiv, 356 p. illus. 8°. ID Sumien, N. La correspondance du savant florentin Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli avec Christophe Colomb. Paris: Société d'éditions géographiques, maritimes et coloniales, 1927. x, 112 p. 8°. HAM Tyler, Alice Felt. The foreign policy of James G. Blaine. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press [cop. 1927]. 411 P. 8°. IC Underwood, Oscar Wilder. Drifting sands of party politics. New York, London: The Century Co. [cop. 1928. viii, 422 p. 8°. ID Villard, Oswald Garrison. Prophets, true and false. New York & London: Alfred A. Knopf, 1928. 6 p.l., (1)4–355(1) p. 8°. ID Walker, James W. G. Trustees of liberty; an appeal for the preservation of the constitution of the United States as handed down by the fathers, by James W. G. Walker...with an introduction by Kenneth C. M. Sills... New York: Walter Neale, 1928. vii, 9-19 p. 12°. IBC Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson. The first Americans, 1607-1690... New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927. xx p., 11., 358 p. illus. 8°. (A history of American life. v. 2.) IAE (History) Willson, Beckles. America's ambassadors to France (1777-1927). A narrative of Franco-American diplomatic relations. London: J. Murray [1928]. xiv, 433 p. illus. [1. ed.] 8°. ICM (France) Woofter, Thomas Jackson. Negro problems in cities; a study made under the direction of T. J. Woofter, jr. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. [cop. 1928. xiii p., 2 1., 17-284 p., 1 1. illus. 12° EUROPE IEC Andrews, Clarence Edward. The innocents of Paris; illustrated by David Snodgrass... New York, London: D. Appleton and Company, 1928. 6 p.l., 279(1) p. illus. 8°. DOL Bainville, Jacques. Louis II de Bavière. Paris: J. Tallandier [1927]. xv, 269 p. illus. 8°. (Bibliothèque "Historia.”) ELB Ballinger, John. Gleanings from a printer's file. Aberystwyth: The National Library of Wales, 1928. 64 p. illus. 8°. CVG (Cardiganshire) Beaverbrook (1st baron), William Maxwell Aitken. Politicians and the war, 19141916. London: T. Butterworth, Ltd. [1928.1 240 p. illus. 8°. BTZE Bernhardi, Friedrich Adam Julius von. Denkwürdigkeiten aus meinem Leben nach gleichzeitigen Aufzeichnungen und im Lichte der Erinnerung. Berlin: E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1927. viii, 541 p. 8°. AN Daniélou, Charles. Les affaires étrangères. Paris: E. Figuière, 1927. 255 p. 12°. DCL Fabre-Luce, Alfred. Russie 1927. Paris: B. Grasset, 1927. 264 p. 12°. GLOB Gooch, George Peabody. Recent revelations of European diplomacy. London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd., 1928. lx, 218 p. 8°. BTZA Gwynn, Denis Rolleston. The "Action française" condemnation. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, Ltd. [1928. viii, 272 p. 12°. DBG Happold, Frederick Crossfield, editor. Modern historians of the French Revolution, selected and edited by F. Crossfield Happold... London: T. Nelson & Sons, Ltd. (1928. xiv, 15–199 p. 16°. (The "Teaching of English" series. no. 87.) DFD Heine, Heinrich. Italian travel sketches, translated into English by Elizabeth Sharp. Illustrated with reproductions of water colour sketches by H. D. Cobbett. New York: Brentano's, 1928. xviii, 250 p. illus. 12°. BWX Hellpach, Willy Hugo. Politische Prognose für Deutschland. Berlin: S. Fischer, 1928. 519 p. 8°. EAM Mel'gunov, Sergyei Petrovich. La "Terreur rouge" en Russie (1-18-1924); traduit du russe par M. Wilfrid Lerat... Paris: Payot, 1927. 282 p. 8°. (Collection d'études, de documents et de témoignages pour servir à l'histoire de notre temps.) GLOB Michon, Georges. L'alliance francorusse, 1891-1917. Paris: A. Delpeuch, 1927. viii, 316 p. 8°. DCL Monahan, Michael. My Jeanne d'Arc; her wonderful story in the light of recent researches: with notes from a pilgrimage in France. New York, London: The Century Co. [cop. 1928. xi p., 3 1., 3–298 p. illus. 8°. DDP Playne, Caroline E. The pre-war mind in Britain; an historical review. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1928.] [71-444 p. 8°. BTZE Pritchett, V. S. Marching Spain. London: E. Benn, Ltd. [1928., xiii, 224 p. illus. 8°. BXY Schulze, Alfred. Das neue Deutsche Reich. Dresden: W. Jess [1927]. 259 p. 12°. EAH Stegemann, Hermann. The mirage of Versailles, translated by R. T. Clark. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1928., 360 p. illus. 16°. BTZQ Tarn, William Woodthorpe. Hellenistic civilisation. London: E. Arnold & Co., 1927. viii, 312 p. 8°. BVE Thibaudet, Albert. La république des professeurs. Paris: B. Grasset, 1927. 264 p. 12°. (Les "Ecrits.") DM Trend, John Brande. Spain from the south. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. (1928.1 xi, 256 p. illus. 8°. BXY Wilson, Herbert Wrigley. The war guilt. Dedicated by permission to M. Raymond Poincaré...who also contributes a foreword. London: S. Low, Marston & Co., Ltd. [1928. xxiii, 366 p. illus. 8°. BTZE JUDAICA, HEBRAICA, ETC. Baynes, Norman Hepburn. Israel amongst the nations; an outline of Old Testament history. London: Student Christian Movement, 1927. 327 p. 8°. * PDZ Bibliography and notes, p. 172-314. Benzinger, Immanuel. Hebraeische Archäologie. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1927. xxiv, 437 p. illus. 3. ed., rev. 4°. (Angelos Lehrbücher. Bd. 1.) * PEB Bible. Old Testament: Pseudepigrapha: Testament of the Three Patriarchs. The Testament of Abraham; translated from the Greek text, with introduction and notes, by G. H. Box...with an appendix, containing a translation from the Coptic version of the Testaments of Isaac and Jacob, by S. Gaselee... London: Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 1927. xxxii, 92 p. 12°. (Translations of early documents. second series [v. 7..) PFF Bibliography, p. xxxi. Blunt, Alfred Walter Frank. Israel in world history. London: H. Milford, 1927. 127 p. illus. 12°. (The world's manuals.) * PXG Bondi, Jonas H. Aus dem jüdischen Russland vor Vierzig; Skizzen von Dr. J. H. Bondi. Frankfurt a. Main: Herman Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft, 1927. 56 p. 8°. *PXW Coley, G. E. Altree. The wonder race; its extraordinary history and future destiny. London: The Covenant Pub. Co., Ltd., 1927. ix, 209 p. 12°. * PYD Graetz, Heinrich Hirsh. History of the Jews. New York: G. Dobsevage, 1927. 6 v. illus. 8°. * PXE Some plates are printed on both sides. "Illustrated edition." v. 2. Edited, and in part translated, by Bella Lowy. Contents: v. 1. From the earliest period to the death of Simon the Maccabee (135 B.C.E.). From the reign of Hyrcanus (135 B.C.E.) to the completion of the Babylonian Talmud (500 C.E.). v. 3. From the revolt against the Zendik (511 C.E.) to the capture of St. Jean d'Acre by the Mahometans (1291 C.E.) v. 4. From the rise of the Kabbala (1270 C.E.) to the permanent settlement of the Marranos in Holland (1648 C.E.). v. 5. From the Chmielnicki persecu tion of the Jews in Poland (1648 c.E.) to the present time (1870 C.E.). v. 6. A chronological table of Jewish history to 1870: an index to the preceding five volumes, by Henrietta Szold. Judaica, Hebraica, etc., continued. Henderson, Ralph Bushill. A modern handbook to the Old Testament. With an introduction by R. H. Kennett... London: Christophers [1927]. xvii, 19-173 p. illus. 12°. * PDC Ibn Ezra, Abraham. Incipit liber iudei de natiuitatibus. Venetijs: & impensis Erhardi ratdolt, 1485., 30 1. 8°. * KB (1485) 16 woodcut diagrs.; woodcut initial letters. Bound in boards covered with vellum leaf from an old missal. Josephus, Flavius. Iosippvs De Bello Ivdaico. Deinde decem Iudæorum captiuitates & Decalogus cum eleganti commentariolo Rabbi Aben Esra. Hisce accesserunt Collectanea aliquot, quae Sebastianus Lepusculus Basiliensis_colligebat... Omnia Hebraicolatina... Basileæ : Per Henrichvm Petri, 1559. 23 p., 1 1., 342, 96 p. 8°. ** P (1559) Dr. Landersdorfer, Simon. Die Buecher der Könige; übersetzt und erklärt von Simon Landersdorfer... Bonn: P. Hanstein, 1927. ix, 251 p. illus. 8°. (Feldmann, F., and H. Herkenne, editors. Die Heilige Schrift des alten Testamentes. Bd. 3, Abt. 2.) *PDW Livre d'hommage à la mémoire du Dr Samuel Poznański (1864-1921), offert par les amis et les compagnons du travail scientifique. Varsovie: Edit par le Comité de la Grande Synagogue à Varsovie, 1927. xlvii, 216, 214 p., 1 port. fo. * PBN Articles in English, German, Polish, and Hebrew; the last, 214 p., paged separately and with added Hebrew t.-p. Added t.-p. in Polish. Contents: Balaban, M., Dr. Samuel Poznański. Marx, A., and E. Poznański, Bibliographie de tous les ouvrages et articles du Dr Samuel Poznański (1889-1926). Abrahams, I., The words of Gad the Seer. Adler, E. N., The Divan of El'azar ha Babli. Balaban, M., Studien und Quellen zur Geschichte der frankistischen Bewegung in Polen. Büchler, A., The induction of the bride and bridegroom into the in in the first and second centuries in Palestine. Dus chinsky, C., The Yekum Purkan._ Ginzberg, L., Die Haggada bei den Kirchenvåtern. Kokowzoff, P., The date of life of Bahya ibn Paqoda. Krauss, S., Beiträge zur Geschichte der Geonim. Marx, A., Der arabische Bustanai-Bericht und Nathan ha-Babli. Obermann, J., Drie Kontextglossen zum Deboraliede. Schorr, M., Les composés dans les langues sémitiques. Schwarz, A., Muss Lev. 16, 23 umgestellt werden? Seeligmann, S., Ein Originalbrief der Vierländersynode nach Amsterdam aus 1677. Simonsen, D., Vier arabische Gutachten des R. Mose ben Maimon. Maimonides, Moses. The teachings of Maimonodes, by the Rev. A. Cohen... London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1927. xiv, 339 p. 12°. *PPO Philip, George. Revell's new Scripture atlas; a series of 16 coloured plates containing 41 maps and plans illustrating the historical geography of Palestine and the lands of the Bible, with descriptive and explanatory notes on the maps. New York: F. H. Revell Co. (1927.] 16 p. illus. 4°. Cover-title. * PWB Scott, Melville. Textual discoveries in Proverbs, London: Psalms, and Isaiah. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge [1927]. vii, 240 p. 12°. * PDN Thalmut. Obietiones in dicta Thalmut seductoris Iudeorum. Nürnberg: Friedrich Creusner, 1497?, 81. illus. 8°. * KB (1497) 36 lines to a full page. With four vignettes engraved on metal. Thompson, Percy William. Israel in prophecy and history. London: The Covenant Pub. Co., Ltd., 1927. 231 p. 8°. * PYD Waldstein, Abraham Solomon. Modern Palestine, Jewish life and problems. New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1927. vii, 222 p. 12°. *PWC ASIA Hsün-tze. The works of Hsüntze... translated from the Chinese, with notes, by Homer H. Dubs... London: A. Probsthain, 1928. 336 p. 12°. (Probsthain's Oriental * OVR series. v. 16.) Ikbal Ali Shah. Afghanistan of the Afghans. London: The Diamond Press, Ltd. [1928., 272 p. illus. 8°. BCW Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra. Outline of ancient Indian history and civilisation. [Calcutta: The author, 1927. xiv, 628 p. 12°. **OLL Musil, Alois. The middle Euphrates; a topographical itinerary. Published under the patronage of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts and of Charles R. Crane. New York, 1927. xv, 426 p. illus. maps. 4°. (American Geographical Society of New York. Oriental explorations and studies. no. 3.) * OFW (American) Asia, continued. Rihani, Ameen Fares. Maker of modern Arabia. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1928. xviii, 370 p. illus. tables. 8°. * OFK Saksena, Ram Babu. A history of Urdu literature. With a foreword by Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru... Allahabad: Ram Narain Lal, 1927. 379 p. 8°. * OKX Sergeant, Philip Walsingham. The ruler of Baroda; an account of the life and work of the Maharaja Gaekwar. London: J. Murray, 1928. xiii, 312 p. illus. 8°. BGR Paterson, Arthur Henry. George Eliot's family life and letters. London: Selwyn & Blount, Ltd. [1928.] x, 253 p. illus. 8°. NDD Squire, John Collings. Contemporary American authors, by J. C. Squire and associated critics of the London Mercury, with an introduction by Henry Seidel Canby. New York: H. Holt and Company [cop. 1928]. 236 p. illus. 12°. NBB Contents: Robert Frost, by J. Freeman. Willa Cather, by A. Porterfield. Sinclair Lewis, by M. Waldman. Theodore Dreiser, by M. Waldman. Edwin Arlington Robinson, by J. C. Squire. Edith Wharton, by O. Burdett. Joseph Hergesheimer, by J. B. Priestley. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay, by E. Davison. Wells, Herbert George. The way the world is going; guesses & forecasts of the years ahead. 26 articles & a lecture. London: E. Benn, Ltd. [1928. xi, 301 p. 12o. NCZ Wild, Friedrich. Die englische Literatur der Gegenwart seit 1870; Drama und Roman. Wiesbaden: Dioskuren Verlag, 1928. 403 p. 12°. (Welt und Geist.) NCB The Illustrated Book In its exhibition of "The Illustrated Book." 19191920, the Library first gave a decided public utterance to its activity in the collection and preservation of prints in books. Emphasis was laid, in that exhibition, on the matter of harmony between type and illus tration (decoration), in other words, on the book as an entity, a product of team-work between the various human factors engaged in its production. Hence "The illustrated book," and not "book illustration." Not the illustrations as drawings per se, but as parts of the book as a finished whole. Books on the subject are steadily increasing. Indeed, books on the woodcuts of the 15th and early 16th centuries also enter largely into this field, though they do not appear in the present list but take their place in the history of prints. But the connection between those early products and the art of typography is close and inseparable. Sullivan, Edmund J. The art of illustration. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd, 1921. xv, 257 p. illus. 8°. (Universal art series.) MDT Sullivan, himself a master of the art of illustration, makes a strong plea for the line in this field. Weitenkampf, Frank. The illustrated book. Notes on an exhibition in the Print Gallery of The New York Public Library. New York: New York Public Library 1919. 13 p. illus. 4°. MDT Illustrated books of the past four centuries: a record of the exhibition held in the Print Gallery of The New York Public Library in 1919. New York: The Library.j 1920. 42 p. 4°. MDT |