Imágenes de páginas
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Guatemala. Ministerio de Fomento. Boletín de fomento. Guatemala, C. A. Monthly.

Hirams weekly. Los Angeles. Weekly. Hospodářský obzor. Prague, Czechoslovakia. Weekly.

Indian finance. Calcutta, India. Weekly.

Indian journal of physics. Calcutta, India. Quarterly.

Published by Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science.

Indoamerica. México, D. F. Monthly.

Published by A. P. R. A. Sección mexicana. Industrial Bank of Japan. Semi-annual table of bonds & debentures in Japan. Tokio, Japan. Semi-annual.

Institut mirovovo khozyaĭstva i mirovoi politiki. Byulleten'. Moscow, S.S.S.R. Monthly.

Journal of economic and business history. Cambridge, Mass. Quarterly.

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Mémorial des sciences physiques. Paris.

Motor transportation. Seattle, Washington.

Nauchno-issledovatel'ski institut po Kitayu. Materialy po kitaiskomu voprosy. Moscow, S.S.S.R. Monthly.

Near East colleges news letter. New York, N. Y. Quarterly.

Published by Near East College Association.

The New way. Point Loma, California.

Published by International Theosophical League of

New York Special Libraries Association.
News. New York City. Monthly.

New Zealand poultry bulletin. Auckland, N. Z. Monthly.

Oldenburg (free state), Germany. - Statutes. Gesetzblatt... Landesteil Oldenburg. Oldenburg, Germany. Irregular.

P. E. N. news. Wilno, Poland. Irregular.
Published by Yiddish P. E. N. Club.
Panorama. New York City. Weekly.
Police journal. London, England.

Power events. Buffalo, N. Y. Monthly.
Published by Buffalo, Niagara & Eastern Power

Presbyterian magazine. Philadelphia, Pa.

Published by General Council of the Presbyterian
Church in the U. S. A.

Raja-Yoga messenger. Point Loma, Cal. Bi-monthly.

Published by Raja-Yoga College.

Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie. Steuerstelle. Rundschreiben. Berlin. Monthly.

Revista social. Barcelona, Spain. Quarterly. Published by Comisión mixta de publicaciones de los organismos paritarios de Cataluña.

Round table. Chicago, Ill. Monthly.
Published by W. E. Long Co.

Russia (RSFSR). - Narodnyi komissariat zemledeliya. Byulleten' uzakonenii i rasporyazhenii po sel'skomu i lesnomu khozyaistvu. Moscow, S.S.S.R. Weekly.

St. Louis, Mo. - Instruction Department. School and home. St. Louis, Mo. Irregular.

Science spirituelle. Paris. Monthly.

Sight-saving class exchange. New York, N. Y. Irregular.

Published by National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness.

Sign of Toc H. Washington, D. C. Monthly. Published by Toc H National Headquarters. Société archéologique, scientifique et littéraire du Vendômois. Bulletin. Vendôme, France. Semi-annual.

South African sporting journal. Johannesburg, S. Africa. Semi-monthly.

Southern Pine Association. Statistical statement for the month. New Orleans, Louisiana. Monthly.

Sportsmanship. New York. Monthly.

Published by Sportsmanship Brotherhood, Inc. Taxpayers' news. Brooklyn, N. Y. Monthly. Published by Williamsburgh Taxpayers' Association, Inc.

Texas commercial news. Sugar Land, Texas. Monthly.

Tous les livres. Paris, France. Monthly. Trabajador latino americano. Montevideo, Uruguay. Semi-monthly.

Published by Comité pro-confederación sindical latino-americana.

Tucson. Tucson, Arizona. Monthly.

Published by Tucson Chamber of Commerce.

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Ali Youssuf. Egypt's reply to Roosevelt. (North American review. York, 1910. 8°. v. 191, p. 729–737.) All about postal matters in Egypt. rence: Landi Press, 1898. 24 p. 8°.

Colonel New * DA Flo* OEX p.v.4, no.1 Amos, Sheldon. The new Egyptian constitution. (Contemporary review. London, 1883. 8°. v. 43, p. 908-922.) * DA Asâmy makâtib el bôsta fy mașr bil lisân el maşry. [Egyptian post office list. Masr el qâhira, 1898. 56 p., 1 1. 8°. *OEX p.v.7 The destiny of

Bell, H. T. Montague. Egypt. 2 pl. (United empire. London, 1916. 8°. new series, v. 6, p. 726–736.) CX

Bentwich, Norman. The constitution of Egypt. (Society of Comparative Legislation. Journal of comparative legislation and international law. London, 1924. 8°. series 3, v. 6, p. 41-49.)


Bernardi, Pietro. Des réformes immédiates et des mesures tendant à l'introduction graduelle des livres fonciers en Égypte proposées par la dernière commission des livres fonciers. (L'Égypte contemporaine. Le Caire, 1922. 8°. tome 13, p. 173–208.) * OAA

Cassis, Joseph. De la nécessité d'établir en Egypte une véritable organisation de l'état civil. (L'Egypte contemporaine. Le Caire, 1918. 8°. tome 9, p. 277-310.) * OAA

Clarke, Somers. The unrest in Egypt. Part I. Á plea for justice to the oppressed fellahin. Part II. Tales of the Omdeh. [Cairo: French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, 1919?, 43 p. 12°. BKB p.v.23, no.3

Coles, Charles. Recollections and reflections by Coles Pasha. London: Saint Catherine Press [pref. 1918]. xv p., 1 1., 208 p., 6 pl. 8°. AN

Government, continued.

Delcroix, M. L'institution municipale en Égypte. (L'Egypte contemporaine. Le Caire, 1922. 8°. tome 13, p. 278–323.) * OAA

Digeon, J. M. Nouveaux contes turcs et arabes précédés d'un abrégé chronologique de l'histoire de la maison ottomane & du gouvernement de l'Égypte, & suivis de plusieurs morceaux de poésie & de prose, traduits de l'Arabe & du Turc, par M. Digeon. tome 2. Paris: Dupuis, 1781. 16°. * OPI

Tome 2, p. 195-278: Canoun-Namé, ou édits de Sultan Soliman, concernant la police de l'Égypte.

Dungern, Otto, Freiherr von. Das Staatsrecht Egyptens. Graz: Leykam, 1911. 2 p.l., 126 p. 8°. BLB and OGM

Edgar, Pelham. Shall Egypt have a constitution? (Fortnightly review. London, 1910. 8°. new series, v. 88, p. 404-411.) * DA Egypt. Commission Internationale. Rapport de la Commission internationale réunie au Caire pour l'examen de réformes proposées par l'gouvernement égyptien dans l'administration de la justice en Égypte. Alexandrie: F. Mourès & Cie, 1870. 2 p.l., 27 p. 4°. † BLA

Egypt. Constitution. Loi organique d'Égypte du 1er mai 1883 (24 djemad elakher 1300). (In: F. R. P. Dareste de la Chavanne, Les constitutions modernes. Paris, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 342–351.) SEB

Die ägyptische Verfassung vom 19. April 1923. Arabischer und französischer Text mit einer Einführung in die Verfassungsgeschichte Ägyptens. Von Georg Kampffmeyer. (Berlin. - Universität: Seminar für orientalische Sprachen. Mitteilungen. Berlin, 1924. 8°. Jahrg. 26-27, Westasiatische Studien, p. 1–82.) * OAA

La nuova costituzione egiziana del 19 aprile 1923. (Oriente moderno. Roma, 1923. 4°. anno 3, p. 24-38.) * OAA French text.

Rescrit établissant le régime constitutionnel de l'État Egyptien. Le Caire: Imprimerie nationale, 1923. 24, 24 p., 1 l. 8°. BKB p.v.35, no.2

At head of title: Gouvernement égyptien. Rescrit royal no. 42 de 1923.

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An Egyptian post office list in the Egyptian language. Cairo, 1898. 1 p.l., 5–56 p., 1 1. 8°. * OEX p.v.4, no.2

Elkaisy, Mahmoud Fahmi. The state of public security in Egypt in 1927. 1 table. (L'Egypte contemporaine. Le Caire, 1928. 8°. tome 19, p. 21–64.) * OAA

Fawzi el-Moutéï. Les assemblées représentatives en Égypte et les projets de loi constitutionnelle. (L'Egypte contemporaine. Le Caire, 1922. 8°. année 13, p. 422-442.)


Forster, E. M. See Labour Research Department, London. - International Section.

The Garrison directory of the British force in Egypt, including also the Egyptian army, police & other government officials and a list of residents with their addresses. Cairo: Printing-Office S. Press, 1906. 3 p.l., 197 p., 1 plan. 16°. * SAM

Ghali, Soubhi. Aperçu sur le droit du gouvernement égyptien en matière de règlements et arrêtés de police applicables aux étrangers. (Institut égyptien. Bulletin. Le Caire, 1896. 8°. série 3, no. 6, année 1895, p. 283-303.) * EY

Giannini, Amedeo. Gli albori costituzionali in Egitto. (Oriente moderno. Roma, 1923. 4°. anno 3, p. 329-338.) * OAA

La costituzione egiziana. (Oriente moderno. Roma, 1923. 4°. anno 3, p. 1-22.) * OAA

Gottheil, Richard James Horatio. A fetwa on the appointment of dhimmis to office. (Zeitschrift für Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1912. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 203-214.) * OCL

Great Britain. - Foreign Office. Additional articles dated the 11th-19th of September 1885 to the convention between the post office of Great Britain and Ireland and the post office of Egypt dated the 14th of November, 1877. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1886. 4 p. f°. (Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1886, v. 74.)


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Egypt. 1883, no. 3. Papers respecting
Europeans in the service of the Egyptian
government. (In continuation of "Egypt nos.
4 and 6, 1882.") London: Harrison and Sons
[1883). 1 p.l., 18 p. fo. (Great Britain. —
Parliament. Sessional papers. 1883, v. 84.)

Egypt. 1885, no. 15. Reports on the
state of Egypt, and the progress of admin-
istrative reforms. London: Harrison and
Sons [1885. iv, 100 p. f°. (Great Britain.
Parliament. Sessional papers. 1884-85, v.


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Egypt. 1913, no. 3. Despatch from
His Majesty's agent and consul-general at
Cairo transmitting the organic and electoral
laws of Egypt, promulgated July 21, 1913.
London: Harrison and Sons, 1913. 24 p.,
1 1. f. (Great Britain. - Parliament. Ses-
sional papers. 1913, v. 81.) † XBI and * SDD

Egypt. 1913, no. 3A. Translation of
the organic and electoral laws of Egypt,
promulgated July 21, 1913. London: Har-
rison and Sons, 1913. 18 p., 1 1. f°. (Great
Britain. — Parliament. Sessional
1913, v. 81.)


† XBI and SDD

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[blocks in formation]

Post Office. Parcel post with Egypt.
Agreement between the British and Egyptian
post offices concerning the exchange of par-
cels by parcel post. London: Eyre and Spot-
tiswoode, 1895. 12 p. fo. (Great Britain.
Parliament. Sessional papers. 1895, v. 109.)

Post Office. Parcel post with Egypt.
Copy of agreement concerning the exchange
of postal parcels concluded between the post
office of the United Kingdom of Great Bri-
tain and Ireland and the postal administra-
tion of Egypt. London: Her Majesty's Sta-
tionery Office, 1900. 13 p. f°. (Great Britain.
Parliament. Sessional papers. 1900, v.

[ocr errors]


Treaty series, 1923, no. 33. Egyptian
law relating to the conditions of service, re-
tirement and dismissal of officials, employ-
ees and agents of foreign nationality (law
no. 28 of 1923) together with notes ex-
changed between the British and Egyptian
governments. London: His Majesty's Sta-
tionery Office, 1923. 29 p. 8°. (Great Bri-
tain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1923,
v. 25.)

Hayter, Sir William Goodenough. Recent
constitutional developments in Egypt.
Cambridge: University Press, 1924. 3 p.l.,
5-49 p. 12°.
BKB p.v.42, no.6

Hindi, 'Abd al-Rahman al-. Talab al-
Dastur. "Demand for a Constitution." A
political tract dealing with the circumstances
of modern Egypt., Cairo, n.d. 32 p. 12°.

Ibrahim, White. La nouvelle constitution
de l'Égypte. Préface de M. Gilbert Gidel.
Paris: E. Duchemin, 1925. xvi, 7-238, xxvi
p., 11., 241-352 p., 1 table. 8°.

Kampffmeyer, Georg. See Egypt.- Con-


Labour Research Department, London. -
International Section. The government of
Egypt; recommendations by a committee of
the International Section of the Labour Re-
search Department, with notes on Egypt by
E. M. Forster. London: Labour Research
Dept. [1920. 12 p. 8°. BKB p.v.24, no.5

Lancret, Michel-Ange. Mémoire sur le
système d'imposition territoriale et sur
l'administration des provinces de l'Égypte,
dans les dernières années du gouvernement
des Mamlouks. (In: France. — Commission
des Monuments d'Egypte. Description de
l'Égypte. Paris, 1809-28. 9 v. f°. État mo-
derne, tome 1, p. 233–260.)
++* OBM

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