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the reftitution of the faid town, in case the states should hereafter have an equivalent to offer to him. Art. V. The king of Great Britain fhall reftore to the States General of the United Provinces, Trinquemale, as alfo all the other towns, forts, harbours, and fettlements, which in the courfe of the prefent war, have been conquered, in any part of the world whatever, by the arms of his Bri tannic majefty, or by thofe of the English Eaft India company, and of which he might be in poffef. fion; the whole in the condition in which they shall be found.

Art. VI. The States General of the United Provinces, promife and engage not to obftruct the navigation of the British fubjects in the eastern seas.

Art. VII. Whereas differences have arisen between the English African company, and the Dutch Weft India company, relative to the navigation on the coafts of Africa, as alfo on the fubject of Cape Apollonia; for preventing all caufe of complaint between the fubjects of the two nations upon those coafts, it is agreed that commiffaries fhall be named, on each fide, to make fuitable arrangements on these points.

Art. VIII. All the countries and territories which may have been, or which may be conquered in any part of the world whatfoever, by the arms of his Britannic majefty, as well as by thofe of the States General, which are not included in the prefent treaty, neither under the head of ceffions, nor under the head of reftitutions, fhall be restored without difficulty, and without requiring any compenfation.


Art. IX. As it is neceffary to appoint a certain period for the reftitutions and evacuations to be made, it is agreed that the king of Great Britain shall cause Trinque male to be evacuated, as well as all the towns, forts, and territories which have been taken by his arms, and of which he may be in poffeffion, excepting what is ceded to his Britannic majefty by thofe articles, at the fame periods as the reftitutions and evacuations fhall be made between Great Britain and France. The States General fhall restore at the fame period the towns and territories which their arms may have taken from the English in the Eaft Indies. In confequence of which, the neceffary orders fhall be fent by each of the high contracting parties, with reciprocal paffports for the fhips which fhall carry them, immediately after the ratification of these preliminary articles.

Art. X. His Britannic majefty and their high mightineffes the aforefaid States General, promise to obferve fincerely, and bona fide, all the articles contained and eftablifhed in this prefent preliminary treaty; and they will not fuffer the fame to be infringed, directly or indirectly, by their refpective fubjects: and the faid high contracting parties guaranty to each other, generally and reciprocally, all the ftipulations of the prefent articles.

Art. XI. The ratifications of the prefent preliminary articles, prepared in good and due form, fhall be exchanged in this city of Paris, between the high contracting parties, in the fpace of one month, or fooner, if it can be [X]


wife, fhall meet with no lawful impediment in the profecution of their just rights.

Art. VI. That there fhall be no future confifcations made, nor any profecutions commenced against any perfon or perfons for or by reafon of the part which he or they may have taken in the prefent war; and that no perfon fhall on that account fuffer any future lofs or damage either in his perfon, liberty, or property, and that those who may be in confinement on fuch charges at the time of the ratification of the treaty in America, fhall be im. mediately fet at liberty, and the profecutions fo commenced be difContinued.

Art. VII. There fhall be a firm and perpetual peace between his Britannic majetty and the faid United States, and between the fubjects of the one and the citizens of the other; wherefore all hoftilities both by fea and land fhall from henceforth ceafe; all prifoners on both fides fhall be fet at liberty, and his Britannic majefty fhall, with all convenient fpeed, and without caufing any deftruction, or carrying away any negroes or other property of the American inhabitants, withdraw all his armies, garrifons, and fleets, from the faid United States, and from every poft, place and harbour, within the fame; leaving in all fortifications the American artillery that may be therein; and fhall alfo order and caufe all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to any of the faid ftates, or their citizens, which in the courfe of the war may have fallen into the hands of

his officers, to be forthwith re stored and delivered to the proper ftates and perfons to whom they belong.

Art. VIII. The navigation of the river Miffiffippi, from its fource to the ocean, fhall for ever remain free and open to the fubjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the United States.

Art. IX. In cafe it fhould fo happen that any place or territory belonging to Great Britain, or to the United States, fhould have been conquered by the arms of either from. the other, before the arrival of the faid provifional articles in America, it is agreed that the fame fhall be restored without difficulty, and without requiring any compenfation.

Art. X. The folemn ratifications of the prefent treaty, expedited in good and due form, fhall be exchanged between the contracting parties in the space of fix months, or fooner, if poffible, to be computed from the day of the fignature of the prefent treaty.

In witnefs whereof we the under-figned, their minifters plenipotentiary, have in their name, and in virtue of our full powers, figned with our hands the prefent definitive treaty, and caufed, the feals of our arms to be affixed thereto,

Done at Paris, this third day of
September, in the year of our
Lord one thoufand feven hun-
dred and eighty-three.

[blocks in formation]

Swedish fword, and her minifter plenipotentiary to his moft Chriftian majefty; and the Lord Arcadi de Marcoff, counfellor of ftate to her Imperial majefty of all the Ruffias, and her minifter plenipotentiary to his moft Chriftian majefty. In confequence, their faid majefties the king of Great Britain, and the moft Chriftian king, have named and conftituted for their plenipotentiaries, charged with the coneluding and figning of the definitive treaty of peace, viż. the king of Great Britain, the mott illuftrious and moit excellent Lord George, duke and earl of Manchester, Viscount Mandeville, baron of Kimbolton, lord lieutenant and cuftos rotulorum of the county of Huntingdon, actual privy counfellor to his Britannic majesty, and his ambaffador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to his mot Chriftian majefty; and the most Chriftian king, the moft illuftrious and moft excellent Lord Charles Gravier, Count de Vergennes, baron of Welferding, &c. the king's counfellor in all his councils, commander in his orders, prefident of the royal council of finances, counfellor of ftate military, minifter and fecretary of ftate, and of his commands and finances who, after having exchanged their refpective full powers, have agreed upon the following articles.

Art. I. There fhall be a chriftian, universal, and perpetual peace, as well by fea as by land, and a fincere and conftant friendfhip fhall be re-established between their Britannic and moft Chriftian majefties, and between their heirs and fucceffors, kingdoms, dominions, provinces, countries,

fubjects and vaffals, of what quality or condition foever they be, without exception either of places or perfons; fo that the high contracting parties fhall give the greatest attention to the maintaining between themselves, and their faid dominions and subjects, this reciprocal friendship and intercourfe, without permitting hereafter, on either part, any kind of hoftilities to be committed, either by fea or by land, for any caufe, or under any pretence whatfoever: and they fhall carefully avoid, for the future, every thing which might prejudice the union happily re-established, endeavouring, on the contrary, to procure reciprocally for each other, on every occafion, whatever may contribute to their mutual glory, interefls, and advantage, without giving any affiftance or protection, directly or indirectly, to thofe who would do any injury to either of the high contracting parties. There shall be a general oblivion and amnesty of every thing which may have been done or committed, before or fince the commencement of the war which is juft ended.

Art. II. The treaties of Westphalia of 1648; the treaties of peace of Nimeguen of 1678, and 1679; of Ryfwick of 1697; thofe of peace and of commerce of Utrecht of 1713; that of Baden of 1714; that of the triple alliance of the Hague of 1717; that of the quadruple alliance of London of 1718; the treaty of peace of Vienna of 1738; the definitive treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle of 1748; and that of Paris of 1763, ferve as a bafis and foundation to the peace, and to the prefent treaty; [X] 2


and for this purpofe they were all renewed and confirmed in the best form, as well as all the treaties in general which fubfifted between the high contracting parties before the war, as if they were herein inferted word for word; and fo they are to be exactly obferved for the future in their full tenor, and religiously executed by both parties, in all the points which fhall not be derogated from by the prefent treaty of peace.

Art. III. All the prisoners taken on either fide, as well by land as by fea, and the hoftages carried away or given during the war, and to this day, fhall be restored, without ranfom, in fix weeks at latest, to be computed from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty; each crown respectively difcharg. ing the advances which thall have been made, for the fubfiftance and maintainance of their prifoners, by the fovereign of the country where they fhall have been detained, according to the receipts and attefted accounts, and other authentic vouchers, which fhall be furnished on each fide: and fureties fhall be reciprocally given for the payment of the debts which the prifoners may have contracted in the countries where they may have been detained until their entire release. And all fhips, as well men of war as merchant fhips, which may have been taken fince the expiration of the terms agreed upon for the ceffation of hoftilities by fea, fhall likewise be restored bona fide, with all their crews and cargoes. And the execution of this article fhall be proceeded upon immediately

after the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty.

Art. IV. His majesty the king of Great Britain is maintained in his right to the island of Newfoundland, and to the adjacent islands, as the whole were affured to him by the thirteenth article of the treaty of Utrecht; excepting the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, which are ceded in full right by the prefent treaty to his moft Chriftian majefty.

Art. V. His majesty the most Chriftian king, in order to prevent the quarrels which have hitherto arifen between the two nations of England and France, confents to renounce the right of fishing, which belongs to him in virtue of the aforefaid article of the treaty of Utrecht, from Cape Bonavifta to Cape St. John, fituated

on the eastern coaft of Newfoundland, in fifty degrees north latitude; and his majesty the king of Great Britain confents on his part, that the fishery affigned to the fubjects of his moft Chriftian majefty, beginning at the said Cape St. John, paffing to the north, and defcending by the weftern coaft of the island of Newfoundland, fhall extend to the place called Cape Raye, fituated in forty-feven degrees, fifty minutes latitude. The French fishermen fhall enjoy the fishery which is affigned to them by the prefent article, as they had the right to enjoy that which was affigned to them by the treaty of Utrecht.

Art. VI. With regard to the fishery in the gulf of St. Laurence, the French fhall continue to exercife it conformably to the fifth article of the treaty of Paris. Art. VI.

Art. VII. The king of Great Britain restores to France the island of St. Lucia, in the condition it was in when it was conquered by the British arms and his Britannic majefty cedes and guaranties to his molt Chriftian majesty the inland of Tobago. The Proteftant inhabitants of the faid ifland, as well as thofe of the fame religion, who fhall have fettled at St. Lucia, whilst that ifland was occupied by the British arms, fhall not be molested in the exercife of their worship: and the British inhabitants, or others who may have been subjects of the king of Great Britain in the aforefaid islands, fhall retain their poffeffions upon the fame titles and Conditions by which they have acquired them; or elfe they may retire in full fecurity and liberty, where they shall think fit, and fhall have the power of felling their eftates, provided it be to fubjects of his moft Chriftian majefty, and of removing their effects, as well as their perfons, without being restrained in their emigration, under any pretence whatsoever, except on account of debts, or of criminal profecutions. The term limited for this emigration is fixed to the fpace of eighteen months, to be computed from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty. And for the better fecuring the poffeffions of the inhabitants of the aforefaid ifland of Tobago, the moft Chriftian king fhall iffue letters patent, containing an abolition of the droit d'aubaine in the faid island.

Art. VIII. The moft Chriftian king reftores to Great Britain the islands of Grenada, and the Gre

nadines, St. Vincent's, Dominica, St. Chriftopher's, Nevis, and Montferrat; and the fortreffes of these iflands fhall be delivered up in the condition they were in when the conquest of them was made. The fame stipulations inferted in the preceding article fhall take place in favour of the French fubjects, with refpect to the iflands enumerated in the prefent article.

Art. IX. The king of Great Britain cedes, in full right, and guaranties to his moft Christian majefty, the river Senegal, and its dependencies, with the forts of St. Louis, Podor, Galam, Arguin, and Portendic; and his Britannic majefty restores to France the island of Goree, which shall be delivered up in the condition it was in when the conqueft of it was made.

Art. X. The most Christian king, on his part, guaranties to the king of Great Britain the poffeffion of Fort James, and of the river Gambia.

Art. XI. For preventing all dif. cuffion in that part of the world, the two high contracting parties fhall, within three months after the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty, name com❤ miffaries, who fhall be charged with the fettling and fixing of the boundaries of the refpective poffeffions, As to the gum trade, the English fhall have the liberty of carrying it on, from the mouth of the river St. John, to the bay and fort of Portendic inclufively. Provided that they shall not form any permanent fettlement, of what nature foever, in the faid river St. John, upon the coaft, or in the bay of Portendic, Art, XII,

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