POEMS FOR THE KING'S DAUGHTERS SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY FLORENCE POHLMAN LEE WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY MARGARET BOTTOME PRESIDENT OF THE ORDER OF THE KING'S DAUGHTERS "Poems are the family jewels of the language."- WASHINGTON IRVING. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON 27 WEST TWENTY-THIRD St. 27 KING WILLIAM ST., STRAND The Knickerbocker Press COPYRIGHTED, 1891 BY FLORENCE POHLMAN LEE The Knickerbocker Press, New York G. P. Putnam's Sons # Russell -3-33 INTRODUCTION. IN common with the majority of people, I presume, I have always had pleasure in special selections of poems and hymns. Poetry and music are so near akin that the one naturally awakens the other, and stirs the emotions to their highest conditions. A sentiment expressed in poetic phrase fixes itself on the memory, and often effects an impression which ordinary language could not. In the words of the quaint George Herbert, "A verse may catch him who a sermon flies, So to make a good selection of poems is of better |