PLAYS O F WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. VOLUME the SECOND, CONTAINING, AS YOU LIKE IT. LOVE's LABOUR's LOST. The WINTER'S TALE. TWELFTH-NIGHT: or, WHAT YOU WILL. The MERRY WIVES of WINDSOR. LONDON: Printed for J. and R. TONSON, C. CORBET, H. WOODFALL, M,DCC,LXV. DUKE. Dramatis Perfonæ. * Frederick, brother to the Duke, and ufurper. Amiens, Lords attending upon the Duke in his ba- } Le Beu, a courtier attending upon Frederick. Jaques, } Younger brothers to Oliver. Orlando, Adam, an old fervant of Sir Rowland de Boys. William, in love with Audrey. Sir Oliver Mar-text, a country curate. Charles, wrestler to the ufurfing Duke Frederick. Rofalind, daughter to the Duke. Celia, daughter to Frederick. Phebe, a shepherdess. Audrey, a country wench. Lords belonging to the two Dukes; with pages, foresters, and other attendants. The SCENE lies, first, near Oliver's house; and, afterwards, partly in the Duke's Court; and partly in the Foreft of Arden. The firft Edition of this play is in the Folio of 1623. The lift of the perfons being omitted in the old Editions, was added by Mr. Rowe. AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT I. SCENE I. A OLIVER's Orchard. Enter Orlando and Adam. ORLANDO. SI remember, Adam, it was upon this fashion bequeath'd me. By Will, but a poor thoufand crowns; and, as thou fay'st, charged my brother on his Bleffing to breed me well. And there begins my fadness. My brother Jaques he keeps at fchool, and report fpeaks goldenly of his profit. As I remember, Adam, it was upon this FASHION bequeathed me by Will, but a poor thousand croguns, &c.] The Grammar, as well as fenfe, fuffers cruelly by this reading. There are two nominatives to the verb bequeathed, and not fo much as one to the verb charged: and yet, to the nominative there wanted, [bis bleffing] refers. So that the whole fentence is confufed and obfcure. A very fmall alteration in the reading and pointing fets all right. For As I remember, Adam, it was upon this MY FATHER bequeathed me, &c. The Grammar is now rectified, and the fenfe alfo ; which is this, Orlando and Adam were difcourfing together on the caufe why the younger brother had but a thousand crowns left him. They agree upon it; and Orlando opens the fcene in this manner, As I remember, it was upon this, i. c. for the reafon we have been talking of, that my father left me but a thousand crowns; however, to make amends B 2 |