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loffes during one night's ftay at an inn. The facts were these: when they were conducted to bed by the chamberlain, they defired to have a key to lock the chamber door: it was a two-bedded room, but the travellers chafing to lie together, there was one bed remained empty. In the morning one of the plaintiffs miffed three guineas, the other thirteen and a half. For the recovery of this money the actions were brought. Mr. Bearcroft laboured hard for the defendant, upon the danger of giving a verdict against his client, on the evidence of one plaintiff in favour of another, by which mankind might be tempted to confpire together, and fabricate loffes which they never fuffered. He faid, in the prefent cafe, it looked as if one man robbed the other. The attorney-general proved the reputation of the plaintiffs to be above that fufpicion. Lord Mansfield faid, the law was clear, that an inn-keeper was bound to keep his guefts in fecurity. The circumitances for the confideration of the jury were, whether the defendant was negligent, and the evidence of the plaintiffs to fupport each other's caufe material as to their credibility. The jury gave the travellers a verdict to repair their loffes. Paris, Nov. 30th. A cure for cancers has been lately found out by chance; it is nothing more than pitch, which a fhepherd in one of our provinces applied with great fuccefs, and it has been found to be a radical cure for that complaint.

DIED, fuddenly, in Dublin, Mifs Clancy, daughter of the

late William Clancy, formerly one of the most considerable merchants in Dublin. The circumftances of this lady's death are very extraordinary: on the morning of her decease she told the family fhe had paffed a moft difagreeable night, having dreamed that her eldeft fifter (a widow lady who refides in France) was dead, and that her ghost had appeared to her, to warn her of an immediate diffolution: at firft fhe refused to credit the ghoft, declaring her health to be very good; but the apparation perfevered in afferting, he had but a few hours to live. This dream affected her much, but fhe was rallied out of her fears, She paid fome morning vifits, and then retired to her devotion. dinner she was very cheerful, but fuddenly dropped her knife and fork, complained of a violent pain in her head, and inftantly expired..

DECEMBER. Christopher Atkinson was


expelled the House of Com- 4th, mons for perjury.


A caufe of very great importance to the proprietors of the fugar eftates in our islands, came on to be heard before the barons of the Exchequer, on a feizure of a very large quantity of fugar imported from the island of Tortola, with a certificate that the fugar was of British produce; when after a long examination of witneffes on both fides, and pleadings of the moft eminent counfel, it clearly appearing to the fatisfaction of a fpecial jury to be of


rated for St. Lucia, having on board the troops and loyalifts, conducted by his majefty's fhip Narciffus of 20 guns.

About 1600 veteran troops, under the command of brigadier ge. neral Stewart, upwards of 400 white families, many of them of confiderable property, and about 4500 flaves, arrived in the fleet.

Dublin, April 13th. The Privycouncil fat upon the establishment of the Genevefe emigrants, whofe names and numbers being given in, the fettlement of their afylum was then determined upon to be at Paffage, next the confluence of the rivers Barrow and Suir, in the county of Waterford. A very confiderable tract of land in that diftrict shortly retracts to government, which it is intended fhould be appropriated and granted in fee to the Genevese.


About 2000 feamen affembled on Tower hill, and proceeded in a detached body to the Admiralty, to infift on an explicit answer from the board, when their arrears of wages and prize-money fhould be cleared off. No proper answer being given, they proceeded to St. James's palace, to harangue the king on the occafion; but the leading avenues to the palace being either guarded or fhut, prevented the tumult which might have enfued, and they peaceably difperfed. Report of the State of the City Hofpitals was read before the Governors, April 20.

Chrift's Hofpital. Children put forth apprèntices, and difcharged out of this hofpital last year, whereof were instruct


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near Warrington, and carried two coal-boats and a flat into a meadow at a confiderable diftance; a great number of hands were immediately employed, and the breach was repaired in a few days. The English frigate the Brilliant arrived at Tangier, having on board Sir Roger Curtis, as envoy from his Britannic majefty to the court of Morocco. He took with him, as prefents to that African monarch, three 26 pounders, and one of 18, with 400 balls, befides feveral other things not afcertained. The emperor appointed a commiffary to conduct Sir Roger either to Mequinez or Sallee, where his majefty was expected to arrive.

The feffions at the Old3d. Bailey ended on the Middlefex fide, on account of the effoign day of Term, when 12 convicts received fentence of death, one of whom, viz. Thomas Littlepage, for ftealing naval ftores, was refpited, and ordered to be tranfported for feven years; fifteen others were likewife ordered to be tranfported for feven years, and one for 14 years; eleven tò be imprifoned and kept to hard labour in the house of correction, and likewife to be whipped; four whipt and discharged, and eighteen delivered on proclamation. A petition from the coun5th. ty of Suffolk was prefented to the House of Commons, praying the house to take into their moft ferious confideration the prefent inadequate representation of the people in parliament, &c.

The petitions relative to a more equal reprefentation, prefented to the House of Commons this feffion, are from the following places, viz.

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Suffex, Launceston, Poole, Ti: verton, Yarmouth, Winchefter, Cambridge town, Lynn Regis, north-west divifion of Devon, Derby county, St. Edmund's Bury, Derby borough, York city, Carmarthen county, Gloucefler city, Somerfet, Southwark, Penryn, Cornwall, Rochefter, Lymington, Scarborough, Surry, Nottingham, Flint county, Denbigh, Droitwich, Southampton county, Portsmouth, Chichester, Montrofe, London, Middlefex, Dumbarton, Kent, Weftminster, freeholders of London, burghs of Irvene, Tower hamlets.

At Pontefract feffions,

John Seaton, Efq. the trea- 7th. furer for the Weft Riding of York, delivered to the juftices of the peace there affembled, an account of the number of pieces of woollen cloths made in that Riding from the 25th of March, 1782, to the 25th of March, 1783; when it appeared there had been manufactured 131,092 pieces of broad woollens, measuring 4,563,376 yards; and 108,641 pieces of narrow cloths, meafuring 3,292,002 yards. Increased this year 18,622 pieces of broad, and 11,892 pieces of narrow woollens.

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As his royal highness the 12th. prince of Wales was returning to town on horseback this evening, and Mr. Thomfon, furgeon, of Kenfington, was returning from Knightsbridge, they rode violently against each other, and were both thrown a confiderable distance from their horfes. His royal highness escaped unhurt, and Mr. Thomfon was but flightly bruised.


About noon a meffage 15th. from the Bank was formally delivered at the Stock-exchange, purporting, that the Bank directors had that day refolved not to advance any money upon the new fubfcription, as they had invariably done during Lord North's adminiftration, after the depofit or first payment had been made by the refpective fubfcribers. The fcrip, on this notice, fell 2 per



The following nobility from Paris arrived here, Monfigneur le Duke de Cognies, Monfigneur le Duke de Pollinack, le Marquis de Cognies, Mr. le Compte de Cognies, Mr. le Compte de Danlow, Mr. le Compte Straizes, Mad. la Marqueffe de Cognies, Mad. la Conteffe de Chalons, and Mad. la Conteffe D'Anloic. Many others are foon expected.

A caufe of the utmost im23d. portance in the hofiery branch was tried at Guildhall before the Right Honourable Lord Loughborough, Lord Chief Juftice, and a moft refpectable jury of merchants, refpecting an exclufive right to an invention, for which a patent was granted for a machine to be added to a flockingframe, for making knotted and double looped work, which invention is the property of Meffrs. Horton, March, Wright, and Kemp. Thefe ingenious manufacturers had to contend with a moft formidable combination, entered into by fome opulent Nottingham hofiers, for working the plaintiffs machine, which they formerly announced under their hands. During the courfe of the trial, feveral artful manoeuvres 5

were fet up by the defendants, notwithstanding which, a few of the plaintiffs' witneffes, out of a great number which were employed in the framefmiths and hofiery branches, as well as fuch of the defendants' witneffes, who were equally culpable for working the plaintiffs' machine, and were indulged by the court to give their evidence, fully proved the plaintiffs' invention to be new and complete, and their specification to be fimple and clear, after a conflict of four hours, without any reply, or fumming up of evidence, the jury, without going out, found a verdict for the plaintiffs, to the entire fatisfaction of the chief justice and the court.

Vienna, May 31. Our laft accounts from Hungary report, that on the 13th of this month there happened a most violent ftorm, which has been attended with great damage in feveral parts of the kingdom. The city of Cremnitz was entirely deftroyed. The lightning fell in nine different places, and the city was fet on fire and reduced to afhes in fpite of the endeavours of the inhabitants; 70 perfons loft their lives.

DIED. Henry Howarth, Efq. a gentleman of high reputation at the bar, about 36 years of age, one of the king's counfel, and member of parliament for Abingdon, Berks, was drowned near Mortlake, within fight of his own houfe. He and Mr. Chippendale, a near relation, were failing in a boat of Mr. Howarth's, and had made faft the sheet, when, by a fudden fquall, the boat was unfortunately overfet. Mr. Howarth, who was an excellent fwimmer, cried, " Chip, never


fear, we shall do very well!" At this inftant, the maft ftruck Mr. Howarth on the head, who immediately funk, and was not found until about three quarters of an hour afterwards. Mr. Chippendale, by clinging to the fide of the boat, happily faved himself. Mr. Howarth was univerfally beloved, and is greatly regretted by all who had the honour of his acquaintance.

In Golden-fquare, Count Haflang, envoy from his ferene highnefs the Elector Palatine Duke of Bavaria, privy - counsellor and chamberlain at both courts; likewife knight of the illuftrious order of St. George. His excellency died in the 83d year of his age, after an embassy of 42 years.


The ingenious Mr. Spaldift. ing, accompanied by one of his young men, went down twice in his diving-bell at the Kish bank, Ireland, where the Imperial Eaft-Indiaman was fome time fince wrecked, for the purpose of recovering fome of her materials. He did nothing more, however, than examine her fituation, &c. determining to go to work next morning. Accordingly, Monday morning, about fix o'clock, he and his young man went down, and continued under water about an hour, in which two barrels of air had been fent down for the fupply of the bell; but a good deal of time having elapfed without any fignal from below, the people on deck, apprehenfive that all was not right, drew up the bell, and Mr. Spalding and his young

man were both difcovered to be dead.


This being the anniverfary of his majesty's birthday, the fame was obferved at court.

The firft ftone of the new bridge across the river Thames at Kew was laid by Michael Decker Saunders, Efq. proprietor of Waltonbridge.

The long contefted caufe between the free cornfactors and the corporation of the city of London, under the name of Cockfedge and Fanfhaw, was finally determined in the House of Lords, upon the unanimous opinion of all the judges, delivered by Mr. Juftice Gould, by which the right of the freemen corn factors to the toll or duty of one farthing a quarter, upon all corn configned to them for fale and imported coaftwife eastward of Londonbridge (except from the Cinque Ports or the county of Kent) is for ever established.

The Grand Jury found a true bill against William 5th. Wynne Ryland, for forgery on the Eaft-India company. His trial, however, at his own requeft, was put off.


Their majefties, his royal highnefs the prince of Wales, and their royal highneffes the princes and princeffes, removed to Windfor and Kew, to remain there during the fummer.

Admiralty-Office. Extract of a letter from Rear-admiral Rowley to Mr. Stevens, dated Port-Royal, Jamaica, April 4. I have to defire you will acquaint their lordships, that on the 13th ult. his majesty's fhip Refiftance ar

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