Imágenes de páginas

Edinburgh, Sept. 9th. An order arrived from the lords of the Treafury for 5000 l. in addition to the 10,000l. formerly given, for the relief of the poor in the northern counties in Scotland. This laft donation is to be difpofed of in a different manner from the former. The grain purchafed with the 10,000l. was diftributed among the poor without any price being exacted from it. The oat-meal bought with the 5000l. to be fold at 6d. per peck. 10th. don went in proceffion, and prefented to his majefty an addrefs on the birth of a princess, and the fafe delivery of the queen: and, at the fame time, congratulated his majefty upon the Prince of Wales having attained his age of twenty-one years.

The corporation of Lon

There was this evening a remarkable total eclipfe of the moon, visible, not only to Europe and Africa, but also to great part of Afia and America. The following is its calculation: Sep. 10, 1783, at night. H. M. Beginning of the eclipfe, 9 38 Beginning of total dark

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IO 38













Total duration, During the eclipfe a body of light, equal and fimular to what is called Saturn's Ring, was feen round the moon, at first only with glaffes, but afterwards with the naked eye; a phænomenon equally curious and uncommon,

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This day eight new peers were created.

Orders were fent from

the War-office to the He- 15th. ralds-office, Doctors Commons, for the heralds to be at the Waroffice this day at 12 o'clock, to proceed in form to the different places, and proclaim the peace; on which occafion a party of the Horfe Guards were on duty to attend the heralds.


Advices have been received over land from Fort William, Bengal, dated the ioth. of March laft, which confirm the accounts of the treaty with the Mahratta ftate being concluded on the 17th of May, 1782, and ratified at Fort William on the 6th of June following; that it was completely ratified by the paishwa, and minifters at Poona, on the 20th of December; and that the original counterparts of the treaty were finally interchanged, with every public formality, between Mr. Anderson and Madajee Sindia, on the 24th of February laft.

His majefty, to fhew the teftimony of his approbation towards thofe of his Hanoverian fubjects who were employed in the defence of Gibraltar, ordered a donation to be prefented every foldier belonging to the feveral corps. It confifted of a scarf to be worn on their arms, with a


motto, defcriptive of the glorious fervice for which it was beftowed. His majefty farther ordered, that all the men concerned in the above occafion, when they fhall come to the fituation of penfioners, fhall receive double the allowance permitted to ordinary foldiers. The grenadiers belonging to the fame body are to bear upon their caps a filver plate, given by his majelly, with the word GIBRALTAR infcribed upon it in large


The feffion ended, when

zzd. 58 convicts received fen

tence of death; 97 were fentenced to be transported, 73 of whom were capital convicts who had received his majefly's mercy on that condition; three ordered to hard labour on the river Thames; two to be kept to hard labour in the houfe of correction, and three on the Thames; 12 to be publicly whipped, feven ordered to be privately whipped; 6 to be imprifoned in Newgate; and 32 were difcharged by proclamation.

This feffions exhibited a far more melancholy fpectacle than ever was recited in the annals of the Old Bailey.

DIED, in her 78th year, at the houfe of Dr. Samuel Johnfon, in Bolt-court, Fleet-ftreet, where fhe had lived by the bounty of that truly benevolent gentleman near twenty years, Mrs. Anna Williams, who had long been deprived of her fight. She published in 1745 the Life of Julian," from the French of M. de la Bleterie; and in 1766 a volume of Mifcellanies in profe and verfe," 4to. by the kind affiftance of Dr. Johnfon, who wrote feveral pieces contained in that volume.

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Paris, Oct. 10th. We have had occafion to obferve, that forms have been moftly general on the 3d of Auguft laft, but no part of the kingdom feems to have fuffered fo much as the countries adjacent to Orleans. On the above day a ftorm arofe, which taking its direction from S. W. to N. E. over-ran, in lefs than half an hour, a fpace of 20 leagues by one. By its dreadful and rapid effects, 20 parishes have loft every hope of a crop, which was the moft promifing ever known. The hamlet of Saint Bohaire fuffered moft; all the trees were torn up by the roots, the chimnies beat down, and every house, mill, and barn unroofed. The timber-work of the church, 56 feet in length, 24 in breadth, and 19 in height, which, though built in the year 1355, was as good as new, gave way during the evening fervice.


Luckily only one life was loft, and about forty were wounded; the rest owed their lives to the ftrong cieling that fupported the timber frame.

By letters from Grenoble we receive the melancholy information, that the heavy rains which fell for two months fucceffively, in too great an abundance to flow through the ordinary channels, foon formed the moit rapid torrent, which have caufed very confiderable damages, having entirely ftopped up fome roads, and damaged or rendered impaffable fome others, the waters carrying off houses, mills, &c. and filling the plains with ftones, fome of which are of an enormous fize. The village called Vaulnavey, fituate within three leagues of Grenoble, fuffered the most, its unfortunate inhabitants having loft their all, even to the utensils of husbandry; whilft, reduced to general want, moft of them fell a prey to an epidemic diftemper, which had began its ravages fome time before the dreadful cataftrophe.

At a

common council 15th. holden in the CouncilChamber of London, Refolved that the thanks of the court be given to the Right Honourable Nathaniel Newnham, lord mayor, for his fteady and impartial conduct in Common-hall on Michaelmas-day laft, when he teftified an equal attention to the rights of the corporation, and the real interefts of the livery at large, by ftrenuoufly endeavouring to preferve that harmony between them upon which the honour and happiness of both fo effentially depend. And for the

refpect fhewn this court, by the communication of a late requifition figned T. Tomlins, &c. for the calling a common-hall and defiring the opinion of this court,&c. This morning about feven o'clock Mr. Munro, of the 17th. 16th. regiment of dragoons, and Mr. Green, with their feconds, met in a field near Batterfea-bridge, for the purpose of fettling a difpute which took place a few evenings fince; they took their ground at the distance of about fix yards; they then fired three piftols each, the last of which wounded Mr. Green in the fide; the feconds interfered, and afked Mr. Green if he was fatisfied; he faid not, unlefs Mr. Munro made him a public apology;-that, Mr. Munro faid, he now would not do. Mr. Green, replied, "then one of them muft fall." They again took their ground, and fired each two piftols more; one ball entered Mr. Munro's knee, and Mr. Green received a fhot which has fince proved fatal, the ball entering a little above the groin.

Philadelphia, O. 18th. The people called Quakers, in America, having been long imprefied with a fenfe of the iniquity of the flave trade, at length enjoined the members of their fociety to liberate all fuch as they held in bondage, but finding a difpofition in fome ftill to continue and carry on this unrighteous traffic, they believed it to be their religious duty, at their late anniversary meetings, to prefent an addrefs to the United States in congrefs, which was favourably received, and a committee thereupon appointed by congrefs to take the fame into confideration.


The Ruffians took pof zoth. feffion of Crimea, and prince Heraclius, fovereign of Georgia, yielded up his fceptre to the immortal Catharine.

Canterbury, O. 24th. Some few days ago 46 lambs in keep at a farmer's in this neighbourhood dying very fuddenly, the grazier they belonged to had feveral of them opened, when the caufe of their death was difcovered to be owing to their having eaten mint roots, quantities of which were found undigested in their ftomach. This day being the an

25th. niversary of the king's ac

ceffion to the throne, when his majefty entered into the twentyfourth year of his reign, it was obferved with the ufual demon ftrations.

Seaton's prize at Cam27th. bridge, the fubject of which was HOPE, was this year adjudged to the Reverend Mr. Hayes of Trinity-college, and one of the ufhers of Weltminiter-fchool.

DIED lately at Leicester, in her 100th year, Mrs. Bancart, who could read without fpectacles till within a fortnight of her death. She buried her husband in 1765, aged 104 years.

At Navarre in France, Monf. James le Meffurier, aged 118



More than half of Beef4th. dorf, a very large country town in Pruffia, was reduced by fire to a heap of ruins.

The felons ended, when fix

more convicts received judgment of death; fix were fentenced to be tranfported; five to be kept to hard labour in the house of correction; one to be imprifoned in Newgate; three whipt and difcharged; and ten delivered on proclamation.

This morning, about a quarter before two o'clock, 5th. a fire broke out in the work fhops behind the dwelling-house of Mr. Seddon,in Alderfgate-treet, which entirely confumed above thirty houfes, and damaged many others. At day-break feveral families were fitting round what few effects they had faved in Smithfield, fome half dreffed, and others without clothes, wrapped in carpets and blankets, Several fellows were taken into cuftody, for purloining the property of the unfortunate fufferers. Fortunately no lives were loft.

The Prince of Wales 11th. first took his feat in the House of Peers, as Duke of Cornwall.

Chriftopher Atkinson, Efq. was called upon, according to the recognifance entered into by him and his bail for his appearance in the court of King's-Bench, to abide the judgment of that court, on his conviction of the crime of perjury, when not appearing, his default was recorded, and the recognisances eftreated in the Exchequer, on the motion of the folicitor-general.

Mr. Secretary Fox prefented to the Houfe of 14th. Commons, copies of the definitive treaties of France, Spain, and the United States of America.


The Duke of Portland 17th. prefented to the House of

Peers the definitive treaties be

tween France, Spain, and the

United States of America.

His Royal Highnefs George Prince of Wales took his feat for the first time at the council board. zzd.

Mr. Bembridge, late accomptant to the Pay-Office, was brought before the judges in the court of King's Bench, agreeable to the intimation given to his counfel to that effect by Lord Mansfield in the courfe of laft week, when Mr. Bearcroft, on the part of Mr. Bembridge, addreffed himself to the court in a long and able speech, praying for a new trial. This application, however, though fupported with very powerful arguments,


court did not think proper to comply with, and Mr. Bembridge being then in the cuftody and prefence of the court, their lordships declared their intention of taking that opportunity to proceed to judgment. Accordingly Mr, Juftice Willes, as the middle judge, proceeded to a full and elaborate revifion of the circumstances that had tranfpired in the evidence adduced against Mr. B. in his trial; and after commenting upon fome of them, with no inconfiderable fhare of point and feverity, concluded with pronouncing the judgment of the court, which was to this effect:-that he should be fined in the fum of two thoufand fix hundred pounds, and be confined in his majefty's court of King's Bench for fix months. Mr. B. was accordingly configned to the cuftody of the marfhal, and conveyed to that prifon. He bore 3

this very heavy judgment, with great fortitude and compofure.

His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, with 23d.

his duchefs and retinue, fet out for Dover, to embark for Calais in their way to Paris.

W. Vaughan, the meffenger, feized in the King's 25th. Bench prifon, in the apartments of a bankrupt, the fum of 2225!. in bank notes, concealed in the window-cafe or frames of the windows, from his creditors.


A melancholy account was received, that the city of Theffalonica, capital of Macedonia, a great magazine for the Levant trade, has been totally overthrown by an earthquake; in the lower part many French, Englifh, and Italians are buried in the ruins. This difafter is more deftructive than that of Meffina. Warehoufes of all kinds of commodities, belonging to the merchants of Marfeilles and London, are fwallowed up.

The Dolphin man of war, of 44 guns, Capt. Sutton, arrived from New-York with feveral tranfports, &c. under convoy. The final evacuation of that city took place on the 26th of this month, when it was delivered up to the American governor, George Clinton, Efq. who took poffeffion of it in due form with fome companies of New-York militia, amounting to about 550 men, which are to continue there as the garrifon, till. further arrangements are made by the American government.

Was tried, before the

Earl of Mansfield, at Guild 30th. hall, two actions of infinite concern to inn-keepers: two travellers fued for the recovery of their


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