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To keep the standard of accuracy in all details at the highest point shall be our aim, and as an assistance towards this end, we solicit exchanges with contemporary journals, and will at all times be glad to receive books for review, announcements and reports of Commissions, Architectural and Improvement Societies, Colleges, Schools, etc.

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Organized in response to insistent demands for information, aid, and the need of headquarters, at the close of the first ten months of active educational and organizing effort, the National League of Improvement Associations became the American League for Civic Improvement. With the new name was accepted enlarged possibilities and a broader policy.

The League seeks the promotion of all phases of home and public improvement in city and country. It aims to federate for mutual gain all national and local organizations, publications, firms and individuals. Believing in the intensive cultivation of the special fields, the League likewise recognizes inestimable gain in the harmonious working of the many social forces, while preserving their autonomy in all respects.

Civic clubs, horticultural and floral unions, commercial bodies, institutes and assemblies, women's clubs, religious societies, municipal art associations, architectural clubs, building associations, goodroad leagues, literary societies and other organizations are invited to enter this federation of influences seeking the civic good.

The annual dues for affiliated organizations are two dollars for each hundred members or fraction thereof; the fee for commercial membership is ten dollars; and individual members pay two dollars or more per annum.

More than two members, including widely divers organizations, with firms and individuals from over forty states, territories and provinces were enrolled by the fifteenth month of the League's history.

In fulfilment of its mission the League proposes to serve as a clearing house for ideas and information; to direct attention to special needs; to emphasize the best means for attaining desired ends; to



secure general interest by an extensive press and platform agitation; to gain intelligent responsive public sentiment through educational literature and stereoptican addresses; and to make possible, upon due occasion, an impressive showing of interested organizations and individuals.

The League thus has an open field, does not rival existing organizations, and is in no sense a legislative body. Without duplicating effort or destroying individuality, it seeks to bring about unity and harmony between all the forces. It is hoped to lessen ephemeral organization, to avoid misdirected effort, and to secure a more general coöperation.

The plan of work includes an extensive news service, the supply of data for speakers and writers, the preparation of photographs and slides, a reference exhibition and circulating library, suggestion of programs for meetings and clubs, the arrangement of assembly and institute presentation, the circulation of timely literature, the formation of local organizations or the grouping of existing bodies, the direction of special effort for firms and other bodies desiring expert service, and a lecture bureau which supplies lecturers and speakers for all occasions, leaders for classes, and sets of lectureslides.

The League has issued three brochures, detailing actual achievement under diverse conditions: The Work of Civic Improvement, The How of Improvement Work, and The Twentieth Century City. The latter contains the proceedings of the second convention of the League held at Buffalo and Chautauqua in August, 1901.

The most significant action of the Convention was the adoption of the resolution introduced by Mr. Albert Kelsey, which has led to the formal proposition that the St. Louis Exposition include 'model city" exhibit. The action of the Convention, together with the subsequent presentation of the matter by the League and other representative organizations, constitute an impressive illustration of the feasibility of uniting many interests in this federated movement.


Home and Flowers, Springfield; Park and Cemetery, Chicago; and Municipal Engineering Magazine, Indianapolis, contain regular departments devoted to municipal improvement society


The American League for Civic Improvement, Springfield, Ohio, invites correspondence, requests additional information, and will welcome new members from any part of the country.


EDWARD J. PARKER, President,

Quincy, Illinois.
1146 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass.


LINUS WOOLVERTON, Grimbsy, Ont., Can.
MRS. HERMAN J. HALL, Chicago, Illinois.
JOHN C. OLMSTEAD, Brookline, Mass.
LEWIS JOHNSON, New Orleans, La.
CHAS. W. GARFIELD, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Chicago, Ill.

MRS. HERMAN J. HALL, President, 5545 Washington Ave., Chicago, Ill.
MRS. MARTIN W. SHERMAN, First Vice-President, Milwaukee, Wis.

MISS EDITH A. CANNING, Second Vice-President, Warren, Mass.

MISS MARGRETHE K. CHRISTENSEN, Secretary and Treasurer, Louisville, Ky.

This Association, organized at Louisville, Ky., in 1897, numbers among its members men and women interested in civic and village improvement and municipal art; the furtherance of the park movement; practical and esthetic forestry; the planting and care of streets; the formation of children's playgrounds and small breathing spaces in the crowded sections of our great cities; the abolition of the bill-board nuisance; and the improvement of home, school, church, factory, and railroad grounds.

The sixth annual meeting will be held in Boston in the early part of August, 1902. A large number of societies having similar objects to those of this Association will be invited to send representatives in order that readier sympathy and more intelligent coöperation may be established. President Chas. W. Eliot, of Harvard University; Charles Mulford Robinson, of Rochester; Albert Kelsey and Clinton Rogers Woodruff, of Philadelphia; Sylvester Baxter, of Boston; Dr. Albert Shaw, of New York; Geo. T. Powell, Miss Mira Lloyd Dock, of Harrisburg, Pa.; Miss Ellen M. Tower, of Lexington, Mass.; Alfred Clas, of Milwaukee; and S. A. Foster, of Des Moines, Ia., have consented to give addresses,





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In general the Review will follow the same policy during 1902 that has characterized it in the past. Its features of at least one leading article (usually illustrated), a critical review of contemporaneous architecture as illustrated by the current professional periodicals, the inserted plates reproducing for the most part scale drawings, and a careful editorial comment on matters of professional interest, will regularly continue, except in those months when special numbers are published. These special numbers, of which there will be at least three a year, will be exhaustive treatises on special classes of buildings; they will be much larger than the regular numbers, very fully illustrated, and edited with the assistance. of specialists, it being the aim of the publishers to cover the subjects to which they are devoted more thoroughly than has yet been done in any publication. While the Review has always given considerable space to the subject of garden design, it will make more of a feature of this subject, and adequate treatment of the subject may be expected.

Contract Details

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The Review is an honor to the profession, year by year becoming more progressive and purposeful without in the least diminishing its high tone or typographical excellence. Its special articles, such as the one by Mr. Randolph Coolidge, Jr., entitled "The Characteristic Architecture of the Nineteenth Century," are scholarly and exhaustive contributions to architectural literature that no intelligent architect can afford to pass by without carefuly study. Published monthly by Bates & Guild, 42 Chauncey Street, Boston, Mass. $5.00 a year in advance, 50c. a copy.

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It is a publication devoted to the interests of architecture in mate rials of clay. It presents pre-eminently the architectural side of the subject, and was established with the belief that brick and terra-cotta, which, with their kindred materials, constitute the chief building material in use in our modern work, are of an importance which warrants a publication devoted peculiarly to their interests. The Brickbuilder advocates nothing but good architecture, whatever may be the material employed, but it seeks especially to emphasize the possibilities of burnt-clay and to illustrate the best uses to which it is daily being put. Its contributors include the brightest architects and engineers in the profession, and its editorials on various topics, which are absolutely independent of commercial considerations, are prepared by specialists of acknowledged repute. It is essentially a professional journal. During the present year it published serially a translation of Otto Wagner's essay on modern architecture, which has been pronounced one of the most important considerations of the subject that has yet appeared; and, furthermore, its popularity and usefulness is enhanced by a series of illustrated articles in which each season a given

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problem is solved and described by
Thus the intimate presentation of
Brickbuilder most stimulating, and
Published monthly by Rogers &

prominent members of the profession.
often opposite views helps to make The
gives it an influence second to none.
Manson, 85 Water Street, Boston. $5.00 per annum; 50c. per copy.


The pioneer in architectural journalism and the only well-illustrated weekly. Under the editorship of William Rotch Ware, its summary of building news is timely and suggestive, and no similar publication offers so great a variety both in the way of text and illustration.

Its twenty-seventh year begins, however, in the old rut; and while it reprints more papers and gives fuller reports of professional gatherings, labor meetings and scientific tests, etc., than any other journal; and while many of its photogravures and reproductions of working-drawings are




equal, if not occasionally superior to those appearing in the younger journals, it nevertheless no longer leads the better element of the profession. It is unique in being more of a news journal than any of its competitors, and were its tone a little more optimistic and its management a little more progressive, it might regain the prominent place it has so long enjoyed. Published at 211 Tremont Street, Boston, in two editions. International, $16.00; single numbers, 50c. Regular edition, $6.00; single numbers, 15c.



The illustrations of dwellings and other buildings, conceived in architectural accordance with their environments and functions, is the aim of House and Garden. Interior arrangements and the decorative arts are also presented in its pages. The support of this magazine by the best elements of the profession and the cultivated public has been due to a discrimination in making up its contents by which quality, rather than quantity, has been the guide. The number of illustrations in the current issues, however, is equal to those of any other architectural monthly. Plans especially rendered for the purpose invariably accompany a complete series of views illustrating examples of the past, as well as the best current work of the present, and the possibilities of the future.

It is seldom that any magazine is edited by those who practice what they preach, but House and Garden is an exception, in that all of its editors are identified with the practice of architecture; and two of them write with the authority of experience, having designed and carried to completion some of the most charming homesteads in the country. House and Garden is exceptionally fortunate not only in its editorial staff, but more especially in the wide connection thus assured it. Lastly, it is to be congratulated upon the high character of its illustrations and presswork.

Edited by Herbert C. Wise, Frank Miles Day, and Wilson Eyre, Jr., and published at 1222 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. $5.00 per annum, 50 cents per copy.

Illustrated Architecture in our New Colonias.


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Of all the architectural journals the Architectural Record is seen most frequently outside of professional circles, and it is by no means a trades journal.

While neither well printed nor well illustrated, in comparison with the Boston magazines; and while it often contains trash and evinces a strong commercial tendency in the selection of some of the more fully illustrated articles, yet, nevertheless, it publishes most valuable papers by scholarly writers. Mr. Montgomery Schuyler's paper on "Monumental Engineering" was one of the most valuable special articles of the year, and he is but one of the distinguished writers who contribute. Now and again it publishes able illustrated articles on foreign work by foreigners.

Its fearless policy in publishing an architectural aberration in each issue, accompanied by a scathing criticism, made it a real force both within and without the profession.

Quarterly, $1.00 per annum; 25 cents per copy. The Architectural Record Company, New



The Brochure Series during its eighth year (1902) will, in general, follow the lines in which it has proved its value. It aims to present the best examples of architecture, native and foreign, upon which time has set its seal of approval, thoroughly illustrated by photographs. The pictures are accompanied by descriptive text, which gives accurately and readably the historical and architectural facts concerning the subjects shown. The especial aim during 1902 will be to illustrate subjects which, while of undoubted intrinsic value, are comparatively little known in this country.

The 1902 volume will contain about 40 articles and 400 illustrations.
Issued monthly. Price, 10c. a copy; $1.00 a year.-Bates & Guild, Boston.





Representing a territory full of architectural promise, it fails to represent the aspirations or even the best efforts of the profession in the Middle West. Its inadequate grasp of the situation is all the more to be regretted when it is remembered that the best critics of the world are watching the development of Western Architecture with great interest through other magazines. Its letterpress and editorial matter is light, and while it reproduces many of the leading competitive designs and numerous good photographs of recently completed work, as a whole its make-up is lacking in purpose, and it can hardly be classed as a strictly professional magazine.

Regular edition, $5.00 per annum; single copies, 50c.; photogravure edition, $10.00 per annum; single copies, $1.00. The Inland Publishing Company, Chicago.


An entirely new kind of monthly, and one that comes in exactly the form to make the plates available for instant use.

Each number consists of a series of well-classified architectural motives and details, having an everyday and permanent usefulness quite different from weekly and monthly periodicals, in that each one contains a complete file of a given type. For instance, numbers one and two are devoted exclusively to Renaissance Doorways, five and six to Iron Gates and Railings, eleven and twelve to Ecclesiastical Domes, and so on through a long and useful list.

Published monthly, $3.00 per year. The American Architect & Building News Company,

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In its second year this gossipy publication shows signs of improvement, and with higher ideals and a less palpable connection between advertisements and illustrations in the magazine proper it might be made of real value to the profession.

The improvement consists in the presentation of more drawings than heretofore, and of an occasionally signed article. Now and then its chatty paragraphs give information that escapes the editors of the older magazines, but, unfortunately, it does not fill a place of its own, and therefore only adds another to an over-crowded field.

$3.00 per annum; 30 cents per copy.

Forbes & Co., Ltd., New York.


The "Ninth Part" of the Georgian Period has just appeared and adds another portfolio of interesting Colonial work to a valuable collection, consisting of measured drawings, photographs and detail sheets. Collectively, these Parts form a unique record of the best early work of our forefathers.

To familiarize oneself with the spirit of this work is to acquire a healthful point of view, which will add sincerity to modern effort along similar lines. Our architects would do well to learn more about the real old Colonial architecture from this collection. It is presented in a handy form for study, and will be found a useful addition to the library.

Part I, $3.00; all other odd-numbered parts, $4.00 each. All even-numbered parts, $6.00 each. Subscribers to the American Architect allowed a discount. American Architect and Building News Company, Boston.


This is an addition to our exchange list, and something new. Each month it supplies its subscribers with installments of reprinted plates from the rarest and most famous books on architecture and the allied arts. In the publishers announcement it is stated that "it places valuable books within the reach of every one at two and one-half cents per sheet." It prints no letterpress and encroaches on the field of no magazine (but the less said about encroachment the better.)

$2.50 per annum; 35 cents per copy. The Reprint Company, Washington.

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