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signal, Judah presides, over the entrance, Zebulun the prayer, Issacher the circumambulation, Dan the advance to the altar, Gad the obligation, Asher the entrusting, Naphtali the investment, Joseph the N. E. corner and Benjamin the closing of the Lodge. The 12 inch rule is a symbol of guidance by law and order; of liberty, equality and fraternity. There are 12 lines of equal length from the sacred cube and 12 Grand Points.

The Crata Nepoa or the Mysteries of the Ancient Egyptian Priests tells us that the cycle of the Sun was symbolized in the 12 tortures through which the Egyptian Neophyte was required to pass ere he received the sacred cross, the Tau, and became a Hierophant.

[blocks in formation]

"Humanity and the stars are bound together indissolubly, because of the Intelligences that rule the latter." The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, II, 368.

While number 10 is the Number of Completion, and number 11 a New Beginning, number 12 we will call the Number of Fruition, or a review of the entire Cosmos such as was made when "God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good." Or we might compare number 10 to a completed tree with all its parts, number 11 to the same tree beginning to put forth in a new season, and number 12 to the tree at the close of the season when it has borne its fruit.

In the tenth sign (Capricorn) man becomes a responsible being and chooses whom he will serve; for in that sign we find both the Goat of Mendes (the symbol of black magic) and also the Cradle of the Christ. In the eleventh sign (Aquarius) we start out to manifest our choice, either to be one of the servers at the Marriage Feast who pour out of the water pots the Water of Life at the command of the Son of Man and find that it has been turned to wine, or to be a Judas who shall betray Him. In the twelfth sign (Pisces) we stand as disciples beside Him and take from His hand the loaves and fishes which at His command we distribute to the multitude whom we have caused to sit down or become at rest. And only as we reach this point of Fruition in our spiritual development can we swim like the two fishes of Pisces in the great unfathomable depths of occult and esoteric wisdom poured forth by the zodiac and be prepared to take up the 12 baskets full of fragments, or can we be said to have correlated the 12 signs and gathered their forces and become mystically 12 years old.

Like the two fishes we must also be able to swim in the deep places of the sea of humanity and so master conditions that the tremendous pressure of its waters cannot destroy us. For a true Piscean is one who has fully expressed all the powers of the twelfth sign, and he should hold the world in his grasp and understand every influence expressed in all the 12 signs. Indeed, he should be able not only to swim in the water unseen while unable to express that which he knows, as do most Pisceans today, but should be able to master and express or live in all the other elements at the same time. One characteristic of the fish is a wonderful power of direction, without having organs to determine it. This will manifest in the developed Piscean as an ability to make direct contact with unseen worlds. As the fish has the ability to see at great depths, so the developed Piscean will manifest the ability to see into the mysterious depths of life. The fish is a wonderful battery of magnetic and electric forces and while the undeveloped Piscean is usually quite negative-owing to the tremendous pressure of the forces which as yet he is unable to express-nevertheless the developed native of this sign will be able, like Jesus the Great Piscean, to manifest a powerful force in setting forth the teachings needed for advanced humanity.

The earth has been passing through the sign Pisces during the last zodiacal cycle of approximately 2000 years, and as Jesus was the Avatar for that Age, in His life and character we find set forth to the world all that humanity must ultimately express. However, it will only be when in the Sixth Great Race, millions of years hence, we pass this way again that the majority of humanity will be able to express all that Jesus in His life symbolized and foreshadowed.

Again, the twelfth sign symbolizes the dual power of the separated sexes. All during the years when we were passing through the Piscean Age the problem of sex has held sway, and truly man has eaten of the Tree of Life and has learned to know its evil side, hence the Angel with the Flaming Sword even now bars the gate of Eden. But man is destined to learn

the use of this force for good as well as for evil. And now during the long passage through the Aquarian Age upon which we have entered, we must learn the many higher lessons of sex; for verily it is) destined that once more the woman shall give to eat of the Tree of Life, and as one prophecy has been fulfilled, namely, "The day ye eat thereof ye shall surely die," equally true shall be the words of the Serpent (Saturn, the Great Initiator) when woman gives to man the ripened fruit at the right time (the time of its perfection), namely, "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

The twelfth sign is not easy to comprehend for its numerical composition of 10 and 2 shows it is Fruition or Perfection in Duality; number 2, duality or the physical separation of the one Divine Ray into its positive and negative expressions, and number 10, the same Ray having passed through the entire cycle of 9 and reached its physical perfection in 10.

Just as the Great Piscean Age was pictured at the beginning of Genesis in the few graphic symbols of the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden, and of man's fall and banishment from Eden for eating its fruit after the manner of the outer senses (Adam), even when presented by the intuition (Eve), so in the last chapter of Revelation we find the beautiful assurance of its ultimate triumph. To understand this, however, it must be borne in mind that while the entire Jesus dispensation refers to the Piscean Age, yet the planet as well as humanity must pass through a Piscean Age during the evolution of every Great Race 1 until the fullness of its manifestation is reached; for this planet, being the least and last of this system to manifest, is the Piscean Planet; that is, the great question of sex is the lesson to be learned upon it. In Revelation we are given a picture of the conditions which will prevail during the Sixth and Seventh Great Races when the new heaven and new earth will be ruled from the Holy

1 We are now entering the sixth sub-race of the Fifth Great Race (Aryan).

City which will come down from God out of heaven, i.c., ruled by direct personal touch with the Divine Teachers and Rulers of the cosmic Hierarchies. Then will the tabernacle of God be with man upon earth. But these conditions must be at least foreshadowed during the sixth and seventh subraces of our present Fifth Great Race.

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