Imágenes de páginas

(b.) Interim advenit Persicus exercitus; sed quum pontem solutum vidissent, magnopere timebant ne ab Ionibus desererentur. Erat tunc apud Darium vir Egyptius, omnium hominum maxima voce præditus. Hunc Darius jussit, in ripa stantem, vocare Histiæum Milesium. Quod ubi fecit, Histiæus statim, navibus omnibus ad trajiciendum exercitum paratis, pontem junxit. Ita Persæ e Scytharum manibus effugerunt.

(c.) Ad hæc Iones responderunt: "Nos Ionia misit ut mare custodiamus; non ut naves nostras tradentes Cypriis, ipsi cum Persis pedestri acie confligamus. Nos igitur, qua parte locati sumus, in ea utilem præstare operam conabimur: vos autem, memores qualia Persis parentes passi ab illis sitis, fortes viros esse oportet." Post haec, quum Perse in Salaminiorum advenissent campum, aciem instruxerunt reges Cypriorum: ita quidem ut ceteros Cyprios hostium ceteris militibus opponerent, Persis autem fortissimos e Salaminiis selectos. Contra Artybium vero, ducem Persarum, lubens stetit Onesilus.

(d.) Post digressum Persarum ex hac regione, commota tremuit Delos: quod nec ante id tempus, ut aiunt Delii, nec post, ad meam usque ætatem, factum est. Et hoc quidem prodigium edidit Deus, ut imminentia hominibus mala significaret. Constat autem regnantibus Dario, Xerxe, Artaxerxe, plura mala afflixisse Græciam quam per viginti alias generationes quæ ante Darium exstiterint. Itaque non sine causa commota est Delos. Et in vaticinio ita scriptum est:

Et Delum, quamvis sit adhuc immota, movebo.

Hæc autem tria nomina hoc significant Græco sermone: Darius coërcitorem,
Xerxes bellatorem, Artaxerxes magnum bellatorem.

2. (a.) Give the principal parts of the verbs to which belong jussit, trajiciendum, junxit, tradentes, stetit, scriptum est.

(b.) Where was Delos, and for what was it famous ?

(N. B.-The aid of dictionaries is permitted for the rest of the paper.)

3. Translate into English:

Otho, occiso Galbâ, invasit imperium, materno genere nobilior, quam paterno, neutro tamen obscuro: in privatâ vitâ mollis, et Neronis familiaris: in imperio documentum sui non potuit ostendere. Nam cum iisdem temporibus, quibus Otho Galbam occiderat, etiam Vitellius factus esset a Germanicianis exercitibus imperator, bello contra eum suscepto, cum apud Bebriacum in Italiâ levi prælio victus esset, ingentes tamen copias ad bellum haberet, sponte semetipsum occidit, petentibus militibus, ne tam cito de belli desperaret eventu, cum tanti se non esse dixisset, ut propter eum civile bellum commoveretur. Voluntariâ morte obiit, trigesimo et octavo ætatis anno, nonagesimo et quinto imperii die.

4. Translate into Latin:

(a.) The whole of the country was desolated by a great famine.

(b.) The bees are storing up honey that they may be able to live through the


(c.) The messenger declared that, having recruited his strength, he was willing to finish his journey.

(d.) At Dodona, a town of Epirus, the very doves are said to have delivered

[blocks in formation]

The master of the parish.

As a country schoolmaster was one day entering his school-room he was met by a certain nobleman, who asked him his name and vocation. Having declared his name, he added: "And I am master of this parish." "Master of this parish!" observed the peer; "how can that be?" "I am master of the children of the parish," said the man; "the children are masters of their mothers; the mothers are the rulers of the fathers, and consequently I am master of the whole parish."

II. Translate into English:

Un toast littéraire.

Le poète anglais Campbell fut invité à dîner par son éditeur. Tous les autres convives étaient des libraires. Au dessert, l'hôte invita le célèbre auteur à porter un toast littéraire. Campbell se leva et dit solennellement: "à Napoléon"! Les convives furent fort surpris, car les sentiments libéraux de l'éminent écrivain étaient connus, et de plus on savait qu'il était grand ennemi de Bonaparte. "Mais, monsieur,” dit l'éditeur, "je vous ai demandé un toast littéraire." "Et c'est un toast littéraire que je vous donne," répondit Campbell; "je propose la santé de l'empereur Napoléon, parce qu'il a rendu un immense service à la littérature, en faisant fusiller un libraire." (Il faisait allusion au pauvre libraire allemand Palm, condamné par un conseil de guerre français et exécuté sur l'ordre de Napoléon, pour la publication d'une brochure politique.)


1. Parse the words printed in italics.

2. Give in a table

(a) the present participle,

(b) the past participle, masculine and feminine,

(c) the present indicative, second person singular and plural,

(d) the subjunctive present, first person singular and plural—of dîner, être, lever, apercevoir, pendre.

3. Give the plural of mal, bal, balle; eau, beau, bleu, fou, clou; voix, fils, gaz. 4. Give the feminine forms corresponding to turc, grec, blanc, malin, marin, espagnol, cruel, acteur, majeur, voleur.

[blocks in formation]

82 + (8 − a )2 + (8 − b )2 + (8 − c )2 = a2 + b2 + c2.

4. Find the L. C. M. of x3- 4x2 + 4x-3, and x3 — x2-7x+3.

5. Extract the square root of 4x1

[blocks in formation]




203+ x2 - 4x+9.

(a) 2 x − 13 _ 15 — x _ x + 3


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

7. In a certain examination three candidates competed. The second obtained half many marks again as the third, but 350 less than the first, while they had in all 1,950 marks between them. How many marks did each obtain ?

8. A person has 94 hours at his disposal. How far may he travel on a coach at 9 miles an hour, so as to return home in time, walking back at the rate of 4 miles an hour?

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1. Divide .14 by 7, 140 by .07, and .014 by 7000; add the results together, and express the sum as a vulgar fraction.

2. Express

(2 + }) ÷ (3 + 4)

(} − }) × (4 −34)

of 11. as the fraction of 14 guineas.

3. Add together .60625 of 11., .142857 of 148. 103d., and 2 of 4 of 31. 58. 1d., and express the sum as the decimal of 171. 108.

4. Extract the square roots of 1.002001 and 6.249.

5. Find the cost of carpeting a room whose dimensions are 19 ft. 6 in. long and 16 ft. 3 in. wide, with carpet yard wide at 48. 6d. a yard.

6. How much will 3751. 178. 6d. amount to in 15 years at 3 per cent. simple interest?

7. One tap can fill a cistern in 30 minutes, and another can fill it in 40 minutes, and the discharge tap can empty it in 25 minutes. Suppose the cistern to be empty and all the taps to be open, in what time will the cistern be full?

8. If 3 men working 11 hours a day can reap a field of 20 acres in 11 days, in how many days can 9 men working 12 hours a day reap a field of 100 acres ?

9. If flour be worth $10.13 per sack of 280 lbs. in America, and the cost of conveyance be $1 per sack, at what price per pound must it be sold :n England so that the zain may be 124 per cent?

[blocks in formation]

1. Define, with diagrams, course, distance, middle latitude, diff. long.

2. A ship sails S. 430 miles from a place in lat. 33° 50′ S., long 11° 50′ E.; find her at, and long.

3. How must a ship sail from lat. 35° 50′ N., long. 36° 50′ W., to reach a port in lat. 50 N., long. 13° 25′ W., and what is her distance from it?

4. A ship sails NE. by E. from a port in lat. 38° 50′ S., long. 93° 35′ W., until her

diff. lat. is 285 miles; find the distance she has sailed, and her lat. and long.

5. Find (by middle latitude sailing) the course and distance from Cape Race to

Cape Finisterre:

[blocks in formation]

Variation 12° 30′ E.; deviation 8° 50′ E.

7. Find the true course made by a ship, the compass course being E. by S. S., variation 24 points W., deviation 9° 25′ E., leeway 13 points, wind S. by E.

3. Give definitions of variation and deviation of the compass, and find how a ship

must be steered to reach an island bearing SW. W. (true) if the variation be 8° 50′ W., deviation 5° 45′ W. Also, if the wind be SSE., and the leeway be 1 point. 9. A ship sails from a port in lat. 6° 50′ N., long. 88° 55′ E. as follows: SW. W. 120', N. by E. E. 85', W. by N. & N. 105', S. 55, W. 42. Find the lat. and long. arrived at.

[blocks in formation]

Havelock's general order to his troops after the battle of Cawnpore.

Soldiers! Your general is satisfied and more than satisfied with you. He has never seen steadier troops. But your labors are only beginning. Between the 7th and the 16th instant you have, under the Indian sun of July, marched 126 miles and fought four actions. But your comrades at Lucknow are in peril; Agra is besieged; Delhi still the focus of mutiny and rebellion. Three cities have to be saved; two strong places to be blockaded. Your general is confident that he can effect all these things and restore this part of India to tranquility, if you only second him with your efforts, and if your discipline is equal to your valor.

II. Translate into English (dictionary allowed):

C'était en Angleterre, à l'époque de la Révolution française. Le Duc de Bedford avait offert au Duc de G, émigré, un splendide repas, une de ces fêtes quasi-royales que les grands seigneurs anglais mettent leur honneur à donner à des souverains, leur bon goût à offrir à des exilés. Au dessert, on apporta une certaine bouteille d'un vin de Constance merveilleux, sans pareil, sans âge, sans prix. C'était de l'or liquide, dans un cristal sacré; un trésor fondu qu'on vous admettait à déguster; un rayon de soleil qu'on faisait descendre dans votre verre: c'était le nectar suprême, le dernier mot de Bacchus. Le Duc de Bedford voulut verser lui-même à son hôte cette liqueur des dieux. Le Duc de G- — prit le verre, goûta le prétendu vin, et le déclara excellent. Le Duc de Bedford voulut en boire à son tour; mais à peine a-t-il porté le verre à ses lèvres qu'il s'écria avec un horrible dégoût: "Ah! qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" On accourt vers lui, on examine la bouteille, on interroge le parfum: c'était de l'huile de castor! . . Le Duc de G- avait avalé cette détestable drogue sans sourciller. Ce trait sublime fit grand honneur à la noblesse de France; on conçut une haute idée d'un pays où la politesse allait jusqu'à l'héroïsme.-MADAME EMILE DE GIRARDIN.


1. Parse the words of the first and last sentences (printed in italics).

2. Give in a table

(a) the present participle,

(b) the past participle, masculine and feminine,

(c) the present subjunctive, 2d person singular and plural,

(d) the future, 1st person singular and plural—

of offrir, mettre, vouloir, boire, s'écrier.

Also the whole imperative of s'en aller (negatively).

3. Give the feminine forms corresponding to doux, triste, blanc, duc, bon, merveilleux, pareil, liquide, hôte.

Also the feminine of tailleur, bailleur, tuteur, acheteur, docteur, empereur, ambassadeur, majeur, sauveur; gras, ras, gros, clos, exclu, reclus, favori, poli, citoyen, secret, muet.

4. Of what gender are Angleterre, âge, prix, or, verre, lèvres, huile, honneur, héroïsme? State the rules.

Tour is of both genders. What is its meaning when feminine? Give a list of words which are both masculine and feminine; state also their meanings.


(Time allowed, three hours.)

1. Translate into English, parsing the words in italics:

(a.) His de rebus Cæsar certior factus, et infirmitatem Gallorum veritus, quod sunt in consiliis capiendis mobiles, et novis plerumque rebus student, nihil his committendum existimavit. Est autem hoc Gallic consuetudinis, uti et viatores, etiam invitos, consistere cogant, et, quod quisque eorum de quaque re audierit aut cognoverit, quærant; et mercatores in oppidis vulgus circumsistat, quibusque ex regionibus veniant, quasque ibi res cognove rint, pronuntiare cogant. His rumoribus atque auditionibus permoti de summis saepe rebus consilia ineunt, quorum cos e vestigio pænitere necesse est, quum incertis rumoribus serviant, et plerique ad voluntatem eorum ficta respondeant.

(b.) Cæsar. paucos dies in eorum finibus moratus, omnibus vicis ædificiisque incensis frumentisque succisis, se in fines Ubiorum recepit; atque iis auxilium suum pollicitus, si ab Suevis premerentur, hæc ab iis cognovit: Suevos, posteaquam per exploratores pontem fieri comperissent, more suo concilio habito, nuntios in omnes partes dimisisse, uti de oppidis demigrarent, liberos, uxores, suaque omuia in silvas apponerent, atque omnes qui arma ferre possent unum in locum convenirent: hunc esse delectum medium fere regionum earum quas Suevi obtinerent: hic Romanorum adventum exspectare atque ibi decertare constituisse. Quod ubi Cæsar comperit, omnibus his rebus confectis, quarum rerum causa transducere exercitum constituerat, ut Germanis metum injiceret, ut Sigambros ulcisceretur, ut Ubios obsidione liberaret, diebus omnino decem et octo trans Rhenum consumptis, satis et ad laudem et ad utilitatem profectum arbitratus, se in Galliam recepit pontemque rescidit.

(c.) Hunc ad egrediendum nequaquam idoneum arbitratus locum, dum reliquæ naves eo convenirent, ad horain nonam in anchoris exspectavit. Interim legatis tribunisque militum convocatis, et quæ ex Voluseno cognôsset, et quæ fieri vellet, ostendit, monuitque-ut rei militaris ratio, maxime ut maritima res postularent, ut qua celerem atque instabilem motum haberent-ad nutum et ad tempus omnes res ab iis administrarentur. His dimissis, et ventum et æstum nuo tempore nactus secundum, dato signo et sublatis anchoris, circiter millia passuum septem ab eo loco progressus aperto ac plano litore naves constituit.

2. (a.) Give the rules which govern the following constructions: in consiliis capiendis (la); omnibus vicis......succisis (1b); millia passuum septem....-progressus (le).

(b.) Decline, in both the singular and plural number: sui, dies, reliquus, tempus,


(N. B.-Dictionaries are permitted for the rest of the paper.)

3. Translate into English:

Cæsar, omni exercitu ad utramque partem munitionum disposito, ut si usus veniat, suum quisque locum teneat et noverit, equitatum ex castris educi, et prælium committi jubet. Erat ex omnibus castris, quæ summum undique jugum tenebant, despectus, atque omnium militum intenti animi pugnæ proventum exspectabant. Galli inter equites raros sagittarios expeditosque levis armaturæ interjecerant, qui suis cedentibus auxilio succurrerent, et nostrorum equitum impetus sustinerent. Ab his complures, de improviso vulnerati, prælio excedebant. Cum suos pugna superiores esse Galli confiderent, et nostros multitudine premi viderent, ex omnibus partibus et ii, qui munitionibus continebantur, et hi. qui ad auxilium convenerant, clamore et ululatu suorum animos confirmabant.

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