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Physocarpa, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad.

Villosa, mox glabrescens; foliolis 3-4-longis); pedunculis folia haud sculis (lin. 7-8 longis); corolla vioollicem longo) lato-ovato puberulo sa.-O. arctica, var. inflata, Hook. Bunge, Oxytr. 162, described from a to be of this species.-Alpine and s, from S. Colorado (J. M. Coulter, r, &c.) to British America (Drumand from Labrador to the Aleutian ter not in fruit, therefore uncertain. le, sometimes very short, perhaps

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A 512P

12 Als vel salesces; andicibus multicipitibus cadete
isipalis petiolo adnatis: folia simpliciter pinnata.
Legalys fractiero ovato-globoso vesicario prorsus inclu
tillare: pedunculi debiles 1-2-flori. - § Physip,
Nat Carplyne, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. vi. 234. Subgen.
Plypropi, Bunge, Oxytz. 161.

10 S, Natt in Tom. & Gray, FL i 341.-Bocky
Mais of Wyoming, Natal, in fruit only.

To Palvinato-cespitosa, depressa; foliolis minoribus in.
1-3 lagis-0. maticeps, Gray, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1863, 61;
Pre An Acal vi 24-Alpine region of the Rocky Mountains,
&Wyoming and Colorado, Parry, Holl& Harbour, Vasey, Coulter, &c.
Lead about half the size of those of Nuttall's original, and fruiting
ly her smaller. No quite intermediate specimens have yet been

Legumen calyce frontiero repleto vel hine fisso parum longius, tur
gidum, pubescens, sutura ventrali introflexa semi-bilocellatum: scapi
falla sperantes, capitato-pluri- vel pauci-fori: plante albo-serice,
men: dores ultra semipollicares, bracteis majusculis.
&Q NANA, Natt. Lc. Pube adpressa argenteo-sericea; foliolis
4ri Gjugis angusto-lanceolatis; corolla purpurea vel pallida;
legumine turgido-oblongo subcoriaceo, apice acuminato e calyce frac
thero teater villoso distento sed integro parum exserto. - Rocky
Mountains of Wyoming, on stony hills along the branches of the
Plate Jutal, Geger, the latter under the name of 0. multiceps
in Hook Land Jour. Bot. N. W. Wyoming, Parry, no. 91 & 90,
along with a larger form, with the inflorescence in fruit sometimes
obling; the same collected by Dr. Forwood. S. Montana, & Watson,
who notes that the flowers are "deep pink." This may be 0. arges-
at of Pursh. FL. 473

40. LAGOPES, Natt, Jour. Acad. Philad vi 17. Plis laxit
bus albo-sericea; foliolis 4-5-jugis lanceolatis vel oblongs; colla
Late violacea; legumine orato subvesicario fere membranaceo obtuso
stylo sabito rostrato calycem villosissimum mor fissum parum super-
ande-Rocky Mountains of Wyoming and Montans, Wyeth, Howard,
Parry (an. 92), Greme, Scribner

Legumen basi tantum calyce aut integro aut hine fisso su

-§ Physocarpa, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad.

1. c. Villosa, mox glabrescens; foliolis (lin. 3-4-longis); pedunculis folia haud majusculis (lin. 7-8 longis); coroila vioius pollicem longo) lato-ovato puberulo intrusa. — O. arctica, var. inflata, Hook. lii, Bunge, Oxytr. 162, described from a bears to be of this species.- Alpine and intains, from S. Colorado (J. M. Coulter, Tarbour, &c.) to British America (Drumun); and from Labrador to the Aleutian he latter not in fruit, therefore uncertain. variable, sometimes very short, perhaps

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