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We should govern our Lives and Actions, as if the whole World were to fee the former, and read the latter; for what doth it fignify, to make any thing a Secret to our Neighbours, when, to God, who is the Searcher of our Hearts, all our Privacies are open?

Swear not rafhly in your ordinary Discourse ; for this will render the Truth of all you fay fufpected by wife Men: He that fwears vainly, ought not to be much credited when he speaks truly; because he that dreads not an Oath, will not tremble at a Lye.

Thefe Lines were wrote by a Gentleman who loft bis Watch in a Tavern.


Watch loft in a Tavern is a Crime;

See how by drinking Men do lose their Time! A Watch fhews Time, and Time it will away, Then why should I expect my Watch to stay ? He that a Watch wou'd wear, this muft he do, Pocket his Watch, and watch his Pocket too.


Thefe Lines were wrote by a Gentleman in the bard Froft in 1739, when the Lords Tullamore and Montjoy not only_contributed greatly to the Relief of the Poor, but went to various Gentlemen in the City of Dublin to collect for them.

THO' nipping Froft doth chill our Ifle,
And lock up gen'rous Nature's Store,

The Poor amidst its Rigour fmile,

All o'er its hofpitable Shore ; For what th' inclement Frofts deny

The charitable Great fupply.

Wrote on a Head-Stone in the RoundChurch Yard.

RAIL Man and Woman, that doft by me país,


Thou may'ft believe, as thou art, once I was;
And this Inftru&tion thou may'st learn by me,
That as I am, fo thou must one Day be.

Wrote on a Head-Stone in Carlow Church Yard.


Had my Part of worldly Care,

When I was living, as you are; But God from it hath fet me free, And to himself hath taken me.


Wrote on a Stone in Glasnevin Church



AMB's Wit and Humour can't decay,
Until his Friends are swept away:

His Soul excell'd his lovely Form,
Which radiant Virtue did adorn;
On Earth by virtuous Men belov'd,
We hope by thee, great God, approv❜d.


UICKLY will my Glafs of Life be run,
And with it all my Joys and Sorrows gone;
Then I no more fhall feel a vain Defire,
But cold and peaceful to the Grave retire ;
No more fhall weep for the licentious Wrongs
Of Judgments rash, or Scourge of fland'rous

Pleasure would court in vain, and Beauty fmile;
Glory in vain my Wishes would beguile;
The Perfecutor's Rage I would not fear,
Let Death in ev'ry horrid Form appear,
And with his keenest Darts my Breaft affail.
When Breath and ev'ry vital Spring fhall fail,
This facred Flame on brighter Wings fhall rife,
And unextinguifh'd reach its native Skies.
"Tis finifh'd; now the great deciding Part,
The World's fubdu'd, and Heav'n has all my

Earth's gawdy Shews, and Pomps of Courts, adieu,
For ever now I turn my Eyes from you.

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H! that I once were in that City.
Where Hallelujahs are the Ditty!
Where Contemplation is the Diet ;
Sure that's the Place where Man is quiet!
Oh! that I once were in that Court,
Where bleffed Spirits do refort!

Where Love, and Joy, and Peace, abound,
Sure that's the Place where Man is crown'd.

The greatest Pleasure of Life is Love; the greatest Treasure, Contentment; the greatest PofTeffions, Health; the greatest Eafe is Sleep, and the greatest Medicine, a true Friend:

Let the Lord fave my Soul, and then, as to every Thing else, let him do with me and mine as feemeth good unto him, I will never find Fault with any thing that God doth. Not as I will, but as thou wilt. Patience must be our Staff, and Meekness our Guide, until we have pafs'd through all the Stages of our Pilgrimage, and arrived fafe at the Gates of the heavenly Jerufalem. Never be lift up with the Applaudings, nor Ca own by the Defpifings, of Men; neither nor Reproach are much to be accounted of, while we are innocent and make God our Friend. A Chriftian, that knows God is his Portion, can rejoice in Tribulation, and triumph in Affliction, and live happily, contemplating upon God, though all the Things of this World fail him.

Grace is of all Bleffings the richest, and Peace is bf all Comforts the fweeteft: There can be no Peace without Grace, and where there is Grace there will be Peace.

Chufe the Glory of God for your End; his Word for your Rule; his Spirit for your Guide; his Son for your Lord and Saviour; his Ordinances for the Means of your Salvation, and his People for your Companions.



May God preserve my Parents ev'ry Day,
A nd ftill direct them in thy perfect Way;
Reward them, Lord, for their great Care of me;
Give unto them the true Felicity...

Religion teaches me for to obey

E ach juft Command of theirs ; and what they fay Then always fhall obferved be by me,

Till from this fading Life I fhall be free.

Beftow on them and me thy heav'nly Grace;
Refresh us then, as we do run our Race.
Eternal Lord, we hope to fee thy Face:
Then shall our Joy and Comfort fo excel,
The best way then, is to learn to live well.

Praifes to thee, my God, I justly owe;
Each Day thy Bleffings do upon me flow;
Thought cannot reach thofe things thou doft

Eternal Excellence! I will thee praise,
Resolv'd in Gratitude to end my Days.


B leffings which can't be told thou doft impart,
Reliev't those Souls, whofe Hope alone thou art;
E afeft their Grief, and doft rejoice their Heart.
The thoughtful Chriftian's Rule fhould always be
To thank our bounteous Lord continually.


HEN all thy Mercies, O my God!
My rifing Soul furveys,

Tranfported with the View, I'm loft
in Wonder, Love, and Praise.

II. Oh,

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