Imágenes de páginas

Blurted, or Blurt, an expression

of contempt.

Bobbed, fooled out of, cheated.

Bodge, to botch, or to budge.

HEN. VI. 3d Part.

Boitier, a box to hold salve, or


Bolds, emboldens.

Boltered, bedaubed, begrimed. Bolting-hutch, a wooden recepta

cle into which the meat is bolted.

Bombard, a barrel. HEN. IV.

Part. I.-TEMP. Bona-robas, ladies of pleasure. Bores, stabs, or wounds. Borne in hand, deceived, imposed


Bosky, woody; bosky acres, are fields divided by hedge-rows; from boscus and bosquet. TEMP. Bots, worms in the stomach of a horse. A bots light upon, an imprecation.

Bottled spider, a large, bloated, glossy spider.

Boulted, sifted, or refined. Bourn, boundary, or rivulet dividing land.

Bow, yoke. AS YOU LIKE IT. Bower, chamber. CORIOL. Bowlins, or Bowlines, ropes by which the sails of a ship are governed when the wind is unfavourable.

Bowling, or the smoothness of a bowling-green. WIN. TALE.

Bowstrings, i. e. hold or cut, at

all events. M. Nig. Dre. Brace, the armour for the arm:

warlike brace, state of defence. Brach, a kind of hound; or used as a term of contempt. TROIL. AND CRESS. Brack, to salt.

Braid, crafty or deceitful.
Brain's-flow, tears.

Brake, an instrument of torture, or a thicket or furze-bush. Brands, a part of the andirons, on which the wood for the fire was supported.

Brasier, a manufacturer in brass,

or a reservoir for charcoal. HEN. VIII.

Brave, to make fine; bravery

was the old term for elegance of dress. Bravely, splendidly, or gallantly. Bravery, finery.

Brawl, a kind of dance. LovE's LABOUR.

Braying, an epithet applied to the sound of the trumpet, harsh, grating. K. JOHN. Break, to begin. TIT. ANDRON. Break up, to carve.

Break with, to break the matter to. Two GENT. VER. Breast, voice. TWELF. NIGHT. Breath, speech. K. JOHN. TIMON.-Exercise, TROIL. AND CRESS.-A slight exercise of arms, ibid.

Breathing-courtsy, verbal compli- Brown bill, a kind of battle-axe


Breeched, foully sheathed, or

mired. MAC.

Breeching, liable to school discipline. TAM. OF THE SHREW. Bribe-buck, a buck sent for a bribe.

Bridal, a nuptial feast; a word

yet used in the North. Brief, a short account, a contract hastily performed.-Now-born brief, is the breve originale of the feudal times. ALL'S WELL.

Bring, attend or accompany.


Bring out, bring forth. TIM.
Brize, the gad, or horse-fly.
Broach, to put on the spit, to

Brock, the badger.
Brogues, a kind of shoes.
Broken, communicated.

Broken mouth, a mouth that has

lost part of its teeth.

Broken tears, tears which are interrupted.

Broker, a matchmaker, a pro

curess. Two GENT. VER. Broker, deals as a broker. Brooch, a trinket with a pin fixed to it.

Brooched, adorned.

Brought, attended. JUL. CES. Brow, i. e. of youth, the height of youth.

[blocks in formation]

Card, sea-chart. MAC. HAM. Carded, mixed.

Caitiff, a prisoner, slave, or


Calculate, to foretel or prophesy. Carieres, i. e. to pass the carieres,


Caliver, a light kind of musket. Callet, a bad woman, or witch. Calling, appellation. As you


Camelot, a place where king

Arthur is supposed to have kept his court.

Canaries, the name of a brisk,

light dance.

Canker, the canker-rose, dog

rose, or hip. MUCH ADO. Canstick, candlestick.

Cantle, a corner, or piece of any


Cantons, used for cantos. TWELf. NIGHT.

Canvas-climber, one who climbs

the mast to furl the canvas, a ship-boy.

Capped, saluted by taking off the


Capable impressure, hollow mark.


Capocchia, a sot, or dull, heavy

gull, from the Italian capocchio. Capricious, lascivious. As you. Captious, for capacious. ALL's


Carack, a vessel of great bulk.
Caracts, characters.

Carbonado, a piece of meat cut crossways for the grid-iron.

a military phrase. MER. WIV. Means that the common bounds of good-behaviour were overpassed.

Carkanet, a kind of necklace or chain.

Carl, clown, husbandman.
Carlot, a peasant or churl, from

Carnal, sanguinary. RICH. III.
Carouses, drinks.

Carpet knight, a term of reproach,

spoken of one knighted in time of peace, and on a carpet, on some festive occasion. TWEL. NIGHT.

Carriage, import. HAM. Case, skin. TWELFTH NIGHT. outside.

Case of lives, a set of lives, or pair of any thing.

Cased lion, a lion irritated by con
finement. K. JOHN.
Casques, helmets.

Cassock, a horseman's loose coat.
Cast, to empty. MEA. FOR
MEA. to throw or reject.
Cast lips, left-off lips.
Cast the water, to find out dis-
orders by inspecting the urine.

Cataian, a liar; the first adven

turers who visited Cataia, or
China, were notorious liars, as
Paulo and Mandeville.
Catling, a small lute-string made

of catgut.

Cavalero-justice, a cant term.

Cavalero, an airy, sprightly, irre

gular fellow.

Chantry, little chapel in a cathe

Character, hand-writing. MUCH

Characts, characters.

Charactery, the matter of which
characters are made.
Chares, tash-wort.

Caviare, too good for, or foreign Charge-house, free-school.


Caviare, a luxurious Russian

dish, made of the roe of the

Cautel, subtlety, or deceit.
Cautelous, artful, or insidious.
Cauterizing, burning, or blister-

Cearment, the wrapping of an

embalmed body.

Cease, decease, die. ALL'S WELL.
Censer, brasiere.

Certes, certainly. TEMP.
Cess, measure, tax, or subsidy.
Chaliced, i. e. flowers, with cups,
from calix.
Challenge, law-term, the right of

refusing a juryman. HEN. VIII. Chamber, London was anciently

called the king's chamber. RICH. III.

Chamber, a piece of ordnance.

HEN. IV. 2d Part.
Chamberers, men of intrigue.
Changeling, a child substituted

for one stolen.

Channel, kennel. HEN. VI. 3d

Chariest, from chary, the most

Chariness, caution.
Charles-wain, vulgar name for the
constellation called the bear.
Carneco, a kind of sweet wine.
Chases, a term in tennis. HEN. V.
Chaudron, entrails.

Cheater, for escheatour, an officer
in the Exchequer.

Check, command, control. CYM.
Cheer, countenance. MID. NIG.
& al.

Cherry-pit, pitching cherry-stones
into a little hole.
Cheveril, kid skin, soft leather.
Chewet, or chuet, a pie, a noisy,

chattering bird, or a fat pudding. HEN. IV. 1st Part. Chide, resound, re-echo. HEN. V.-MID. NIGHT'S.

Child, sometimes applied to knights and heroes. LEAR. Childing, pregnant.

Chirurgeonly, like a surgeon.


Choppine, a high shoe or clog.

Chopping, jabbering, talking Clouted, strengthened with clout,


or hob-nails.

Chough, a bird of the jackdaw Clutch, to clasp, or grasp.

[blocks in formation]

Clack-dish, a beggar's dish.
Clamour, when bells are at the
height, in order to cease them,
the repetition of the strokes
becomes much quicker than
before, which is called clamour-
ing them. WINT. TAL.
Clap in, fall to. MEA. FOR MEA.
Clapped i the clout, hit the white
Claw, to flatter.

Clean kam, awry.
Clearest, purest. LEAR.
Clepe, to call.

Clerkly, like a scholar.
Cling, to dry or shrink up. MAC.
Clinquant, glittering, shining.
Clipt, twined around, embraced.

TEM. ANT. AND CLEO. &c. Clout, the white mark at which arches took their aim.

Coasting, conciliating, inviting.


Cob-loaf, a crusty, uneven, gibbous-loaf.

Cock and pye, a popular adjuration.

Cockshut-time, twilight.
Cockle, a weed which grows up

with corn.

Cockled, like the fish called a cockle.

Cockle hat, cockle-shell hat, such

as pilgrims wore.

Cockney, a well-known term of
Codding, amorous.
Codpiece, a piece of dress.
Coffin, ancient term for the raised
crust of a pie. TAM. SHREW.

Cog, to falsify the dice, to lie.
Cogging, lying.

Coigne of vantage, convenient


Coignes, corners.

Coil, bustle, stir.

Collection, consequence or corol

lary. CYM.-HAM. Collied, black, smutted with coal, discoloured.

Collier, a term of reproach, from
the impositions of coal-dealers.
Comart, a bargain.
Combrinate, betrothed.

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