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were married. The 5,399 employees had 17,324 dependents, or 3.2 per person canvassed. Twenty-seven per cent owned their homes. Those who rented homes paid an average monthly rental of $6.88. Fifty-five per cent of the persons canvassed reported that they were able to save something from their earnings.

Returns for the 2,102 female employees canvassed in 25 cities and villages showed the following average results: Daily wages, $0.84; hours of labor per day, 9.8; months employed during the year, 10.8; years engaged at present occupation, 3.6; age, 24.7. Thirteen per cent were married, 83 per cent were single, and 4 per cent were widowed. The 2,102 female employees had 2,712 dependents, or 1.3 per person canvassed. Six per cent owned their homes.

The canvass of 1899 showed a general improvement in the condition of wage workers over that of the preceding year.

ORGANIZED LABOR.-A brief report is given of each trade union in the State from which returns were received, showing the name, locality, membership, wage scales, and other information. Returns from 99 unions showed a total membership of 8,589 persons in 1899. Eighty-six unions reported steady employment on the part of their members and 39 reported increased wages. The average daily wages received by members during the year were $2.19 for time work and $2.21 for piecework.

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS.-This investigation covered 19 roads, having an aggregate capital stock of $14,045,000 and employing 1,692 men. The aggregate monthly pay rolls of the roads amounted to $87,879. A canvass of 1,021 of the employees showed the following wage rates for an average of 10 hours of labor per day:


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Nearly all the employees received extra pay for overtime. They averaged nearly 30 days' work each month, and worked, on an average, 11.8 months during the year. Forty employees reported increased wages, the increase averaging 14 per cent. Forty-seven per cent reported that they were able to save something from their carnings. Those who rented homes paid an average monthly rental of $7.98.

THE VEHICLE INDUSTRY.-Fifty-five firms in 19 towns were canvassed. They had an aggregate capital stock of $3,672,200. The

value of the output of 49 firms during 1898 was $9,208,447; the aggregate weekly pay rolls amounted to $44,815, there being 4,948 persons employed. A canvass of 2,034 employees, including apprentices, showed the average daily wages to be $1.66. Of these employees

944 reported that they were able to save something from their earnings, 427 owned their homes, and 675 who rented homes paid an average monthly rental of $6.07.

THE FURNITURE INDUSTRY.-This chapter is devoted to an historical account of the furniture industry and a description of its present condition in the State.

THE SUGAR-BEET INDUSTRY.-A canvass of 9 beet-sugar manufac turing establishments in operation December 1, 1899, showed an aggregate capital stock of $2,850,000. The manufacturing plants, which cost $3,630,000, had a capacity of 3,975 tons of beets in each 24 hours. The factories employed 1,340 persons when running full capacity.

COAL MINES.—This chapter contains a description of the coal-mining industry in the State and the results of a canvass of 25 mines in operation in 1899, and of 1,015 mine employees. The following averages were obtained from the returns regarding employees: Age, 32.6; wages per day, $1.70; daily hours of labor, 8.1; days worked per month, 22; months employed during year, 9.3; years worked at present occupation, 14.7. In 323 cases employees reported that they were able to save something from their earnings.

LABOR DISPUTES.-Brief accounts are given of 49 strikes, 1 lockout, and several other labor disputes occurring in the State during the year 1899.


Twenty-second Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the State of Ohio, for the year 1898. John P. Jones, Commissioner. 293 pp.

The contents of the present report are as follows: Introduction, 14 pages: labor laws and court decisions, 52 pages; coal mining, 6 pages; manufacturing, 187 pages; free public employment offices, 21 pages; chronology of labor bureaus, 2 pages.

COAL MINING.-Comparative statistics of coal mining during 16 years are reproduced for Ohio and other leading coal-producing States. The data collected by the bureau give the industrial and labor conditions of the mining industry for 1897. These statistics show that there were, in 1897, 1,126 coal mines in operation in the State, producing 8,342,698 tons of coal mined by pick and 4,108,124 tons mined by machine. There were 12,131 miners and 6,654 day laborers employed. The scale rate for pick mining was $0.51 per ton from January 1 to July 4, and $0.56 from September 11 to the close of the

year, a strike having occurred in the interval. The pick miners worked an average of 150 days during the year. Statistics of earnings, days employed, and rents paid are given by counties.

MANUFACTURING.-As in preceding years, this subject occupies the greater part of the report. Detailed statistical tables are given, showing, by occupations, for cities and villages, the number of males and females employed in various industries, the average daily wages, yearly earnings, and hours of daily labor in 1897, and the average number of days worked in 1896 and 1897. Other series of tables show, by industries, for cities, villages, and the State, the number of establishments reported, males and females employed each month in 1897, and monthly average for 1896 and 1897, total wages paid in 1896 and 1897, and the number and salaries of office employees, capital invested, value of product, and cost of material used in 1897.

Following is a brief summary of some of the figures presented: In 2,258 establishments $48,195,074.25 were paid in wages during 1897, which was an increase of $1,324,847.51 over 1896 in the same establishments. During 1897 the total value of goods made in 2,212 establishments was $204,905,134.91, and the value of material used in the same establishments was $109,706,958.90. In 1897, 2,153 establishments employed a monthly average of 89,537 males and 18,818 females.

EMPLOYMENT OFFICES.-During the period from December 17, 1897, to December 30, 1898, the free employment offices at Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, and Dayton received applications from employers for 4,498 males and 16,147 females. Applications for situations were made by 14,118 males and 12,891 females. Positions were secured for 4,029 males and 13,666 females.


Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor, Statistics, and Mines of the State of Tennessee, for the year ending December 31, 1899. R. A. Shiflett, Commissioner. viii, 192 pp.

This report is mainly devoted to the mining industries. It treats of the following subjects: Coal mining, 12 pages; coke manufacture, 9 pages; iron ore, 10 pages; copper, zinc blende, and barytes, 7 pages; casualties, 46 pages; location and general condition of coal mines, 68 pages; the phosphate industry, 6 pages; strikes, 3 pages; labor laws, 27 pages.

STATISTICS OF MINES AND COKE MANUFACTURE.-The statistics relate to the coal, coke, iron, copper, zinc blende, barytes, and phosphate industries and show the amount produced, the location of the establishment, number of employees, days in operation, and in some cases the value of the products and comparative figures for a series of

years and for Tennessee and other States.

Casualties in mines are

extensively treated. Following is a summary of the most important returns presented for 1899 with respect to mining and related industries in Tennessee:

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Maximum number of employees in phosphate mines.. There were 20 fatal and 74 nonfatal accidents reported in the mines during the year.

STRIKES.—Brief accounts are given of 17 strikes which occurred in the State during the year 1899. Of these, 11 were in coal mines and the remaining 6 were strikes of copper and iron mine employees, bricklayers, woodworkers, street-railway employees, printers, and theater employees, respectively.


Fourteenth Annual Report of the State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation of Massachusetts, for the year ending December 31, 1899. Charles H. Walcott, Chairman. 184 pp.

This report contains a brief account of each of the 37 cases dealt with by the board during the year, and reproductions of laws relating to State and local boards and other tribunals of conciliation and arbitration in the United States.

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Die Arbeitseinstellungen und Aussperrungen in Österreich während des Jahres 1898. Herausgegeben vom Arbeitsstatistischen Amte im k. k. Handelsministerium. 322 pp.

In the present report on strikes and lockouts in Austria the mining industry is included in the returns for 1898 as well as in the comparative data for previous years. This causes a considerable difference between the data presented in this report and those previously published. The scope of the present report is otherwise the same as that of the reports for previous years. The data are presented in a series of 6 tables, containing (1) strikes according to geographical distribution, (2) strikes according to industries, (3) general summary of strikes, (4) comparative figures for 1894 to 1898, (5) details of each individual strike, (6) details of each strike and lockout in the mining industry during the years 1894 to 1897. An appendix contains a brief review of industrial conditions in 1898, a report of the Austrian trade-union commission with tables showing contributions of trade unions in aid of strikes, and copies of papers and documents relating to strikes and lockouts in 1898.

The year 1898 shows a slight increase in the number of strikes, establishments affected, and strikers involved, but a decrease in the days lost on account of strikes when compared with the preceding year. The following table gives the aggregate results for each of the years 1894 to 1898:

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There were in 1898 255 strikes, affecting 885 establishments and involving 39,658 strikers and 5, 458 other employees, who were thrown out of employment on account of the strikes. The strikers repre

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