PUBLICATIONS OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY (Now in Print) HISTORY AND GUIDES History of The New York Public Library, by H. M. Lydenberg. 1923 Central Building Guide Questions About Your Library (General Information about the Library) PRICE $2.00 25 .05 Free Free PERIODICALS Annual Report of The New York Public Library. (A limited number are given free upon request.) Bulletin of The New York Public Library. Published monthly. Chiefly devoted to the Reference Department. Bibliography, news of the Library, reprints of manuscripts, descriptions of new accessions. $1.00 a year; current single numbers for 10 cents. Back numbers at advanced rates. Branch Library Book News. A selected list of new additions to the Circulation Department, with other lists and articles. Published monthly, except in July and August. For sale at the Branches and at the Inquiry Desk. 2 cents a copy; 25 cents a year, postpaid. New Technical books. A selected list of books on industrial arts and engineering, recently added to the Library. Published quarterly. 25 cents a year, postpaid. Municipal Reference Library Notes. Published weekly except during July and August, for circulation among the officials and employees of the City of New York. Price: $2.00 a year; 5 cents a copy. Apply at Room 512, Municipal Building. LIST OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY RELATING TO VARIOUS TOPICS, TEXTS PRINTED FROM MANUSCRIPTS OWNED BY THE LIBRARY, ETC. Billings, Dr. John Shaw, Memorial Meeting in honor of the late. 1913 British Genealogy and Local History, List of works relating to. 1910 City Planning and Allied Topics, Select list of works relating to. 1913 Clinton, General George, Calendar of Messages & Proclamations of, 1777-1781. 1927 Color Photography. 1924 Columbus. Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. Facsimile of the pictorial edition, with a new and literal translation, and a complete reprint of the four oldest Latin editions. 1892. Cloth Commencement Addresses by Stephen H. Olin and Carl B. Roden. 1924 The Compensations, by Asa Don Dickinson. 1922 Cruise of the U. S. Brig Argus in 1813. Journal of Surgeon James Inderwick. 1917 Holt, John Printer and Postmaster. 1920 . .10 |