GEOLOGIES. Bristol Education Society " Singulare remedium antidotumque exhibet PHILOSOPHIA contra " BACON, DE AUGMENT. SCIENT. lib. i. tom. iv. p. 40. BY GRANVILLE PENN, Esq. LONDON: PRINTED FOR OGLE, DUNCAN, AND co. AND SOLD BY PARKER, OXFORD; DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE; BELL AND 1822. PREFACE. BS657 1822 I AM sensible that the first use which I ought to make of this preface, is to apologize for troubling the world again, so soon after submitting to its judgment my observations on The Primary Argument of the Iliad. The best apology which I can offer, is the assurance, that neither of these tracts has been newly or hastily taken into hand; but, that they have lain by me for many years, and have been occasionally revised, extended, or curtailed, according as later materials have fallen in my way. When Varro published his treatise upon Agriculture, he alleged ; annus octoge"simus admonet me, ut sarcinas colligam 66 66 antequam proficiscar de vita." No one 399 |